
Chapter 83: Still fresh in my memory


After the discussion, Wu Wen smiled and stretched out her hand, and said to Wang Yan, Sister Wang, happy cooperation.

Seeing that it was possible to pack six million into her pocket so easily, Wang Yan was also very happy, smiled and held Wu Wen's hand, saying, happy cooperation.

Wu Wen said, I will talk to other people in the company later, and when they agree to sign the agreement, they will send a one million deposit.

Wang Yan said, okay, don't worry, I will do this for you.

The next night, Qu Wei went to the community where Wang Yan lived. When he saw Wang Yan, Qu Wei said unhappily, "What happened to you last night? Why did you call my house?"

Wang Yan said stiffly, I was calling your cell phone. How do I know that you are at home? Besides, aren’t you sleeping in a separate room with your wife? What are you afraid of

Qu Wei said, let's not talk about it, what do you show off with the relationship of my cousin? You also know that this is used to cover up the relationship between us, and it is not true.

Wang Yan said, how do I know where she learned that I am your cousin? Don’t you sometimes introduce me like that in front of others? Besides, isn't it because she is a big merchant who came to Haichuan to invest, do you want to win her over for you

Qu Wei couldn't talk about Wang Yan, so he had to say, okay, this matter ends here, let's not take it as an example. Eh, what did she want to do with you? Does she want to have a relationship with you and ask me for something

Wang Yan hadn’t gotten Wu Wen’s one million, and she didn’t want to tell Wu Wen about the land acquisition. Maybe Wu Wen regretted it again later, so she said, no, that’s what she met at the wine table. A friend, I feel very close to her. We are all women, and we all work hard on our own in society. We all know that women are not easy, and we feel the same, and we feel that each other is very kind.

Qu Wei looked at Wang Yan, it's that simple

Wang Yan said with a guilty conscience, why are you like this? It seems that anyone in contact with me has a conspiracy. It's that simple.

Qu Wei said, it's better to be as simple as that. Let me tell you, these businessmen have eyes on the top of their heads, and they are very shrewd. She might be making some horrible idea when she turns around you. I can warn you that you are not allowed to greet the comrades under my banner. Qu Wei has been cautious for a long time, but I don't want to be bad because of you.

Wang Yan looked at Qu Wei's face, Qu Wei's face was serious, and her heart was stunned. Qu Wei always said that he was the same. He warned himself that maybe he would not help himself with the thing Wu Wen was going to do. . I couldn't help but regret it. I shouldn't have listened to Yu Bo's tricks last night and rashly agreed to Wu Wen to communicate with Qu Wei.

But Wang Yan was not willing to give up. After running it, it would be a huge income. How many years would it take to earn a hotel by herself, so she was half joking, half tentatively saying, what if I did this

Qu Wei looked at Wang Yan's eyes and asked seriously, are you serious

Wang Yan clearly saw a murderous aura in Qu Wei's eyes, she was stunned, she couldn't help but smiled with a guilty conscience, "I was joking with you, how could I do such a thing?"

Qu Wei sneered and said, you had better be joking, otherwise...

Wang Yan was upset. She felt that Qu Wei shouldn't treat her like this. She followed him without asking for anything in return. He should be better at himself, so he asked calmly, otherwise what

Qu Wei said, otherwise our relationship should be over, and I hate my woman doing it the most.

Listening to Qu Wei talking about the end, Wang Yan was annoyed. She said to her heart that it’s no wonder that you have been refusing to divorce. It turns out that you already had the idea of ending with me, so you shouted, I knew you had abandoned me and wanted to find a reason. Leave me alone, right? Don't say I haven't asked you anything, even if I have requested it, it should be. You touch your conscience, I have been with you for so long, have you given me anything? Are you worthy of me

Qu Wei didn't expect that Wang Yan's reaction would be so intense, so he smiled bitterly. I'm just a hypothesis. You don't need to be so angry, right

Wang Yan said, of course I am going to be angry. After I followed you, not only did I get no benefit, but I had to be careful everywhere, and I had to cover this and conceal that. I can accept all these hard work. Why would I like you? ? I shouldn't have worked so hard, you not only don't appreciate me, but also come to doubt me.

When Wang Yan cried aggrievedly, Qu Wei knew that he owed this woman a lot, so he couldn't help but embarrassed her and took her into his arms, and said with a smile, okay, okay, it’s me, I shouldn’t I'm sorry if you doubt you, I know you won't do it.

Am I easy to me? With that, Wang Yan thought about it and felt wronged, and she burst into tears in Qu Wei's arms.

Qu Wei had no choice but to keep talking, and it took a long time for Wang Yan to stop sobbing slowly.

