
Chapter 51: Was deceived


Fu Hua smiled and said: "You can't just consider this issue from Peking Opera itself, you also have to consider Director Jia's identity."

Ding Yi said, "What does this have to do with Director Jia's identity?"

Fu Hua said: "Tell me first, what is the theme of this drama, and what does it praise?"

Ding Yi said: "That is to say, I told a story about the founding of the post-Han Dynasty. If you want to talk about the theme, it may be to promote a spirit of perseverance.

Fu Hua said: "What does that have to do with this era?"

Ding Yi smiled: "It's an ancient story, why does it have anything to do with this era?"

Fu Hua said: "The writing expresses the truth, and the song expresses the will. There is always a concept you want to express in a drama. Although it is written in ancient times, there is no meaning in it to ridicule the present?"

Ding Yi is also a smart person, and he immediately understood what Fu Hua wanted to express. He looked at Fu Hua and said, "Brother Fu is worried that someone will be stabbing here?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I see you have such a big battle, probably this drama will be compiled into a large-scale performance, and then it will have a great impact. Although our era is a lot more enlightened, people with ulterior motives always Yes, you probably know how Wu Han wrote about Hai Rui’s dismissal from office. Don’t turn good things into bad things then.”

Ding Yi became serious and said, "It seems that this subject matter can't be chosen casually. Fortunately, I asked Brother Fu about you."

Fu Hua said: "In fact, I really don't think you need to do this. Your company has good conditions in all aspects. It should be no problem after the listing application."

Ding Yi said: "My dad thinks that since Pan Tao has brought it up, it is not good for him not to participate. Moreover, this matter can play an insurance role for our company's listing."

Fu Hua didn't want Jia Hao to do this in his heart. He felt that this was a bribe in disguise, and it was so high-profile. Accepting it would be detrimental to Jia Hao's development, so he said: "It doesn't seem to be the case now. It's easy to handle. You can let your father turn this thing off with my excuse."

Ding Yi smiled and shook his head, and said, "Brother Fu, it's too late to stop at this time. You bother to think about it for us. What theme is more appropriate?"

Fu Hua looked at Ding Yi and said, "You must do it?"

Ding Yi smiled bitterly, and said: "Director Jia is very important to our company's listing. Our father and son cannot tolerate the slightest omission in this. I know that Brother Fu is a little disgusted with this kind of thing, but this is the way you helped us father and son. Yes, you start and end well, help us think about it."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Hey, you still fell in love with me. In fact, the problem is very simple. Wouldn't it be okay if you let Director Jia adapt a red classic masterpiece?"

Ding Yi laughed after thinking about it: "Brother Fu is still thoughtful. I will report this to my dad and let him talk to Director Jia."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's weird, it's always awkward."

Ding Yi smiled and said: "Brother Fu, don't be upset. Although you can't understand these things, but now everyone is changing the law to do it, and we are no exception. Besides, this is a very elegant thing, you Let’s promote the Chinese Peking Opera art."

The land purchase contract was approved by the municipal government, and Fu Hua invited Yang Jun to go and formally sign the contract with Shao Bin. Yang Jun was very happy and said with a smile: "I have been waiting for your contract for a long time."

Fu Hua thought that Yang Jun wanted to take up the follow-up project of this contract, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I said that as long as the price is right, this project will be done for you."

Yang Jun said: "Then I would like to thank you in advance. How are your subsequent funding preparations?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "After the land use right is transferred, I will contact the bank to mortgage the land loan and start the project."

Yang Jun said: "I know a few people in the banking system. I can contact you if necessary at that time."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I will inevitably trouble you at that time."

The two happily went to the minefield company. Shao Bin had been waiting at the company a long time ago. The terms of the contract were all negotiated. Both parties simply looked at the text of the contract and typed their official seals, and the contract was official. Signed.

Shao Bin stood up, stretched out his hand to shake hands with Fu Hua, smiled and said, "I am very happy to conclude this deal with Director Fu."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Me too."

Shao Bin said: "Then when do you pay?"

Fu Hua said: "The money is already in the Beijing office. According to the contract, I will send you a check tomorrow. When will you handle the transfer?"

Shao Bin smiled and said, "As soon as the money arrives, I will cooperate with you to handle the transfer."

Afterwards, Shao Bin left the two for dinner to celebrate, but Fu Hua did not refuse, but accepted it happily. During the banquet, both Shao Bin and Yang Jun came to praise Fu Hua's excellent ability, and in just a few months they made an insignificant Beijing office flourish. Fu Hua was so dizzy that he was touted, and he was really happy when he bought this piece of land. He didn't refuse to toast Yang Jun and Shao Bin. The two of them took turns in battle. After a few rounds, he was very happy. I was so drunk that I didn't even know how I came to the Beijing Office.

When I woke up, it was already the next morning. Fu Hua had a splitting headache and went to the office. Lin Xi knocked on the door and came in. Seeing Fu Hua's appearance, he smiled and asked: "Dr. Fu had a drink last night. Less?"

Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "Yesterday, I formally signed a contract with Jingtian Company. Mr. Shao left me and Mr. Yang to celebrate. I was also happy in my heart, so I was greedy for a few more glasses."

Lin Xi said, "The contract has been signed? It's great, we can build an office building."

Fu Hua smiled: "Yes, today I will pay the money and the transfer can be processed. Our building can begin construction."

Lin Xi looked at Fu Hua and said with concern: "You are going to the minefield company? Can you do it like this? Or I will send it for you."

Fu Hua took a look at Lin Xi and thought about it. He handled some specific affairs in the past, and it didn’t matter for Lin Xi to go, so he said: “In this way, you go with Luo Yu, bring all the official seals, and accompany them to deposit the money. , And then let Shao Bin take you to go through the transfer procedures."

Lin Xi called Luo Yu over, and Fu Hua confessed a few more words, asking them to pay more attention, especially asking Lin Xi and Luo Yu to go to the Land Management Bureau to see if there has been any recent changes in the rights of this land.

It has been a while since I first contacted Jingtian Company. Fu Huasheng was afraid that there would be changes, so he thought it would be better to let Lin Xi and Luo Yu implement them first.

Lin Xi and Luo Yu left. After a while, Luo Yu called and said that the land management bureau of Chaoyang District has implemented it. There is no change in this kind of land. Fu Hua said, "Then you go to the Jingtian Company. ."

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Xi and Luo Yu came back, and Fu Hua said, "Is it done so soon?"

Lin Xi said: "It hasn't been done yet. The bank of Jingtian Company is different from ours. The check is deposited, but the bank said it will take three to five working days to make sure that the money arrives in the account. Shao Bin said that the money is not in the account. He can't do the transfer for us first, so the transfer procedures have not been completed yet."

Fu Hua felt a little uneasy, and said, "Then you just came back like this?"

Luo Yu said: "Director Lin was also a little worried, but Shao Bin gave us the land use certificate first, and said to hold it with this. With that, Luo Yu took out the land use right certificate and handed it to Fu Hua. "

Fu Hua took it and took a look. It was indeed the land use right certificate he saw that day.

Lin Xi said, "I don't think there should be a problem with this Dingxi detention."

Fu Hua nodded. He also thought that the land certificate was in his own hands, and Shao Bin couldn't play any tricks. Even if he had to report the loss, it would take a certain amount of time to complete it. He couldn't do anything in three or five days.

Fu Hua locked the land certificate and said with a smile: "Lao Lin, you and Xiao Luo have worked hard, go and rest."

Three days passed very peacefully. Fu Hua called Shao Bin's phone and asked, "Mr. Shao, has the money arrived in your account?"

Shao Bin smiled and said, "Dr. Fu, don't worry, brother, I won't lie to you."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "No, I just want to ask if the money has arrived in your account?"

Shao Bin said: "Yesterday the bank did not notify us that the account was received. Today is Saturday and the bank is not working."

Fu Hua felt embarrassed when he remembered that today is Saturday, and said with a smile: "I'm really confused. I forgot that today is Saturday."

Shao Bin smiled and said: "I can understand Director Fu's feelings. Don't worry, as soon as the bank informs me that the account is received, I will notify you immediately and go to the Land Management Bureau to go through the transfer procedures immediately."

Fu Hua smiled: "Then I will wait for Mr. Shao's call."

Shao Bin said: "Don't worry, I will inform you as soon as possible."

Two days of the weekend passed. On Monday, Fu Huajing waited for Shao Bin’s call, but he waited until the evening, but Shao Bin’s call didn’t come. Fu Hua was too embarrassed to call and ask. People have already held the land certificate with him. , He was a little impolite to call again and again.

On the morning of the fifth day, Fu Hua dialed Shao Bin's number early. Although it was only the fifth working day, but two days after the weekend, seven days had actually passed.

There was a female voice on the phone: "Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off."

Fu Hua froze for a moment, and immediately said to himself: "This call is too early, maybe Shao Bin hasn't gotten up yet."

I waited patiently for a while, dialed Shao Bin's number again, and turned it off. In the morning, Fu Hua called Shao Bin's phone several times, and the voice that came was always saying that it was turned off.

Fu Hua panicked. He realized that something was wrong with him, so he hurriedly asked Luo Yu to check the account of the office. The bank replied that 16 million had been transferred. Fu Hua was even more unable to sit still. He drove to the Jingtian Company and ran to the Jingtian Company. The office building of the Jingtian Company was locked and the building was empty.

I asked the old man at the door. The old man said that since the people from the minefield company left on Friday, they never showed up again. It seems that they ran away. The bastard Shao Bin still owed him three months of wages.

The old man was still swearing, but Fu Hua was stunned by the news, his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

The old man was still swearing, but Fu Hua was stunned by the news, his legs softened and he sat on the ground.