
Chapter 50: Negative altogether


Now that he has the opportunity to prove it in person, Fu Hua certainly didn't want to miss it, so he said: "Then I will go to see Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Li was also very curious, so she said, "I'll go take a look with you."

The Lama Temple was originally the hidden residence of Emperor Yongzheng. According to the Qing Dynasty’s family law, “where the first emperor came to the imperial residence, many of them are the place of Buddha”, so in the 9th year of Qianlong, a lama was stationed and became a Lama Temple. It is the upper house of Huangjiao.

Because of the profound background, the Buddha statues offered in the Lama Temple and the Buddhist stories painted on the walls are extremely gorgeous, and Fu Hua is amazed by it. Especially the Maitreya Buddha in the Wanfo Pavilion can be described as the best. This giant Buddha was carved from the trunk of a white sandalwood tree. It is 26 meters high, 18 meters above the ground (8 meters underground), 8 meters in diameter, and weighs about 100 tons. It is the largest unique statue in China. Wooden statue. It is said that because the Lama Temple is located to the right of the Berlin Temple, Emperor Qianlong feared that it would affect the Fengshui of the Lama Temple, so he built a tall pavilion in the open area to the north of the Lama Temple for a large Buddha as a backstop and used the Buddha's power to bless peace. The white sandalwood used in the carving was exchanged for a large amount of jewels from Nepal in order to repay the grace of the mighty emperor. It took three years from Tibet to Sichuan to be transported to the Lama Temple. This big Buddha is majestic, with gold gilded all over the body and various jewels. Just the big robe that he wore, even the inner side of his body used five thousand four hundred feet of yellow satin.

While Fu Hua admired the magnificent royal demeanor of the Lama Temple, Zheng Lao led Zheng Li and him to the Ajia Focang, which was the residence of the elderly monks in Lama Temple.

Gatuluosang was very happy to see Mr. Zheng, smiled and asked about Mr. Zheng's physical condition. Mr. Zheng said with a smile that he was okay. Gatunossang smiled: "When a person is old, good health is the most important thing."

After serving the tea, Gatto Lobsang asked Mr. Zheng what had happened to him. Mr. Zheng pointed to Fu Hua and said: "My little friend came to you when he encountered something unclean. I said that there is a ritual in the temple to fight ghosts, can you perform it for him?"

Gatolosang smiled: "You are talking about jumping boza. It is a very grand ceremony and can only be carried out on special days."

Zheng Lao said: "Then you can't make an exception for my little friend

Gatul Lobsang said: "The bazaar is performed by the lamas wearing the symbolic masks of Tibetan Buddhism. Following the beat of the drums, cymbals, and horns, they dance in an orderly manner to drive away evil spirits. A religious ritual to pray for auspiciousness. From the perspective of Buddhism, Buzha is a holy person, many protectors and their servants, dancing and preaching, eliminating demons and evil obstacles such as "Black Demon Ruzha". Seeking peace in the world is not the same as fighting ghosts as you understand."

Zheng Li said anxiously: "Then what about Fu Hua?"

Gato Lausanne smiled and said, "Don't worry, little girl, let me see him."

Gato Lausanne looked at Fu Hua up and down, beckoned to him, and said, "Come here."

Fu Hua walked to Gatolosang, Gatolosang stretched out his hands, palms up, and said to Fu Hua, "Give me your hands."

Fu Hua stretched out his hands and shook it with Gatolosang. Gatolosang's hands were warm and soft, and Fu Hua felt very comfortable to hold.

Gatolosang’s lips began to squirm, his eyes closed slightly, and he read the Buddhist scriptures. After a while, his eyes suddenly widened and shouted: "Duh, the female donor you and Fu donor are separated by Yin and Yang. Although you don’t want to give up, but Any more entanglement will be harmful to Fu Shizhu. Now that I have read the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's original vows to save you, you can go."

After being silent for a while, Gatolosang released Fu Hua's hands and said with a smile: "Okay, she's gone."

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect. Fu Hua felt a chill in his mind and immediately became more energetic. He put his hands together and said, "Thank you, Master."

Gato Lausanne smiled and said, "If you go back to rest for a few days, you should be fine."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I will obey the master's instructions."

Zheng Li saw that Fu Hua was more energetic, and relaxed, she smiled and asked, "Master, you just said that you are a female benefactor. It seems that it is a female ghost who entangles Fu Hua?"

Gatolosang smiled and said: "That's it. The female donor passed away not long ago because of a bad relationship. She was very affectionate with the Fu donor before she was alive, so she lingered around Fu donor, which coincided with the recent bad luck of Fu donor. , I suffered some evil spirits."

Zheng Li smiled and said to Fu Hua, "Hey, I don't think you are quite romantic."

However, Fu Hua couldn't understand the second monk. He looked at Gatto Lausanne and asked in confusion: "Master, I don't understand what you are talking about. There doesn't seem to be such a person around me?"

