
Chapter 95: Extraordinary things


Since you think he is pretty good, you can do him a favor.


Come with me to see Teacher Zhang, right

What am I going to do, I don't know him

I can introduce you to know.

You laughed so ambiguously, is there any trick

In fact, I'm not sure I can hire the teacher, but if you go out as my girlfriend, the teacher shouldn't refuse.

You guys are all ghosts.

I always want to show you to Teacher Zhang. He treats me very well.

Alright, I will accompany you.

At night, in the living room of Zhang Fan's house, Ms. Zhang sitting on the sofa happily took Zhao Ting's hand and said to Fu Hua with a smile, Fu Hua, Zhao Ting is very good, I like it very much.

Fu Hua looked at Zhao Ting who looked like a well-behaved lady, and he was amused secretly. This guy was pretty good at pretending when he came up for a while, but he also knew that Zhao Ting was concerned about the feelings of people close to him, and he was a little moved.

Fu Hua smiled and said that the mother praised her too much.

Zhang Fan smiled and patted Fu Hua on the shoulder. Your teacher said it was right, and Zhao Ting was really good. How long have you known each other

Fu Hua said with a smile, it has been a while.

Zhang Fan smiled and said, why didn't you bring it to me earlier.

Fu Hua said, isn't this brought for you

Zhang Fan smiled and said, you fellow, but I'm glad you found your significant other. Zhao Ting, you know my house today, so come and sit with me if you have time.

Zhao Ting said sweetly, yes, Teacher Zhang.

Zhang Fan asked about Fu Hua’s recent work. Fu Hua talked about the project he was busy with in Beijing. Zhang Fan smiled and shook his head. Learning, it has made some achievements in official career.

Fu Hua smiled and said, the teacher is laughing at me. What kind of achievement is this, I just built a building, where it can catch up with Senior Brother Jia's scenery.

Hearing Fu Hua mentioned Jia Hao, Zhang Fan's face sank. Don't compare with Jia Hao, you don't have the same conditions as him at the time. To be honest, among the disciples I have taught, Jia Hao and you are very clever, but you two have different personalities. Although Jia Hao has developed well over the years, he is increasingly using his cleverness. Some places that shouldn't be used. You are more focused on doing things, but unfortunately you are affected by your family, otherwise the momentum of development can be better.

Fu Hua pulled out Jia Hao in order to invite Zhang Fan to attend Jia Hao’s "Autumn Sounds" performance. Seeing that Zhang Fan was dissatisfied with Jia Hao, he quickly said to Jia Haoyuan. Actually, I have talked to Senior Brother Jia these few times. When I meet, I think he respects you, the teacher, so don't be angry with him.

Zhang Fan smiled, I'm not saying that he doesn't respect me, I'm just not happy with his way of doing things. I heard many Jinghua disciples working in the financial system mentioned him, saying that he is domineering, self-respecting, and not abiding by the rules. How can I go on like this? I'm afraid he will have trouble sooner or later.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "No, no, I see Senior Brother Jia is very cautious.

Zhang Fan glanced at Fu Hua and asked with a smile, Fu Hua, if you kept talking to Jia Hao today, is there something tricky

Fu Hua smiled, no, what will I have in front of the teacher

This is when Zhao Ting interjected, Mr. Zhang, Fu Hua did have his bad intentions, and he promised him Brother Jia would invite you to participate in the performance of "The Sound of Autumn" written by Brother Jia.

Fu Hua glared at Zhao Ting. Hey, how can you expose my bottom

Zhao Ting smiled, I hate your hesitation, there is nothing you can't say in front of your teacher.

Zhang Fan smiled, Zhao Ting, I like your character, you are right, there is nothing you can't say in front of your teacher. Come on, Fu Hua, what is going on

Fu Hua smiled embarrassedly. That's it. Brother Jia compiled a Peking opera called Qiusheng, which will be performed soon. He asked me to invite the teacher to watch his script as a distinguished guest.

Zhang Fan laughed, Jia Hao made a Peking opera? What does he want to do? Switch to entertainment

Fu Hua smiled and said, there is no more. He has been a fan of Peking opera since he was a child. This time it was playing tickets, just a wish. Teacher, Brother Jia hopes that you can attend, so go ahead.

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, I'm not going, and I'm not his Peking Opera teacher. What is it for me to go

Fu Hua looked at Zhao Ting and motioned to Zhao Ting with his eyes. Zhao Ting smiled and said, "You don't need to look at me, and I won't speak for you." Since the teacher is not willing to go, then he will not go.

Fu Hua couldn't laugh or cry, Zhao Ting, which one are you in

Zhao Ting smiled slyly. I belong to Teacher Zhang.

Zhang Fan laughed, okay, Zhao Ting, we are together, if Fu Hua dares to bully you in the future, tell me, I will discipline him.

Zhao Ting laughed, okay, Fu Hua often bullies me. With the support of my teacher in the future, I won't be afraid of him anymore.

Fu Hua was a little helpless. He still wanted to plead for Jia Hao, so he said, Teacher, Brother Jia really hopes you can go.

