
Chapter 15: Juling Castle Ghosts and Ghosts 2


Lin Luan said, "What's going on here? Zifan, are you arguing with everyone again?"

Before Lin Zifan could speak, someone rushed to finish the complaint. Lin Luan said, "Zifan, you can't make your own decisions in the future. You can follow everyone for the time being. This is for your safety." Lin Zifan didn't express any dissatisfaction this time, and nodded.

The crowd dispersed.

Tang Zhuo had a terrifying headache, and only squatted on the ground with his knees tucked.

At this time, silence is the best medicine.

Suddenly, the evil spirits began to shake violently.

Tang Zhuo opened his eyes, and saw a black aura swirling all over his body to ward off evil spirits, and the brilliance of gems on the scabbard turned sharply. He didn't understand what happened, but Yinluan had already unsheathed and swept straight behind Tang Zhuo!

Chishui Girl!

Tang Zhuo was startled, and Xuan Ziyuan was obsessed with the silver luan, blocking Tang Zhuo behind him.

The Chishui girl acted silently and restrained her breath. She did not know when she secretly came to Tang Zhuo's back, hiding behind the grass, her eyes staring at the two of them as if they were looking at their prey.

One person suddenly shouted: "Look at the trick!"

Yuan Zhuo and the others both turned their heads, but it was Lin Zifan who left the team without authorization and rushed over. Tang Zhuo couldn't stop him all of a sudden. The chasing cloud sword was windy, and stabbed at the Chishui female scorpion with the potential of breaking stones, but the Chishui female scorpion went straight up, bit the chasing cloud, and the chasing cloud made bursts of buzzing sounds, and finally burst out with an aura, Finally got out!

At this time, a group of Lin's family and Xuan's family came after them, and the Chishui girl roared a few times and fled.

Xuan Zikang said, "We just saw that the girl was heading west, but we didn't expect her to go to the south and attack from the south!"

Lin Haoxuan hurried over, grabbed Lin Zifan, and said angrily, "My brother just told you not to make up your own mind, it's not cool, you are running around again! You didn't see that the girl almost took your sword. Bite off?!"

Lin Zifan struggled desperately and said, "How could the chasing cloud but the spirit sword be bitten by a monster so easily, you idiot!!! Let me go!!!"

At this time, the evil spirits again sent out bursts of black energy, Tang Zhuo's eyes lit up, and said, "Exorcism?"

Hyun Jae-yeon also noticed. Tang Zhuo immediately said loudly: "Follow me, everyone, I can find where the monster is!"

The two stood on the side, and everyone had not paid attention to them before, when Tang Zhuo made a sound, everyone looked over, and instantly put on a complex expression of shock, fear, hatred and suspicion. Xuan Ziyuan said unhappily, "Follow, that's right, love won't come."

"..." Tang Zhuo immediately covered his mouth.

Before waiting for everyone to express their opinions, Tang Zhuo took Xuan Ziyuan and left first, but after everyone looked at each other, they still followed.

I saw bursts of black energy rising from the body to ward off evil spirits, pointing straight in one direction. Everyone chased with swords, and the more they chased, the more puzzled they became, and said, "It's weird, isn't this going to the ghost formation?"

The Twelve Ghost Array is after monsters appeared in various places. The head of the Xuan family, Xuan Hao, ordered the heads of twelve beasts to be suppressed in various places on the grounds of suppressing evil spirits. There are three in each of the four places. direction of the pavilion. At the beginning, everyone still trusted the Xuan family very much, and they did not expect that those ghosts and monsters would be rampant for so long, but these ghost towns are towns, but they have no effect. The ghosts and monsters are still rampant and domineering. The ghost array is evacuated or destroyed.

At this time, all the families were also dissatisfied, and they all questioned, what is the "half-human ghost" doing

This "half-human ghost" is talking about Hyun Mandrill. Hyun Mandrill has been average in talent since he was a child, and his half-brother, Hyun Yiqing, who took office in the Hyun family, is clearly different from cloud and mud. But it doesn't matter if Hyun Ji's aptitude is not enough, on the contrary, he hates those who have stronger aptitude than him. The character is stubborn and lazy, and Xuan Yiqing is the model of a decent gentleman. He doesn't like Xuan Yiqing, and Xuan Yiqing doesn't like him either. Fire and water are incompatible. But because his brother is not a person who loves nothing to find trouble, so the two get along fairly well, but no one can know whether this Hyun is playing tricks behind his back.

