
Chapter 3: When the flowers meet, a glazed array is first set up


In an instant, Tang Zhuojian was unsheathed, and the brilliance of the sword body was flowing, flying straight towards the soul hand!

But that bit of Soul Hand was so skillful that he dodged away before the dagger approached. Tang Zhuo thought he was going to escape, and shouted: "To ward off evil spirits!" The dagger flipped over, whistling and stabbed at the soul again, cutting off a piece of robe!

The two fought each other, and they were surprisingly unanimous to avoid hurting the porcelain doll in the house. The man was terrified and said: "Little Young Master, what the hell is going on?? Didn't you say that Soul Hand is some kind of monster, but it's clearly a person!"

Tang Zhuo said while attacking the Soul Hand: "I don't know. I only heard about the Soul Hand before, and no one has seen what it looks like. Maybe it is leaning over this person!"

Speaking, Tang Zhuo's offensive also restrained, for fear of accidentally hurting the possessed body. That little soul hand refused to attack directly, only dodged, but did not mean to escape at all, as if to hide something, and moved out of the house one by one. The dazzling gems of the evil spirit scabbard were dazzling, and the silver sword was chasing and stabbing the soul hand, killing the window and making the wood fly straight.

At this moment, the soul-pointing hand suddenly flew out of the door, Tang Zhuo frowned, warding off evil spirits and whistling back to his hand, flying and stabbing!

But this time, that little soul hand turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared without a trace. At this moment, the surrounding houses suddenly shook violently together, and it seemed as if a pair of giant hands had lifted the roof open, cracking open!

The man followed and said in shock: "Why is that guy gone?? Did he push something, what happened to these houses!"

In the chaotic loud noise, Tang Zhuo's mind was spinning like electricity, and he turned to the man and said, "Master, is your porcelain doll still in your hand?" The man asked doubtfully, "It's still there."

Tang Zhuo said: "What's inside is your soul."

The man was stunned, looking down at the porcelain doll in his hand in disbelief. Tang Zhuo continued: "As long as you break it, your soul can return to your body."

After that, it was buried safely.

The man pursed his lips. Tang Zhuo smiled and said, "Don't you agree?"

The man smiled wistfully, shook his head, and said, "No, I'm just thinking, if I go to the underworld, will I meet my dead relatives, and how should I face it at that time

"Is it possible that you still have a soul on your face, and you are floating in the world without people and ghosts?"

He sighed and said, "I am already dead, I should have gone to the underworld long ago, but I am fortunate to meet you today, so I can stay in this world again. Since I have lost my soul, then Now the soul in my body must belong to someone else, and I don't have the face to occupy someone else's soul, isn't it?"

Tang Zhuo nodded slightly and said, "So, son, goodbye."


The man suddenly smashed the porcelain doll severely, and a white mist jumped into his body instantly. The man's eyes became cloudy in an instant, and he fell more than a meter away with a "bang", and a group of purple people rolled out.

Xiao Hei hugged his knees and cried out, "Boss!!! Why don't you help me take it easy!!! You are not gentle at all!!!"

"..." Tang Zhuo said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I must pay attention in the future..."

As soon as the voice fell, there were roars and roars around like a tide!

Those houses were actually full of corpses. I didn't know what method was used before, but there was no smell of rancidity, but now the houses are all collapsed, and a strong and extremely rancid smell surrounds them, which is disgusting. The corpses in those rooms, now one after another, stood up and walked out!

The sword light of warding off evil spirits was even more prosperous, and it roared to meet him. Xiao Hei was so frightened that his jaw dropped, dragging the man's body. Tang Zhuo said to him: "Please go and bury this son properly."

Xiao Hei madly agreed, put the man on his back, bent down and turned into a big black worm, waving his long legs and whistling away.

Tang Zhuo said in his heart, Huang Mansion is undoubtedly the place where the Soul Pointer uses to store souls and corpses, and it is crazy that it actually controls these corpses to attack! He threw his sword and fought with the group of walking corpses in full swing. While thinking about it while attacking, Point Soul guided him out of the room step by step, and did not dare to hurt those porcelain dolls, but just now he made a bet, and sure enough, as long as the porcelain doll was broken, the soul could return to the body. The corpses must also belong to those souls, so he had to find a way to get rid of these walking corpses and smash all those porcelain dolls into pieces.

