
Chapter 89: Abnormal


Wu Wen suddenly felt that she was a bit blind to believe in Wang Yan so much. Although Wang Yan asked her to talk to Qu Wei on the phone, Qu Wei did not promise anything on the phone. It was a bit rash to just give one million to Wang Yan. . Especially after Wang Yan received one million, when she talked about the acquisition of the land in the middle section of Haibin Avenue, she became hesitant and procrastinated again and again for excuses.

Wu Wen couldn't sit still, so she found Haiwen Hotel, but the lady at the front desk said that the boss had left Haichuan and went to another place, and she didn't know when she would be back. Wu Wen was stunned, what's the matter? How could Wang Yan leave Haichuan without saying hello? What should I do with my own business

Wu Wen quickly dialed Yu Bo's phone, Yu Mi, did you know that Wang Yan left Haichuan

Yu Bo said in a low voice, I'm in the office now, let's meet and talk later.

Wu Wen is anxious, what is going on when we meet

Yu Bo said, let’s have dinner together at noon, and then I will tell you, okay

Wu Wen said unhappily, okay, see you at noon.

At noon, in the private room of the hotel, Wu Wen saw Yu Bo and asked, where did Wang Yan go

Yu Bo smiled bitterly, I don't know now.

Wu Wen is on fire, hey, Yu Mi, you don't know what it is? Don't forget, you introduced me to Wang Yan, and based on my trust in you, I gave Wang Yan one million.

Yu Bo quickly waved at Wu Wen and said, okay, don't worry, I tell you, I only know that Wang Yan left Haichuan not because of hiding from you. She quarreled with Mayor Qu, and she was hiding from Mayor Qu.

Wu Wen is very surprised. What is the reason for her cousin quarreling with her cousin? Does it need to escape the sea

Yu Bo said, at this point, let me be honest with you, they are not cousins, they are lovers.

Wu Wen looked at Yu Bo and said dissatisfied that you were lying to me from the beginning.

Yu Bo said, I didn't mean to lie to you, but they publicly claimed that they were cousins, and I couldn't tell you the truth. I thought you were well informed and could see their relationship.

Wu Wen said, leave it alone, do you know why they quarreled

Yu Bo said, I don't know the specific reason, I only know that Qu Wei is also looking for her now.

Wu Wen looked at Yu Bo. It wasn't because Qu Wei didn't want to do that part of me, and they fell out, right

Yu Bo smiled awkwardly. He also highly suspected that it was the reason Wu Wen said, but he was an intermediary and was involved, so he didn't want to bring the focus to this when there is no basis, so he said, probably not. Yes, it may be that Wang Yan forced Qu Wei to divorce. Last time they quarreled with Wang Yan and ran to Beijing because of the divorce. By the way, did Wang Yan go to Beijing

Yu Bo didn't know that Qu Wei had asked Zhang Min to go to Beijing to look for it, but he didn't find it. That's why he said this.

Wu Wen said, went to Beijing? you sure

The aftermath said a little bit, I guess it should be.

Wu Wen said, then I will go to Beijing to find her.

Yu Bo said, don't be so hurry, right

Wu Wen said, "Don't worry, I have given her one million for a while, and now she doesn't know when to come back, how would you tell me to explain to the company?" Alright, do you know her address in Beijing

Yu Bo said that in the Cuihai community in Changping, Director Fu knew that he had been there.

Wu Wen said, I'll go to Fu Hua.

Fu Hua was negotiating with the construction party about the project on the construction site. After receiving a call from Wu Wen, Wu Wen asked, where are you

Fu Hua smiled and said, I am on a construction site in Chaoyang, what's the matter

Wu Wen said, you tell me the specific address, and I will come to you.

Fu Hua gave his address. After a while, Wu Wen's BMW car drove into the construction site. Fu Hua greeted him. When did he return to Beijing

Wu Wen said that she came back yesterday. Get in the car and go out with me.

Fu Hua got in the car, where are you going

Wu Wen said, to the Cuihai community in Changping, you will lead the way.

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment. Why did you get involved with Wang Yan

Wu Wen said, hey, it's hard to say a word, you can take me to find her first.

Fu Hua said, don't go, it's useless to go, Wang Yan didn't return to Beijing this time.

Wu Wen looked at Fu Hua, how did you know that Wang Yan was not back.

Fu Hua said, I only went to look for it two days ago, and the neighbor said that she hadn't come back for a long time.

Wu Wen said, Mayor Qu sent someone to find her

Fu Hua said, yes, how do you know, oh, I understand, Yu Bo told you.

Wu Wen said, you were wrong. Yu Bo told me that Wang Yan might have come to Beijing, and I hurried back.

Fu Hua was a little surprised, doesn't even Yu Bo know why Wang Yan ran away this time

Wu Wen asked, do you know

Fu Hua shook his head. I don't know that the people sent by Mayor Qu this time were mysterious and refused to disclose the reason.

Wu Wen sighed, it seems that it might be because of me.

Fu Hua glanced at Wu Wen, how could it be because of you

Wu Wen said, Fu Hua, I shouldn't have to take that piece of waterfront promenade without listening to you.