Gatolosang smiled: "You didn't know that the woman liked you. In fact, Fu Shizhu, you are a kindhearted and filial person. You are blessed by the gods and should not be subjected to this evil spirit. It is just human luck. It's all ups and downs, Lu Mengzheng said, the dragon has not met, and dived between fish and shrimp, the gentleman lost his time, and put his hands under the villain. This is not him, it is time, luck, and fate. You just The peak of a life in the past, this time is the trough of your luck, you will suffer this disaster. This opportunity, I also remind you, when people are in the low tide, things often go wrong, that woman Although the donor has been overtaken by me, it does not mean that your low ebb is over. I advise you to be more careful in doing things in the near future."

This remark made Fu Hua amazed in his heart. It was the first time that he saw Gatolosang. Zheng Lao and Zheng Li had not talked about his personal situation. Gatolosang could see at a glance that he was filial to his mother. The lama is a little silly.

Although Fu Hua still didn't know who this so-called female ghost was, he still said sincerely: "Thank you, Master, for the point. I will be more careful."

After leaving the Lama Temple, Zheng Li stared at Fu Hua and asked with a smile: "You really don't know who the deceased female donor was?"

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said, "I'm also thinking about who this person is? The friends around me are all fine, no one is in trouble."

Zheng Li said, "Then you mean that what Lama Gatolosang said and did just now is fake?"

Fu Hua said: "It's not like it, the master is very sincere, it's not like a lie to me, I also feel a lot more energetic. But this matter is really a bit ridiculous, I don't know whether to believe it or not."

Mr. Zheng said to the side: "No matter what, there is nothing wrong with being careful. Gatto Lausanne reminded you out of goodwill. You have to pay more attention."

Zheng Li said: "Yes, you should know the argument called Pascal's bet. Based on Pascal's argument, you believe that Gato Lausanne has only good, no harm.

Pascal’s bet refers to a famous conclusion in Pascal’s Random Thoughts. Pascal believes that everyone who seeks good and avoids evil should believe in God. His idea is this: If God exists and I believe in God, then I will be rewarded. If God does not exist and I believe in God, nothing will happen. If God exists and I don’t believe in God, then I will be punished. If God does not exist and I don’t believe in God, nothing will happen. It can be seen that people who believe in God are either rewarded or okay, while atheists are either going to hell or okay. It is better to believe in God in any way. Therefore, if a person tends to avoid evil, he should believe in God, otherwise he is irrational. "

Fu Hua understood what Zheng Li meant, and said with a smile: "Thank you, I will pay more attention."

Fu Hua broke up with Mr. Zheng and his grandson. When they returned to the office, Lin Xi and Luo Yu had returned from the Jingtian Company. They brought back the negotiated draft contract. Fu Hua looked at it. It was a formal land-use right transfer contract, and there was nothing wrong with it. , Let Luo Yu send it back to the Haichuan Municipal Government and ask the municipal government for approval.

Early the next morning, Fu Hua was sitting in the office. Ding Yi came over and saw Fu Hua. He smiled and asked: "Brother Fu, have you taken any medicine? Why did you suddenly become dazzling,"

Fu Hua also felt that after a night's rest, he was much more energetic, so he smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm just resting. Is there anything to do with me?"

Ding Yi smiled and said: "You are fine. You don't know how I look at you, so I am really worried about you. I came to you because I hope you can help me see something." He passed a stack of papers. To Fu Hua.

"What?" Fu Hua asked as he took it over.

Ding Yi said: "A Peking Opera script, you see if it works."

Fu Hua glanced at Ding Yi and said, "Director Jia agrees?"

Ding Yi smiled and said: "Yes, he is very interested, especially he has his own unique insights into the singing of Peking Opera."

Fu Hua glanced at the script, whose name was Liu Zhiyuan, and asked, "Director Jia wrote this script? Who is Liu Zhiyuan?"

Ding Yi said: "Yes, Liu Zhiyuan was the great ancestor of the Later Han Dynasty during the Five Dynasties."

Fu Hua said in amazement: "Why did Director Jia choose such a character to write? It's very cold."

Ding Yi said: "Director Jia said, this is a fragment of Zhugong Tune he saw, and he wrote this script based on the story inside."

Fu Hua simply flipped through a few pages, and then said with a smile: "It's really decent. It seems that Director Jia has really done some work in this area."

Ding Yi said: "Brother Fu, my dad said you are an expert in this aspect, so you can give me some advice after reading it."

Fu Hua smiled: "Your father looked at me highly. I can understand Peking opera a little bit. I am powerless to read this script."

Ding Yi said, "Brother Fu, don't be humble and give some advice."

Fu Hua handed the script back to Ding Yi and said: "I don't understand if you let me see if the script is flawed, but I personally think that this script is not good."

Ding Yi saw that Fu Hua actually denied it completely. He was taken aback and asked: "Brother Fu, why do you think this script is not good? Director Jia is very proud of this script."

Fu Hua smiled: "If this script is changed to someone else's writing, it's okay, it's not very good if it was written by Director Jia."

Ding Yi became more surprised. He looked at Fu Hua's face and asked, "Why is this written by someone else? Why can't it be written by Director Jia?"