
Chapter 73: Two sides of the coin


Fu Hua smiled and said: "I don't care about these, just tell me, how much do you want to sell this land now?"

Shao Bin said: "Happy Director Fu, I don't want to make trouble anymore. Are we still performing according to the original contract? At that time, you will pay the bank 14 million yuan and interest, and the rest will be paid to Jingtian Company."

Fu Hua said: "Is Shao always thinking too simple? You and Yang Jun joined forces to give me the game. Who knows if you deliberately raised the price?"

Shao Bin froze for a moment: "Director Fu, it's boring for you to say that, right?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Does it mean that Mr. Shao understands better than me."

Shao Bin said: "Then Director Fu will make a price, and I will see if it can be accepted."

Fu Hua said, "How about fifteen million?"

Shao Bin smiled bitterly and said, "Then I remove the 14 million principal and interest from the bank, and I have nothing left. Director Fu, you can't leave me without any benefit, right?"

Fu Hua also thinks about it. If a little benefit is not given to Shao Bin, then he will not have the enthusiasm to deal with this land, so he smiled and said, "Then let's make a compromise, 15.5 million yuan, which is too much. No more."

Shao Bin said: "Director Fu, this is the Beijing Office, and it's not yours. Do you have to save half a million?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I am in charge of the Beijing Office. It can save a little bit."

Shao Bin said: "I'm afraid of you, just do what you said. When can you pay me?"

Fu Hua thought for a while. Now buying land is no longer just a matter of a Beijing-based office. This project is currently in cooperation with Tonghui Group. You need to talk to Zhao Kai and say: "I will inform others about this matter. Now, wait for my news."

Shao Bin hesitated and said, "Don't delay it for too long."

Fu Hua said: "Okay."

In the evening, Fu Hua went to Zhao Ting's house for dinner, and Zhao Kai also came back for dinner. Fu Hua talked to him about the result of his negotiation with Shao Bin and asked Zhao Kai's opinion.

Zhao Kai laughed after hearing it, "You have lost half a million, and you are starting to learn to be cruel, but it is not in place. In fact, you can cut down to 14 million and add interest to him."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I don't want to give Shao Bin any benefit, he will not actively cooperate with us."

Zhao Kai smiled and shook his head: "In fact, we don't need him to cooperate. If we don't pay the money when it expires, the bank has its own set of procedures for dealing with the collateral. If he does not cooperate, the bank may sell the land at a low price. For us, we may not spend 14 million at that time, and he will suffer."

Fu Hua said: "Don't it take time for the bank to deal with it. I want to cut the mess quickly, take the land down earlier, and don't have any branches."

Zhao Kai smiled: "After all, you still want to leave a way for Shao Bin, haha, you have to know that if mercy does not lead soldiers, righteousness does not control wealth, you need to be cruel to be big in the market. Okay, Now that you have promised him, then do it, and you can't be so soft-hearted next time."

Fu Hua said: "Okay, I will follow him tomorrow to get things done."

Zhao Kai said: "Tomorrow you don't go to Shao Bin. I have an appointment with a friend to play golf. Come with Xiaoting. As for the plot, you don't want to do it yourself. I will ask Yang from the group to go back. The lawyer will contact you and let him come forward. Now that we have finalized the framework for this kind of thing, let the lawyers implement the details. They are professionals and they are more experienced than us in doing this."

Fu Hua also felt that it would be more appropriate for a lawyer to come forward. The last time he was involved in the transaction was because he had not hired a professional, he was punished by Yang Jun, so he said, "Okay."

Zhao Ting smiled and asked, "Dad, who did you date to play golf?"

Zhao Kai said: "Gao Feng of Baihe Group."

Fu Hua froze for a moment, and said, "Gao Feng from Baihe Group? A tycoon of white goods?"

Zhao Kai smiled: "Have you heard of Gao Feng?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I saw him when I was playing golf with my friend. Does my uncle want to cooperate with him?"

Zhao Kai said: "We intend to cooperate on a project."

Fu Hua said: "I advise you to consider this matter carefully. Gao Feng is not very reliable."

Zhao Kai glanced at Fu Hua: "Did you know some news about Gao Feng?"

Fu Hua nodded and told Zhao Kai what Jia Hao had said about Gao Feng that day.

Zhao Ting said, "Dad, since Fu Hua said so, I don't think you should cooperate with Gao Feng? Be careful he lied to you."

Zhao Kai laughed: "Xiaoting, how is the operation of the shopping mall so simple? Tell you the truth, I have known what Fu Hua said, you think your father would dare to start talking to Gaofeng without doing a good job of investigation in advance. Cooperation?"

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment: "Since my uncle knows that this man has a problem with his way of doing things, why should he still cooperate with him?"