Originally, it would be fine for him to deal with ten or twenty high-level walking corpses by himself, but this place is like a base camp for walking corpses. , Killing a bunch of ants, one after another, and the end of the killing can't be seen at a glance, even the weakest ants, once the number is amazing enough, they can kill living creatures that are several times larger. Tang Zhuo was gradually surrounded by circles, and it became more and more difficult, and he couldn't find a breakthrough at all. At this moment, there was a burst of exclamations. It turned out that the women who had gnawed their hands before bumped into this scene, and their eyes fell to the ground like marbles. Tang Zhuo wiped the blood on his face, took a step back, glanced unintentionally, and saw that the soul hand appeared on a cornice, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Just when Tang Zhuo was about to be unable to resist, a voice suddenly came.

Group after group of figures poured out from outside the mansion, and everyone raised their swords and shouted "Tang Zhuo come out", a mighty trend of mobilizing the crowd. Who would have guessed that as soon as he came in and smelled a rancid smell and saw Yi Hai's corpse, he instantly forgot what he had done, and then pointed the sword edge at the walking corpses and stabbed the corpse one after another. middle.

Tang Zhuo stepped back while killing. It must be those who chased the forest to tell the news, which is exactly what Tang Zhuo wanted.

Everyone moved quickly, accurately and ruthlessly, and a large number of walking corpses in the house fell down in a blink of an eye. Tang Zhuo was worried, and his movements became more and more restrained. He almost killed one and turned his head to see if others were paying attention to him. At this time, the movement was condensed, and he saw several Xuan family members in blue. He was distracted for a moment, and was almost attacked by the walking corpses behind him. Tang Zhuo finally broke through the siege at the right time, flew into the room where countless porcelain dolls were placed, warded off evil spirits and flew out, sweeping around, knocking down all the porcelain dolls, and falling on the ground with bursts of crisp sound. And the souls trapped in it, one after another, spun and flew out, rushing out.

Those spirits were happily spinning on the top of the group of corpses, as if they could hear their bursts of laughter. Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene and looked up. One after another, white light flashed, and souls found their bodies one by one. Those walking corpses that were originally ferocious and ferocious stunned and collapsed to the ground in an instant. But some souls whose bodies have been chopped can only spin around in the air alone, and eventually fly far away.

Extreme sadness, extreme pain, extreme despair...

When he was done, Tang Zhuo looked at the souls, lowered his head and hurriedly adjusted his cloak, lowered his head and pulled down his hat to block his face, and then he would sneak away after protecting it from evil spirits.

But suddenly, the earth shook.

I saw that among the remaining corpses in the room, the one that was pressed down at the bottom let out a roar like a beast, and violently lifted the corpse above it. It stepped on and kicked the corpses scattered on the ground, and stepped out step by step. The moment it stepped out of the door, its body bowed forward, and the next moment it was like a flying arrow, and it shot violently!

Everyone was caught off guard and exclaimed. Tang Zhuo turned his head, suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath, warded off evil spirits, and turned it up in the air, suddenly bursting out a black gas, straight to the fierce corpse!

After a loud noise, the evil spirits quickly sheathed before the corpse fell. Tang Zhuo tightened his hat, didn't dare to look at anyone, and flew away desperately.

He didn't know how long he had escaped, from the yellow mansion where the corpses were scattered to the dark forest, and then gradually saw the yellow earth under his feet turn into bluestone slabs, and voices gradually sounded in his ears.

But he didn't dare to raise his head until he could no longer hear the voice.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west. The sun seemed to be burning in the depths, and it hung in the air with enthusiasm.

Tang Zhuo walked aimlessly on the river bank, with bluestone and black tiles on one side. Flower trees with pink and white petals are planted in front of every house on the roadside, and the breeze blows down a small rain of flowers one after another.

six years.

Fang was a teenager when he left, and his original intention has not changed since he returned.

There were no pedestrians on the road at this time. Tang Zhuo took off his hat and looked up at the house across the river. After a while, he turned around, and a blue shadow suddenly flashed from the corner of his eyes. He stopped suddenly and looked back.

I saw that man with silver hair and blue eyes, his eyes were clear, cold and unapproachable. His long hair was tied with a black headband and tied into a high ponytail at the back of his head. He was wearing a silver-patterned blue shirt, with a cloak hanging down to his thighs, a pair of black tight boots, and a silver sword with red spikes on his feet. Quietly walked away.

