
Chapter 3398: Take down


At this time, Fu Hua and Feng Kui were already on the plane back to Beijing from Lion City. They are busy people and don't have time to spend too much time in the Lion City.

Fu Hua glanced at Feng Kui who was sleeping with his eyes closed beside him. The beautiful face of this woman he once wanted and once owned was still heart-warming, but he also knew that Feng Kui would come to the Lion City with him. , itself shows that she has let go of the relationship between the two.

They will still care about each other, they will still help each other, but they can only stop there.

After the flight flew for a while, Feng Kui suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Fu Hua and said, "Don't you think what Niu Conglong said today was actually intended to be heard by the senior executives who joined the club?"

Fu Hua said puzzledly, "What do you mean? Of course he did it on purpose."

Feng Kui said: "I mean, what exactly did he want to do? He doesn't know what the consequences will be. Even if he doesn't know, or he is arrogant, he just wants to compete with the higher-ups. Short and long, his think tank will not stop him."

Niu Conglong's think tanks are top elites from Wall Street investment banks, skilled in political and business rules, and the success of Aesame Open Door cannot be separated from their planning.

"This! That's what I'm puzzled about. Although Niu Conglong has a big mouth, he is also a smart person. He has been immersed in the business world for many years, so he won't be so ignorant. His think tanks are all top elites. would make such a low-level mistake."

"Unless he knew the consequences but still did it on purpose."

"Isn't it possible? The consequences are very serious. It's hard to say when the listing will be suspended and whether it can be resumed. There are too many interests involved, and Niu Conglong should not dare to take such a big risk."

"But that's what he did. It doesn't make sense, unless there are even greater risks waiting for Niu Conglong."

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment. He felt that there should be no greater risk waiting for Niu Conglong at this time. Sesame Credit’s listing this time can be said to be a green light all the way, and it has set a record for a one-month meeting. Generally, it takes half a year or more. It can be said that Niu Conglong is really favored now, and there should be no risk.

Fu Hua glanced at Feng Kui: "I think Niu Conglong was too arrogant and arrogant, which led to today's result."

"Definitely not. Your idea is too superficial, probably because Niu Conglong wants the public to think so."

"I do not understand you?"

"You think, after today, will public opinion think that this is the result of Niu Conglong's conviction for his words, and whether the problem of Sesame Credit itself has been covered up. Besides, don't you think that this time Sesame Credit Is the meeting really too fast? Why are the people who operate this matter so anxious? Do they feel that there is a problem with this matter?"

"That's even more wrong. If this is the case, Niu Conglong should be more cautious in his words and deeds."

"We still don't understand Niu Conglong's true thoughts. Assuming that an accident is inevitable, will Niu Conglong want to use this incident to test whether the top management will really want to touch him. If so, then the matter But it's a big deal."

Deliberately colliding, so as to test out the true intentions of the high-level, if this is the case, then Niu Conglong will be in big trouble.

Because now the result of the test has come out, it should be the situation that Niu Conglong least wants to see. Obviously the suspension of listing will not be the final result of this matter.

Sesame Credit will definitely be viewed with a magnifying glass next. All its own hidden problems will be exposed one by one, and then questioned one by one. Thinking about getting away with it is no easy task.

The question now is what is wrong with Niu Conglong, and why should he do this even if he is suspended from listing

Fu Hua glanced at Feng Kui and asked, "What do you think happened to Niu Conglong?"

"I think maybe the person behind him has an accident. He doesn't know if the other party will involve him, or if he has been involved, he doesn't know how much."

Under normal circumstances, a company of the size of Sesame Open will definitely have some degree of cooperation with some authority figures, take care of each other, and get what they need in terms of political performance and business interests.

This is the benefit. The downside is that the company will be branded as so-and-so, and if something happens to so-and-so, the company will inevitably be implicated.

This is the unspoken rule of politics and business that has been operating under the table for thousands of years. It is just like Hu Xueyan is Zuo Zongtang's person, and Sheng Xuanhuai is Li Hongzhang's person. The two of them have no deep hatred, but in the opposing camp, they have to fight to the death. Therefore, Sheng Xuanhuai playing dead Hu Xueyan is not only a business war, but also a political conflict between the camps behind him.

The listing of Sesame Credit Company can be said to be a feast of wealth, and there will be no authoritative people trying to get involved. There have been rumors that some local key players have invested in the participation, and Sesame Credit has also issued a statement to refute the rumors.

But in fact, this kind of rumor statement is meaningless. People are not fools, how can they use their true identity to participate

Moreover, the composition of the shareholders of Sesame Credit itself is complex. There are both domestic and overseas. Niu Conglong has a wide range of contacts, and there are three religions and nine streams. Therefore, looking at the list of shareholders of Sesame Credit, many of them are offshore companies with no way out. , Even professionals cannot guarantee to penetrate to the end and find out their true identity.

So it's hard to say whether there are any authority figures involved. This is a clear account that only the parties can say.

However, this does not mean that this method of operation is necessarily safe. First, if you have done it, you must leave traces, and experts can still find clues.

The second is the party's self-destruction. Some parties have spoken out for various reasons.

Furthermore, many people are uneasy about putting large sums of money in the names of unrelated people, so they will use the names of close relatives. This has also led reporters to be keen on genealogy research in recent years, and they have called a door on the kinship of some related people.

For example, Ms. Gao in the list of shareholders of Sesame Credit this time is the mother of the female star who Niu Conglong claimed to be unfamiliar with. For example, Ms. Hu in the list is the sister of an executive of an international investment bank...

These are relatively simple on the list. It is a bit blatant and unscrupulous to establish a connection with a simple investigation, but at that time Niu Conglong was being cared for, so he didn't even need to hide his eyes and ears.

When he got off the plane, Fu Hua glanced at the news on his mobile phone, and saw that the news headline was that the female star who was not familiar with Niu Conglong was currently in a state of disconnection, and her work had been removed from the shelves of the entire network.

[Author's digression]: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival