
Chapter 10: Baijia Banquet 1


Standing outside Huanlingxi Mansion, you can see the towering green mountains in the distance behind it. There is a bamboo forest nearby, during which the stream is gurgling and ding-dong is pleasant.

Not far from outside the mansion is a long and wide river. Today, the river is full of boats from various families. Inside and outside the mansion are full of Xuanmen disciples of different colors.

Before the Tang family's boat arrived, Tang Zhuo couldn't hold back. He squeezed his head to the side of the boat and rushed to the shore to look around. Sure enough, he saw from a distance that the Xuan family got off the boat earlier than them, and they were entering the Lin family mansion one after another. .

At this time, there were several other boats sailing on the river, but only the Tang family was the most noisy, and the sound was so loud that the children of other families on the shore frequently turned to look at them. Tang Zhuo saw Xuan Ziyuan at a glance, and when he saw that he happened to look back, he waved at him excitedly: "Senior!!! I'm here!!! I'm here!!!"

Xuan Ziyuan naturally ignored him.

At this time, the family's boat passed by Tang Zhuo's eyes and landed first. I saw a young man of twelve or thirteen years standing beside the boat, wearing a golden coat, a pair of cloud boots, and a long sword on his waist, named "Xiaofeng". It is necessary for etiquette and self-defense for people over twelve years of age to wear swords.

This little boy had a handsome youthful face, his eyes were clear and energetic, and he seemed to be smiling all the time. As he turned his head to look at him, Tang Zhuo immediately greeted: "Hello! Shi Jin!"

Shi Jin raised his sword in one hand, and put the other hand around his mouth and shouted, "Sugar spoon!"

Tang Zhuo said angrily, "Don't call me a sugar spoon!!"

After Da'an gave a collective lecture, they dispersed. Tang Zhuo has been to Huanlingxi many times, and he is familiar with wherever he goes. At this time, I suddenly felt someone tap on my right shoulder from behind, and when I looked to the right, there was no one. Shi Jin patted him on the right shoulder, but jumped out from his left, Tang Zhuo immediately beat him, and said, "Can you stop being a ghost all the time, scaring me to death!"

The two hooked shoulders and backs, hooked three and four, shouted five and six, gathered more than a dozen people of the same age who didn't even know their faces, and found an open space to play cards and brag. At this time, a teenager suggested: "Tang Zhuo, I heard that your hibiscus technique is very good, how about showing us a few hands?"

Another teenager also said: "Yes, yes, Brother Tang, we are all from a little-known Xuanmen family, and I have always heard that your Tang family's hibiscus technique is exquisite. Today, when we meet by chance, just be Let's open our eyes!"

The teenagers immediately started booing. Tang Zhuo coughed twice and said: "Well, I'll show a little hand, please laugh."

Saying that, he conjured a rectangular wooden box the size of an adult's palm from nowhere. The boys immediately asked, "Brother Tang, what is this?"

Tang Zhuo smiled and said, "Mujin. Look good."

Saying that, he threw the wooden box to the ground.

I saw that the wooden box trembled several times on the ground and suddenly opened. When everyone saw it, the mechanism in the wooden box was compact and delicate, and there were so many hidden mechanisms. The wooden box trembled again, and this time, the wooden box began to deform rapidly, getting bigger and more breathtaking. The teenagers regressed in admiration with the transformation of Hibiscus, and finally saw that Hibiscus turned into the shape of a person as tall as a person. Tang Zhuo walked over and stood on tiptoe and patted the hibiscus on the head, and the stunned teenagers said with pride: "See? This is a middle-level hibiscus, and it's not the most powerful. Our family's hibiscus has a lot of benefits. The experience of the family's organ technique was transformed with the help of Uncle Fu. Hibiscus has changed from low-level to high-level, and the mechanism has become more and more complicated, but no matter what the entity is, it can be shrunk into a rectangle, which is easy to carry."

