
Chapter 1: The soul of the bridegroom unicorn returns to its place


In Huajian Town in the south of the Yangtze River, it was completely dark by the time you came. Among the long lights, the most dazzling one tonight was the Shen residence.

The red candle is burning high, and the word "Happiness" hangs high. There was an endless stream of guests, almost breaking the threshold of the Shen residence. Master Shen stood at the door and greeted the visitor. At this time, he caught a servant and asked in a low voice, "Hasn't the young master been seated yet? Why don't you go look for him soon!"

The domestic servant was urged, nodded again and again, and found it easily in the huge mansion. At this time, the full moon has come, and the guests are gathered in the banquet hall, which is very lively, but there is no one in the garden. The servant hurriedly searched and found that Young Master Shen's wedding dress was covered with soil and leaves, hugging his knees under a tree like a child of several years old, his eyes were straight, his face was pale, and his lips kept moving, as if What are you talking about.

The servant hurriedly let out a long sigh of relief, wiped the sweat with his sleeve, and said, "Master, why are you hiding here alone? The master is very anxious to find you! Come with me—"

He thought that Young Master Shen had slapped his foot, and while he was talking, he was about to stretch out his hand to pull him, but who knew that Young Master Shen's dull eyes were suddenly tyrannical, and he slammed his hand away and roared hysterically: "Go away! !! Get out of here!!!"

Young Master Shen continued to go mad, roaring while covering his ears and running away. The servant followed behind in fear, shouting loudly, but Young Master Shen ignored it and ran out of the back door. The servant hesitated for a moment, and although he was afraid, he also followed.

I saw that there were few pedestrians on the street, which formed a sharp contrast with the brightly lit Shen Mansion. There were no stars in the night sky, the surroundings were silent, and the noise gradually faded away, giving people a sense of desolation. While jogging to search, the domestic servant called out to Young Master Shen. Finally, from a distance, he saw Young Master Shen in a happy dress, standing quietly with his back to him. The servant didn't dare to stretch out his hand hastily this time, so he cautiously said behind him, "Young, young master, you—"

Before he could finish speaking, the servant opened his mouth wide, and the whole person stiffened into an iron plate.

I saw Young Master Shen turned around slowly and slowly.

Blood flowed from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, the whites of his eyes hung high, and his whole body seemed to have had his bones removed, and he was limp. He pursed his lips, uttered a few extremely weak inhuman slurs, and moved, as if he was about to walk towards him—

The house servant immediately screamed and ran away, running and hurriedly looking back, when he saw Young Master Shen, who died under the full moon, with a lifeless face. And the blood flowing from the two eyes is more like tears...


The next day, the Shen residence was crowded with people.

I saw a corpse covered with a white cloth on the ground, blood soaked in the white cloth, and one or two blood flowers bloomed irregularly on it.

Someone got goosebumps after listening to the servant's immersive remarks, and said in a trembling voice, "My mother, is this young master a villain?!!"

Since Master Shen saw Young Master Shen's body last night, he has been crying bitterly, paralyzed, and has been sitting on the ground crying. The servant shook his head and sighed: "I, I don't know... But it seems unlikely that it is evil. Our mansion also invited a great immortal to do it a few days ago, so no one should be evil."

Another guessed: "What could that be? Poisoning?"

Before this remark was answered, someone in the crowd sighed in a low voice: "Alas, maybe it's 'the microwave has hatred, but the moon is ruthless but heaven'. That son is also a poor man."

The voice was too big or too small. It was so big that people in the surrounding circle could hear it, but it was so small that the master and servants couldn't hear it. Immediately, she asked her in a low voice, "Why did you suddenly recite poems?? What is the moon? What is the sky? Make it clearer." I just heard the woman sobbing softly: "I heard that this unfortunate deceased Young Master Shen was originally talented and intelligent, and was a good candidate for reading, but unfortunately, his luck was not good, and he failed the examinations many times. Later, he fell in love with the same woman, and only I ended up sad and broke up. Later, I became seriously ill for some reason, and I stayed out of the house all day. Because my body couldn’t bear the burden of traveling, I didn’t even take part in the scientific examination. Maybe I was underappreciated and depressed, so I swallowed medicine and committed suicide.”

But the aunt said: "I think, maybe this man found out that he was going to marry a female ghost! The female ghost found out that the man was going to run away, and killed the man - oh, I'll say, no wonder last night. Said to wait a long time to see the groom and the bride!"

But someone else said: "Why are you still obsessed with the speculations about the love between men and women? Isn't there something evil going on now? I think it's very likely that some evil thing has been on the body!"

