
Chapter 39: The spring breeze is proud


Fu Hua secretly complained about Yu Bo's inexperience. If he were Qu Wei's secretary, he would definitely mention the work done by the municipal party committee in his report, emphasizing that the achievements were formed under the leadership of the municipal party committee. Although a discerning person knows who does the main work at a glance, this forms a kind of respect. Even if the form is greater than the content, it is always a kind of respect for the municipal party committee. What's more, Sun Yong also attached great importance to the establishment of Ronghong Group in Haichuan. Not only did he come out to receive Chen Che several times, he was also extremely concerned about the overall work of receiving Chen Che's inspection, and he gave several very important instructions. Qu Wei didn't mention anything about this in the report. No wonder Sun Yong would be angry.

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Brother Feng, this Secretary Sun may have misunderstood Mayor Qu. Mayor Qu will not deliberately ignore Secretary Sun. He is a straightforward person and will not consider issues so thoroughly. You and I are both secretaries. Yes, you should understand where the problem is."

Feng Shun said: "I understand that it is with Mayor Qu's secretary, but does Secretary Sun understand? Secretary Sun is very upset with this incident. You are the initiator. Ronghong Group would not appear in Haichuan without you. It's normal for you to be angry."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "It seems that I have suffered a lot from the fish."

Fu Hua knew in his heart that Sun Yongqian might not only be angry with himself because of Ronghong Group, but more importantly, he used to be Qu Wei's secretary and a close confidant of Qu Wei.

Feng Shun said, "My brother, what's the matter with the aftermath? I'm proud of everything, as if he is older than Mayor Qu. Why don't you tell him what he should pay attention to when you handover him? Yeah."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly, and said: "There are some things that can be explained, and some things can't be said. I have to rely on my individual to understand. How can I explain?"

Fu Huaxin said that I can't explain to the aftermath, everything should be left to Sun Yong, right? What would he think if that word reached Qu Wei's ears

Yu Bo is a postgraduate student in the Department of Political Science of Tunghai University. He was selected by Qu Wei himself shortly after he entered the Haichuan Municipal Government for civil service examinations. The reason for choosing Fu Hua is consistent with his original reasons for choosing Fu Hua.

It seems that this afterthought of talent is not without it, but it is a bit arrogant, this is a taboo of being a secretary. The secretary himself is a staff member who serves the leader. His job is not only to help the leader process words. He is actually a protective barrier in front of the leader. A humble attitude is needed to help the leader handle his affairs well. Otherwise, it will not only do bad things, but also harm others and ourselves.

Feng Shun smiled and said, "Yes, but this aftermath is not too authentic."

Fu Hua said: "Let me talk about him if I have a chance."

Feng Shun said: "Just leave him alone, let me tell you that this time Secretary Sun is going to Beijing, he is going to visit Mr. Zheng, you are ready to prepare."

This old Zheng is an old general of Haichuan nationality who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, and has high prestige in the party. Cheng Yuan, the current secretary of the East China Sea, used to be Zheng's secretary, so he respected Zheng.

Feng Shun said that Sun Yong was going to see Mr. Zheng. Fu Hua was sensitive to the fact that the problem was getting more and more complicated. Sun Yong wanted to seek the support of the veteran cadres from Haichuan. Is it because of the Ronghong Group? Sun Yong felt Qu Wei's powerful threat to his status, and came to Beijing to seek Austrian aid

Fu Hua said: "I will do a good job this reception, don't worry."

Feng Shun said: "My brother, I hope you will pay attention to this reception. We are all serving the leaders. Leaders have a lot of ideas. Sometimes we are difficult to determine the size, but we must first ensure that we are all It’s a little pawn. It’s important to protect yourself. Don’t become a cannon fodder in other people’s fights for a moment. Your position in Beijing is very conspicuous. Use your brains on how to do it."

Fu Hua's heart sank. From Feng Shun's words, it can be seen that the struggle between Qu Wei and Sun Yong has begun. How to deal with it is really a problem. It doesn't matter to me, the big deal is that the director of the Beijing Office quit, how can I preserve Qu Wei in this battle, I really have to think about it.

Fu Hua said, "Thank you Feng for reminding me. I know how to do it."

Feng Shun said, "That's good, hang up."

Putting down the phone, Fu Hua started to have trouble. The office knows all the powerful people of Haichuan origin in Beijing. It is said that Mr. Zheng is a very orthodox old revolutionary. Several directors of the Beijing Office have visited him. Without pretext, the Haichuan souvenirs he brought with him refused to accept it. After doing so, Mr. Zheng expressed his unwillingness to participate in local affairs, and the Beijing Office would no longer be able to disturb him.

Since taking office, Fu Hua has quickly understood the situation of this old Zheng and the importance of such a heavyweight to Haichuan City, but he did not rush to visit him. He knew he wanted to follow this When dealing with a character, you must find the right entry point, otherwise he will come home just like several predecessors.

