
Chapter 19: Visit the ancient village to clean up grievances 3


The roof collapsed immediately, and a tall monster full of black energy clinging to a broad sword fell to the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

The monster ignored the several sharp swords that were slashed at him, picked up Ah Shan like a chick, and grabbed his neck.

Ah Shan's eyes widened in horror, struggling with difficulty, and the strength in the one-armed Yama's hand became tighter and tighter. Only then did Ah Shan realize through those dark eyes that the monster in front of her who was about to kill her was Zhu Yao!

Ashan was shocked and scared, and opened her mouth and shouted: "Ayao!!! It's me, Ayao!!! I'm sorry for you, I'll burn incense for you and kowtow to you, for the sake of us growing up together. You let me live, Ayao!!!"

One-armed Yama roared angrily, and the roar was so loud that everyone present covered their ears in pain. The one-armed Yama's hand tightened suddenly, Ashan's eyes widened, and her mouth opened almost to the limit that a human being can open. Suddenly, she heard a "click", and Ashan's neck was twisted into a non-living one. Angle, the body "bang" fell down.

The next moment, the one-armed Yama turned his head and looked at the people in the room. Everyone was already preparing for a fierce battle, but who knew that the one-armed Yama just roared at them one last vent-like roar, suddenly jumped onto the roof, and ran away!

In an instant, the spirit swords hung in the air, and everyone jumped up and left with their swords. Lin Zifan had never wielded a sword. He followed the crowd in the air and ran a few steps before stopping. He summoned Chasing Cloud and hung in the air. Who knew that his cultivation was not enough, and the spiritual power poured into Chasing Cloud was simply not enough to carry him. , Lin Haoxuan had already jumped onto Suiyang, grabbed Lin Zifan up, and said, "Stand firm!" Lin Zifan snorted. Sui Yang hurriedly chased after him.

The one-armed Yama seemed to have a purpose and ran all the way to the west, where the black air swept away, the plants and flowers all withered to death in an instant. Tang Zhuo commanded from above: "Don't let it continue to go west, let it go to that river!"

So the crowd formed a semi-circle, and the road to the west was blocked in a snare. The one-armed Yama roared in rage, waving the Xuanhu in a furious state, and the battle was about to be broken. At this time, Tang Zhuo closed his eyes and raised his two fingers to a point between his eyebrows, opened his eyes and shouted: "Come!"

Suddenly, a loud bang came from the distant woods, and the branches and leaves trembled all the way.

Lin Haoxuan had just dodged a sword in a thrilling way, when he heard this voice, his whole body was about to go bad, and he shouted: "What is this? Is it two-armed Yama???"

In the next instant, a huge fire hibiscus flew out.

The one-armed Yama had never seen such a thing, and immediately stepped back several feet away. The fire hibiscus was blazing with blazing flames, and the sound of "click" continued, and the steel knife spun toward the one-armed Yama!

The one-armed Yama immediately resisted, and was actually shaken to the ground and rolled several times. It was the first time that Lin Haoxuan saw Huo Mujin's battle scene, and he was very excited, and said, "My mother, this big wood is too cool! I decided to go to Tangmen Bay to learn arts in the second half of the year!" Lin Zifanbai Glancing at him, he said, "Go ahead and try, and see if your father doesn't break your leg first."

Huo Mujin's offensive was strong, and the surrounding was warm and scorching hot, forcing the one-armed Yama to retreat steadily, and he couldn't get close, and finally turned in the direction that everyone wanted!

The crowd suddenly cheered. Xuan Ziyuan stood on top of the silver luan, his clothes were flying elegantly, he turned his head to look at Tang Zhuo from a distance, smiled imperceptibly, and Tang Zhuo just happened to look at him, and gave him a "victory" gesture. But only Tang Zhuo felt guilty, sweating coldly, secretly said: "Fortunately, fortunately... It can't be used anymore, it's about to be broken." After speaking, he manipulated the fire hibiscus away.