Everyone was chattering, you said one sentence to another, and there was a sudden commotion around. Before the crowd could react to what happened, they saw a group of people in white rudely push the crowd away and file in.

This group of people are the disciples of the Lin family in the Xuanmen Baijia, and there are many middle-aged people among them, like the head of the family. All of them are domineering, arrogant, and elegant, with pictures of cranes embroidered on their clothes. However, their behavior was not stained with the immortal spirit of this robe, but rather sharp and mean. Before speaking, someone concluded three words: don't mess with it.

Someone whispered: "So soon? Has everyone in the Lin family been cleaned up here?"

Three months ago, batches and batches of strange things happened all over the place.

First, "children" as tall as adults' knees appeared in Jiangdong. The boy's skin was pale and bloodless, with no white eyes, a strand of black hair, bare feet, and a red apron. They always walk in groups, as many as a dozen, as few as seven or eight, chattering, sneaking in from all directions when people are sleeping, surrounding the bed, giggling and singing songs that people do not understand, while A human cocoon was woven on the human body, and the huge cocoon was dragged and pushed to nowhere. When others found it, the human cocoon was cut open, and the flesh and bones were eaten up, leaving only the internal organs, eyes and hair. .

People dare not sleep at night, but only gods can stay awake, so one person after another becomes a pool of internal organs in a cocoon in their sleep. Some people thought that if all the doors and windows were sealed, they would not be taken away, but when they fell asleep, the whole house was lifted up and swayed to and fro. When I opened the window, I was so frightened that I foamed at the mouth and passed out. There were hundreds of children laughing and laughing, filling the house.

Later, in Jiangbei, groups of "long-tongue women" parasitized on trees. This monster usually lives in trees, and looks no different from the trunk. But once someone approaches, wants to climb up to dig out the eggs, or enjoy the shade under a tree, the thing will suddenly jump on the person, and a sticky blood-red long tongue will slip out of the big mouth and get into the person. He threw the entrails in his stomach to a pulp, then pulled the intestines out of his throat and hanged the man on a tree.

These are not the only monsters that have appeared in various places. There are more than 100 types of monsters that have been discovered, and they are still increasing. These are just the ones that are more violent and kill more people. They are divided into four grades according to the degree of ferocity, from high to low, they are 魑, 魍, 魍, 魉. For example, the little boy mentioned just now is the charm, and the long-tongued woman is the 魍.

No one knows how these monsters suddenly appeared. The time they first appeared was too synchronized, and as soon as they appeared, they filled every corner of the local area, which was extremely strange.

Monsters are rampant, and at this time, it is the Xuanmen who will play a major role.

So each family responded to the call and dispatched people to various places to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

Although the progress is slow, and people from each family are often injured in action, but after three months, the effect is remarkable. The once "old three masters" in the Xiuxian world: the Fu family, the Xuan family, and the Tang family, one was destroyed, and the other was severely damaged six years ago. Now that the "New Three Great Masters" are on the rise, the Lin family, as the main force among them, has performed gratifyingly. They have completed their tasks in Jiangdong and come to Jiangnan.

The head of the Lin family was a stubborn man. He glanced at the people in white with awe, and someone immediately understood and stepped forward to inspect the bodies. After a while, he got up and reported, "No trauma, no poisoning, strange death, and evil spirits around the body. There is no doubt that monsters are at work, but there are too many monsters, and it is impossible to tell which type it is."

The squat man frowned and waved him back to the team. I personally scrutinized with my hands and eyebrows raised, and spit out two words: "It's a charm."

The group took a breath.

They came from Jiangdong, and they also dealt with a lot of monsters along the way, most of them were of sprites and sprites. Unexpectedly, I just came to Jiangnan, and I met Mei head-on, nervous but also excited. The rascal man said: "Tonight at Hai Shi, gather in the Shen residence."

Everyone said: "Yes!" As soon as the voice fell, a loud noise came.

I saw the crowd dispersed, and a dark-skinned domestic servant squeezed in panting, still dragging a person in his hand. The man was dressed in purple, in his early twenties, with disheveled hair and thin cheeks, holding his head and screaming and kicking and kicking all the way. ah help ah help ah!!! I am not I am not I am not!!! I don't have I don't have I don't!!! Let go of me let go of me let go of me!!! You bastard!!!"

Everyone: "… "

The dark-skinned domestic servant said to Master Shen with a cold face: "Master, Xiao Fang just went to buy a few chickens and came back, temporarily left to untie his hands, and when he came back, he saw this thing squatting there like a mouse and nibbling on chickens secretly. To eat, it must be a little thief who slipped in while chaotic, and it is best to send it to the government to prevent him from stealing other people's food to eat."