The teenagers applauded in amazement when someone asked, "Are all hibiscuses in this shape?"

Tang Zhuo shook his head and said: "Of course not. The so-called 'hibiscus', 'wood' is a 'material', and 'hibiscus' is a 'tool'. Just like when you talk about tools, there can be axes, hoes, tables, and benches. Hibiscus's The shapes are also different.”

Another humane said: "So since the material is wood, if you burn it with fire, won't you be able to defeat it?"

Tang Zhuo said: "This is a really good question. Of course, our family is not stupid enough to use ordinary wood to make hibiscus. Our family initially established a family, just like many other Xuanmen, it was only ranked in Xuanmen, but it did not stand on the ground. Ben, until the fourth owner of our family created hibiscus. At that time, it was in the groping stage. For a long time, hibiscus was made of ordinary wood. Once the enemy used fire, no matter how powerful the hibiscus was. turned to ashes in an instant.

"Later, the technique of hibiscus was passed down from generation to generation, and later generations made improvements, replaced the material of hibiscus, and used strange wood that is not afraid of fire, and the skill of hibiscus doubled. This kind of hibiscus that is not afraid of fire has been used for a long time, until this generation, my father With the help of fire, he founded the 'Fire Hibiscus', which made the flame a weapon of Hibiscus, even more powerful. It's just that the fire Hibiscus is very difficult to learn. Although my father chose a few more talented juniors to learn it, he has not been able to learn it yet. learn."

So someone asked: "But Brother Tang, you are so powerful, you will definitely know it!"

Tang Zhuo said: "I don't know yet... I have only learned the intermediate hibiscus. My mother said that she will teach me about fire hibiscus when I am fourteen years old."

The boys continued to frolic for a while, their stomachs grumbling with hunger. A teenager touched his stomach and said, "Oh, what time does the Lin family eat every day? It's almost time for you. Why don't you even smell the fragrance of the vegetables? Let me hope that Mei will quench her thirst."

Shi Jin was lying on the ground basking in the sun, but when he heard this, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly sat up and snapped his fingers, saying, "Ehhh, I suddenly thought that there seems to be a persimmon forest in Huanlingxi, and there are many persimmons there. It's big and sweet, no one has seen it, I once sneaked in and picked a few persimmons to eat, oh hey, that taste - it's so beautiful to me." The youngsters immediately lit up their eyes, drooling, shaking him. : "Really?! Brother Shi, take us there!"

So the young men hurriedly cleaned up this tossed and crooked field, and followed them to the persimmon forest.

Walking along this way, it can be regarded as a part of the beautiful scenery of Huanlingxi.

Rockery, pavilion, a school of northern garden appearance. White walls and black tiles, the houses and halls are separated by white walls, neat and orderly. The persimmon forest is in a place where Huanlingxi does not welcome guests. All the people nearby are the Lin family dressed in white cranes. It is expected that no one would have thought that there would be a group of little ghosts from other families sneaking to such a place.

It can be said that Shi Jin is accustomed to doing this kind of sneaky thing, the first one to do it, three or two times, he jumped up the tree like a monkey, picked off the biggest persimmons on the tree, stuffed it into his clothes and hugged the tree and slipped down.

Some people took the lead, and other teenagers also geared up and started to dry.

Tang Zhuo wanted to learn to climb a tree, but when he saw it, a few ants and brown-green insects crawled across the trunk from time to time.

Tang Zhuo stood on tiptoe, but he was not tall enough to touch the side of the persimmon at all, so he picked up a long branch and poked it around, causing the other teenagers to laugh. What's even more worrying is that at this time, someone actually suggested that after two sticks of incense, whoever picked the least amount of incense, let whoever stand upside down and walk around Huanlingxi.

Tang Zhuo felt the pressure instantly.

Tang Zhuo looked around, and went deeper into the persimmon forest alone.

