
Chapter 36: Trapped in a ghost's nest, resentment and resentment


The man looked around twenty-six years old, dressed in black brocade, and did not look like an ordinary person. As he spoke, Tang Zhuo saw a scar emerge slightly from his collar.

Shi Jin said: "You still ask us, who are you! It doesn't look like you are running errands in this Wanhua Building. Are you the boss or the boss's son? Wanhua Building is now closed, people It's gone, you suddenly appeared and forbid us to go in, and please sign up first!"

Suddenly, a shadow flashed into the grass. Shi Yichen subconsciously shot an arrow and said, "Who is it?!"

Unexpectedly, the man in black flew away with a sword, splitting the feather arrow from head to tail, and the feather arrow split in half in the air.

Shi Yichen said angrily, "You...!"

Yin Luan swept out, and the two swords intersected, and they were on par for a while. Tang Zhuo seized the opportunity and said, "Come on!"

The four of them went upstairs one after another, leaving Xuan Ziyuan alone to fight the man in front of the building, delaying time. The Wanhua Building had long since closed, and the building was dark and silent, as if entering a devil's cave. Tang Zhuo walked at the forefront, squeezed a fire formula, and said, "Where did she go?"

Shi Yichen said, "What is she trying to do when she deliberately led us into the building?"

Anyway, it's not a good thing after all.

The more they walked upstairs, the more they heard the sound of something falling to the ground, the sound of someone bickering, and the sound of something running constantly. It seems like a lot of people live in this building.

Suddenly, a shadow passed by. The flame was shaken by the passing wind, and Tang Zhuo immediately turned around and shouted, "Who is there?!"

Shi Jin shrank behind Xiao Hei in fright and said, "Brother Hei, protect me!"

Xiao Hei's eyes were particularly bright in the darkness, he blinked and said, "There she is!"

Exorcism erupted with a black air that swept up, but only nailed it into the wall. There was indeed a figure in that place, but the movement speed was so fast that even the fierce aura of warding off evil spirits did not catch her in an instant. At this moment, a silver light suddenly flashed in the distance, and it was the light reflected from the silver accessories on the alien woman. The four of them chased the silver light all the way up, and when they reached the first floor, the silver light disappeared. Shi Jin was walking while trembling when suddenly he stumbled and almost fell, kicking the thing on the ground in anger. Suddenly his face turned pale, he looked down and saw that it was a dead man.

Tang Zhuo squeezed the fire formula to illuminate the face of the dead man on the ground, and saw that he was blue all over, apparently because he was sucked to death by yang qi, and he looked about forty years old.

Shi Yichen frowned and said, "How come there are dead people here? If there are dead people in the restaurant, it will definitely cause a commotion, not to mention Wanhualou is the largest restaurant, so many people come every day, it is impossible to die silently. ."

Tang Zhuo said: "Maybe he died after closing the door."

Shi Jin said: "After the door is closed??? Since the door is closed, why are there still people here... oh oh oh, he is the person in the restaurant!"

After speaking, he seemed to suddenly think of something, his face was blue and then white, and he said, "Then... will the thing that killed people still be here??? Could it be the beautiful sister of the alien race!!"

A voice came from out of nowhere, eager to prove his innocence, sounded extremely angry, gritted his teeth and said, "...it's not me!!"

Shi Jin instantly pricked up his ears and got excited. He put his hands in front of his mouth and turned in all directions and shouted, "Beautiful sister, why are you secretly looking at us but not talking?? Are you shy~"

He said this to deliberately anger the alien woman, and sure enough, the female voice sounded even more angrily: "All of you are neither masculine nor graceful, I see that you can't wait to dig out your eyeballs, where would you be? What a shame!"

Shi Jin continued: "Then where are you hiding, sister? Do you want me to find you~"

Shi Yichen's face was so black that he could blend into the darkness without any flaws. Tang Zhuo got goosebumps from Shi Jin's disgusting tone and rubbed his arms wildly. The alien woman couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly dropped a glass bead, and the sound of the glass bead falling to the ground was particularly bright at this moment.

The voice said: "You guys hurry up and follow this bead!!"

It seemed that this alien woman was trying to lead them to a place, but these people were so stupid that they lost their minds even following her, and they made her want to come back and talk to them.

