
Chapter 3404: aim


The provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers are notorious for their savage tactics. They do everything for the sake of making money, and there is no morality at all. If such a person makes a move, it will be a big trouble for Qiao Yuzhen.

Fu Hua is really in a hurry now. At first, Jessica took Ma Li to Hong Kong to meet Qiao Yuzhen and Fu Qiao. Knowing their situation, it would be bad if Jessica chose to attack them.

Fu Hua called Qiao Yuzhen and asked how her situation was over there. Qiao Yuzhen smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm fine here, I have the ability to protect myself and Qiao Qiao."

Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "This time is different. This time the opponent is likely to be Jessica. She wanted to take revenge on me because of Frank's death, and because Beijing couldn't find any chance to take revenge on me, she set her sights on it. you."

"Then don't come to Hong Kong at this time," Qiao Yuzhen said eagerly, "I'm worried that Jessica is trying to use me to lure you to Hong Kong. Don't worry, I will ask a professional team to take care of me and me during this time. Jojo's security work."

But it is about the safety of Qiao Yuzhen and Fu Qiao, how could Fu Hua stay in Beijing with peace of mind and do nothing. He then said: "I still want to go to Hong Kong to see the situation. As the so-called concern is chaos, this kind of thing is your turn, how can I rest assured if I don't go and see in person."

But at the same time, Fu Hua did not dare to go to Hong Kong rashly. He was afraid of Jessica's trick to lure snakes out of their holes. In Hong Kong, his control is far less than Beijing's, and Hong Kong's security is far less than Beijing's. Jessica and Yankee have more space in Hong Kong. When he rushed to Hong Kong, he had to take some safety measures.

He called Lu Xin: "Mr. Lu, in this case, I have to go to Hong Kong, otherwise I will be worried," Fu Hua said, "but I need to make some safety arrangements in advance."

"I understand what you mean," Lu Xin said. "It is indeed dangerous for you to come to Hong Kong at this time. But you can't fail to come. Then you can come here. I will arrange someone to take care of your security."

Fu Hua hurried to Hong Kong, got off the plane, Lu Xin's men came to pick him up, four capable security guards protected him from front to back, left and right, and sent him to Qiao Yuzhen on high alert.

Qiao Yuzhen and Qiao Qiao stayed at home and did not go out. Qiao Qiao looked a little nervous, looked at Fu Hua and asked, "Dad, mother said that Aunt Jessica wanted to harm us, is it true?"

Fu Hua nodded: "It's true, Aunt Jessica has some misunderstandings about Dad. She wants to deal with Dad, but she has no chance, so she turns against you and Mom."

"Why don't I call Mary and let her talk to Aunt Jessica, so don't come to deal with us."

Fu Hua reached out and touched Fu Qiao's little head. The world of children is still relatively simple, and they understand the complexity of the world of adults. He smiled and said, "You don't need to look for Mary. Dad will explain this to Aunt Jessica. As long as it is explained clearly, Aunt Jessica will not do this to us again."

Qiao Yuzhen on the side glanced at Fu Hua and asked him if he could really settle Jessica. Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said, "You don't have to look at me like that. Things always need to be resolved. I want to meet and talk with Jessica alone. I just don't know where she is now."

Qiao Yuzhen nodded: "It's better to meet and talk, it's better if Jessica can let go, otherwise I will find a way to make her have to let go, because she has exceeded the limit of my tolerance."

At this time, Fu Hua felt an obvious murderous aura in Qiao Yuzhen. It seemed that the all-powerful Qiao Yuzhen was back. Jessica really went too far this time, actually threatening Qiao Qiao's safety. Even someone like Fu Hua, who has always been peaceful, was a little moved to kill.

Fu Hua called Jessica: "I'm in Hong Kong now and I want to meet and talk with you. Where are you now?"

Jessica said: "I really wanted to see you die, so I followed you to Hong Kong, but I didn't want to see you."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said, "Jessica, you've gone too far."

Jessica sneered: "I think it's you who is too much. I have already found out. Although you didn't shoot it yourself, it was you who released Frank as the murderer of Wang Di. What a trick to kill someone with a knife. "

Fu Hua knew that it wasn't too difficult for Jessica to find out, so he didn't deny it, just smiled bitterly and said, "Let's meet and have a good talk face to face, if you want to know about Frank, I'll be honest. told you."

"You're scared," Jessica said with a sneer, "it's too late, it's not that I didn't give you a chance, but you insisted on denying that it was related to Frank's death. Now that I have issued a reward through some channels, you can Just wait and pay the price."

"Do you have to leave no room?" Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "Don't forget, if you are in the first year of junior high, I can also be in the fifteenth. You can attack Qiao Yuzhen and Qiao Qiao, but I can't attack Ma Li. Is it? Even if you and Mary are in the United States, I can still take measures against you, you know I can do it."

Jessica stopped talking, she knew that Fu Hua was not trying to scare her.

Fu Hua continued: "I ask myself that I'm not sorry for you in the matter of Frank. Let's meet and talk. I can explain why I treat Frank like this."

Jessica hesitated for a few seconds and said, "If you want an interview, you can go to the Central Island Cafe. At twelve noon, you will come alone. If you bring someone, I will not see you. You dare to come. ?"

This time, it was Fu Hua who hesitated. He knew that he was not only facing Jessica, but also the special department of the United States that had repeatedly shriveled in front of him. So going to see Jessica alone is dangerous.

But if there is no interview, the knot between him and Jessica still cannot be untied, and the danger that Qiao Yuzhen and Qiao Qiao face always exists. Besides, this time he was meeting on a temporary basis, and Jessica should have nothing to prepare in advance.

After thinking for a few seconds, Fu Hua decided to meet and talk with Jessica: "Then we will see you soon."

At eleven o'clock, for safety's sake, Lu Xin's men arrived at the coffee shop, observed the surrounding environment, and made sure that there was no dangerous person, and then informed Fu Hua that he could enter the coffee shop.

So at twelve o'clock, Fu Hua's car appeared in front of the cafe, got off the car and walked quickly into the cafe.

Almost at the same time, on the roof of a building nearly a thousand meters away, a man with a grim face put down the high-powered telescope in his hand, opened the cello box beside his feet, and took out the sniper rifle inside. The gun was aimed at the door of the cafe...