
Chapter 20: Insects


As soon as the genius dawned, Tang Zhuo swam to Xuan Ziyuan's room and knocked on the door.

A voice came from the room: "Come in."

Tang Zhuo opened the door with a smile and said: "Zi-" he shouted halfway, but the second half was stuck in his throat, unable to speak.

I saw that Xuan Ziyuan seemed to be awake, sitting on the edge of the bed wearing only a snow-white tunic, and his smooth silver hair was scattered under the shoulders without the restraint of the headband. Hearing Tang Zhuo's door opening, Xuan Ziyuan looked up slightly while tying his hair. Tang Zhuo stared stupidly for a while, stuck between the door and didn't move, turned around and covered his face for a while. However, Xuan Ziyuan had already put on his clothes and walked out.

After returning from Zhujia Village, the two spent two or three days in the inn doing nothing. Xuan Ziyuan was bored no matter what happened or no one was there. He was already used to being bored, but Tang Zhuo was different. He was looking for fun in his spare time. Moreover, he not only did not go alone, but also insisted on pulling another person. This time, Tang Zhuo heard that a family surnamed Hao had made a strange incident, and dragged Xuan Ziyuan to go.

After walking for a while, the two saw from a distance that a man with a goatee was waiting in front of a dilapidated bungalow at the end of the path. He was walking around anxiously. When they saw the two coming, they hurried up to meet the two. People invited in.

Entering the bedroom, you can smell the soothing scent of the whole house. There was an extremely thin man lying on the bed, as if he was buried under a quilt. If he hadn't seen his exposed head, I'm afraid Tang Zhuo would have thought that there was no one on the bed. There is a famous woman beside the bed, who should be the mother of the bedridden man.

I saw that the bedridden man was just a little boy of eleven or twelve years old, but although he was said to be eleven or twelve years old, his body was as thin as a child of eight or nine years old. I don't know why, but the head is surprisingly big, like blowing a ball, and it looks terrifying. Because it was too thin, it was as if there was only one piece of skin hanging on a bone shelf. The boy's cheeks were shriveled, and his big bony eyes were bulging out, which looked a little scary. With tears in his eyes, he stared blankly at the ceiling, motionless, and extremely quiet.

Master Hao wiped away his tears and said, "This is my youngest son, his name is A Yan. He was born to be lively and active, but he went out to find something to eat a month ago. He had a headache, had nightmares every night, and his appetite gradually declined. We suspected that he ate something dirty outside, and took him to see the doctor. The doctor was helpless and frugal for a while. It hasn't gotten any better. It's been a month now, and it's become like this... This... Is there any help? The two young masters must save my son!"

He burst into tears when he spoke, and his wife was also in tears. Tang Zhuo originally saw that the victim was a child, and felt pity in his heart. After hearing the story, he solemnly said to the couple surnamed Hao: "We have already understood the situation of Ayan, let us walk around here and discuss the countermeasures. "The couple cried and said "yes".

After leaving the bedroom, Tang Zhuo asked Xuan Ziyuan: "Ziyuan, do you have any ideas when you see that situation? What is it like?"

Xuan Ziyuan seemed to be thinking about it just now, and said, "The crux is in the head, it's just..."

He hasn't finished speaking, but Tang Zhuo can understand it in his heart. Indeed, at a glance, you can tell what the condition of the child's head must be. But the head is no more important than other parts of the human body, just like the heart, and should not be acted rashly.

When the most straightforward path doesn’t work, it’s time to try to focus on other paths. Tang Zhuo recalled what Master Hao had just said, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Let's go."

The two found a nearby vegetable garden that had been abandoned, with only a few dry vegetable leaves left on the soil.

Tang Zhuo squatted down gently, checked it carefully, suddenly selected a vegetable leaf, made a fire tactic, held up a flame in his palm, and probed towards the vegetable leaf, and within a moment, he saw densely packed leaves on the vegetable leaf. Black dots, after a while, those little black dots turned into countless "little mantises" the size of fingernails, and they were about to climb on Tang Zhuo's hands in groups!