The man in purple wiped the oil from his mouth, rushed over and hugged the servant's thigh and howled, "I'm not a thief!!! I'm just a poor man who is going to starve to death!!! I'm very weak now. , I need to eat big fish and meat to supplement nutrition!!! If you don't believe me, feel my pulse, I'm very weak!!!"

He said that he actually rolled up his sleeves, just like the mother-in-law who sold melons on the street holding her big watermelons and chasing them for others to taste. It was really delicious, and she stretched her arms and waited for someone to come up and test it. . Some Lin family members couldn't help but want to laugh, thinking about going out and having fun with a lunatic, but they actually went up to check the pulse of the man in purple and said, "Okay, then I'll take a look. Are you weak?"

But before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed. Seeing this, the others also immediately restrained their smiles. I saw the man take a few steps backwards and panicked: "He is not alive!!"

Someone immediately shouted: "Catch him!"

The purple-clothed man smiled slightly, and in an instant, he had already rushed out dozens of meters away. When he ran, almost all of his limbs landed on the ground, which was eerie and terrifying, and his speed was extremely fast, like a purple whirlwind.

Seeing that they couldn't run on their legs, a few people in the back walked with their swords.

The group chased after them desperately, and before they knew it, they chased to a secluded forest in a deserted place. They jumped down from their swords, and the man was no longer there.

I saw that there was an unprovoked ghost in this place. It was clearly daytime, but the secluded forest seemed to be another world, so dark that no light could penetrate. For some unknown reason, gusts of cold wind kept blowing from the secluded forest, and even in April, people couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Someone said horribly: "What's the matter? Why did he lead us here... This place is so weird, maybe there is some danger, or let's go first... "

One person disdainfully said: "You are too timid! Hmph, I want to see, what kind of tricks can a mere little monster play!"

He was about to move forward, but was immediately stopped by someone and said, "Don't act rashly." At this time, there was a strange sound coming from the secluded forest. The rascal man focused for a moment, widened his eyes suddenly, and shouted, "Spread away! This place is different!"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, a restlessness erupted from the depths of the secluded forest, like all ghosts crying, and even the sky above the secluded forest darkened unknowingly. Dark clouds, lightning and thunder, slanting rain like ice. The black birds that were originally living in the secluded forest seemed to be awakened by a nightmare, shouting "Aah" in a shrill and ear-piercing voice, and fluttered their wings one after another, like a black cloud "rushing" across the crowd.

A bloody storm!

But at this moment, in the depths of the dark forest, there was a spark of fire.

The rascal man shouted, "Who is it?!!"

There was only a solitary star in the fire, like a hole burned in the boundless darkness, swaying in the wind and rain. But gradually, the flames became bigger and bigger, splitting from one star to two paths, extending out of the forest step by step, as if something was about to come out of the deep forest!

In an instant, the sword light flickered, and everyone's veins burst out!

Just when the fire road burned to the forest, a long horn sounded low from the depths of the forest. At the same time, a woman's shrill scream broke through the air! As if the layers are progressive, in this chaotic voice, there are footsteps of "susu, susu"!

Before I had time to think about it, a tall shadow suddenly jumped out of the forest ahead of the footsteps, and it was actually a huge fire hibiscus. The fire hibiscus was burning with scorching flames, and the joints turned with a "kakaka" sound. The steel knives on both sides turned frantically, and the huge wave of air shook everyone away!

Everyone immediately turned their swords to face each other, and they avoided the steel knife and the flames. At this moment, the footsteps stopped, and Huo Mujin returned to the forest. A blood-red shadow swept out from the flames. It looked like he was stepping on flames. He wore a black belt, a round-necked red shirt, and a silver collar. A bit of cinnabar on his forehead was like a drop of blood. He knelt on one knee on the shoulder of Hibiscus, Yi Jue flew away, and the dark pupils were flashing with fire.

Kirin steps on fire!

Someone blurted out and exclaimed: "Fire unicorn??? Isn't this a fire unicorn??? Didn't he die in Tangmen Bay six years ago???!"

In a panic, the boy said in a deep voice, "He's not."

I just heard the man in red let out a low laugh, and then slowly stood up. He put his hands behind his back, and without looking at the flames that were approaching the sky, he stepped on the hibiscus condescendingly, tilted his head, and said:

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The author has something to say:

The last person to appear is the male lead. Of course he is not "Fire Unicorn", "Fire Unicorn" is his father.

ps: A newcomer, please collect, comment and ask for a king ticket, thank you, thank you, thank you! Three more on the first day.

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