After becoming the head of the family, Hyun Mandid fully demonstrated his "inaction" quality to each of the hundreds of families. Not only was he not responsible for managing the family business, but he always had inexplicable and weird ideas, causing trouble for the people in the family. Because he makes people feel that he is not a ghost or a ghost, so everyone secretly calls him "half-human ghost".

The black air suddenly dissipated and disappeared, Tang Zhuo stopped and said, "This is it."

A fortress appeared in front of him.

This fortress is all white up and down, without any decoration, like a room specially made for the dead, and bursts of yin qi emanated from the inside, as if all the yin and evil qi in this place were all in one, making it horrifying to see it in broad daylight. . There is a beast head on the top of the fortress, with an extremely terrifying face, plus living on the fortress all day long, experiencing wind, rain, scorching sun and frost, it adds a bit of evil spirit. This fortress is called Juling Fort.

Someone said angrily: "Is this thing used to suppress evil?? I think that if it is evil, some people will believe it."

Juling Castle has never allowed anyone to enter, but since warding off evil spirits and guiding everyone here, the Chishui Girl is here, so everyone no longer hesitates and walks in with swords.

Among the hundred families of Xuanmen, only the Tang family can use fire art with empty hands, while people from other families must rely on talisman paper if they want to use fire art. Among the hundreds of families, only the Xuan family can use the water art with empty hands, and the ice art cannot be used by other families except the Xuan family.

It was unusually dark in the Juling Fort, and Tang Zhuo lit a cluster of fire in the palm of his hand, like an eye suddenly opened from the darkness. The fire lit up the fort at once.

In the lobby, there is a coffin made of stone, and a sword with a cold light is pressed on the coffin. The strange thing is that this sword has no scabbard. Both the coffin and the sword were sealed with dense talisman paper, but an inexplicable sense of oppression still penetrated the darkness and pressed down on everyone's heart.

Xuan Zilin couldn't help but took a step closer and said, "This is... Xuanhu???!!!"

The Xuanhu Sword is an extremely yang sword. Lingjian waits for and chooses his master, and he has been with him for life since he was twelve years old. It is a good story, but such an encounter is only an encounter for the vast majority of people. If the sword is a polar sword, it is often difficult to meet It takes years of turnaround to find a master that truly suits you. Time and opportunity are both essential. Just like this Xuanhu sword, it was only recognized in the Fu family after it was transferred to the Fu family, and the owner was nearly forty years old at that time. Later, with the demise of the Fu family, the Xuanhujian also disappeared.

And the Xuanhu Sword appeared here, so who is in this coffin

There was a commotion in the crowd, and some people were eager to try the Xuanhu to see if he would be its next owner, but he was stopped immediately, reminding him that the Xuanhu Sword once chased and killed those who tried to unscabbard. Some people are eager to break open the coffin to see what is in the coffin; some people think that it is not rash to act rashly, so they should first grab the Chishui Nvxian, go back and report the matter to the elders of the clan.

Seeing the legendary Xuanhu Sword for the first time, everyone was excited and suspicious, and they argued in front of the sarcophagus in the Juling Castle, completely ignoring the focus of the trip. Lin Zifan went his own way again and ran into the castle first. Lin Haoxuan chased after him: "Lin Zifan, are you annoying??!!! Damn, don't run around!!!"

But before he could catch up, Lin Zifan had already run back by himself, with a face full of horror: "There are all kinds of monster corpses in there!!!"

Sure enough, the way the fort went to the depths was filled with the corpses of various monsters.

Xuan Ziyuan said, "It's all down to the scorpion, maybe it was the Chishui female scorpion who did it."

Tang Zhuo said: "Can Mei also kill Mei? The level of ferocity of monsters is generally vague. I think many of the corpses in this pile are more difficult to deal with than the Chishui Girl. Why can it kill them too? "

Xuan Ziyuan said, "With the help of external force."

Tang Zhuo smiled knowingly.

In this Juling Castle, the word "juling" is extremely suspicious.

The original intention of the Twelve Ghost Formation was to "suppress" evil spirits, but this fortress is a "spirit gathering" fort, one "gathering" and one "suppression", which is quite a gathering of evil spirits and suppresses them in the fort.

