
Chapter 3396: punk


Although Liu Shengmei cannot participate in the negotiation, this matter must be done with her consent. After all, Li Susheng's money was left to her. Fu Hua called Liu Shengmei and made an appointment to meet her.

"Why is it so rare today," Liu Shengmei said with a laugh, "You usually don't take the initiative to make an appointment to meet. Is it bad to hold back?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Only a person with a dark heart would think that everyone else is plotting against her. Come here quickly, I need to discuss something with you."

Liu Shengmei came to Fu Hua's office, and Fu Hua said, "You should know about Zhaohui Group's early debt collection by the bank, right now, Zhaohui Group has really been full of storms and storms recently, I think Xihai Investment will also be greatly implicated. Now is a critical period for Xihai Investment to issue convertible bonds. It is not to be careless. I think it is necessary to escort Xihai Investment, so can you use that money? a bit?"

Liu Shengmei glanced at Fu Hua: "You're really unusual today, you usually keep your distance from that money, but recently you have plans to withdraw it, so you have such an uncharacteristic idea of making that money, Wouldn't it be very quiet and thoughtful?"

Fu Hua shook his head: "You don't have to worry about anything, I said that I will give Xihai Investment to you, and I will fulfill my promise. It's just that this time the matter is urgent, someone gave me a suggestion, and the suggested plan is not suitable for you to implement. , in order to ensure that Xihai Investment successfully passes the test this time, I have to stand on the front line."

Fu Hua talked about Feng Kui's plan and Feng Kui's concerns.

Liu Shengmei pondered for a while, and said with a slight joking expression: "I know there is a person like her, but the key is who is this woman? How can you trust her so much? This is a huge sum of money. Ah! Why do I think she has an affair with you?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Fu Hua was taken aback. To say that a woman's sixth sense is powerful, the matter between him and Feng Kui is a secret except for limited people, but Liu Shengmei can see it at a glance, "She is The eldest sister in the Beijing circle, the granddaughter of Feng Lao, can't have anything with me."

"Elder Feng's granddaughter," the smile on Liu Shengmei's face became stronger, "I heard that someone used to be a so-called celebrity killer. The more famous you are, the more you like to hunt. Will it be one of your prey, too? And what you are emphasizing is just her identity. It does not mean that it is the reason why you believe her. You can't really be in a relationship, right?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "No. Her family is too high, and I can't afford it. But this woman's righteousness is recognized in the circle, and she has a very good relationship with me, so I trust her."

Liu Shengmei laughed and said, "I can't afford to climb high! This is very sour. Have you ever climbed high?"

"Don't mess around, there's no such thing at all. I just think his plan is a way for Xihai Investment to solve the problem at the moment. And your money is idle, so you might as well take the opportunity to use it. But if you Just don't trust her, let's think of another way."

"Think of another way. Is there any other way? Okay. Since you trust her so much, let's try it. It's just that you have to arrange for us to meet and talk. I'm very sorry for this woman you can't stand up to. interested"

Fu Hua smiled, Liu Shengmei was trying to test the true relationship between him and Feng Kui. He had confidence in Feng Kui's ability. Even if Liu Shengmei had more scheming, she was not Feng Kui's opponent.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's easy, I'll make an appointment and have a meal together."

"It's okay to have a meal, but don't get involved. We two women can talk by themselves."

Fu Hua smiled indiscriminately: "As you wish."

Fu Hua helped them make an appointment, and Feng Kui and Liu Shengmei had dinner together.

Although Fu Hua didn't care on the surface, he really wanted to know what the two of them were talking about, so he went to Liu Shengmei's office the next morning: "How was your chat yesterday?"

Liu Shengmei smiled awkwardly: "You really want to know what my sister Kui and I talked about, hehe, I won't tell you."

Fu Hua became more and more curious, but he couldn't ask Feng Kui anything. Fortunately, Liu Shengmei called Feng Kui Sister Kui, which itself showed her confidence in Feng Kui.

The two women basically agreed to start the acquisition plan. Feng Kui formulated relevant plans, including the proportion of shares to be acquired, the source of funds for the acquisition, etc., and sent the plan to Stephenson of KKK.

Stephenson has always been very concerned about the rapid development of China in recent years, and has a strong interest in participating in it. After receiving the plan, he said that he would study it as soon as possible, and even KKK itself may invest in the acquisition of a part of the equity of Xihai Investment.

There are no secrets in the market. Soon, there were rumors in the market that Kkk intends to acquire Xihai Investment. At present, the two parties are actively discussing the relevant acquisition terms and are approaching an agreement. The stock price of Xihai Investment, which has fallen sharply, has reversed immediately, and buying has entered the market enthusiastically. Xihai Investment not only regained lost ground. Shares also rose 30 percent.

Even Zhaohui Group was affected by this good news, and the stock price stopped the downward trend and was temporarily stabilized.

Lion City, Asian Financial Forum, invited by Stephenson. Feng Kui and Fu Fuhua appeared at the venue together to discuss the development space of private equity groups in Asia, mainly China.

The conference invited Niu Conglong to give a keynote speech. Niu Conglong is the most popular economic figure recently. Sesame Credit is about to go public, and its valuation has reached trillions. Niu Conglong is about to create two trillion-level enterprises. entrepreneur.

This created an economic miracle. Even Fu Hua, who was somewhat disdainful of his character, believed that this achievement was enough to be proud of the economic world. About only Japan's Matsushita Konosuke is comparable.

And Niu Conglong has always been amazing. The guests present are looking forward to what he will say today.

Niu Conglong did not disappoint everyone. He was red-faced, holding a guitar and dressed in punk. He appeared at the venue with high spirits. It was a violent Cantonese rock song. This opening was shocking enough. Niu Conglong was really Niu Conglong, which stunned the audience.

But this is not the most shocking. Punk dressing means subversion. Niu Conglong wants to subvert to the end. Then his keynote speech shocked the financial circle again: what is the current bank or pawnshop thinking, which has harmed many entrepreneurs; what financial system has no system Sexual risks, what digital currency will redefine currency, just like Apple's mobile phone redefines mobile phone; the current level of domestic supervision is not good, and then it is too hard to manage, hindering financial innovation.

Finally, Niu Conglong also said that innovation is bound to make mistakes, and there should be room for error tolerance. Too strict supervision will lead to non-development, and non-development itself is also a risk.