Seeing that the one-armed Yama was about to reach the river, everyone jumped down from their swords and asked Tang Zhuo, "Tang Zhuo, we have reached the river, and then what?"

Tang Zhuo hugged his chest and said, "Look at it."

Sure enough, just when One-Armed Yama reached the river, a corpse flew from nowhere and smashed in front of One-Armed Yama. One-armed Yama was already extremely irritable, and he tore the corpse into pieces, and in the next moment, everyone was so shocked that their eyes were about to fall out, and they saw a group of purple corpses roaring out from the woods on one side. The figure, followed by several Chishui female scorpions!

When the purple shadow arrived, he made a turn and ran away, but those Chishui women no longer chased him at all, but rushed towards the one-armed Yama!

The purple shadow rolled in front of Tang Zhuo like a whirlwind, and said, "Boss!!!"

Tang Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "Good job." Zi Ying showed her white teeth very proudly.

Xuan Ziyuan said to Tang Zhuo, "Is this what you thought?"

Tang Zhuo said proudly: "Yes, I am smart and cute. Don't praise me, I will be embarrassed."

This method was indeed thought up by Tang Zhuo alone.

After leaving Juling Castle that day, Tang Zhuo remembered that the monsters he thought might be able to improve himself by sucking the evil energy from the strong to the weak, and an idea suddenly popped up in his heart, that is to use the nature of monsters to make them kill each other.

When the Chishui Girl is doing evil, it fights alone, but when it's resting, it lives in groups. Therefore, if the Chishui Girl is found, it can be confirmed that there are many Chishui Girl activities within a certain range.

Therefore, after discussing with Xiao Hei, Tang Zhuo decided that he would first find the nest of the Chishui Nv's nearest to Zhujia Village. The Chishui Girl is a kind of monster with a strong revenge, and the degree of ferocity in the water is much greater than that on land, so Xiao Hei used the body of the Chishui Girl who died in the Juling Castle to lure the group of Chishui Girl.魃, lead it to the nearest river to Zhujia Village.

The group of Chishui women are really fierce, their fangs make people tremble when they look at them, and when they bite, when they scratch, you fall on me, you fall on me, and they are besieged in circles, making the one-armed Yama roar in pain, with long fingernails. He fell into the flesh again, and he couldn't shake it, and the one-armed Yama couldn't hold it anymore. At this time, he was dragged into the water by the Chishui girl, setting off waves, and gradually disappeared.

Everyone comforted their chests again and again, and their tense expressions finally relaxed. However, what everyone did not expect was that within a short while, the water surface suddenly violently swelled up, and they saw one after another Chishui girl being pulled out of the water. Lifting it out, the one-armed Yama leaped abruptly to the shore, scarred and ripped apart, Xuanhu, who was so persistent in his spiritual light, let out a deafening roar!

Tang Zhuo gradually stopped laughing.

Xuanzikang said: "Its sword is the key! Xuanhu released the spiritual power that Zhu Yao injected into it at the last moment, and now it's even more troublesome!"

At this moment, a gust of wind blew lightly. Someone first shouted out in surprise: "There are a lot of people in the clan!"

Sure enough, in the mid-air behind him, groups of people from the mysterious sect with different clothes and colors came to Yujian. It must have been someone who reported the matter to the clan after Juling Castle that day.

Tang Zhuo's face turned pale when he saw that the Tang family was still among them, and he subconsciously hid behind Xuan Ziyuan.

One-armed Yama saw the mighty people coming, and suddenly roared, he was about to run away!

At this time, a ferocious sword qi slashed!

The one-armed Yama turned around and blocked, but the sword came straight up against Xuanhu without any signs of flinching.

The person who came was Lin Luan.

When the one-armed Yama was about to raise his sword again, Lin Luan suddenly stepped back with one foot and raised his hand to place Wei Feng in front of him. Xuanhu came to the seat, and the wind suddenly slashed down, with pieces of fishy wind, and the sword energy was unexpectedly powerful. Wherever it went, layers of fish scales were cut out of the ground, and it greeted Xuan at a subtle angle. Tiger, and Xuanhu, was actually picked apart!

