
Chapter 69: Cover up


Fu Hua smiled and said, "You are a secretary who is not competent enough. You can even inquire about this kind of news."

Yu Bo glanced at Fu Hua and chuckled: "Director Fu, you don't need to say such cold words. You are my predecessor. You should understand the secretary’s hard work better than I do. Don’t you dare to stand up to the leadership’s instructions? Is it? Let’s just say that you are going to find Cuihai Community this time. I guess you must have guessed what you are looking for, but you haven’t done things after you ran?"

Fu Hua smiled, saying that he really meant to laugh at fifty steps.

From the conversation, Fu Hua knew in his heart that the aftermath in front of him was also a very smart person, so he smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, yes, we all serve as secretaries for the leadership, and sometimes we really can’t disobey the leadership However, sometimes in order to lead well, it is necessary to persuade certain behaviors. For example, about this cousin, you should appropriately remind Mayor Qu to make him understand that his behavior is not appropriate. It may endanger his leadership prestige."

Yu Bo smiled: "Director Fu, do you think I can persuade Mayor Qu?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Why not? I have been with Mayor Qu for eight years and understand that Mayor Qu is not a person who does not listen to others' opinions."

Yu Bo shook his head: "Director Fu, you think the question is too simple. You have to figure out first of all, when did you start with Mayor Qu, and when did I follow Mayor Qu."

Fu Hua asked strangely: "Does this make any difference?"

Yu Bo smiled and said: "This is a big difference. When you were with Mayor Qu, Mayor Qu was still a low-ranking deputy mayor. At that time, he was not aspiring, and he was very humble in everything he did. Naturally, he can follow the good. And me, when I was with Mayor Qu, he was already the second in command of Haichuan City. In Haichuan City, except for Secretary Sun, there was no second person who had a higher position than him. At this time, he was full of ambition and did it. He has his own opinions about everything. At this time, if a subordinate wants to give advice, you must first consider whether you have enough weight, otherwise, there will be no other end than to make him hate him."

Fu Hua had never thought about this. After thinking about it at this time, Yu Bo made sense. When he first became a secretary with Qu Wei, Qu Wei just transferred to Haichuan City. He was really humble. When he saw the staff of the city government greet him, he responded with a smile and asked them hello, even for some ages. Older comrades, he also took the initiative to shake hands with others and exchanged greetings, behaving very close to the people. When Qu Wei became the executive deputy mayor, he seldom took the initiative to shake hands with the comrades below. When people greeted him, he nodded and gestured and passed. When Qu Wei became the mayor, he turned a blind eye to his subordinates saying hello to him. He just walked past you with his head upright. Although he was smiling, the smile was not for any specific person. It was a general smile, which seemed to smile at everyone who greeted him, but in fact, maybe he didn't even look at the person who greeted him.

Fu Hua didn’t pay attention to these slight changes, but now he was reminded by Yu Bo that he realized that with the changes of the years and the promotion of his position, Qu Wei has actually changed a lot, just because he gets along with him day and night. Not aware of this imperceptibility.

But Fu Hua still didn't believe that Qu Wei couldn't listen to other people's opinions. As far as he felt, as long as he was right, Qu Wei always accepted it.

Fu Hua said: "I think Mayor Qu is not a person who does not listen to advice. Xiaoyu, you didn't think about it. Is there something wrong with your approach? Don't back down because of criticism. You have to know. The honor and disgrace of a secretary is closely linked to the leader he serves."

Yu Bo smiled: "I know that Director Fu wants to say that, but you have to be clear. I am different from you. You have served Mayor Qu for eight years, and you have established a very deep and strong relationship of trust. , And I’m new here, Mayor Qu is still in the stage of investigation for me, he has not yet established complete trust in me. Do you believe it or not, the same thing, you and I said to Mayor Qu separately, Could the result be the opposite?"

This aftermath is really smart enough to think of this level, but this person is too smart to be a good thing for Qu Wei, because he will speculate on Qu Wei's ideas, everything will meet Qu Wei, even if it is not good for Qu Wei itself thing.

However, Fu Hua had no way to criticize the aftermath. From the position of the aftermath, he probably felt that he could stand on his heels only when he met Qu Wei.

Fu Hua sighed: "I understand your situation. You have your own position. However, if there is something like Wang Yan, you can tell me that it is not convenient for you to persuade me. I will come."

Yu Bo hesitated: "This is not good, I'm afraid Mayor Qu will suspect that I will inform you."

Fu Hua sneered: "Don't always look forward and backward. I urge you to think about the most fundamental things. Everything about you is closely related to Mayor Qu. If Mayor Qu has an accident, I believe you are the first. The one who followed is unlucky. Everyone is smart, so I won’t say anything more in-depth.”

