
Chapter 3425: Can't be greedy


When Xuan Meiqi left, she didn't mention the matter of entering the Financial City. I think she can't handle her own affairs now, so naturally she can't care about entering the Financial City.

It seems that the investment promotion of the financial city has to be solved by Xihai Investment. Fortunately, these are not things that must be solved immediately, and can be put aside for the time being.

Fu Hua now wants to go to Zhaohui Group to see what the current situation of Zhaohui Group is. His injury has stabilized a lot, and he can go out to visit friends in a wheelchair. Zhaohui Group recently broke the news that another commercial ticket was overdue. Sun Zhaohui has been unable to maintain his business credit. Obviously, the company's situation is very bad.

Unexpectedly, Sun Zhaohui was not in the company. Wang Li said that he went to the United States to deal with some perpetual debt matters.

Fu Hua saw that the Zhaohui Group was quiet here. The company's business was still going on in an orderly manner. There were not a bunch of people blocking the door to ask for debts. It seemed that Sun Zhaohui had stabilized the situation temporarily.

After coming out of Zhaohui Group, Fu Hua didn't want to go home right away. During the time he was recovering from his injury, he was already bored at home. So he asked Wang Haibo to drive himself to Xiaofei's courtyard. Since it was not a meal, there was no one in the courtyard, and it was a little cold. Xiaofei was not there, only the waiter was cleaning the room.

Fu Hua didn't ask the waiter to call Xiaofei, but basked in the sun in the yard. This is a good point for the small yard. It has its own separate space and can raise some flowers and plants. Even if the world outside is turned upside down, it is still peaceful here.

The sun was warm, and the surroundings were quiet. Fu Hua closed his eyes and fell asleep. The years were quiet, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

"Who is this, why is this posture here," Xiaofei shouted with a smile as soon as she came in, "Hurry up, hurry up, don't scare my guests away."

Fu Hua opened his eyes and said with a smile, "I haven't been here for a long time, why did you drive me away as soon as I came?"

"You also know that you haven't been here for a long time," Xiao Fei said with a smile, "Who did you provoked and made you look so miserable?" Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said nothing. He had a hard time explaining Jessica's entanglement with him.

Xiao Fei glanced at him and smiled: "Looking at your attitude of being miserable, needless to say, you have provoked some women. You men, why can't you control your lower body?"

Fu Hua couldn't help but laugh, Xiaofei is not a good man and a believer who eats fast food and recites Buddha's prayers, and usually hooks up with some romantic talents: "Why do I hear you speak like a deep widow, is it a matter of fact recently? In the empty bed period, the loneliness has nowhere to solve, so you put your anger on me? Do you want me to accompany you?"

Xiaofei smiled: "Go as far as you give me, even if I want to find someone to accompany me, I also have to find someone who is fierce, who would find you half-crippled? Besides, you are now You are so daring, you dare to tease me like this, aren't you afraid that I will tell Leng Ziqiao to punish you for kneeling on the keyboard?"

Fu Hua immediately hesitated, hehe laughed a few times: "Don't say it, I'm really scared."

"Forget about your honesty," Xiaofei said with a smile, "Actually, you are just talking for the New Year, you have a thief but no courage. If you do something bad to others, you don't need anyone to expose it, and you can bear it first. Get over the stress. Right?"

Fu Hua smiled again, but didn't say anything, because what Xiaofei said was also true. Before, when Zhao Ting was doing immigration, Xiaofei had a super friendly contact with him, and then Fu Hua blamed Zhao Ting for her divorce from him, which is why they didn't get together after that. . That's why Xiaofei said that if he did something wrong, he would not be able to bear the psychological pressure first.

The two entered the house jokingly with each other. Xiaofei changed the subject: "You really haven't been here for a while, Shao Yiling asked me about you two days ago, saying that you only want to make money, and you have forgotten these old friends. "

The last time I met with Shao Yiling, Shao Yiling was dismissed and transferred back to Beijing. The new position has not yet been clarified, but it would be an inconspicuous idle position, because the transfer to Beijing was originally a solution for Shao Yiling's predicament in Haichuan, and the reason for the transfer to Beijing was that the Soviet Union solved Shao Yiling's predicament in Haichuan. not a punishment for it.

Shao Yiling will be reactivated as long as she spends a period of time in her idle position and the public doesn't pay much attention to her. After all, it is not easy to cultivate a female cadre at the level of Shao Yiling. It takes a lot of contacts and resources.

"What are you thinking about making money? I just went to Hong Kong and got injured there. It didn't hurt and came over just a little bit."

Xiao Fei glanced at Fu Hua: "Your injury is a bit strange, you are a relatively cautious person, unless necessary, you won't be aggressive with others, and you are surrounded by bodyguards, why did you get hurt here? What? It's weird."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's nothing surprising. My injury was a shock. It was just a broken rib."

Xiao Fei was stunned for a moment, a little nervous: "You were wearing a bulletproof vest? What is it worth your life to play?"

Fu Hua smiled, he didn't take it too seriously, he had also faced a situation that was more dangerous than this: "It's not as scary as you think, you also know that I'm wearing a bulletproof vest, and I did everything at the time. I'm ready. I just didn't expect the lethality of bullets to be so great."

Although they couldn't get together, Xiaofei still cared about him: "You didn't expect, there are so many things you didn't expect. What if the other party aimed at your head?"

If that's the case, he must be dead. But it didn't happen that way. Fu Hua changed the subject: "Let's stop talking about this, the matter has passed. Hey, where is Shao Yiling arranged to go?"

"Going to the CPPCC. How about it, do you want to invite her to get together?" Xiao Fei looked at him meaningfully and said.

Fu Hua smiled. He is now more and more content with the status quo, and is used to a relatively stable relationship with Leng Ziqiao. Any changes will not bring him anything except making him feel uncomfortable, no passion or excitement. His pursuit, Xiaofei's courtyard is what he wants, quiet and indifferent, the past with Shao Yiling can only slowly fade out of his life: "As long as she is good, there is no need to make an appointment. "

People will definitely see a lot of beautiful scenery in their life, and it is good to be able to stop for a while. But don't be greedy and want to have it all.