
Chapter 94: It's ghostly


Wu Wen pumped her hand, and Sun Yong was also a little embarrassed, let go, everyone sit down.

After sitting down, Sun Yong said, Mr. Wu, Wang Yan told me about your business in general. I came to you today to find out some specific situations. Don’t worry, if it is feasible, I will definitely help you win this. project.

Wu Wen talked about the reasons for wanting to take this land and her idea of building a villa here. Sun Yong said, your project is a good idea, I appreciate it, and I will greet the relevant departments and let them handle it as appropriate. .

When Wu Wen heard Sun Yong say this, she was very happy. She didn't care so much about Sun Yong's sullen eyes. She smiled and said, then I would like to thank Secretary Sun first.

Sun Yong smiled, Mr. Wu was polite. Your investment in Haichuan is a good thing for our Haichuan City. I should thank you.

Wu Wen immediately let go of her heart, and the original depression was wiped out. She set foot in society, most of the time everything was smooth sailing, but when she was alone as the leader, Wang Yan was turned into twists and turns, and she felt depressed. Now the sorrow is gone, and finally I see the light. In the morning of the next day, Wu Wen notified Fu Hua of the news. At first, it meant something that you said could not be done, but I did it. Secondly, when she returned to Beijing last time, she told her about her situation. Fu Hua, the situation is good now. Fu Hua knows that it is easy to be relieved.

After Fu Hua listened, he didn't speak for a long time. Wu Wen was a little anxious. What's wrong? Any questions

Fu Hua said, things are not as simple as you think. Even if Sun Yong promises you sincerely, he will not be able to pass Qu Wei's level.

Wu Wen said, why do you say that, isn't the secretary older than the mayor? Why can't he pass the mayor's pass

Fu Hua said with a smile, you don’t understand how the officialdom works. The secretary of the municipal party committee is in charge of cadres, while the mayor is in charge of specific administrative affairs. You have to purchase this land, which is the jurisdiction of the municipal government, Sun Yong thinks To help you succeed, you must get the consent of the city government. As far as I can see, Qu Wei will not agree to this matter, and your deadlock is still unresolved.

Wu Wen said in disbelief, no, I know that the secretary of the municipal party committee is the number one, and your mayor Qu Wei can't help but listen to him.

Fu Hua smiled and said, Wu Wen, can you listen to me and take back the one million and give up this land.

Wu Wen sighed, I think too, but I don't think that Wang Yan seems to be able to pay my money yet, so I have no choice.

Fu Hua said, oh, yes, then you have to deal with that Sun Yong carefully, he is no better than Qu Wei, and I can figure out what Qu Wei is thinking, this Sun Yong is not that simple.

Wu Wen smiled and said, this Sun Yong is a pervert, holding my hand and refusing to let it go, showing no demeanor at all.

Fu Hua was very surprised by this. Sun Yong's greedy gossip hadn't been circulated in Haichuan's political circles. Sun Yong in his mind was still very orthodox, and he smiled casually when he saw a woman. But greedy sex is the nature of men, especially those who are like Wu Wen. Generally, men are heart-moving, so you have to be more careful. This guy is not easy to deal with.

Wu Wen smiled and said, I still have a way to deal with this kind of person.

Fu Hua also wanted to say not to despise Sun Yong, and was a little afraid that Wu Wen would bother him, so he had to laugh.

Because of Sun Yong's care, Wang Yan's hotel regained its vitality. People who are accustomed to speculation see that Sun Yongchang arranges some activities in the Haiyi Hotel. They secretly admire Wang Yan's superb skills. Yi Hotel is here for dinner.

Qu Wei heard the wind and became more convinced that Wang Yan's report to the provincial capital was Sun Yong's arrangement. He was even more upset about the collusion between Sun Yong and Wang Yan, but he and Wang Yan had broken all contact and could no longer interfere. , I had to be cautious about twelve points, cautiously dealing with the situation that has become worse.

Since Sun Yong met Wu Wen that day, there has been one more worry. How can such a beautiful and outstanding woman kiss Fangze? Unexpectedly, there is such a beauty in Haichuan, why didn't you notice it before

There is a great opportunity now. Wu Wen is asking herself, can she find a chance to arrange her good deeds? Sun Yong's face showed a wicked look, and suddenly he realized that his expression was too exposed. In these years, in order to be able to climb higher, he was quite restrained in some selfish desires. He did not expect to break his work in front of Wu Wen. .

Sun Yong quickly reduced the lust on his face and looked around with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, there was no one else in the office.

In Beijing, in the theater of the Huajing Peking Opera Troupe, the Peking Opera performers on the stage are yelling hard to perform. The leaders of the Peking Opera Troupe sit in the front row with Jia Hao, Fu Hua, and Zhao Ting. The Peking Opera "The Sound of Autumn" is about to be performed, and Jia Hao invited Fu Hua and Zhao Ting to watch this last rehearsal together.

Jia Hao and Fu Hua looked attentively, Zhao Ting looked very dull and couldn't help but whispered in Fu Hua's ear, Fu Hua, I never thought you still like such old antique things.