Wu Wen talked about the ins and outs of the matter, and then said that this time Qu Wei quarreled with Wang Yan. I guess the biggest possibility was that Wang Yan and Qu Wei made my request, but Qu Wei firmly rejected it, and Wang Yan didn’t see any profit. When I got my money, I fell out with Qu Wei.

Fu Hua glanced at Wu Wen, Mr. Wu, what do you want me to say? I can't get familiar with Qu Wei anymore. He will not violate his principles at work.

Wu Wen said irritably, okay, okay, I was angry that you refused to help me and wanted to show you something like this. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

Fu Hua said, seeing Wang Yan and Qu Wei falling out this time, Qu Wei will not do this thing anymore. When you look back, you can quickly get the money back.

Wu Wen said, okay, can I give up? Now the key is where can I find Wang Yan

Fu Hua said, don't you still have your godfather over there

Wu Wen said that if Wang Yan is fine in Beijing, there is nothing I can do without my godfather.

Fu Hua said, if you really didn't recruit you, you had to go back to Haichuan and wait.

Wu Wen said, Wang Yan will return to Haichuan

Fu Hua said that she still has a hotel in Haichuan, and she will definitely go back after she is relieved.

Wu Wen smiled bitterly. She has taken me one million now, which is enough to be outside for a while. This stinky lady made me stunned. Annoyed me, I reported her fraud.

Fu Hua was afraid that this matter would involve Qu Wei, and hurriedly stopped him and said, no, it would hurt Qu Wei. Besides, if you report a report, can your company still fit in in Haichuan

Wu Wen looked at Fu Hua, too, sorry, you reminded me that this piece of land cannot be taken, I still have some opinions on you, now it seems that this piece of land is more troublesome.

Fu Hua said, it's nothing, I just know Qu Wei's personality better than you. In fact, you don't need to worry about this matter. Wang Yan also has a hotel in Haichuan, which can't be lost by a million.

Wu Wen smiled bitterly and said, to be honest, I don't care about this million, I think I was deceived by such a woman. Okay, I'll listen to you, go back to Haichuan and wait for her news.

Fu Hua said that it may not be long. I don't know what caused Wang Yan to do this, but I know that Qu Wei will not let her go on like this.

Wu Wen said, I know.

Fu Hua got out of the car, and Wu Wen drove away. Fu Hua became more nervous. This time he didn't even know what was going on after the wave, and Qu Wei seemed to be in serious trouble.

Fu Hua was anxious. After a few days, he called Ding Yi who was in Haichuan. After a few chats, he pretended to ask unintentionally, I have not been in Haichuan for a while. Is there anything wrong with Haichuan

Ding Yi said, nothing happened, everything is normal.

If Qu Wei had something wrong with Ding Yi, Ding Yi should be able to know, Fu Hua was secretly surprised that the incident between Qu Wei and Wang Yan didn't even reveal any wind.

Fu Hua smiled and said, there is no best.

Ding Yi said, have you met Director Jia recently

Fu Hua said, I haven't contacted him recently when I was busy on the construction site. How about your listing

Ding Yi said that our listing is proceeding step by step. Director Tija, I told you, because his Qiusheng script has been completed and he is rehearsing intensively. He didn't ask you for any advice

Fu Hua laughed and said, I don't know Peking Opera very well, and there are so many experts guarding it, why come to consult me.

In a flash, more than half a month passed. Fu Hua received a call from Wu Wen. On the phone, Wu Wen said that Wang Yan was back.

Fu Hua said, "Just come back. Have you ever negotiated with her about your affairs?"

Wu Wen said that after talking about a little bit, she said that she was still working on the matter, so let me give her a little more time.

Fu Hua said, do you agree

Wu Wen said, I agree.

Fu Hua said, how can you agree? You know that she can't do it.

Wu Wen said, "You don't know Fu Hua, Wang Yan's whole body has changed when she came back this time, and she is very weak. I can't bear to see it. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to spend this million, so let her take it easy for a while. Time.

Fu Hua said, what happened

Wu Wen said, I don't know, Wang Yan refused to say, but she seemed to be tossed so hard that she was weak in speaking. You stinky men are really not a thing, so a lively woman has been made like this.

Fu Huaxin said that this was not my job, but if she could tell Wu Wen would scold Qu Wei, she smiled and said, okay, as long as your money is okay, it's fine. I'll hang up.

Wu Wen hung up the phone. Fu Hua's mystery couldn't be solved, so he was bored in his heart.

At night, in the Haiyi Hotel, Wang Yan's office, Wang Yan leaned back on the sofa, her eyes slightly closed, her face lifeless and very haggard.

When someone knocked on the door, Wang Yan called in. The waiter at the front desk came in and said, Mr. Wang and Secretary Sun Yong are here for dinner.

Wang Yan said without expression, well, I know, you can go out.

The waiter was stunned for a moment. Usually Wang Yan would be very happy to know that there are important people coming to eat, and the waiter in the lounge will pay attention to the dishes to a certain extent and inform her that she will go to toast. Today is really abnormal.