
Chapter 17: Visit the ancient village to clean up grievances 1


In the middle of the night, a shadow silently pushed open the wooden door.

A couple was sound asleep, breathing slowly, turning over occasionally.

Moonlight came in from the open door and hit the wall. A huge black silhouette stood in front of the bed, raised a thick sword high, and pierced the throats of the two.

Blood splattered.

That black shadow just took advantage of the night, walking all the way to kill all the way, as if there was an endless energy to vent, an endless anger.

On the second day, Tang Zhuo and Xuan Ziyuan packed up and set off.

Before leaving, Tang Zhuo suddenly put his hands behind his back and smiled bitterly at Xuan Ziyuan. Xuan Ziyuan raised his eyebrows and had a premonition that something was wrong. Sure enough, a figure appeared from behind Tang Zhuo in the next second, showing his big white teeth with a smile, and waved at him: "Hi!!!"

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Tang Zhuo said to Xuan Ziyuan, "Don't make your mood so obvious, people will be sad when they see it."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Hei dancing with excitement, running on the spot with the package on his back: "Boss!!! Where are we going??!"

Tang Zhuo said: "Zhujia Village."

Xiao Hei immediately cheered and jumped up and down in the inn.

Xuan Ziyuan pointed at Xiao Hei with a black line on his face: "He? Sad??"

Tang Zhuo: "..."

The three of them went out and saw that some of the Lin and Xuan family members had packed up their things and were about to go to Zhujia Village. It seemed that everyone's thoughts were surprisingly unanimous. Lin Haoxuan and Lin Zifan started a fight early in the morning, leaving a large circle around them for fear of being hurt by innocent people. Tang Zhuo looked at it, as if he had returned to the past all at once. At this moment, he heard a crisp sound of jade pendant. He turned his head and saw that Lin Luan was stepping out of the inn, closing the door behind him, and walking towards him.

Lin Luan stopped in front of Tang Zhuo and bowed, "Young Master Tang."

Tang Zhuo thought to himself that this was the first time he ran into Lin Luan head-on since he came back, and he felt guilty for a while, and dared not raise his head to salute, "Brother Lu An, I..."

Lin Luan knew that he was shy in words, so he only said softly, "It's fine if nothing happens."

This sentence was spoken, just like comfort, Tang Zhuo exhaled and said: "...Thank you."

At this time, the Lin family was about to leave. Lin Luan explained a few words to them and was about to leave. Lin Haoxuan suddenly said, "Brother!!! Are you going back to Huanlingxi again, won't you follow us??? !"

Lin Luan had only walked a few steps, and when he heard him shout, he turned around and said, "There are so many things to do in the clan, I can't stay outside for a long time."

Lin Haoxuan deliberately exaggerated and said with a terrified face: "But, I'm so scared!"

Presumably, a group of juniors from the Lin family were outside, so Lin Luan felt uneasy and followed them from time to time to prevent emergencies. And this time, almost everyone saw the fierceness of the one-armed Yama, and inevitably felt a little scared.

"..." Lin Zifan curled his lips, rolled his eyes at Lin Haoxuan and said, "How old are you, how dare you say so?? Don't you look at yourself, are you even younger than me? Are you ten years old this year?" ???"

After a few words of mouth, it was time to set off.

Everyone walked in the front, Tang Zhuo and Xuan Ziyuan walked in the back, followed by a high-spirited black.

At that time, Tang Zhuo said that he encountered a monster that would turn into a human shape when he was in Soul Eater Valley, and that it came back to the world one day, and it was Xiao Hei.

When they first came out of Soul Eater Valley, Tang Zhuo gave each of them a name for the sake of convenience. Because there were too many, it was very casual. As a result, sometimes he felt embarrassed when he read it. Xiao Hei once mentioned that he seemed to have a name in the human world in the past, but because of the passage of time, he gradually forgot.

