
Chapter 3397: Suspended listing


After Niu Conglong finished speaking, the audience was silent, not even a single applause. Everyone was stunned by Niu Conglong's accusations against the regulatory authorities. For a moment, they didn't know how to react.

Seeing that there was an embarrassing cold scene, the chubby host wanted to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere. "There should be applause here," he said with a smile.

Immediately, he saw that everyone's faces were ugly, especially those high-level officials from the domestic economic sector, all of whom had black lines on their faces. Knowing that the timing of his joke was not good, he quickly closed his mouth with interest.

Fu Hua glanced at Feng Kui next to him. The two of them had deep ties to the administrative department. They knew very well that, like Niu Conglong, in such a major international occasion, it was a crime to directly accuse the relevant department. What a taboo.

Some words are just comments between friends behind closed doors, and the atmosphere between them is still friendly. But opening the door publicly, especially in a major international occasion like the Lion City, is a serious slap in the face.

The two of them also wondered why Niu Conglong would do this? Niu Conglong's behavior is simply incredible and incomprehensible. Mainly, Niu Conglong is not something that has been suppressed by relevant departments. On the contrary, from the perspective of the past few years, sesame.com has always been a company supported by relevant departments. The development of the company has been favored and supported by many policies.

What they couldn't understand was that Niu Conglong was supposed to be grateful to the relevant departments. But why are you still angry with the relevant departments

Especially the listing of Sesame Credit Company this time, some people who understand the economy can clearly see that the relevant departments have brought great convenience to the Sesame Credit website.

In fact, strictly speaking, Sesame Credit is a company that does not conform to domestic financial policies in many aspects. It is simply impossible to change to another company.

And Sesame Credit Company not only passed the meeting, but also received strong praise from relevant public opinion. So much so that the market value is valued at trillions. At the same time, public opinion did not mention the financial risks of Sesame Credit itself.

This is equivalent to the fact that Sesame Credit Company has received considerable care from the relevant departments, and this is the only way to get the green light all the way to today. This makes people have to wonder what Niu Conglong is doing? He was just a little ungrateful.

Could it be that he is subversive addicted. Does he even want to subvert the relevant departments that have been helping him? Looking at the senior officials of the relevant departments with livid faces, it is obvious that Niu Conglong's words hit them hard in the face.

Especially on such a major international occasion. Niu Conglong is simply putting the face of the relevant department under his feet and stepping on it! Feng Kui and Fu Hua have the same feeling in their hearts, that is, Niu Conglong is simply too crazy. Crazy to the extent that he thought the relevant departments could not do anything about him. This is indeed accustomed to the relevant departments, and Niu Conglong is arrogant.

Although Niu Conglong is indeed a business card of the domestic economy, and it is a well-known business card. He has even been recognized by many important departments in the world and enjoys a high international reputation.

But no matter how arrogant you are, you can't leave this big domestic market. After leaving the big domestic market, Sesame opens the door, and companies like Sesame Credit have become water without a source and a tree without roots.

At the same time, even though the two companies employ hundreds of thousands of people. But it hasn't reached the point where it can't fall. China has never had a company that is too big to fail.

So obviously, it is very unwise for Niu Conglong to accuse the relevant departments. His behavior will certainly arouse the vigilance of the relevant departments. Relevant departments have always been afraid of businessmen dictating administrative actions by virtue of their commercial status. This is obviously an act of arrogance and needs to be severely cracked down.

Therefore, Niu Conglong will inevitably be punished for his behavior. Even if the Sesame Credit website is about to be listed, there is no guarantee that everything will be smooth and flawless.

It is said that Niu Conglong should understand this truth. Because even one thing you do 99.9%. But as long as it does not reach 100%, there will still be variables.

However, it is clear that the domestic and international economic circles have flattered him in recent years, making Niu Conglong flying, thinking that he is God. Can be without hesitation. Even if you do something offensive, you can be fine.

Nietzsche once said that if God wants to perish, he must first make him mad. Niu Conglong's current state is obviously crazy.

At this moment, Fu Hua understood why those dynasties that were once too powerful to stand still often began to decline when they reached their peak. It even collapsed overnight.

The Qin Dynasty, which unified the six kingdoms, was invincible. But in the great Chuxing, Chen Shengwang's fox cry was defeated. The dynasty perished in a short period of time.

The mighty Qing Empire was under the brilliance of Qianlong Emperor Shiquan's martial arts. The country's power quickly changed from strength to decline. So that after a few decades, it was bullied by foreign powers, and then perished.

This is the cyclical law, which flourishes and declines. Especially under the premise that leaders cannot be prepared for danger and be wary of fear. And Niu Conglong is simply impossible to be prepared for danger in times of peace and to be cautious.

At the same time, Niu Conglong's keynote speech is also specious. Finance is not a technology product, not something that can be redefined at will. The risks that mobile phones can generate are always controllable, while the risks that finance can generate are extremely difficult to control.

As small as an individual or as large as a country, it may be destroyed by financial risks. Niu Conglong's intellectual literacy may not recognize this, but the relevant departments will not recognize this. Especially after being severely slapped in the face by Niu Conglong, especially Sesame Credit itself has high financial risks.

Forum activities continued, but the situation changed subtly. The high-level economic leaders from China are consciously keeping a distance from Niu Conglong, and even regard him as air.

Sesame Credit immediately realized the danger and quickly issued an announcement saying that Niu Conglong's keynote speech at the Lion City Forum was only his personal opinion, and the company did not agree with it. Moreover, Niu Conglong does not hold any management positions in Sesame Credit Company.

This is an attempt to clear the relationship between the company and Niu Conglong in order to ensure the smooth listing of Sesame Credit. But Niu Conglong has long been deified into the symbol of the two companies, how can it be separated

Later, the relevant departments issued an announcement saying that due to uncertain factors, Sesame Credit Company has not yet ruled out risks, and after research, it was decided to suspend the company's listing.