
Chapter 92: Shame


Although both parties died down, the matter did not completely settle down, and it developed in another direction.

The political arena was originally a popular place for gossip. People discovered that Qu Wei no longer appeared in Haiyi Hotel. Soon, the matter of Wang Yan reporting Qu Wei in the province spread in the political and business circles of Haichuan, and people were making pictures. While Ying was talking about the affair between Qu Wei and Wang Yan, many people began to alienate Wang Yan, and Wang Yan's hotel was no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

Sun Yong knew the specific situation of Wang Yan's report in the province at the first time. He was very angry that Wang Yan did not continue the trouble, and since the trouble broke out, this anticlimactic woman seemed to be of no use value, so Some activities can no longer be arranged in Haiyi Hotel.

Haiyi Hotel has become more and more deserted. In the past, the situation of getting into the gold is no longer. Wang Yan even needs to use her savings to maintain the operation of the hotel. She began to call around to solicit past guests to eat, but many guests know what happened between her and Qu Wei. They At the beginning, it was also due to Qu Wei's factors. At this time, he fell out with Qu Wei, and naturally turned away from her. The hotel's management was in a dilemma.

This world is like this. There are many icing on the cake, and there are few people giving charcoal in the snow. Wang Yan has really seen the warmth of human feelings.

But the trouble didn’t stop there. Wu Wen quickly learned about it. Now that Wang Yan and Qu Wei had a fallout, she couldn’t help Haiwen Property to acquire the land in the middle section of the seaside avenue. Naturally, she should also buy a hundred Wan quit.

So Wu Wen came to ask Wang Yan to refund the money.

But Wang Yan had already spent part of this million, so she found all kinds of excuses to delay paying back the money.

After two visits, Wu Wen became a little impatient. She found Yu Bo, Yu Mi, see who you introduced me to? Now Wang Yan is holding my money and doesn't return it to me. What do you say to me

Yu Bo was surprised by the development of things like this. He didn't expect that Qu Wei would suddenly turn his face with Wang Yan, which caught him by surprise. But he has already received Wu Wen's money, and he is entangled with this matter, and can no longer stay out of the matter.

Yu Bo's head is getting bigger. He is very afraid that Wu Wen will be angry with him if he can't get the money. He can only use a slow strategy to stabilize Wu Wen first. Don't worry, Mr. Wu, you give me some time, I will help you deal with it, OK

Wu Wen glanced at Yu Bo, Yu Bo, you'd better deal with it as soon as possible. My partner is a bit impatient. You turn around and tell Wang Yan that my patience is limited, but I have an agreement signed by her with me, which is really not good. Then we only have to see you in court.

Yu Bo smiled, Mr. Wu, Shaoan, don't be impatient, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible.

Wu Wen said, well, I am waiting for your news, but I hope it won't be too long.

Yu Bo rushed to Wang Yan's office in a hurry, and as soon as they met, he said, "Sister Wang, Wu Wen's one million you'd better return it to her immediately."

Wang Yan glanced at Yu Bo, Yu Bo, you haven't shown up with me for a long time, so you are so embarrassed to meet and urge me to pay back

Yu Bo smiled dryly, Sister Wang, I know you hate Mayor Qu Wei, I understand this, but you shouldn't sue him in the province. What if you sue him for a long time? Qu Wei was disgraced by you, but he didn't hurt his nerves or bones. On the contrary, many people know that you and Mayor Qu have fallen out, and they naturally refuse to come to you again. As for me, you should also know that I am Mayor Qu’s secretary. If I continue to eat here, what will Mayor Qu think of me? So hope you can understand.

Wang Yan smiled bitterly, okay, you all have your own difficulties, but I, Wang Yan, should be unlucky, right? Let me tell you now, I also have difficulties. I am in a poor state of operation of the hotel. I have used up the money, and I am not up for it. I hope you can understand.

Yu Bo is in a hurry, Sister Wang, you can't do this. It was said that if you couldn't help this matter, the money would be returned.

Wang Yan spread her hands, why can't I do this? When the money is in my hands, I have the right to spend it. Anyway, I can’t refund the money now, so please do whatever you like.

Yu Bo said, Sister Wang, aren't you shameless

Wang Yan glanced at Yu Bo suspiciously, Yu Bo, saying that even if I spend the money, it is between me and Wu Wen. Why are you so anxious? Oh, I see, you also took Wu Wen's money, right

Yu Bo was stunned for a moment, and then denied that, no, what am I doing with her money? I just think that I am the middleman in this matter of you, and I have an obligation to help Wu Wen get the money back.

Wang Yan smiled, who are you lying to? If it wasn't for Wang Yan to buy you, can you bring her here? Only you know the relationship between me and Qu Wei. You are not bought out. Can you let Wu Wen find me at the risk of being told by Qu Wei that you leaked the wind

Yu Bo looked at Wang Yan, smiled and shook his head, Sister Wang, aren't you smart, why did you go out and sue Mayor Qu for such a stupid thing

Wang Yan smiled bitterly. I was out of anger and lost my mind for a while.

