
Chapter 38: People who do things and people who juggle


Zhao Ting's true feelings were revealed, showing a weak side. Fu Hua didn't push it away, nor did it not push her. She had to pat her back and said, "Okay, okay, don't cry. You don't have mom and dad. Does it hurt you?"

Zhao Ting didn't stop crying right away, she still sobbed for a long time before she stopped. Fu Hua persuaded him to sweat for a long time.

Seeing that Zhao Ting stopped crying, Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said, "You, the teacher, cry so much in front of the students, you don't know how shy you are."

Zhao Ting glared at Fu Hua: "Who told you to provoke me?"

Fu Hua didn't dare to fight with Zhao Ting again, fearing that she would be sad again, so he said: "Okay, you go and wash your face, otherwise people will think I'm bullying you when they are seen."

Zhao Ting burst into tears and smiled: "You also know that you are afraid, so change your clothes. Your shoulders are wet."

The two men cleaned up separately. When they came out to meet again, Zhao Ting was a little shy and didn't dare to see Fu Hua. Fu Hua secretly thought it was funny. It turned out that this girl was sometimes embarrassed.

Fu Hua asked: "You have come to patronize and cry, but haven't you asked what's the matter?"

Zhao Ting said: "I came here to see if you know how Guo Jing is now?"

Fu Hua said: "Guo Jing is fine. I have called and everything is normal from the phone. Don't worry about her. Guo Jing is very mature. She knows how to deal with this matter."

Zhao Ting said, "That's the best. I'm leaving now."

Fu Hua said, "Why are you leaving now?"

Zhao Ting glared at Fu Hua: "What am I doing without leaving? Do you think my red and swollen eyes look good?"

Fu Hua smiled: "Well, let's go, let's go, don't cry when you go back."

Zhao Ting said: "You have to take care of it."

Fu Hua smiled and watched Zhao Ting leave, perhaps because of the same illness, he felt a lot closer to Zhao Ting at once.

Luo Yu knocked on the door and walked in, looking at Fu Hua suspiciously: "Is Zhao Ting okay? Why did I watch her go away with red eyes?"

Fu Hua smiled: "She's just like that, smile when she is happy, cry when she is unhappy, leave her alone."

Luo Yu said: "Oh. Well, just now Secretary Sun Yong's secretary Feng Shun called and said that Secretary Sun will be in Beijing for a meeting tomorrow and the office should prepare for reception."

This was Sun Yong's first visit to Beijing after Fu Hua took over as the director of the office. Fu Hua did not dare to take it lightly. He has been with Qu Wei for many years and knows that although Sun Yong and Qu Wei seem to be in harmony, in fact they are at odds with each other. Qu Wei had a lot of opinions on Sun Yong's appointment as the secretary. Originally, he thought he could take over as the secretary of the municipal party committee. Sun Yong was also very jealous of Qu Wei, who had been operating in Haichuan for many years. Qu Wei had deep roots in Haichuan. Sun Yong suddenly came to Haichuan and had to temporarily compromise with Qu Wei in certain aspects.

Fu Hua was sensitively aware of the danger of this situation facing Qu Wei. Although Qu Wei temporarily gained the upper hand in Haichuan City because of his deep roots, Sun Yong was ultimately the secretary of the municipal party committee, and he held the right to use the cadres. Leaders and cadres' right to use is the core power, because all rights are ultimately exercised by people. This determines that Sun Yong has an innate advantage over Qu Wei. One more point, the appointment of Sun Yong as secretary of the municipal party committee by the provincial party committee shows that Sun Yong has more organizational trust than Qu Wei.

Therefore, when Fu Hua was Qu Wei’s secretary, he often reminded Qu Wei from the side that he should respect Sun Yong more. At the same time, Fu Hua himself also respected Sun Yong’s secretary Feng Shun. In private, he called Feng Shun Feng Ge. If there is any good thing, he always put Feng Shun first, and the two often exchanged a little bit about the irrelevance of their service to the chief. Information.

Fu Hua wanted to maintain the friendship between the two chiefs as much as possible through the friendship between the secretaries.

Regardless of the low level of the secretary, the secretary has a lot of roles. To the extent possible, the secretary can control the attitude of the leader. Under Fu Hua's influence, Qu Wei was able to maintain superficial respect for Sun Yong, and therefore a peaceful situation was maintained between the first and second leaders in Haichuan City.

Against this background, Fu Hua did not dare not to pay attention to Sun Yong’s reception work. He quickly dialed Feng Shun’s phone and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, you are not interesting enough, Secretary Sun is coming to Beijing, you I don’t even notify my brother in advance so that I can be prepared.”

Feng Shun said coldly: "Secretary Sun only asked me to inform the Beijing Office today. I called your Beijing Office according to his instructions. Isn't this a notice?"

Fu Hua stayed for a while, Feng Shun's tone was wrong. Before, the two of them spoke very affectionately, so there is no such thing as the taste of business affairs today.

Fu Hua smiled dryly and said, "Brother Feng, the Beijing Office is now a brother and I am in charge. I don't want to prepare well and treat him well, so that Secretary Sun will have a good impression of my Beijing Office work?"

Feng Shun said: "No, Secretary Sun explained, just find a place where you can live, no special preparation is needed."