After the "people" in Soul Eater Valley came to the human world, at first they couldn't do anything except speak human words. They didn't even use chopsticks when they were eating. Tang Zhuo taught them how to use them, so they poked the chopsticks into their noses and wanted to swallow any living thing they saw. During that time, Tang Zhuo felt like a nanny, and it took a long time to teach them how to live normally in human society. Afterwards, seeing that they all found a job to make a living, they left alone.

But they are still monsters, no matter where Tang Zhuo goes, they can find him.

And Tang Zhuo was the first to meet Xiao Hei when he was in the valley, and he was naturally the closest to him. Xiao Hei is willing to be Tang Zhuo's "little brother", runs errands very hard, and enjoys his "little brother" status.

At this time, Xiao Hei suddenly whispered and called Tang Zhuo. Tang Zhuo came back to his senses, and seeing his sneaky expression, he wanted to laugh a little, so he approached a little and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Hei whispered to Tang Zhuo: "Boss, don't you really have... What kind of fetish does the dragon have?"

Tang Zhuo was instantly petrified, knowing that what he wanted to say was Longyang's addiction. Feeling guilty and afraid that Xuan Ziyuan would hear it, he secretly turned his head and glanced, seeing that Xuan Ziyuan was walking not far away, his expression and pace did not change at all, he turned his head and whispered back to Xiao Hei: "How did you know??? "

Xiao Hei smiled and said, "To be honest, I have been secretly following you all the time. Yesterday, after I saw many of you come out of a white house, the two of you hugged each other!"

Tang Zhuo's face instantly turned red.

To be honest, his mood was really complicated yesterday. He didn't pay much attention to what he said and did emotionally at the time. Then he suddenly heard it from someone else's mouth and wanted to plunge into the ground. Seeing his expression, Xiao Hei made two more hehes, covered his mouth and glanced secretly at Xuan Ziyuan over there, and whispered, "Boss, shouldn't that be your official!"

Xuan Ziyuan seemed to have noticed something, turned his head to look here, saw the two of them leaning against each other and kept whispering, sneaking, nervous for fear of being discovered by others, and felt unhappy in his heart. Tang Zhuo didn't notice it at all, and said to Xiao Hei, "Come here a little more."

Blackie quickly moved closer. Xuan Ziyuan's face became more and more chill.

Tang Zhuo said to Xiao Hei, "That's right."

Xiao Hei's eyes lit up immediately. Tang Zhuo said to him: "But this is my private decision. He doesn't know it yet. You must never tell him. This is just a little secret between the two of us."

It was the first time that Xiao Hei had a "secret" with someone else, and he was very excited and said: "Yes!!!" Suddenly he covered his mouth and realized that the voice was too loud. He looked around again, bent down and whispered: "Yes...!"

After the two muttered, they parted immediately. Tang Zhuo pretended to cough, and leaned back to Xuan Ziyuan's side again, his hands behind his back, his expression seemed to be filled with spring breeze. Xuan Ziyuan glanced at him, and the more he looked, the more suspicious he became, and he asked, "What did you say just now?"

Tang Zhuo suddenly choked, and said guiltyly: "No, it's nothing..."

When Xuan Ziyuan glanced at him, he saw Xiao Hei glanced at him after taking a few steps, snickering, and then glanced at him after taking a few steps, snickering, suddenly felt hair all over his body, and became even more suspicious.

In the evening, after everyone rested at the roadside inn, Xiao Hei slipped into Tang Zhuo's room. Seeing that he had not yet gone to bed, Mao Sui suggested, "Boss, let me sing you a song!"

To be honest, Tang Zhuo had never heard of Xiao Hei's singing voice, so he was interested and sat up looking at him expectantly. Xiao Hei laughed, cleared his throat very solemnly, and said, "It's a shame!" After speaking, he sang with a broken gong in his voice.

At the moment when the voice sounded, Tang Zhuo felt the sensation of being struck by an ancient thunder through time and space. His whole body was about to crack. He wanted to cover his ears, but he was afraid of hitting Xiao Hei, so he held on. I'm done. Xiao Hei asked expectantly: "Boss, how do I sing??!!"