Yu Bo said, I'm afraid it's not that simple, right

Wang Yan said, why isn't it that simple

Yu Bo said that there is a legend that when Sister Wang came back from Yunzhou, she had seen Secretary Sun Yong alone, and then you told the mayor of Qu, which inevitably made people think.

Wang Yan didn't want to admit that she was instigated by Sun Yong at the time. You people would catch the wind and catch the shadows. I was sick that day, and Secretary Sun came to see me.

Yu Bo smiled, Secretary Sun was really good, Sister Wang was sick, and he came to see you.

Wang Yan said, don't laugh so ambiguously, can't I have other friends except Qu Wei

Yu Bo said, okay, it's all right. I ask you, what exactly do you plan on Wu Wen's money? I can tell you that there is an agreement between you, so be careful when she goes to court to sue you.

Wang Yan sighed, Yu Secret, I don't want to rely on her account, but I really can't return the money to her all at once. I have indeed used up part of it.

Yu Bo said, how do you want to solve it? Can't you just drag it like this

Wang Yan knew in her heart that the more money she dragged on, the more money she would spend, but if she paid it back, she would have no hope. She couldn't watch Haiyi Hotel fail, right

Wang Yan said, I'm in a mess now, and I don't know what to do. Yu Secret, you found this trouble for me. Come and think of a solution.

Wang Yan also hated Yubo in her heart at this time. It was not that he took Wu Wen to see herself. The relationship between herself and Qu Wei would be much simpler, and maybe there would not be so many things. Since the aftermath is also involved in this matter, he simply drags him to find a way to solve it. If it can't be solved, he don't want to get through it easily.

Yu Bo smiled bitterly, Sister Wang, you spent the money, what can I think of

Wang Yan smiled and said, didn't you also take Wu Wen's money? Would you like to pay me a little first

Yu Bo smiled with anger, Sister Wang, are you kidding me? I took Wu Wen’s 20,000 yuan, even if I took it all out, wouldn’t it be enough

Wang Yan smiled, you can't do it, then I can't do it, forget it, just wait for Wu Wen to go to the court to sue me. Don't worry, I won't tell you that you took Wu Wen's money in court.

Yu Bo smiled bitterly, Sister Wang, are you driving me to a dead end

Wang Yan smiled, I don't have it, I will keep it secret for you.

Yu Bo said, you know that Wu Wen will definitely not let me go if you know that.

Wang Yan said, it doesn't matter to me. You ask for your blessings.

Yu Bo slapped the table with anger, pointed at Wang Yan and called out, you...

He was panicked and anxious, his face flushed as he sat there, and for a moment he was speechless.

Wang Yan looked at Yu Bo. She was really afraid that he would come out in a hurry, so she quickly said, "Don't worry, Yu Mi, things haven't reached that point yet."

Yu Bo smiled bitterly and said, wait until that step is over.

Wang Yan said, think of a way to talk to Wu Wen and let her wait.

Yu Bo said, wait, will you have a solution

Wang Yan said, yes, I have turned my face with Qu Wei now, and I can't find anyone who can do this for the time being. This is just a slow-down.

Yu Bo suddenly thought of something, something wrong, there is still someone who can do this, why don't you think about him, Sister Wang

Wang Yan asked, who is it

Yu Bo said, Who else could be in Haichuan City, Secretary Sun, besides Qu Wei, only Secretary Sun had this ability. Didn't you say that you were sick and Secretary Sun came to see you? Why don't you take advantage of this friendship

Wang Yan glanced at Yu Bo, feeling a little disgusted in her heart. This guy wanted to ask him to ask Qu Wei's political opponents for help in order to save herself. Has he forgotten that he is Qu Wei's secretary? However, it seems that what he said also makes sense. In the current situation, only Sun Yong can save his own emergency.

But Sun Yong hasn't come to eat some days, will he take care of himself? Wang Yan had no bottom in her heart.

When Yu Bo saw Wang Yan groaning silently, he said anxiously, Sister Wang, don't hesitate at this time.

Wang Yan smiled bitterly and said, I am not hesitating, I am afraid it will be useless to find him.

Yu Bo said, "Try it, you can't just sit and wait for death, right?"

Wang Yan said, OK, let me try.

Yu Bo said, then you as soon as possible, I ran out of the air, I must go back quickly, don't let Mayor Qu find me angry. After you communicate with Secretary Sun, call me so I can talk to Wu Wen.

Wang Yan said, okay, you go.

Yu Bo walked outside, took two steps, and then turned around and said, Secretary Sun might not be able to say what he said alone, probably you haven't spent all of Wu Wen's money, you can use your brains on this.

Wang Yan said, OK, I know how to do it.

Seeing that Yu Bo is gone, Wang Yan dialed Sun Yong's cell phone and connected. Wang Yan hurriedly smiled and said, hello, Secretary Sun.

The other party said, hello, who are you

Although it was also a man's voice, it was obviously not Sun Yong. Wang Yan was taken aback and said, I am Wang Yan from Haiyi Hotel, who are you