
Chapter 96: Cheer up


Fu Hua saw that Jia Hao didn't mean to reflect, so he couldn't say anything to persuade him, so he said, the teacher is just saying. Okay, I'll hang up with nothing else.

Jia Hao said, nothing else, you must be there on time.

Fu Hua said, yes.

On the day of the performance, Ding Jiang and his son rushed to Beijing in the morning. They are the sponsors of this Peking opera, so naturally they cannot be absent. At noon, Fu Hua accompanied Ding Jiang and Ding Yi to dinner.

Ding Jiang said, Fu Hua, I can tell you the good news that our stock listing application is about to go to the meeting.

The meeting means that a company applying for issuance of shares submits an initial public offering (IPO) application to the issuance review committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which will be reviewed at regular meetings of the issuance review committee. If it passes, the company can issue shares, otherwise it cannot raise funds through the stock market. Fu Hua smiled and said that you have arranged well at this time. Jia Hao has just fulfilled his wish, and your application will be approved at the meeting. Is there a reason for not being approved

Fu Hua said, congratulations to Ding Dong. Now your company will be able to achieve rapid development.

Ding Jiang held up the wine glass, my brother, first of all, I would like to thank you. Without your help, our company's listing would not be so smooth. Come and I respect you.

Fu Hua smiled, or your company is doing it hard, I just played a little intermediary role. Ding Dong, you are too polite to say thank you.

Ding Jiang smiled and shook his head. The company has a hard time. How many companies have a hard time, but can they go public? It's hard to say in this society now.

Fu Hua smiled and said, Ding Dong's words are a bit too radical, most of our society is still good. Come, let's stop talking about this, drink, Ding Yi, come together.

The three clinked their glasses and drank the wine in them.

After drinking, Ding Jiang said, I have always been fair in doing things. My brother helped me so much. I can't say that I am not at all. I have added my brother to the shareholder register. You have 30,000 shares in your name.

Fu Hua smiled, Ding Dong, I am ashamed to accept this. If we have friends with each other, if these things are involved, it will be a little different.

Ding Jiang smiled and shook his head. Brother, you don't want to give me a chance to pay back the favor.

Fu Hua smiled, Ding Dong, you are a nobleman, how forgetful you are, haven't you paid back the favor? You invited me to have Tan Jiacai at the Beijing Restaurant. To be honest, it was the most hearty meal I have ever eaten in my life.

Ding Jiang smiled, brother, I won't force you, so I will keep the shares in the company for you. When do you want them, tell Ding Yi and I will let him send them to you.

Fu Hua smiled and said, I have taken Ding Dong's heart, so let's forget about the shares.

Ding Jiang said, it's my business that I put it there, so you can't control it. Okay, let’s not talk about it. Mayor Qu Wei met with me before he came. He asked me to bring you a word, asking you to pay more attention to the people coming to Beijing from Haichuan.

Fu Hua froze for a moment. What does Mayor Qu mean? Who should I pay attention to

Ding Jiang shook his head. He didn't know what he said, and I didn't know what it meant, so I couldn't ask.

Fu Hua secretly guessed that this might be related to the confluence of Wang Yan and Sun Yong, but this was not easy to say, so he smiled and said, I can't guess what medicine is sold in Mayor Qu's gourd.

The topic turned to Qiu Sheng, which was about to perform in the evening. Fu Hua felt a little guilty because he didn't invite Zhang Fan, so he praised Jia Hao for his generous words of praise.

In the evening, the theater of the Huajing Peking Opera Troupe was full of pomp and seats. When the actors finally came out, the audience stood up and applauded. There was prolonged applause, and the actors had to bow and thank them again and again.

Fu Hua and Zhao Ting, who were watching this lively scene in the front row, were a little stunned. Is this drama really so popular? Is Peking Opera really so popular? Has nostalgia become a new popular element in this society

Not only was Zhao Ting confused, but even Fu Hua couldn't understand it.

For several days in a row, Beijing’s Morning and Evening News and other newspapers all reported on the performance of Qiusheng in prominent positions. Such beautiful words as the innovation of Peking Opera and the new year of old trees have appeared in the newspapers. It seems that a new Peking Opera has been born. Up.

A few more days later, Ding Jiang's Tianhe Real Estate Co., Ltd. IPO went smoothly. To celebrate, Ding Jiang invited Pan Tao and Fu Hua of Summit Securities to dinner. To avoid suspicion, he did not invite Jia Hao.

Fu Hua arrived early, sitting in the private room of the hotel with Ding Jiang and his sons, waiting for Pan Tao. Ding Jiang looked red, and it was difficult to conceal his excitement because the company was successfully approved for listing.

Pan Tao arrived half an hour late, and shouted as soon as he walked in, embarrassed, embarrassed, there was a traffic jam on the road.