Tang Zhuo was dumbfounded for a moment, hid behind the house, leaned over and looked for a while, faintly afraid of admitting his mistake, and whispered in a very low voice: "Go back, go back."

As if hearing it, the man really turned his head slowly.

But suddenly, a strong wind came. He saw that his hair was slightly floating, and the wind raised the long red wine flag by the roadside, blowing a mottled pink and white flower rain, just covering his face.

The wind softened at this point. Just as the red wine flag fell from his eyes, his eyes just crossed Tang Zhuo's body. Maybe it was an illusion, there was such a momentary stop, and before it was captured, it naturally retracted and continued to move forward without stopping.

Tang Zhuo stayed in place for a long time, looking a little dazed, backed his back to the wall, and closed his eyes quietly.

That's right.

After a long time, he finally came out from behind the house and stood alone in the empty street.

The river was sparkling, the flowers and trees in front of the door were still raining, and the petals fell on his heart one by one.

Suddenly, he raised his hands suddenly, patted his cheek fiercely, and shook his head. Then he walked, and suddenly started running, a heart still beating for the talent.

He tried to forcibly forget what he had just seen and thought, and organized his thoughts while running.

He had inquired about the matter of Young Master Shen in private before.

The body was neither traumatized nor poisoned. However, the pupils are dilated, the eyes are dull, and the behavior is rigid, not like a living person. These performances are just like being sucked out of the soul. According to the servants, the Shen residence invited a great immortal to do the same thing a few days ago. Presumably that great immortal is dressed as a soul hand. Today, it has been confirmed that a soul hand has appeared in Jiangnan, so the matter of Young Master Shen is the point. There is no doubt what the Soul Hand did.

In this case, Young Master Shen was actually dead a long time ago, and he did not go to the Yellow House like other corpses for a long time. It must be because of his special status.

The Soul Pointer does not ingest the soul of any random person, and the restless person in the center of extreme sadness and despair. Young Master Shen was sucked out of his soul, presumably because he encountered something very painful for him.

People who have lost their soul will exaggerate their love, hate, joy, anger, and anger towards something countless times, and do some behaviors that are unusual in the eyes of ordinary people, while Young Master Shen shouted "Go away!!! Get out of here!!!" It seemed that someone was trying to force him to do something. Moreover, Young Master Shen hid in the garden on the day of his marriage. "Marriage" and "Garden", what are the meanings of these two things to Young Master Shen

And since the soul-pointing hand needs both the soul and the body, in the known incidents of the soul-pointing hand in Jiangbei and Jiangxi, almost everyone has lost their soul and body, so presumably the soul-pointing hand will not give up, and will definitely come to get it. of.

Tang Zhuo couldn't help speeding up.

It seems that we must go to the Shen residence.

Tang Zhuo ran around the street for a while, pieced together what he needed, and when he arrived at Hai Shi, he rushed to the Shen residence.

He walked through the first and second doors. The moment he pushed open the second door, everyone's swords almost touched his neck. However, after seeing that he was not a soul hand, one person wiped his sweat and said, "Hey, which family are you from, brother, can you not be scary? It made my hands tremble just now. Now..." But the moment he saw his face clearly, the whole person froze.

There was silence in the yard. Tang Zhuo turned his back and tried to concentrate on setting up the formation, ignoring the whispers of others, knowing that there were other important things blocking him today, and even if everyone recognized them, they would not act immediately. There were Xuanmen disciples with different clothes in the courtyard, and it seemed that they were playing and sparring just a moment ago, but from the moment he came in, it gradually became dead silent. Suddenly, although a voice was deliberately low, it still faintly came to Tang Zhuo's ears, arousing his heart, and said, "Ziyuan..."

Tang Zhuo was immediately stunned.

… he… is here too

Tang Zhuo's movements couldn't help slowing down, his heartbeat was beating like a drum, he lost his mind for a while, was flustered, and began to regret his reckless behavior.

There are thousands of people in this world, but there is one person that he never wants to meet when he is disappointed.

An intermittent bird chirping faintly passed overhead. The night was getting darker and heavier. Not long after, a gust of overcast wind slowly swept across, and the door of the Shen residence began to tremble.