Obviously no one pushed it, but the glazed beads seemed to have life, and they really rolled on the ground to a place.

Xiao Hei asked in a low voice, "Is there a conspiracy?"

Shi Jin said: "It doesn't matter whether it has a conspiracy or not, the peony flower will die, and it will be romantic to be a ghost!"

Shi Yichen couldn't help but beat him. Tang Zhuo snorted: "So what if there is a conspiracy, anyway, my family Ziyuan will come to save me."

Shi Jin: "Ouch, vomit, vomit, vomit, vomit!!!"

The glazed beads were spinning all the way, and they were about to circle around this floor, but they didn't stop. Shi Jin said, "It shouldn't have lost its way, right?"

The female voice sounded out of nowhere: "What I do never fails!"

Shi Jin was startled, turned around in all directions, and accused, "My sister, you must be a ghost, right? It's really scary!!"

The woman got angry and said, "Who told you to doubt the quality of what I made??! Damn!!!"

After arguing and arguing, the glass beads rolled forward a few times, and Yunyou stopped.

The four turned their heads in unison and slowly stopped in front of a small house.

Not a shred of light came out from this room, and the eyes were cast from the window, and they were all swallowed up by the endless darkness in the room. It was really eerie and gloomy. Shi Jin couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said in a trembling voice, "Isn't there a ghost...?"

Suddenly, there were two bangs, and there was a knock on the door.

Shi Jin immediately jumped to the side, turned back and said, "Who knocked on the door just now???"

Tang Zhuo frowned: "It didn't come from our side, it came from the house."

Shi Jin widened his eyes and said, "In the house??? I rely on it, wouldn't that be more terrifying!!!"

A young child's voice sounded in the room, and the voice sounded resentful and aggrieved.

"Let us out... woooooooooooo let us out..."

Tang Zhuo heard the voice of a child. Even though he knew that he was probably a ghost, he softened his heart and said warmly, "What's your name? Why are you there? Why are you going out?"

The little devil seemed to be used to knocking on the door alone all year round. The first time he heard someone answering outside the door, he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Shi Jin was so frightened that his hair almost stood on end, he dragged Shi Yichen downstairs, and said to Tang Zhuo in horror: "It doesn't matter if you talk to a ghost, won't you be sucked by it?" "

The kid suddenly said, "Please come in."

A gust of gloomy wind blew, and the door was opened by no one, and slowly opened to both sides.

Shi Jin went completely crazy: "Mom ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Never would have thought that the kid would open the door and invite them in. Tang Zhuo hesitated for a while, thinking that although the ghost is small, it is still a ghost. If they go in so rashly, they are living people.

But even though the door of this weird room was open to them, Tang Zhuo didn't feel the slightest murderous intent. At this moment, the glass beads rolled into the door. Tang Zhuo couldn't help but turn around and ask Xuan Ziyuan, but his eyes fell blank. At this time, Shi Yichen grabbed Shi Jin, who said that he would not go in if he died, and walked into the house with his legs.

Shi Jin: "Ahhhhhhh!!!"

Xiao Hei also followed him in. Tang Zhuo's heart sank, thinking that Xuan Ziyuan would definitely come to save him anyway, and besides, he wouldn't be able to beat the kid, so he finally followed in and closed the door.

The room was completely dark, and the gloomy wind was blowing, I don't know where it came from, and it was chilling. Maybe something was lurking in the dark, watching them.

Tang Zhuo squeezed a fire formula, but found that the flames could not illuminate any corner of the room. The four seemed to have entered a boundless world completely immersed in darkness.

Tang Zhuo said, "Where are you?"

A tender voice sounded in front: "Go straight ahead and you can see me."

Shi Jin hung on Shi Yichen and trembled: "Don't look, don't look, don't look!!! I'm blind and can't see, we'll go back now!!!"

The four of them walked all the way, and Shi Jin howled all the way, and thanks to the sound of howling and howling, the terrifying atmosphere that originally enveloped the four of them was diluted a little. Shi Yichen suddenly said, "Tang Zhuo, did you hear those noises we heard when we went upstairs?"

Tang Zhuo nodded and said, "I heard it. The voice was still above us at that time, and at this time, it was ahead."