The immediate priority is that Sun Yong is going to visit Mr. Zheng when he comes to Beijing. Fu Hua doesn't know what Sun Yong has to do with Mr. Zheng before. If it’s just a general acquaintance, visiting as a local official, then Mr. Zheng is probably out of respect for his parents and officials, and he may not have a good impression of Sun Yong. He may even bring Sun Yong with him. With the gift Bi returned, Sun Yong will return empty-handed during this trip, which will worsen Sun Yong's impression of the Beijing Office.

At the same time, Fu Hua could not prepare too expensive things for this meeting. This is because firstly, Mr. Zheng had met a person in the world, and Fu Hua didn't know what would make him feel precious; secondly, Mr. Zheng It's okay to accept it at that time. If he doesn't accept it, Sun Yong will definitely notice the value of the stuff. Given the current situation of his struggle with Qu Wei, it may become one of the reasons why he finds trouble with the Beijing Office; 3. Yes, the Beijing Office currently only has enough funds to pay salaries for a few staff members, and it cannot spend a large sum of money to buy gifts.

One more thing, Fu Hua didn’t know the possible impact of this incident on Qu Wei. Sun Yong and Qu Wei are currently in a delicate relationship. If he is a little careless in it, helping Sun Yong gain the upper hand may affect Qu Wei’s treatment of himself. Impression, this is what Fu Hua is most worried about. In a sense, Qu Wei is kind to him. He should be regarded as a member of Qu Wei’s direct line. He should first consider safeguarding Qu Wei’s interests when doing anything. Yes, he didn't want to make Qu Wei feel ungrateful.

Fu Hua thought about it, but still didn’t know what to do. Finally, he dialed Qu Wei’s cell phone. He thought it would be better to tell Qu Wei about Sun Yong’s visit to Beijing, so that Qu Wei could be in his heart. There are counts.

Qu Wei answered the phone and said with a smile: "Fu Hua, what can I do for you?"

Fu Hua said: "That's right, Mayor Qu and Secretary Sun are coming to Beijing, do you know?"

Qu Wei said: "I know, he will go to Beijing for a meeting tomorrow."

Fu Hua said: "He is not only here for a meeting, he wants to see Mr. Zheng."

Qu Wei said lightly: "Let him see if he wants to."

Seeing Qu Wei's calm tone, Fu Hua felt that he might be a little too nervous, so he smiled and said, "Then I will accompany him."

Qu Wei smiled: "Go ahead, just do your job as a director of the Beijing Office."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "That's good. I'll report this to you. How are you and auntie recently?"

Suddenly a woman's voice came over the phone: "Wei, what are you doing? Come here soon."

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment. This woman had a sweet voice. It was definitely not Qu Wei's wife. Who was this? Talking to Qu Wei so intimately

Fu Hua was still thinking about this issue, Qu Wei said: "Okay, Fu Hua, I have something to do here, I'm hanging up."

Fu Hua had no choice but to say, "Goodbye, Mayor Qu."

Qu Wei hung up the phone, leaving Fu Hua there to guess who the woman on the phone was. It is said that Yu Bo would definitely know who this woman was. It is difficult for a leader to hide the secretary from the secretary, but Fu Hua can’t. Calling to inquire, he is no longer Qu Wei’s secretary. If he asks rashly, Qu Wei will misunderstand him to inquire about the privacy of the leader. This is a taboo in the officialdom. Even if Qu Wei once appreciated him so much, he cannot be allowed. He did it.

It seems that when I arrived at the Beijing Office, it was not only my own destiny that changed, but also the destiny of the surrounding characters. Fu Hua couldn't help worrying even more about Qu Wei. Hearing his complacent tone of spring breeze, he didn't realize that Sun Yong had already had great opinions on him. He has been sharpening his sword, but he is still messing with women, indulging in the gentle country, and he has no consciousness of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

However, the most important task for Fu Hua at present is to arrange Sun Yong's itinerary to Beijing. He can't give Sun Yong a handle now, so he will become a focal point for Sun Yong to attack Qu Wei.

The next day, Sun Yong arrived in Beijing. After Fu Hua picked him up at the airport, he sent him to the Peace Hotel. He used to stay in the Peace Hotel in Kyoto.

On the surface, Sun Yong did not appear to be unhappy. He also smiled and asked Fu Hua whether he was accustomed to the Beijing Office. Fu Hua replied, "I'm still used to it."

Sun Yong then praised Fu Hua for opening up the Beijing Office as soon as he came to the Beijing Office. Fu Hua smiled and replied: "This is all because of the strong support of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government."

Sun Yong seemed to be very happy that Fu Hua emphasized the support of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, but he still smiled and said: "Little Fu, you are a talent cultivated by Mayor Qu, not bad. Lost the face of the mayor."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Mayor Qu has taught me a lot of things. This is also to enable me to better complete every task assigned to me by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government."

Sun Yong glanced at Fu Hua and said with a smile: "You are right to have this kind of consciousness. All of us are working for the party and the organization, not for anyone."