Yinluan immediately slashed out a burst of sword energy and swept away all those "little mantises". Tang Zhuo quickly drew a talisman, using blood as a medium to draw those "little praying mantis" into the formation, reciting the formula in his mouth, the talisman paper burned violently in mid-air along with the blood formation drawn on the ground, shaking out a burst of bursts. red light. Those "little mantises" turned to ashes in the true fire of samadhi.

Silver Luan into the sheath. Tang Zhuo and Xuan Ziyuan hurried to the bedroom.

His conjecture was indeed correct, "nightmare", "head that became huge", that child, really fell into a dream-eater!

Those "little mantises" that just appeared are the larvae after hatching from the eggs of the dream-eater. The Dream Eater is shaped like a praying mantis, covered in black charcoal, with two nightmarish red eyes and a mouth full of fine fangs. Their adults are about the age of a one-year-old child, and they like to lay their eggs on vegetable leaves, laying hundreds of eggs at a time, which are invisible to the naked eye. The eggs will hatch by themselves in the high temperature, and the larvae will burrow into the brain through the holes of the human body, and suck the fear of living people by creating nightmares. After reaching adulthood, it lays eggs again, and so on.

The Hao family was poor, presumably because the child was hungry, so he went to the abandoned vegetable garden to boil and eat the leaves, and the dream-eating larvae entered the child's brain. As soon as he entered the bedroom, A Yan suddenly burst into tears. The couple surnamed Hao were anxious and sad and at a loss. Tang Zhuo's face was as pale as earth, and he said, "This is the Dream Eater who is going to break out of his brain!"

When the couple heard this, they fainted. Mrs. Hao cried with swollen eyes and said, "Does this mean, does this mean that my child is helpless..."

Tang Zhuo sullen and said nothing.

It really didn't help.

If it is discovered early, it may be possible to use some methods to force out the larvae that have not yet grown up, or kill them in the brain first, and then excrete them. But this time, it was too late when he discovered it. The child's head had already swelled to such an extent that he was afraid that the Dream Eater was about to burst his brain. And just after some exploration efforts, Shimengyu was already ready to move.

The children are already hard to protect, but the dream of eating is broken. If they are allowed to slip away like this, it will inevitably make more people suffer.

The husband and wife surnamed Hao had become sluggish. After Tang Zhuo said something, he invited them out and closed the door.

It is already heart-wrenching for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person, not to mention the process of letting parents witness the tragic death of their children...

Suddenly, A Yan spit out white foam, his eyes hanged, his body twitched violently, and the shape of his head began to change little by little!

This scene is too horrific. Ayan felt that his head was changing, he was so scared that tears streamed down, he waved his hands, suddenly grabbed Xuan Ziyuan beside him, tried hard to turn his eyes away, and said inarticulately: "Brother, brother, save me! !! Brother save me!!! I don’t want to die!!!…”

Xuan Ziyuan also gently held his hand and whispered, "...you'll be fine."

Just a lie.

The next moment, A Yan suddenly let out a heart-wrenching final scream, only to see his head burst open, and blood and brains flowed out, as well as a dream-eater wielding a sickle!

Tang Zhuo had been waiting for a long time, warding off evil spirits in his hand, and a black aura erupted, thinking about those dream-eating spears!

Dream Eater grinned and waved his scythe silently. In the dark atmosphere, the pair of scarlet eyes dimmed a lot in an instant. Several dream-eaters jumped out and rushed towards Tang Zhuo, and the sharp sickle left a bloodstain on Tang Zhuo's face, which warded off evil spirits and cut them off one by one. At this time, Yin Luan roared out, and a black shadow was raised again. It turned out that those Dream Eaters dug up the bed in an emergency and planned to escape from under the bed!

Among the piles of corpses, another dream-eating spear suddenly jumped out, quickly ramming its legs alternately, breaking through the evil spirits and Yinluan, and ran towards the door. Xuan Ziyuan's eyes were fast, and he swept out a sword. Yin Luan made a loud noise and nailed the last one to the door.

The last sound of the sword shocked the couple who were standing outside the door. The couple hurriedly pushed the door and came in. The silver luan was sheathed. to the door.