Ding Jiang, Ding Yi and Fu Hua both smiled and shook hands with Pan Tao. After sitting down, Fu Hua first took up the wine glass and said with a smile, I will respect this glass of wine today. One is to congratulate Tianhe on the approval of the company’s listing. Congratulations to Mr. Pan for completing a big business.

Ding Jiang and Pan Tao both agreed that this glass of wine must be drunk, and the four of them clinked and killed the wine in the glass.

Fu Hua went on to say that my brother did not come today. If he does, I will also toast him. His "Sound of Autumn" caused such a sensation, and I think I should also congratulate him. I really didn't expect that there are still so many people who like Peking Opera.

Pan Tao laughed and said, "My dear, seeing is not necessarily true. You think that Peking Opera is really so popular. It's just these friends who helped Director Jia show it."

Fu Hua understood at once that the fullness, the enthusiastic applause, and the beautiful words were nothing but the arrangements of the demanding people in front of them. Under the arrangements and hype of these people, Jia Hao's mediocre work unexpectedly caused I think it caused a sensation, which is really funny.

Does Jia Hao know that this is Pan Tao and Ding Jiang in favor of him? Fu Hua felt that he should know that Jia Hao was also an extremely smart person, and it was impossible for him to have no knowledge of his true abilities. It seems that not only does he know, he is even willing to accept it. Haha, this is a farce that is performed both on and off stage at the same time. The offstage performance is even more exciting than onstage, and life is really rich and colorful.

Only then did Fu Hua realize that Zhang Fan was wise not willing to attend the performance. If he came to attend, he would become a member of this farce, and become a spectator who applauded a monkey in clothes and an official hat. Under the clamor of these spectators, the monkey thought that the scenery was climbing higher and higher on the climbing pole, and you must know that the higher it climbs, the more the spectators below can clearly see his red butt.

Zhang Fan didn't want to be a member of this comic. He clearly refused to participate. Thinking of these Fu Hua consciously funny, he felt that he had become a clown in this comic.

Mu monkey and crown, this is really an interesting idiom. What is interesting is that few discerning people can see through the comics, or even if someone sees through the comics, he pretends not to know, but enjoys the fun he wants from it.

Is this a kind of deception? Or is it a self-deception

Twenty-three, resign

In Haichuan, Wu Wen suddenly received a call from Sun Yong’s secretary Feng Shun. Feng Shun said that Secretary Sun wanted her to go to Room 706 of the Haichuan Hotel and wanted to talk to her about the land acquisition that day.

Upon receiving the call, Wu Wen was stunned for a moment. What exactly does Sun Yong want to do? She has been enjoying the scene for a long time, so she naturally thought about Sun Yong asking herself to go to the hotel room, especially when Sun Yong was so greedy when she first met that day, and she couldn't help but think about that.

If it were in Beijing, Wu Wen would not care about anything, and she would even be very happy to have such an opportunity to hold these stinky men in her hands, but this is in Haichuan, in her hometown, and she has worked hard to find funds to return to her hometown to start her own business. He wanted to use this to return to the original normal life, not to continue the absurd years in Beijing.

Wu Wen hesitated, but she did not dare to refuse directly. The project she was looking forward to was still in the grasp of Sun Yong, and she did not dare to offend him very much. Let's adapt to the circumstances. It's not that I haven't dealt with this kind of scene. Wu Wen smiled and answered Feng Shun, okay, tell Secretary Sun, I will be there soon.

Sitting in room 706 of the Haichuan Hotel, Sun Yong was fidgeting, Feng Shun told him Wu Wen had promised to come, how would he take this woman down

For a long time, Sun Yong felt that his private life was still very prudent. He had once involved a female subordinate, but soon he figured out a way to promote that female subordinate and moved away from him. That female subordinate also had a plan. Now that he got what he wanted, Sun Yong was not a man who could attract people, so he immediately chose to leave wisely. This ambiguity became a past that only both parties knew well, and Sun Yong had almost forgotten it now.

It's not that Sun Yong doesn't like young and beautiful women, he likes them very much. However, with the promotion of his position, he more and more pressed this shameful preference to the deepest part of his heart. He has seen how many promising cadres folded on the waistband of women, so he often reminded himself that it is especially important to stay away from women. It's a beautiful woman.

But desire is only suppressed, not eliminated, and it is impossible to be eliminated. How many times he dreamed back at midnight, Sun Yong looked at the wrinkled old wife beside him with disgust, but had to suppress this disgust and continue to sleep in the same bed.

The appearance of Wu Wen made Sun Yong suddenly feel that his first half of life's efforts seemed to be waiting for such a woman to appear. He is very fortunate that he is now in a high position. Otherwise, a man like him would not even look at a woman like Wu Wen. At a glance. But now it is very different. People say that power is the best aphrodisiac. He hopes to use power to capture Wu Wen's heart. Therefore, after careful consideration, I decided to arrange this meeting.

There was a pleasant knock on the door, and Sun Yong quickly walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door with a smile.