Qu Wei's stomach was already full of fire at this time, but he had to force it, and his mood became very bad. When he came to Wang Yan, he originally wanted to find a haven for shelter from the wind. He didn't expect that Wang Yan would be more troublesome if he was unreasonable, and he began to feel bored.

Qu Wei wanted to withdraw and go back immediately, but he was afraid that Wang Yan would annoy him more, so he suppressed his anger and stayed. That night, the two of them lost the mood of Yushui Huan, although they were still lying on a bed, they were back to back in anger. Qu Wei once wanted to hug Wang Yan into his arms, but Wang Yan pushed his hand away. He turned around angrily and ignored Wang Yan no longer.

The two tossed and turned, and did not sleep for a long time. Qu Wei understands that Wang Yan in front of him is no longer the Wang Yan who knew him when she said nothing was required. She has changed a lot and is increasingly dissatisfied with the status quo, making him a little bit wondering how to deal with it.

Qu Wei thought of Fu Hua's conversation with him at the Media Center in Beijing that night. At that time, Fu Hua asked him what he really wanted? At that time, he was falling into Wang Yan's tenderness, unable to extricate himself, so he couldn't think clearly. Is it really time to think about what he wants

It seems that it is impossible to find a woman who does not ask for anything and can give herself a warm feeling. At least this is not Wang Yan, and choosing this woman will definitely endanger her career. Is it necessary to maintain a certain relationship with this woman? Distance

Qu Wei is a man who has high expectations for himself. When he was a boy, he had the desire to have a family, govern the country, and make the world peaceful. His current development momentum is also good, and he wants to make a difference in Haichuan. It is very difficult for him to give up his career development at this time, not to mention that he is not a gentle and romantic man, and he does not regard women as everything in his life.

Qu Wei secretly decided to follow Fu Hua's suggestion, and began to keep a distance from Wang Yan, and gradually cold her, until the relationship was completely broken.

When Wang Yan woke up in the morning, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning. I don't know when Qu Wei left. Qu Wei has always left early to cover his eyes.

After waking up, Wang Yan had regrets in her heart. She didn't know what was wrong with her last night. She wanted to coax Qu Wei and begged him to help Wu Wen prepare for her, but she was awkward with him all night. God is so evil, and he is willing to twist with people's original ideas in any arrangement.

Washing her face lazily, Wang Yan dressed up hastily, and then went to the hotel. Just after sitting down in the office, someone knocked on the door and Wang Yan called in.

Wu Wen walked in with a smile on her face and said, Sister Wang, the shareholders of our company have agreed. He said that he put the password box that he brought with him on Wang Yan's desk and opened it. Inside were stacks of hundred-yuan bills with two pieces of paper on top.

Wu Wen took out the two pieces of white paper and put it in front of Wang Yan, and pushed the lockbox open again, saying, Sister Wang, this agreement is signed, and the million will be handed over to you.

Wu Wen's actions were done in one go. Wang Yan didn't react for a moment. She woke up for a long time, and said with a smile that her sister is really quick to do things, and she sent the money so quickly.

Wang Yan was warned by Qu Wei last night. In the morning, she was still hesitating whether to participate in this matter. After all, she likes Qu Wei, so she cares about his feelings. But at this moment, one million bright red RMB is placed. In front of her, it was the first time she saw so much cash, and she was a little shaken.

Wang Yan reached out to touch the renminbi in the box, the brand-new renminbi, it felt smooth and comfortable. This comfort penetrated into her heart, and a voice could not help but sounded in her mind, this is mine, this is mine.

Wu Wen looked at Wang Yan with cold eyes. She saw that the expression on Wang Yan's face changed, and she understood Wang Yan's mood at this time. Few people can refuse the temptation of such a large sum of money. Back then, she also experienced the same test as today. At that time, like Sun Ying, she first went to the fairyland nightclub as a service lady. A wealthy businessman who often went to the fairyland nightclub was fascinated by her beauty and tried every means to pursue her. , But she wanted to guard her body like a jade at the time, just to show off to the wealthy businessman. After half a year of chasing after the wealthy businessman, he didn’t succeed. In the end, he resorted to his assassin. He also took a lockbox like this and opened it in front of her. He said to her, "One million, I will buy you to stay with me for the night. Why do you?" When I saw this situation, I was dazzled all of a sudden. I also touched the hundred-yuan bill and refused to look away. There was a voice in my heart saying, "One million, what a lot of money is this." Is it mine? How long does it take to be a waiter by myself to earn? Maybe I won't make so much money in my life. So under the temptation of this million, she gave up all the lines of defense and let the wealthy businessman undress her...

Although Wu Wen has more than one million fortune now, the temptation of the red one million in cash at the time is still fresh in my memory. Putting one million in the bank is just a number, and it doesn't make sense. It is a real temptation to put it in front of you in piles and piles.