Feng Shun was a little bit away from people thousands of miles away, and Fu Hua felt bad, and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, why are you doing this, our brother..."

Feng Shun didn't want to talk with Fu Hua anymore. He interrupted Fu Hua and said, "Secretary Sun is about to have a meeting, so be it." After that, Feng Shun hung up the phone.

Fu Hua put away the phone and felt very awkward. From this situation, Feng Shun was very unfriendly. It seemed that Sun Yong had some opinions on him. This time the reception seemed to have to be cautious, and he should not let Sun Yong pick out a trace. Something wrong, otherwise just wait and get criticized.

Fu Hua quickly found Liu Fang and asked about the reception of Sun Yong before, and then asked Liu Fang to book a room for Sun Yong as soon as possible, paying attention to every aspect of receiving Sun Yong to ensure that he received Sun Yong well.

Liu Fang went to book a room. Fu Hua, who was sitting in the office, felt very bad. It seems that the battle between Sun Yong and Qu Wei that he tried to avoid has happened. He doesn’t know what Qu Wei has done recently to provoke Sun. Forever.

Fu Hua understands Qu Wei, a person who is good at doing things and is not good at strategy. He can rack his brains to do a good job, but in political struggles, he does not like to manipulate his wrists, just like his style of doing things. ,straight forward.

And Sun Yong looks very peaceful outside, giving people the feeling of a good old person, in the eyes of most people, he is a relatively feminine person. Fu Hua always felt that the pair of eyes in his sunken eye sockets could not see through, as if there were still a pair of eyes hidden behind him.

Fu Hua believes that officials who can achieve a certain level are not mediocre and must have their own strengths. Sun Yong has achieved his position today after many years of hard work. It is impossible without certain political skills. At this point, Fu Hua felt that Qu Wei might not be Sun Yong’s opponent, so Fu Hua did his best to persuade Qu Wei to stay friendly with Sun Yong. This is not only to maintain the relationship between Qu Wei and Sun Yong, but also to maintain Qu Wei himself.

Many people may be surprised that a person who can do things must have a very clever mind. Why can't he be beaten by a man of tricks? This may be due to different knowledge. People who are good at doing things concentrate on thinking about things, while those who love to play tricks concentrate on thinking about people. They concentrate in different directions, so they get different rewards in the end. There are many examples in history that can be verified, such as Liu Bang and Han Xin. Han Xin was victorious in all battles, but eventually lost Liu Bang's hand. The reason for this is very intriguing.

In the evening, Fu Hua once again confirmed the details of receiving Sun Yong one by one to make sure that there was nothing wrong, and then he was relieved. If you Sun Yong have opinions on me, you can't do anything wrong with me.

At this time, Fu Hua's phone rang, look at the number, it was Feng Shun, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Could Sun Yong have any orders? I quickly connected, and said with a smile: "Feng brother, do you have any instructions?"

Originally, Fu Hua wanted to call Feng Shun Feng Mi directly, but after thinking about it, he seemed stingy. Secondly, he clearly stated that he had an opinion on Feng Shun, no matter from which point of view he shouldn't. The officialdom is actually a stage. If you want to be in it, you have to learn to act. You have to play a role, not yourself. This role requires you to be both happy and angry, and even the more angry you are, the more happy you have to behave.

Feng Shun smiled: "Brother, are you not angry with me?"

Fu Hua smiled: "Brother Feng was joking, I know you must be inconvenient to talk at the time." At this time, Fu Hua had already realized why Feng Shun was acting like a business, and that Sun Yong might be next to him.

Sure enough, Feng Shun said: "You are right. Secretary Sun was by the side at the time, and it was not convenient for me to speak."

Fu Hua said, "Is it because I didn't do something badly that made Secretary Sun angry?"

Feng Shun smiled: "My brother said the opposite, you, the director of the Beijing Office, did a great job."

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Brother Feng, what is going on? Don't play dumb puzzles with me."

Feng Shun said: "The Ronghong Group's projects you have attracted are too high-quality and have attracted the attention of the province, especially Chen Che said that this is the first phase of the project, leaving a lot of room for imagination. Guo Kui Province The mayor personally came to Haichuan to inspect this project, gave a high evaluation, praised Mayor Qu Wei, and asked the city to increase cooperation with Ronghong Group, and strive to also settle follow-up projects in Haichuan."

Fu Hua said confusedly: "This is a good thing. This is not only the honor of the Haichuan Municipal Government, but also the honor of the Haichuan Municipal Party Committee. How could Secretary Sun be unhappy?"

Feng Shun smiled: "My brother is a loyal person, you think so, but Mayor Qu doesn't think so."

Fu Hua was stunned: "No, Mayor Qu has always believed that the municipal government is under the leadership of the municipal party committee, and everything is inseparable from the wise leadership of the municipal party committee."

Feng Shun smiled and said, "Brother, it would be great if you still serve as Mayor Qu as a secretary. Do you know what Mayor Qu said when he reported to Governor Guo Kui? He said that it was all under his leadership. Next, the results of the joint efforts of the city government team did not mention the municipal party committee. It seems that the municipal party committee has nothing to do with this matter. When Chen Che visited Haichuan, didn’t Secretary Sun also come forward to receive him? Secretary Sun welcomed Chen Che. I have also given important instructions several times. How come I lose his part when it comes to evaluating merits and rewards?"