Xuan Ziyuan followed his father to Huanlingxi, and his father went to socialize, so he told him to leave first.

But what is his playful temperament? He wanders around alone, and there are people everywhere. When he sees him, he greets him, and he ignores him and doesn't respond. In fact, he is used to going his own way. I'm really not used to dealing with others. Seeing that this forest seems to be quiet and no one, I came here alone and practiced swords.

But suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

Xuan Ziyuan jumped up on the tree and looked at the leaves. I saw a young man in a red shirt running over looking left and right.

Tang Zhuo looked to the east and west, and when he saw that he could no longer see the rest of the figures, he finally stopped, sighed tiredly, then lowered his head and began to search for something on the ground.

Tang Zhuo thinks like this, he can't pick persimmons from the tree at all, so he will change his mind, instead of picking up, pick them down, maybe he can pick up a few, and maybe someone really picks them There are fewer persimmons than he picked up. Anyway, he didn't want to walk around Huanlingxi upside down. He was thin-skinned. Just thinking about that funny scene would make him faint and kill him.

Xuan Ziyuan looked at Tang Zhuo with a puzzled look as he walked around with his head down, wondering if he was in a bad mood, why he was alone and depressed. At this time, a bird suddenly flew from somewhere, with black feathers all over and a terrifying cry, scurrying about in the woods, and swiped in front of Xuan Ziyuan all at once. Tang Zhuo looked up and said happily, "Senior!!"

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Tang Zhuo took a few steps, tilted his head to look at him through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and said, "Senior, are you here to steal persimmons too?? Wow!!"

"..." Xuan Ziyuan jumped down and said expressionlessly: "Of course not. If I need something, do I need to pick it myself?"

I saw him wearing a blue shirt with silver stripes, a black cloak hanging down to his thighs, a pair of black tight boots, and a silver sword with red spikes on his waist. Don't open your eyes. A head of silver hair was tied high behind his head in a ponytail, and he used a blue embroidered headband.

Hyun's hair band is also very particular.

In the Hyun family, men under the age of 20 have blue hair bands, while men in their twenties have black hair bands, and women uniformly have white hair bands.

The blue hairband means "potential, restrained, pure and hopeful", the black hairband means "steady, vigorous and sharp", and the white hairband means "purity, elegance and beauty". In the eyes of the Hyun family, before the age of 20 is a period of energy accumulation, and a person's character has undergone constant changes in the past 20 years and gradually formed. After becoming an adult, it is the real beginning of a person's life. I hope that he can flourish in stability, show his edge in the vigorous development, and gradually become a real person, a person who is indomitable.

The Tang family also corresponds to the class according to the change of the color of the belt. For example, primary, intermediate, and advanced correspond to white, purple, and black, respectively. Tang Zhuo's belt is purple at this time.

Tang Zhuo looked at him, secretly compared the heights of the two in his heart, and found that although he was only two years younger than him, he was half a head shorter than him. Xuan Ziyuan asked, "What are you doing here?"

Tang Zhuo said: "I'm here to pick persimmons. We are in a competition, and whoever picks the least persimmons will be punished."

Xuan Ziyuan said, "It's really boring."

Saying to go. Tang Zhuo hurriedly kept him, and Xuan Ziyuan remembered something at this moment, looked back at him from head to toe, frowned, and said, "What about the persimmons you picked? Why aren't there any."

Tang Zhuo lowered his head and said, "It's true that I don't have one. Alas, I'm so useless, I can't even pick one up until now."

Combining what he had just seen, Xuan Ziyuan raised his eyebrows: "So you just picked it up on the ground?"

Tang Zhuo admitted: "..."

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Xuan Ziyuan glanced up and summoned Yinluan. I saw Yinluan swept through a sharp wind, silver light flashed, and the persimmon tree trembled and trembled, and a large number of large and small persimmons fell from the tree like rain.