Tang Zhuo swallowed his saliva, squeezed out a smile and applauded: "Xiao Hei, you sing really well!"

Xiao Hei was stunned, slowly wiped his tears, sucked his nose, and howled, "Really?!! Boss!!!"

Xiao Hei was moved to tears, and this time it was Tang Zhuo who was stunned. I only heard Xiao Hei Road: "When I was performing arts, I felt that the night was very quiet and suitable for listening to the singing, and I especially hoped to help the insomniac elder brother fall asleep, so I sat on the street and sang while pulling the erhu, who knows …who knew all the lights on the street were on and they beat me up… woohoo woohoo…”

"… "

Hearing this narration, Tang Zhuo was really distressed and funny. Before he could comfort him, he heard Xiao Hei immediately smile and say: "Then I will sing to the boss for you every night from now on, okay!!!"

Tang Zhuo: "...?"

Before Tang Zhuo could react, Xiao Hei started to cheer himself up and danced with excitement. As a result, for three consecutive nights, as soon as Tang Zhuo lay down, he could hear Xiao Hei's broken gong voice singing with the erhu. The singing was intoxicated and forgetful. Tang Zhuo rolled on the bed a few times in pain, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He suddenly sat up and shouted out the window, "Little Hei!! Stop singing!!!"

Xiao Hei didn't seem to hear Tang Zhuo's painful cry at all, and he still sang in a daze. Tang Zhuosheng fell on the bed reluctantly, thinking about life for a while, and then he got up and floated out like a wandering soul.

As a result, after walking out a few steps, he saw that Xuan Ziyuan hadn't even slept, and was squatting on the grass alone. Tang Zhuo walked over and squatted down beside him. The two of them silently stared at the moon, singing behind them all night long. Tang Zhuo blamed himself a little, lowered his head and said to Xuan Ziyuan, "... I'm sorry." Xuan Ziyuan was stunned for a moment, then glanced at him, showing no emotion on his face, and said, "It's fine if you like it. "

Tang Zhuo: ? ?

Tang Zhuo couldn't wait to cry, wondering if Xuan Ziyuan had misunderstood something. He smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

"… "

Everyone stopped and walked all the way, and the next day, they arrived at Zhujia Village.

When I came to Zhujia Village, six of the ten villages in the village hung up the spirit banners, a white tragic scene. Everyone is crying, or sluggish, or crazy. Xuan Zikang said: "It seems that the one-armed Yama really came back to Zhujia Village and killed so many people. Really... Really..."

It was said before that the one-armed Yama Zhuyao worshipped the Fu family during his lifetime. Before entering the Fu family, he grew up in Zhujia Village.

After all, Zhu Yao is also a person who owns the Extreme Yang Sword, so his life has long been ripped off. It is said that Zhu Yao's father was an alcoholic with an extremely violent temperament. When he was not drunk, he would beat Zhu Yao and Zhu Yao's mother, no matter how good or bad he was. When he was drunk, he would beat him to death. Noisy neighbors can not sleep. But because Zhu Yao's father was too irritable, he once beat up those who came to persuade him, so no one interfered later, and Zhu Yao's father's arrogance became more and more arrogant.

Zhu Yao, who grew up in this environment since childhood, gradually became distorted and extremely violent. When Zhu Yao was fifteen years old, when his father committed violence again, he chopped off his head with a knife. Later, I don't know who I worshipped as a master, and I wanted to worship the mysterious door. He is arrogant and arrogant, and thinks that he is a plastic talent. He will never join the little-known Xuanmen family, but whether it is the Xuan family, the Tang family, or the Lin family, they will not accept such a rude grass-roots person as him.