A Yan's death was too tragic, Tang Zhuo hurriedly cleaned up, at least to make the scene less terrifying. Then the couple was invited to enter, and they were given two talisman papers that had already drawn talismans, one to keep the child's soul stable, and to be reincarnated safely without being bullied by wild ghosts under the Yellow Spring. A piece of warding off evil spirits to avoid the intrusion of some monsters and monsters.

When leaving Hao's house, the couple thanked them again and again. But along the way, Tang Zhuo's atmosphere was very low.

After this incident, he seems to be able to understand some of his mother's feelings. As a doctor, my mother might feel very similar to some people who were terminally ill and seriously injured when they were unable to recover and could only watch them die under her hands.

But now that ghosts and ghosts are rampant, they are such mysterious children, who have more self-protection ability than ordinary people, but when facing some extremely fierce monsters, they will also feel powerless, even dead and injured, but in the end they can Fight against monsters. But what about the unarmed people? Just like this Ayan today, he can only do nothing and wait for his own death.

When the two were walking halfway, they suddenly saw a few Xuanmen disciples walking not far ahead, looking at their robes, they didn't know which family they belonged. The voices of several people were so loud that they wished the whole street could hear them, unscrupulous. Only the person walking on the far right said, "Have you heard? The scourge of the Tang family in the past has actually returned!"

Tang Zhuo looked up instantly. Hyun Jae-won frowned.

A chubby young man replied: "Of course I heard about it, this matter has been spread in Xuanmen for a long time. I really can't understand, that Tang Zhuo who harmed his family and Xuan's family so miserably, there is still Face back? God has no eyes to let such a thing survive, really good people don't live long, bad people travel thousands of miles. I bah!"

Xuan Ziyuan's veins burst and he was about to step forward, but Tang Zhuo hurriedly stopped him and shook his head. Several people chatted again: "Don Juanxi and her wife are really unlucky, both sons and daughters are actually evil things, well, that's okay, but they actually sheltered evil things and raised them for so many years. Yunling That time in the Snake Domain, the Tang family deliberately murdered each family. You don't know how many people were injured, right? The Xuan family sent people to Tangmen Bay to seek explanations. As a result, don Juanxi actually made a false statement, and the two families fought violently. That day Nearly half of the members of each family died, and the Tang family’s hibiscus was later destroyed by people from all ethnic groups. It was really badly damaged, and don Juan Xi was also ruined. However, the Tang family was really tenacious and had endured such a big thing. , I can still recover little by little, but of course it is not as good as before, and now I can still rank among the new three big families, I admire it."

Another person said: "You don't even look at Tangmen Bay's recovery, what is it like now? Especially those juniors, all of them are full of resentment, and their hearts are very sensitive. The most powerful people in the Tang family are basically all of them. Those who survived at the beginning, I think, in a few years, after those seniors pass away one after another, the Tang family will probably be finished. This is called: the front waves of the Yangtze River push the back waves, and the back waves die on the beach."

Everyone laughed when they heard the last sentence.

Tang Zhuo's face was as pale as paper, and he didn't say a word. After returning to the inn, he fell on the bed without eating and froze.

Later, when Tang Zhuo went to look for him in Xuan Ziyuan's room, he found that he was not there. When he asked the shop assistant, he learned that Xuan Ziyuan had gone out for the first time.

After waiting for a while and no one was seen, Tang Zhuo was so bored that he touched the backyard, set up a swing between the two trees, and swung back and forth. As he swayed, he thought, although Xuan Ziyuan doesn't like to talk on weekdays, and sometimes it's just like a shadow, but when he needs to shoot, he can shoot. Even if he doesn't say a word when many people are together, he can still be remembered for his existence.

Tang Zhuo suddenly realized that he seemed to think about Xuan Ziyuan every day.

When he returned to the room, Tang Zhuo was so sleepy. When he opened the door and walked in, his eyes were suddenly attracted by something on the table.

It was a brand new red round-neck robe, neatly folded and placed on the table, as if he was afraid he didn't notice it, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

Today's exhaustion disappeared immediately, Tang Zhuo raised his mouth, and immediately put it on, it fit perfectly, and he slept contentedly in the new clothes. At that time, he didn't realize until he took off the old clothes. It turned out that the clothes were in Hao's house today, and several holes had been caught by the Meng Shimen who threw them on him.