Zhao Kai smiled and shook his head: "Fu Hua, you haven't really set foot in the mall, and you are not very clear about the operating rules in the business world. Gao Feng has a problem, can you ask if there is any problem with doing business? I want to find a perfect partner who has no problems at all to cooperate with you. I am afraid that you will not be able to cooperate with others in your life. Let’s say you buy this piece of land. Shao Bin lied to you. Why are you still cooperating with him on the other hand? Think about the truth."

Fu Hua was said to be stunned. He pondered for a while and said: "I understand, what my uncle meant is that under the premise that the benefits can be expected and the risks are controllable, there is no need to be very harsh on the partners."

Zhao Kai nodded approvingly: "Russ can be taught. Xiaoting, your vision of choosing people is really good."

Zhao Ting smiled: "That is, you didn't see whose daughter it was."

Zhao Kai smiled and turned to Fu Hua and said: "Fu Hua, in fact, everyone has shortcomings. Even the greater the strengths, the greater the shortcomings. This is like the two sides of a coin, which are inseparable. Yes. People in shopping malls and people in officialdom are like that. If you can realize this, you will be able to understand more about many things."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It seems that I have a lot to learn."

Zhao Kai patted Fu Hua on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Study well, I am studying every day."

Fu Hua took a look at Zhao Kai. He somewhat understood why many companies in the same period had fallen. Tonghui Group alone was able to stand firm all the time. Those companies that had fallen were also stronger than Tonghui Group, and they also had back-end backgrounds. Tonghui Group is deep, but they don't have a wise leader like Zhao Kai, so they don't have a good direction leader.

Sometimes the rise and fall of an enterprise is often tied to one person. A good leader is an extremely lucky thing for an enterprise. He can bring prosperity to the enterprise. In ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad, there are many examples of prospering because of one person and declining because of the loss of one person.

This is particularly prominent in Chinese enterprises. Because of the feudal traditions that have been followed for thousands of years, many Chinese entrepreneurs actually prefer to regard their own enterprises as forbidden, hoping to be passed on by their children and grandchildren, so they often Focus on cultivating their own children. This is very different from the mature business operation methods in the West.

The next day, holding Gao Feng's soft hand, Fu Hua smiled and said, "Gao Dong, we meet again."

Gao Feng couldn't remember Fu Hua anymore, so he smiled, "Excuse me, where have we seen it?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Dong Gao is a real noble person who forgets things. We met once at the Beijing International Golf Club in Changping. I played golf with my senior brother Jia Hao and met you."

Gao Feng still didn't think about it, and said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, I still can't remember your name."

Zhao Kai smiled on the side: "Let me introduce him. His name is Fu Hua, the director of Haichuan Beijing Office."

Gao Feng squeezed his hand twice again, and said with a smile: "Don't be surprised, Director Fu, I have a lot of people to meet every day, and I really don't have the brain to remember everyone."

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "Fu Hua, Gao Dong is right, I can't remember everyone's name, unless he can leave a deep impression on me."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "This is also human nature, human nature."

Zhao Kai introduced Zhao Ting again, Zhao Ting smiled and shook hands with Gao Feng, and asked Uncle Gao hello.

The four of them left the scene. Zhao Kai and Gao Feng wanted to talk about something, so the two got closer together. Fu Hua didn’t have much to talk to Gao Feng, so they got together with Zhao Ting, and Zhao Ting paid back from time to time. Give pointers to Fu Hua's golf play.

After a game, it was approaching noon, and they went to take a shower and stayed in the club for lunch. Gao Feng and Zhao Kai have basically negotiated a framework for their cooperation, and the specific details need to be resolved by their respective ministries. Therefore, during lunch, they just talked about them and did not discuss cooperation issues.

Gao Feng also roughly guessed the relationship between Fu Hua and Zhao Ting. Because of Zhao Kai’s relationship, he was also interested in Fu Hua, so he asked: "By the way, Xiao Fu, Zhao Dong just said that you are the director of the Beijing Office. , Where is it from?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Haichuan City."

Gao Feng glanced at Fu Hua and asked, "Is this Haichuan City in Donghai Province?"

Fu Hua felt very dissatisfied with Gao Feng. Obviously, Zhao Kai didn’t listen carefully when he introduced himself just now, indicating that although this guy saw him for the second time, he still didn’t take himself seriously, and said, “Yes. It seems that there is no second Haichuan City."

Gao Feng said, "Hey, does Haichuan have an enterprise that produces passenger cars? What is called Haitong Bus, right?"

Haichuan is an enterprise that produces passenger cars, and it is indeed called Haitong Bus. However, this bus company is not well-known in the country. This is because although it is said to produce passenger cars, in fact, even if it is basically assembled passenger cars, Haitong Automobile itself only produces passenger car chassis and shells, and the engine and transmission system are purchased from others. The company's, and then install it on the chassis, even if it is a Haitong bus.

These are what Fu Hua once saw when inspecting with Qu Wei. It is precisely because Haitong Bus does not have mature technology, the product has not been sold, but it is mandatory for the government to be a special vehicle for buses in Haichuan City.