Zhang Fan said, Fu Hua, I don’t have to stubbornly draw a line with Jia Hao, I just think Jia Hao’s doing this is a bit stupid. "Sure enough", don't you think that Jia Hao's Peking opera is a bit of a monkey-like title

Zhang Fan was talking about a historical allusion about Xiang Yu in the historical records. After Xiang Yu entered Xianyang, the capital of Qin Dynasty, some people persuaded him that Guanzhong was blocked by mountains and rivers, and the land was fertile, and he could achieve hegemony as the capital. But when Xiang Yu saw that the palace of Qin was burnt and destroyed, and he was full of homesickness, he said that riches and honors do not return to their hometown, like clothes and embroidery at night, who knows! The person who persuaded Xiang Yu privately said that people say that “the monkeys and ears, really.” It means that Xiang Yu is just a macaque wearing an official hat, although it looks grand-sounding, in fact it can’t be regarded as real. people.

Fu Hua said, it's not that serious, right

Zhang Fan sneered, not so serious? Then tell me, does this so-called Autumn Sound represent Jia Hao's work performance? Is there any special idea? Or did Jia Hao write the script particularly well? no? Then why did Huajing Peking Opera Troupe rehearse this play? Who will pay for the cost of the show? Is Jia Hao himself? surely not. It must have been funded by those who are seeking Jia Hao and the unit. With so many facts here, a discerning person knows at a glance, is he Jia Hao confused? Are some of the things he did not eye-catching enough

Fu Hua felt Zhang Fan's disgust with this incident, and knew that it was impossible to invite Zhang Fan to attend the performance today. He smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.

Zhang Fan saw that Fu Hua did not speak, and said with a smile, Fu Hua, I understand that what I said may be too strict. I don't want to see Jia Hao's accident. When you go back, tell him what I said today. Quan relayed it to him and said what I said, Peking Opera is just that he wants to wear a crown on his head, and it can’t help him become a human being. He should do his job well, keep his duty, and don’t play Peking Opera. Tickets.

The atmosphere in the room became serious, and Ms. Zhang smiled and said, Lao Zhang, it's the first time that Zhao Ting has come here, so don't scare her.

Zhao Ting gave a dry smile, Teacher Zhang, you are strict enough.

Zhang Fan smiled and said, Zhao Ting, don't mind, I'm not targeting you and Fu Hua.

The atmosphere eased. Fu Hua never dared to mention Jia Hao anymore. Ms. Zhang asked about Zhao Ting's family background. Zhao Ting told her that her father was Zhao Kai of Tonghui Group.

Zhang Fan said with a smile, it turns out that you are Zhao Kai's female son.

Zhao Ting smiled and asked, Teacher Zhang, do you know my father

Zhang Fan said, I know, and I have seen it on a certain occasion. Your father is a good business man and very smart.

Zhao Ting said happily, I have to go back and tell my father this, but I didn't expect you to think so highly of him.

Zhang Fan said, I once did a topic about private enterprises, and Tonghui Group was the sample I selected for this topic, so I paid attention to your father for a period of time. However, I only used some official reports and did not have deep contact with your father.

Zhao Ting smiled and said, this is a coincidence. When can the teacher come to Tonghui Group as a guest, I believe my father will welcome you.

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "I have a chance. I would also like to know the true thoughts of these successful private entrepreneurs."

This evening, Zhang Fan and Zhao Ting were chatting very speculatively. When Fu Hua and Zhao Ting left, Zhang Fan also confessed to Fu Hua that he should bring Zhao Ting to play more.

On the road, Fu Hua drove the car and didn't speak. Zhao Ting looked at him and said, I didn't speak for you. Are you angry with me

Fu Hua smiled and said, there, I was just thinking about how to tell Brother Jia about this.

Zhao Ting said, you just tell the truth. Actually, I don't think it's a bad thing for Teacher Zhang not to go. On the contrary, it would be embarrassing if he went to teach you this way on the spot? It is true that you, the teacher, is not enough to give you face, so you won’t know how your brother would react when he heard this sentence

Fu Hua smiled, how dare I tell him this, after saying that he is not ashamed to become angry? I will be a little bit more euphemistic.

Zhao Ting said, just slick your head.

After sending Zhao Ting back, Fu Hua called Jia Hao, brother, sorry, I didn't achieve what you entrusted.

Jia Hao said, why, the teacher refused to come

Fu Hua smiled and said, the teacher said that he had something to do that night and he could not be cloned.

Jia Hao smiled dryly, and said disappointedly, there would be no way, eh, did the teacher say anything else

Fu Hua thought that although I could not tell you everything the teacher said, I could pick some important reminders for you, and then said, the teacher asked me to tell you that you should keep your duty and don't make too much effort. Too eye-catching.

Jia Hao smiled, I knew he had an opinion on me, hey, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary? Why does the teacher look down on me

Fu Huaxin said, are you not extraordinary enough? You have gotten a Peking opera. How many officials can do it like you