Fu Hua turned his head and smiled softly and said to Zhao Ting, what's the matter, don't you like it

Zhao Ting flattened her mouth, and the rhythm was too slow.

Jia Hao heard it. It seemed that this didn't suit Xiao Zhao's spleen and stomach. In fact, from the perspective of us Peking Opera lovers, what we enjoy watching Peking Opera is this slow rhythm.

Fu Hua smiled, yes, Peking Opera was originally like this.

Zhao Ting said, I feel that it is a bit inconsistent with the development situation of this era. This is probably what the old people look at when they are free to drink tea and eat melon seeds.

Fu Hua said, don't talk nonsense, this is the art of our nation and a valuable asset.

Zhao Ting haha laughed, Fu Hua, you are an official after all, speaking in an official accent, national art, precious wealth, are you speaking at a meeting

Jia Hao laughed, Xiao Zhao, you speak frankly enough.

Zhao Ting said, what am I saying is wrong

Fu Hua smiled awkwardly, okay, okay, you are right. People are still performing up there, so shall we respect them

Zhao Ting spit out her tongue and stopped talking.

Everyone continues to watch the show again.

After the rehearsal, Jia Hao looked at Fu Hua, Junior Brother, how do you feel

Fu Hua smiled and looked at the leader of the Huajing Peking Opera Troupe. Brother, there are so many experts here. You ask my opinion. Isn't it my ugly thing

The head of the Huajing Peking Opera Troupe smiled and said, "This is our own repertoire. We are always not objective when we comment. Director Fu will just talk about your views."

Fu Hua smiled and said, I am an outsider and I only like Peking Opera. He told me to watch this show with a prominent theme and a compact plot, which is very good.

Fu Hua thinks this "Autumn Sound" is quite satisfactory. For an amateur Peking opera enthusiast like Jia Hao, it is already very good to do so.

Jia Hao looked at Fu Hua, Junior Brother, don't just say good things, don't you see what's wrong

Fu Hua said, brother, you are a little unconfident, but it's actually pretty good, really.

Jia Hao smiled embarrassedly. I'm not from a professional class. It's the first time I've done such a big drama, and I don't know what to do. By the way, Xiao Zhao, tell me your opinion.

Zhao Ting smiled and said, I think, it's just too boring, look at that actor on the stage Yiyi yeah for a long time and didn't sing anything, unattractive.

Fu Hua glared at Zhao Ting. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. The brother asked you to be polite with you. Are you really serious

Jia Hao smiled, it's okay, Xiao Gu said it presumptuously, and I presumptuously listened to it. Besides, she is right, the current Peking Opera is not enough to attract young people.

Zhao Ting glared at Fu Hua back. You see, your seniors support my point of view.

Fu Hua smiled and shook his head. Zhao Ting is such a straightforward personality and rarely hides anything.

Jia Hao took out the invitation and said with a smile, since Junior Brother thinks it's okay, he should bring Xiao Zhao to join him during the performance.

Fu Hua took it, it was natural.

Jia Hao said that there is one more thing to bother Junior Brother. I want to invite Teacher Zhang to watch the performance, but I can't find time to come and send him the invitation personally. Can I trouble Junior Brother to do it for me

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment. Ordinarily, if you want to invite the teacher to watch the performance, you only seem sincere when you come to the house. Why do you want someone else to do it? Soon after, Fu Hua understood Jia Hao’s intentions, and said with a smile that he could help the brother run errands. it's my honour.

Jia Hao took out the invitation to Zhang Fan again, and handed it to Fu Hua.

Fu Hua took it, put it away, and left with Zhao Ting.

In the car, Zhao Ting smiled and said, "You brother is enough to invite the teacher to watch the show. Instead of asking yourself, he will send you to run errands. It seems that he is sure that your teacher must go."

Fu Hua smiled, what do you know, he just wanted Teacher Zhang to go, so he made my idea.

I never knew you were so important. If you ask, your teacher will definitely go

It is not necessary to invite Teacher Zhang to go, but if my brother asks, he will definitely not go.

Oh, I see, your teacher is a little bit unwilling to see your brother, your brother is pretty ghostly.

In fact, Teacher Zhang is a little bit uncomfortable with the working style of the brother.

In this case, why does your brother have to please him? Tell me who can't understand me, I still can't understand him, it's not guilty of sticking to someone's cold ass with a hot face.

Who are you compared to, who are you? Zhao Dong's daughter of Tonghui Group, a well-known lady, who dare not understand you

Zhao Ting reached out and twisted Fu Hua's ears and sneered. Hey, Fu Hua, are you laughing at me

As he said, Zhao Ting put a lot of energy in her hand, and Fu Hua cried out in pain. Okay, just kidding, stop making trouble, I'm driving.

Zhao Ting put her hands down, honestly, what is going on with your brother and your teacher

That's right. Although the teacher doesn't want to see the brother, he is kind to the brother. Without Teacher Zhang, there would be no brother today. The brother has never forgotten this, so he respects Teacher Zhang very much.

Your brother has done a good job on this point, and he is considered a person of love and justice.