Tang Zhuo's eyes lit up, he immediately bent over to pick it up, and excitedly said to Xuan Ziyuan, "Wow! Senior! You are so amazing!" . Yinluan rose again, swept across several surrounding trees, and smashed persimmons. Tang Zhuo had already picked up his clothes and couldn't fit them in, so he simply took off his robe, put all the persimmons on it, dragged them on the ground, and while Xuan Ziyuan was not paying attention, put the largest and sweetest-looking one at his feet. one of. Xuan Ziyuan put away his sword and said to him, "Is it enough?"

Tang Zhuo said: "Enough! Enough!"

When it was time to gather, the laughter of the teenagers ceased. Under the amazed eyes of everyone, Tang Zhuo laboriously dragged a bunch of persimmons from the forest, stopped tiredly, wiped his sweat, and said, "Okay, let's count!"

The boys gave thumbs up and said, "No need to count, Brother Tang, you won."

Tang Zhuo cocked his hips proudly. The youngest boy covered his face and cried. Shi Jin came over and said suspiciously, "That's not right, big spoon, you—"

Tang Zhuo immediately blinked, put him on his shoulder, and said quietly, "Shh—don't tell anyone, Ziyuan helped me pick it."

Shi Jin widened his mouth, gave him a thumbs up, and patted his back. The youngsters were urging the one who won the last one to walk upside down immediately, when suddenly a sharp ear said: "Wait!! Is someone here?!"

The crowd froze.

Before he even started running, a man with silver hair and blue clothes strode over. Tang Zhuo didn't see clearly, thought it was Xuan Ziyuan, he was smiling and wanted to say hello, but then he followed the other two people, it was Xuan Ziyuan and Xuan Zilin, he was stunned, it was probably Xuan Zilin and Xuan Zikang looked for Xuan Ziyuan to find it here. I saw that the person walking in the front was actually Xuan Zikang, with silver hair and blue eyes, thin eyes and eyebrows, a pointed nose, looking like a fox and wearing a pair of glasses. When he saw this scene, the whole person was stunned, and said: "You... what are you hiding here? Are you picking these??!"

Some teenagers who didn't know them said naively: "Yes, this brother. You are too late, we have already finished picking them, but we can give you a little—"

Xuan Zikang immediately said meanly: "Who wants you to share it with us!!!"

All the teenagers: "..."

Xuan Zikang walked around, his slender eyebrows were raised, and he pointed at him, "You people really don't have any rules, you come to other people's houses as guests, but you come to this kind of place without authorization, and even put all the things that other people planted. It's almost all picked. Don't you know how stingy the Lin family is, maybe they'll be discovered, and later—"

Shi Jin walked over fiercely with his waist on, pressed his face, and said, "What about the future?"

Xuan Zikang was temporarily speechless by this sudden strange guy, squinted his eyes, looked at him, pushed his glasses and said, "Of course it will be—"

Before he could finish speaking, a teenager suddenly came around from behind and restrained him from his armpit. Xuan Zikang asked in confusion: "You, what are you doing??!!" Xuan Zilin was stunned, took a few steps forward, waved his hands at a loss, and said: "Everyone, don't worry, Zikang he It's just—" Another teenager said hehe: "Since we've met, then we will share the blessings and share the burdens. Let's go to the punishment together, how about that?"

Xuan Zikang said loudly: "Okay! You shameless little thieves are trying to drag us into the water!! I tell you, don't think that other people will believe that we are with you. You lied like this and dragged us into the water. , in our house, you're going to be locked up with whiplashes!!! You—"

Shi Jin stammered: "What are you saying is like we have to harm your family?" He suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed at Xuan Ziyuan: "Some of these persimmons were cut off by him with a sword. !"

Tang Zhuo: "..."

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Hyun Zikang: "..."

Xuan Zilin: "..."