Yu Bo nodded: "Director Fu deserves to be an old secretary. You are right. I will let you know if there is a similar situation in the future."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "You and I have the same purpose. Everyone hopes that Mayor Qu will develop smoothly, so we should work together."

Yu Bo smiled and said, "I know."

Upstairs, in Wang Yan's room, after being warm, Wang Yan looked at Qu Wei and said, "Wei, let's have a baby. I'm too lonely by myself."

Qu Wei felt a little irritable when she heard Wang Yan said that she wanted a child: "Okay, don't force me, I told you to wait."

Wang Yan glanced at Qu Wei: "If I don't force you to divorce, just let me have a child. With your child by my side, my heart will be settled."

Qu Wei froze for a moment, and said to his heart, if you have no children, you are forcing me to divorce. If you have children, will you still force me to divorce even more? Besides, the child is a handle. If the opponent knows about this, I don't know how many articles will be published.

Qu Wei lowered his face and said solemnly: "No, no, no, I am a responsible man. I can't let my child live without a father. Yan, can you give me some time? Don't worry, live it. After this period of time, I will definitely give you an explanation."

Wang Yan couldn't force it anymore, she forced a smile: "Okay, Wei, I'll listen to you." Then she stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the room became embarrassing. Qu Wei looked at Wang Yan and said, "Fu Hua and Yu Bo are still waiting below. They will doubt if I stay, I'm leaving."

Wang Yan sighed and didn't say anything. She just helped Qu Wei get dressed. Qu Wei kissed Wang Yan on the cheek: "Okay, I'm leaving. The day after tomorrow, I will let Fu Hua come to pick you up. We will return together. Haichuan."

Although Qu Wei walking out of the corridor tried his best to conceal it, Fu Hua still saw what had happened between him and Wang Yan, and he couldn't help feeling sorry for Qu Wei. This is a mayor who manages a city with millions of people. It's really pitiful that he is hiding for a woman.

Qu Wei got into the car and said: "Go back."

Fu Hua started the car and drove back. Qu Wei leaned on the back seat to doze. Fu Hua and Yu Bo did not speak. There was silence inside the car, only the sound of the wind outside and the sound of cars passing by.

Arriving at the Media Center, Qu Wei and Yu Bo got out of the car. Fu Hua said to Qu Wei: "Mayor Qu, it's already late. I won't go up. You should rest early."

Qu Wei glanced at Fu Hua and said, "Are you going back in a hurry?"

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment, and quickly explained with a smile: "That's not true. I think you are already tired, so I won't disturb your rest."

Qu Wei said: "Come up with me if there is nothing wrong, I have something to tell you."

Fu Hua quickly got out of the car and followed Qu Wei into the Media Center. Qu Wei kept a straight face and didn't speak. Yu Bo and Fu Hua didn't dare to ask, they just followed behind Qu Wei.

Entering Qu Wei's room, Qu Wei told Yu Bo, "You help me and Fu Hua make two cups of tea."

Yu Bo made tea and gave it to the two of them. Qu Wei smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, you have been tired for a day, so let's take a rest."

Yu Bo left, Qu Wei picked up his teacup, took a sip of tea, and then said: "Fu Hua, how long have we not had a deep conversation together like this?"

Fu Hua smiled: "It's been a long time since you became the executive deputy mayor, you have been busy working all day, and you can't spare time to have tea and chat with me."

Qu Wei thought for a while: "Has it been that long? Why don't I think?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "When people get busy, time will pass quickly."

Qu Wei nodded: "Yes, it takes a blink of an eye. Hey, tell me about the work of your office. You haven't reported to me this time."

Fu Hua said: "The office is currently working fine and everything is normal."

Qu Wei leaned on the back of the sofa to make himself more comfortable, closed his eyes slightly, and said, "What about your hotel plan? How far is it going?"

Fu Hua said: "I am about to report to you. I have found a partner who is willing to invest in building a hotel with us."

Qu Wei opened his eyes and looked at Fu Hua and asked, "Is this reliable? Don't be like that minefield company, which wants to cooperate with you on the surface, but counts you privately."

Fu Hua smiled: "This company won't. This partner is Tonghui Group, which is very powerful. Their boss Zhao Kai has some personal friendship with me."

Qu Wei said: "Tonghui Group, a well-known private enterprise in China, is not bad. Since their boss is so good with you, when will he be dragged to Haichuan to see if he can invest in our Haichuan."

Fu Hua smiled: "It depends on the opportunity. The relationship between Zhao Kai and I is more personal. I am not so suitable to persuade him to invest in Haichuan, unless he has that kind of willingness."

Qu Wei came up with interest: "How about a private law? Let me talk about it."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I also want to tell you that I am dating Zhao Kai's daughter and I want to show it to you someday."