Tang Zhuo thought to himself, in the past, some people always said that his family robe was like a wedding dress, but he never felt it. It wasn't until today that I suddenly found out, and it really means a little bit of joy.

I don't know how much time passed in the drowsy. In the boundless darkness of the dream, a series of loud baby cries suddenly sounded.

This series of baby cries were painful and violent, as if they had suffered the most insurmountable setback in the world, full of endless resentment, crying and venting, hissing and praying for the mother's pity.

This sound seemed to awaken something most primitive, and a chaotic sharp pain roared through the body. Tang Zhuo woke up in a cold sweat, fell off the edge of the bed without support, and a warm and sticky touch flowed from his nose, nose, and ears. The warding off evil spirits placed beside him suddenly burst out with thick black gas, and the earth trembled violently.

Tang Zhuo trembled all over, suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood, struggled to get up from the ground, copied the evil spirits, stumbled out, and shed blood all the way.

Tang Zhuo rammed all the way through his extremely blurred vision, and rolled down the stairs with one foot in the air. For fear of waking someone up, he rolled and struggled to get up and out of the inn. He plunged headlong into the icy river water and sank deeply. It was so cold that I almost lost consciousness.

The evil spirits emit bursts of light in the deep water, slightly illuminating the surrounding dark water.

I don't know how long it took, Tang Zhuo suddenly floated up from the river, and crawled ashore in extreme embarrassment.

This kind of situation has happened many times in the past six years, and Tang Zhuo has long been used to it. After meditating for a while, forcibly suppressing the maddening and maddening madness in the room, Tang Zhuo wiped his face, suddenly thought of something, and lowered his head to check his clothes in a panic. The blood had already melted into the bright red clothes and became a part of it.

Tang Zhuo staggered back to the inn carrying the evil spirits, but as he walked, something suddenly flashed out of the corner of his eyes.

Immediately, I saw that under the cold moonlight, the body of a dead dog "moved" slightly. But if you look closely, where the corpse is moving, it is clear that there are countless red-brown palm-sized worms, arching around in the corpse, eating carrion!

Looking at those worms, Tang Zhuo's eyes gradually widened.

At this moment, from the distant sky, there was a sound of Xun.

Those worms seemed to have received the order, and immediately stopped eating, and they all quickly crawled in the direction of the sound of the xun.

When the Xun sound rang out, Tang Zhuo shuddered, turned around and chased after the worms.

Because these worms and this sound of xun are too familiar to him!

The worm moved very fast, but Tang Zhuo just went through a lot of tossing, and the next movement all over his body was extremely painful, and his steps were extremely slow, but Tang Zhuo dared to relax, and still chased all the way through gritted teeth. Suddenly, a blue shadow appeared, and this time, before Tang Zhuo could speak, the man shouted first: "...Tang Zhuo!"

Xuan Ziyuan slept very lightly, and was suddenly awakened by a strong smell of blood in the middle of the night. He got up to check, worried about Tang Zhuo, and went to the room to take a look, but found that Tang Zhuo had disappeared for some time. When he chased out, he saw Tang Zhuo alone. He was alone outside, and his face was extremely bad, and he was shocked and angry in his heart. Tang Zhuo saw that Xuan Ziyuan's face was not good, for fear that he would ask himself, he grabbed his arm and said, "Help me catch up with those insects!"

Yin Luan pulled out, the two jumped up, and the wind whistled past. Tang Zhuo hugged Xuan Ziyuan's waist and tried to cheer up. When Xuan Ziyuan smelled the smell of blood on his body, he turned to look at him. Tang Zhuo immediately coughed in a guilty conscience, and turned his head away on purpose.

The two were in hot pursuit, and those worms finally crawled down to a corner of the wall under the cover of darkness and disappeared.

Leaping down from the sword, Tang Zhuo took a few steps forward and said, "...What is this place?"

Under the moonlight, a tall city wall stood in the darkness. It has two big characters written on it: Wei Qu.

The author has something to say:

Next ten chapters of memories... Ha, including the fall into Soul Eater. After the memory is over, write supporting roles as usual, two chapters, present tense.