
Chapter 3413: Seize


Fu Hua didn't care about Feng Kui asking him to pay attention to safety. He smiled and said: "I should have no problem here in Hong Kong. Qiao Yuzhen has already hired security personnel. Besides, my relationship with Lu Xin and Huang Yiming is on the road. Everyone knows that no one will provoke me without a long eye."

"Don't be so careless," Feng Kui said, "I heard what you said about Si Hongmei's situation, and I knew she was a ruthless character. Next, you will definitely save her face, it's hard to say what she will do. things come."

Fu Hua smiled: "This Si Hongmei is different now. I investigated her, and her business in several casinos in Hong Kong is very poor. Although she has not closed down yet, Yemen is a mess. She is no longer in the past. influence.”

In fact, no matter whether it is a business or a mess, if you want to have a face, it is not enough to be brave and fight hard, you also need financial support. Although Si Hongmei used to be the hegemon of a party, but without financial support, she is also a phoenix with no hair, and I am afraid that she will not be able to cause much trouble.

"Never underestimate your opponent, or you will pay a heavy price for it." Feng Kui said, "I also checked Si Hongmei's bottom line, this woman helped a lot of numbers when she was in her prime. Among them is Peng Ju, the most famous boss of the Digital Gang. Who is Peng Ju, you should have heard of it?"

Of course Fu Hua knew who Peng Ju was. He was a guy who dared to challenge the Governor of Hong Kong. At one point, he was so rampant that he threw bombs in front of the Governor's House. It was only at the time of the handover that he was arrested by the Hong Kong government and Beijing, and sentenced to ten years in prison. It's out now.

Fu Hua said: "I know Peng Ju, but I heard that he has turned his back on his righteousness and is doing legitimate business, and he is less concerned with moral matters."

"Do you believe this too?" Feng Kui smiled and said, "This kind of person is a person of the Tao for one day, and a person of the Tao for life, and it is difficult to change. Because they have tasted the sweetness of being brave and fighting hard, they will It is difficult to give up such a fast and efficient method. The Xiao Hang I told you is a typical example."

"Xiao Hang did have the upper hand with Huang Yiming, but his final end was not good. His reckless temper made it difficult for him to control himself. As a result, he was arrested by seven places and ate a peanut."

Seven refers to the Seventh Bureau of the Municipal Bureau, which is specialized in handling major and important cases. Peanuts refers to bullets.

Fu Hua is not at all surprised by this. The stubborn masters in the realm of Beijing have a kind of Beijing uncle who is not stingy, loves face, plays arrogance, is not afraid of death, and dares to challenge the powerful. These qualities are vividly reflected in another more famous stubborn little bastard, Zhou Changli. The little bastard never bullied the commoners. His target was the children in the big courtyard, and he was eventually stabbed to death under the siege of hundreds of children in the big courtyard. But he would not kneel when he was dying, but died standing with a tree in his arms.

This made Zhou Changli a hero in the hearts of stubborn masters, and he is still worshipped as a role model to this day.

"Peng Ju was able to gain a firm foothold in the gambling industry with the help of Si Hongmei, and then became the talker of the Digital Gang. Moreover, Peng Ju and Huang Yiming are still deadly enemies. Huang Yiming once wanted to enter the gambling industry and contracted several casinos. We need a piece of the pie. As a result, Peng Ju sent people to make trouble, and there was a big conflict between the two sides. In the end, the old gambling king came forward to calm it down. But it also forced Huang Yiming's casino to close its doors."

Hearing what Feng Kui said about the situation, Fu Hua was also a little hesitant. Peng Ju is indeed a ruthless character. He is now a figurehead against Si Hongmei. It is hard to say that he will not take any revenge. After all, these guys are reckless Get used to it, it doesn't make sense at all.

Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "It seems that you really need to be more careful."

Feng Kui pondered for a while: "You don't need to be too nervous. I'll call Huang Yiming and tell him about Si Hongmei."

"Is this bad? Unless you plan to give up Si Hongmei's shares."

Feng Kui smiled: "You are still a little dull. What do you think Huang Yiming will stand after receiving my call? Will he support me or Si Hongmei?"

Fu Hua is not stupid. Feng Kui immediately understood when he said this. Tang Feng is just the girlfriend of a former subordinate, but behind Feng Kui is the Feng family who has helped him a lot. The two are simply not comparable. After Huang Yiming received the call, he had no other choice than to stand on Feng Kui's side.

It almost goes without saying. However, Feng Kui still specifically called Huang Yiming. This was not because she was worried that Huang Yiming would make trouble, but to say hello to Huang Yiming that she wanted to do this in Hong Kong, hoping that Huang Yiming could escort her and make things go smoothly. . This success naturally includes Fu Hua's personal safety. One phone call can achieve so many goals. I have to say that Feng Kui's way of doing things is still so old-fashioned, which makes people admire.

Only in this way, Si Hongmei has almost no room for manoeuvre other than admitting it. But this is also something that can't be helped, who told her to be weak.

At this time, Feng Kui changed the subject: "How long are you going to stay in Hong Kong?"

Fu Hua pondered for a few seconds: "It will take some time, my injury is not healed yet."

"Cut," Feng Kui said disdainfully, "don't use injury as an excuse. If you have a broken rib, you can take a plane back to Beijing. Leng Ziqiao is also generous enough, so don't worry about letting you hang out with other women. Such a long time?"

Fu Hua laughed dryly and did not speak. Indeed, he stayed in Hong Kong because he wanted to spend more time with Qiao Yuzhen and Qiao Qiao. Leng Ziqiao may feel uncomfortable in her heart, but she also knows the particularity of the relationship between him and Qiao Yuzhen Qiaoqiao, but it is hard to say anything.

"Although Liangyuan is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time." Feng Kui said, "On the one hand, Hong Kong is not very safe for you now, and on the other hand, there are many things in Beijing that you need to come back to deal with, so you After signing the share purchase contract with Wu Wanli, hurry up and go back to Beijing for me."

Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "My daughter will be unhappy about this."

"Children are trouble, and that's why I don't like them. Don't be sloppy. Time is running out. We must get things done before Tang Huhua is arrested, otherwise it will be difficult to explain clearly."

Fu Hua also agrees with Feng Kui's judgment. Now it seems that Tang Huhua's arrest will be a high probability event, which may happen at any time. Once it happens, it will be a question whether the shares of Fei Leng Cui held by Wu Wanli will be seized as Tang Huhua's illegal assets.