A good one to overcome rigidity with softness!

The elders of the various clans who were chasing came up and held the one-armed Yama.

Xuanhu inserted deeply into the soil. Lin Luan stepped forward, leaned over slightly, pulled Xuanhu out, and inspected it. At this time, Lin Haoxuan ran over and said, "Brother!"

Lin Luan turned around and gave him a slight smile, nodded, then glanced at Lin Zifan who was not far away, and said to Lin Haoxuan, "When I was watching from a distance, I saw that the two of you were calm and didn't quarrel. Progress." Lin Haoxuan knew that he was talking about "no bickering", so he coughed in a guilty conscience and said, "Really? Is it..."

After listening to the juniors describe what happened today, and the elders of all clans giving their appreciation, they began to discuss how to deal with this one-armed Yama. After all, how can a good person become a dick after death? There are too many mysteries in this one-armed Yama, or Zhu Yao.

Tang Zhuo had been deliberately hiding from his family, but suddenly he saw a man walking towards him hesitantly, his heart skipping a beat, and he hid behind Xuan Ziyuan with a guilty conscience, and almost made a hole in the ground to escape.

The person who came was in his forties, wearing a round-necked red shirt, a black belt, and a pair of black boots, and stopped in front of Xuan Ziyuan, or Tang Zhuo.

Xuan Ziyuan bowed and said, "Uncle Tang."

Tang Runqin saluted him back and said, "Young Master Xuan."

At this time, Tang Zhuo, who had been hiding behind Xuan Ziyuan and refused to come out, called out tentatively, "...Little Young Master?"

After a long silence, Tang Zhuo said in a very low voice, "… Uncle."

Tang Runqin was the elder brother of Tang Zhuo's father, don Juanxi. After don Juanxi's death, he took over the Tang family with full authority because Tang Zhuo was gone. After Tang Zhuo came out of Soul Eater Valley, he secretly wandered outside Tangmen Bay for a peek. Seeing that Tangmen Bay seemed to be the same as before, he felt relieved, but found that some things did not necessarily require him.

Tang Runqin said softly: "Little Master, the position of the patriarch of Tangmen Bay has always been vacant, the chickens you raised in the yard have grown very large now, and the former patriarch used to make a fire for you. No one can use Mujin in the entire Tangmen Bay at present, just waiting for you to go back."

After a moment of silence, Tang Zhuo said, "I will go back."

Tang Runqin nodded, bowed to Xuan Ziyuan, then turned and left.

Watching Tang Runqin's figure go away, Xuan Ziyuan turned to his side, lowered his head and said warmly, "Tang Zhuo."

Only then did Tang Zhuo lift the face buried on his back, his eyes flushed, and he pursed his lips, saying, "I said, I will go back. I will definitely go back."

In the end, the one-armed Yama Youxuan family was escorted away. When leaving, Tang Zhuo looked back at Zhu Yao, and suddenly saw it stopped, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed.

Towards the direction of Jiangxi Broken Armor City.

But by this time, no one could understand its motives.

Tang Zhuo always felt that things were not just what they seemed on the surface.

In the inn, Tang Zhuo had a headache.

Why was Zhu Yao sealed in Juling Castle? Who sealed him there? Does the person who sealed it there know who it was when it was alive, and if so, what kind of grievance did he have with it? How can a good living person become such a monster after death

On the way back, when passing by Zhujia Village, Tang Zhuo and Xuan Ziyuan went to Zhu Yao's former residence, double-checked, broke a locked box at the bottom of the cabinet, and dug out a few letters.

The letter paper was already yellowed, but the handwriting on it was still legible. A few letters were marked with typos, which seemed to be drafts that could not be sent, and the rest were replies from others. Each letter was written extremely briefly, with only a few words. It seems to be arranged in chronological order. Tang Zhuo turned over one by one, and his eyes stayed on the last letter:

"My lord, I regret it."

Tang Zhuo collected the letter, put it back into the box, and put it back at the bottom of the cabinet.