The rest of the teenagers: "… "

Tang Zhuo's face blushed instantly, he covered Shi Jin's mouth, and strangled his neck. While struggling, Shi Jin tenaciously said vaguely from Tang Zhuo's man who covered his mouth: "So now you guys didn't run away!! Obediently be punished!!!"

Xuan Zilin looked at Xuan Ziyuan blankly. Xuan Zikang had given up the struggle and said to Xuan Ziyuan in shock, "... Ziyuan, really?... You... ???"

"..." Xuan Ziyuan seemed unable to understand why they were so shocked, he pointed at himself expressionlessly and said, "Me."

Xuan Zikang then shouted: "Okay!! You yourself are not following the rules, and you even instigated the people in my family to bring him down!!! I want to report you!!! I will report you when I go out. I want to tell your head of the family that you will be punished for copying the family rules, beaten with whips, locked up with boards, and confined to eat rough food every day, run around your house ten laps, read aloud the review you wrote in front of all the children, and I want you—"

He was too noisy, and the boys covered their ears and couldn't bear it, and all stepped forward. Xuan Zikang's eyes widened, and he said, "What are you doing to me???!!!" But no one paid any attention to him. Just three or two times, Xuan Zikang was tied up by Wu Hua, and several teenagers carried him out. Xuan Zikang struggled to no avail, and still stubbornly said loudly: "Mmm! Mmmm! Mmmm?!

Xuan Zilin was very worried about Xuan Zikang's safety, so she wiped her sweat with a handkerchief and wanted to follow. Xuan Ziyuan stopped him and said, "Brother Zilin, the ring match is still being prepared. Brother Zikang will arrive on time in perfect condition. Let's go first."

Xuan Zilin sighed and followed Xuan Ziyuan to leave. After three steps, he looked back until he saw Xuan Zikang, who was wrapped in a caterpillar and kept squirming, disappeared from sight.

When the young men came out of the woods, they left Xuan Zikang in a random place and yawned and left, leaving behind Xuan Zikang still unable to move or shout, rolling around. Tang Zhuo divided the persimmons he picked with the crowd and ate them, and the crowd was looking for fun and playing Cuju. Accidentally, the Cuju flew into the sky and disappeared.

Tang Zhuo wiped his sweat and trotted in the direction where Cuju flew off.

I saw that this place has a sword training hall, a study, etc. The rooms are interspersed, but because of the banquet today, there is no one. Tang Zhuo walked all the way and looked, and finally saw the Cuju rolling down the corridor, flipped it down and hugged it, who knew that just trotting a few steps, he suddenly bumped into a group of big white geese.

There have been chickens, ducks and fish in Tangmen Bay, but no big white geese. Tang Zhuo just thought they were passing by. He didn't pay much attention to it, so he went straight through. Who knows, those big white geese seemed to be kicked in the buttocks when they saw him. Yes, they flapped their wings and screamed.

Tang Zhuo:

Seeing that the big white geese were aggressive, Tang Zhuo took a few steps back, but the big white geese suddenly chased after him like a mad dog!

Tang Zhuo: ? ?

Tang Zhuo was so frightened that he threw away his Cuju and ran wild. The big white geese were chasing after him. Tang Zhuo ran all the way, and finally saw the teenagers who were still waiting for him from a distance, and shouted loudly: "Goose!!! Goose!!! Goose!!!"

Shi Jin crossed Erlang's legs, saw him, and said lazily, "What? Qu Xiang Xiang Tiange??"

The next moment, I saw a group of big white geese screaming and chasing Tang Zhuo towards him.

So a group of big white geese chased a group of teenagers and ran across Huanling Creek.

The teenagers were rushing around, people and geese were making a lot of noise. Tang Zhuo came in at a corner, and the group of big white geese chased the teenagers and ran away. Tang Zhuo exhaled, his mouth was dry, and when he looked up, he saw a fifteen-year-old boy in a gray light shirt. Lying on the eaves with his arms on his back and sleeping, he opened his eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "What is so noisy, so that no one can sleep?"