However, there are too many evil spirits gathering together, too densely, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be any mistakes, and people will secretly use them. And that Chishui female scorpion may have discovered that the yin and evil qi here are dense, and used the yin and evil qi in this place to improve herself.

Some ghosts and ghosts aim at cannibalism, while others only take pleasure in killing people, not to fill their stomachs, so how do those who do not eat people survive

In the Water Temple not long ago, Tang Zhuo had seen the sprites suck the yang qi of living people with his own eyes, so some monsters must be killing people for pleasure, sucking yang qi and yin qi, and it is not that they have not thought about it, among monsters, You can also suck evil energy from the strong to the weak to achieve the purpose of improving yourself.

The crowd gradually went deeper, and the corpses gradually became fresh. At the end of the line, a shadow gradually emerged in the darkness.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and the sound of swords was drawn everywhere.

The fire gradually illuminated the shadow. I saw a cyan monster squatting on the ground, nibbling on a monster that was still struggling!

Several swords flew out, but the Chishui female scorpion suddenly threw the scorpion and jumped into the darkness. In the fortress, there was a flash of inspiration, which illuminated the place, but the Chishui female scorpion seemed to disappear out of thin air, and disappeared without a trace!

The release of the aura consumes a lot of spiritual power, and everyone did not dare to delay, and looked around in haste. The monster couldn't disappear out of thin air, Tang Zhuo's eyes lit up and said, "Look for an exit to the outside!"

After a while, someone shouted: "There is a door here, but it is locked!"

Xuan Ziyuan immediately slashed with a sword. The old lock "Dang" broke open and fell.

But someone suddenly said: "Don't go out!!!"

But it was too late to speak, and the boy who was the first to open the door turned around. On that door, there was a blue shadow hanging upside down, with an extremely strange smile, and suddenly rushed towards the young man.

All this happened when the electric light flint saw it, and the fort instantly turned into a pot of porridge. The boy resisted with all his strength, but the girl pressed the boy to the ground and opened a mouth of fangs. Everyone raised their swords to stab him, but the girl was unmoved and bit down!

Tang Zhuo drove the black qi to jump out and knocked the girl over. The female scorpion suddenly popped out and slammed into the wall, but the young man screamed in a heart-wrenching moment and rolled: "Finger!!!!!!!!!!! My finger!! !!!!!! MY FINGER!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The boy's left hand tightly grasped his right hand, blood dripping, where are the fingers on the palm of his hand? Four of the five fingers were bitten off!

The boy fell on the ground, held up his right hand with only one pinky finger left, and cried bitterly, "Who will return my finger... Who will return my finger..."

What made everyone even more frightened was that the boy's bitten hand slowly turned purple, and the toxin spread to the wrist at the speed of the naked eye!

Immediately, someone raised a sword to cut off the boy's entire hand. The boy's tears-stained eyes widened in horror. : "If you don't cut it now, you will die when the toxin spreads throughout your body!!!"

In just two sentences, the poison had already spread to the forearm, and everyone couldn't bear it any longer. They stepped forward and pressed the boy to the ground and pulled up his sleeve!

After only hearing a tragic howl, the boy rolled his eyes and fainted, and half of his sleeve was gone.

The Chishui Girl fell from the wall, fell to the ground, moved twice, then jumped up instantly, and rushed straight towards the place where the crowd was most crowded. Tang Zhuo's eyes were slightly red, and he scolded, warding off evil spirits instantly, and a sword pierced the right leg of the Chishui girl. Everyone raised their swords one after another, killing it with blood. The Chishui Girl rolled around on the ground, got up dragging her bloody thighs, landed on all fours, and let out a long, furious roar at the crowd!

Tang Zhuo took two steps back and leaned against the wall, gasping for breath. The Chishui Girl was besieged by the crowd and kept attacking and jumping around. Tang Zhuo raised his head, with a pair of scarlet eyes, he looked across the crowd at the girl, and suddenly, for a moment, he had the urge to cry.

Was it like this when she was besieged so heavily...

Suddenly the crowd exclaimed. Tang Zhuo suddenly raised his head, and before he could see clearly, he was thrown to the ground at once, and a sharp pain penetrated into the bone marrow.