But suddenly, the noise disappeared. A cyan shadow gradually appeared in the firelight, and a short little ghost stood not far from them. His eyes were a pair of blood holes. Although there were no eyeballs, it made people feel that it was looking at them.

Suddenly, the fire went out.

Shi Jin reacted the fastest and shouted: "Did the ghost blow the lamp??? Sure enough! A conspiracy! This is a conspiracy!!! Run!!!"

Ghosts don't like things like fire and sunlight. The flame in Tang Zhuo's hand was indeed blown out by a gust of wind. A burst of turmoil gradually came from the darkness, the number was so great that it was creepy. Tang Zhuo felt that something was wrong, and immediately pressed his hand to the evil spirits on his waist. The child illuminated the surroundings, and dozens of little devils rushed towards them with a smile, jumped on their heads, and threw them to the ground!

It wasn't severe pain, but those little devils jumped on them and played with their hair. Tang Zhuo fell to the ground, turned his back to the sky and said in shock, "What?"

I thought to myself, this is really breaking into the ghost's nest all of a sudden, and it's still the little ghost's nest that makes a headache. The little ghosts seemed to treat them as new playthings, circling around them, jumping around and stroking them, very curious. Shi Yichen and Xiao Hei had already been submerged by the little ghosts and were at the bottom. Shi Jin hugged his head tightly, crouched on the ground and trembled, and a group of little ghosts jumped around him, pointing at him and laughing, shouting: "Living people Hahahahahahaha! Living!" There was another kid sitting on his head, tugging at his hair and dangling it. Suddenly a kid curiously patted his shoulder and said, "Hello."

Shi Jin opened his eyes a little and jumped up in fright when he saw a thin green hand resting on him from behind. The little devil was caught off guard, and was shot into the wall. After a while, it fell, laying on the ground and pumping his legs, then got up and ran away crying.

Shi Jin rushed towards Tang Zhuo with the mocking wind, and said, "Did the eleventh floor and Big Hei ge get eaten???!!! Big spoon save me!!!"

A little ghost suddenly climbed onto Tang Zhuo's chest, and a pair of blood holes met Tang Zhuo's eyes. Tang Zhuo suddenly became smart, remembering what he was here for, and quickly pulled out. Shi Jinben hurriedly ran here, but was tripped over by a little devil, and immediately fell to the ground, and was immediately drowned by the little devils.

Tang Zhuo shouted: "Shi Yichen?!! Xiao Hei?!! Shi Jin?!!"

Immediately, there was a sound of "uuuuuu" from three directions, and it seemed that the three of them were pressed down by the little devils. Tang Zhuo immediately turned out to ward off evil spirits, and a black gas burst out, sweeping across the little ghost!

The black air stirred up the ghosts, and the three of them broke out immediately. The four of them ran out of the house, and the group of goblins followed behind the four of them like a tide, stepping on the floor with their bare feet "da-da-da" and jokingly chasing after them.

The four were chased and ran around this floor. Shi Yichen took an arrow and bowed, and was about to turn around and shoot it. Tang Zhuo suddenly stopped him and said, "You can't hurt them! Now they are just curious about us. , there is no attacking heart, once you hurt any of them, maybe they will turn to attack us!"

Tang Zhuo thought about it and said, "I'm going to find Xuan Ziyuan, you guys will accompany them first!"

After saying that, Mitsurugi left.

These little devils are really weird. There must be a reason for ghosts to appear, either because of obsession or because of resentment, but these little ghosts look like children who are only a few years old. They don't even understand things at that age. The way to come must not be easy, perhaps because of people's harm.

But so many little kids...

Tang Zhuo couldn't help frowning when he thought of this.

Yu Jian turned around outside the building, but couldn't find the figure of Xuan Ziyuan and the man in black. Tang Zhuo returned to the building, turned his sword down, and found it layer by layer. Passing through a room, I found that there was a faint light inside.

At this time, will there be guests

Tang Zhuo looked through the gap and held his breath as he looked into the door. I saw a red curtain drawn in the deepest part of the room. Inside the red curtain was a woman's figure, sitting with her back to Tang Zhuo, brushing her hair. And outside the red curtain, there is a figure of a man, holding a long sword in his hand, slowly approaching the woman.