At that time, the Xuanmen upheaval had not yet occurred, and the Fu family was the leader of the Xuanmen Baijia. Although Zhu Yao is pretentious, he still shy away from the Fu family. After hitting the wall several times, Zhu Yao visited the Fu family with the mentality of being kicked out again. The Fu family has always accepted students with foreign surnames and praised him for his extraordinary aptitude. There was a lack of further studies and opportunities. After some inquiry, he agreed to his application. When he came to the Fu family, Zhu Yao was already in his thirties.

In many Xuanmen archives, some of the ghosts seeking vengeance happened in the residences of the ghosts before they were alive. Because they lived for a long time, the incidents that happened there are more likely to stimulate the love, hatred, jealousy, and anger of the Specters during their lifetimes. Because of this speculation, everyone chose to find Zhujia Village.

After expressing his intention to the villagers, the villagers finally agreed to everyone's request to inspect the body. After a while, Xuan Zikang finished observing the corpse and walked out of the room with a gloomy face: "Why does this one-armed Yama look like a killing machine, I have never seen a monster kill so crazy before?" Just like the beasts that have been locked in the cage for a long time, once they are released, they will be bitten and destroyed everywhere.

Tang Zhuo said, "Have you found out what characteristics the people it kills have?"

After getting along for a long time, everyone gradually relaxes towards Tang Zhuo and is no longer as vigilant as usual. Xuan Zilin suddenly realized, raised his hand and said, "They are both husband and wife!"

Tang Zhuo nodded and said, "Exactly."

Lin Zifan waited and watched for a long time, and finally found a time when he could interject. He stepped forward and said, "Some people turn into ghosts after they die, and they specialize in the kind of people they hated during their lifetime. Maybe this blessing or blessing is a blessing. Li Gui, anyway, the way he looks now is not much different from Li Gui. It only kills husband and wife, is it because his wife died before his death, so he is jealous when he sees the happiness of the husband and wife?"

At this time, Lin Haoxuan suddenly said: "Only kill the husband and wife? How does it tell that they are husband and wife? Maybe they are elder brothers and sisters, elder sisters and younger brothers??"

Lin Zifan rolled his eyes at him: "It's a monster now, kill anyone who looks like it, why do you care so much? Your brain is really white."

Tang Zhuo said: "Maybe it's not jealousy, there is another possibility, that is: it is looking for someone."

With Zhu Yao's temperament, he must think that he is an upright person and will not be jealous of anyone. He had a hot temperament during his lifetime, and the murder purpose of hot people is usually to suffer from humiliation, betrayal, ridicule, etc., and feel that his self-esteem has been hurt. One-armed Yama only killed couples along the way, perhaps because the person he hated during his lifetime was a couple, or one of a couple.

But because Zhu Yao was dead and his consciousness was chaotic, he probably only remembered that the people he hated were husband and wife or married a wife or a husband, so he killed them one by one. Nine can't let go of one.

After thinking like this, Tang Zhuo noticed a question, how exactly did Zhu Yao die

During the fight at Julingbao, Tang Zhuo noticed carefully that the fingernails of Zhu Yao's only remaining right arm were broken and turned up.

Xuan Ziyuan said: "I have read in books that people who were locked up in coffins and buried alive, as the oxygen in the coffins dwindled, the awareness of survival prompted them to do things that ordinary people seem crazy in desperate situations - take The fingernails scratched the coffin board, the inner wall of the coffin, screamed desperately, and tried every means to get themselves out. After the coffin was opened, it was often found that the fingernails had been broken and turned up during the scratching."

Tang Zhuo nodded and said: "If Zhu Yao was buried alive to death, then the person who eagerly wanted to take revenge after his death and would kill a bunch of people even if he killed the wrong people would most likely be the one who buried him alive. ."

Ask all the way. A villager said: "Are you asking Ayao? The last time I saw him was ten years ago. When I came back from fishing that night, I saw a man staggering towards the village from a distance. Because I heard Ayao belonged to a big family of Xuanmen, so he is very famous in our village. I recognized him immediately and went to greet him, but when I saw that he was covered in blood and had a broken arm, he asked me Ashan. Where."