
Chapter 38: Know the heart and be willing to be apart 2



Ghost Claw slammed into his mouth and pulled out a blood-red broken tongue.

"Ghost kills!!!"


The female ghost was biting like crazy.

The Taoist priest was very calm, closed his eyes and read a formula, about to get rid of her, but the female ghost bit off a person's ear, overturned him, and rushed towards the Taoist priest like lightning, saying: "You liar, you are still delusional. Catch me!!!"

The Taoist priest suddenly opened his eyes and said, "You female ghost, you are so ruthless, there are actually six witches and wealthy boys in your restaurant!"

Everyone upstairs opened their eyes. Shi Jin shivered and said, "Six... six???"

This also means that, in order to prosper the restaurant's fortune, six newborn babies were turned into witches and wealthy boys and lost their lives.

But Tang Zhuo felt that something was wrong. Six babies died, but the little ghosts here called the female ghost "mother". Ghosts do not have the concept of finding other ghosts to recognize their father and mother. Furthermore, it is difficult for human women to have children after a certain age, but this woman is already a female ghost, so these little ghosts must really be the children of this female ghost. . A Witch Wealth Boy in charge of fortune for two years, let's assume that this female ghost married the former owner of Wanhualou, Zhao, at the age of seventeen, and took the first child born at the age of eighteen to become a Witch Wealth Boy. Now that he is forty-one years old, it only takes 12 or 3 witches, but there are dozens of little devils here. Female ghosts are not like human women, because they are evil things, so the pregnancy cycle is much shorter than that of human beings, which is equivalent to the female ghost constantly giving birth to children after becoming a ghost. What is this for

The speed of the female ghost did not weaken, and she went straight to the famous Taoist priest, and this Taoist priest seemed to have two brushes. On the forehead, shoulder, and chest, he lost his strength and fell to the ground, and was caught by others in a flash.

The Taoist priest threw out a Qiankun bag and snatched all the little devils into it. Everyone said in succession: "Thank you, Daoist, thank you, Daoist, for saving our lives! What should we do with these little ghosts and this female ghost!"

The Taoist priest stroked his beard and said, "Burn the little ghosts to ashes and let them reincarnate. Put this heinous female ghost in a jar, seal it with talisman paper, and bury it under the pure land outside the temple to prevent it from doing evil again. ."

As soon as the words fell, the Qiankun bag shook more violently, as if those little ghosts protested and wanted to come out. The Taoist priest asked, "Why, don't you want to have a supernatural life?"

But those little devils seemed to only be able to say this, and kept shouting, "Mother! Mother!"

Suddenly, the female ghost began to take on the appearance of a human. The Taoist priest's beard was about to fly, and he immediately shouted: "Hold on to her!!! She's going to run!!!"

Half of the female ghost had slowly turned into a human, and the talisman paper began to burn into ashes and fell off her body.

Tang Zhuo was shocked: "Didn't she die long ago?? Why did she turn into a human??"

Xuan Ziyuan said: "There is a possibility that she is not dead."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a voice coming from behind: "In our Weiqu, an appalling thing happened."

Chonghua continued: "Fifty years ago, there was a merchant whose business was not going well for many times. After the last boat robbery, he was almost penniless. In desperation, he bought someone else's child and became a witch. boy.

"In order not to be discovered, he put the Wucai boy in a vase and placed it in front of the bed, and prayed a few times every day. After that, the business was smooth sailing and made a lot of money, and it became prosperous. But this situation only lasted for two years. Two years later, the business suddenly declined, and the money was defrauded. Only then did the merchant know that a shaman can only prosper for two years. He was fond of the splurge of the old days, so he bought other people's children. He became a shaman and wasted boy for two years, and then he practiced a shaman..."

The story telling here is already very uncomfortable. Chonghua continued: "But not long after the third two years started, the merchant suddenly found out when he was taking a shower one day that his hands had become extremely stiff, and his heart was extremely cold. Every month after that, he would be horrified. Rendi discovered the changes in his body, and by the end of the first year, he had already turned into a ghost."

Shi Yichen said with a cold face: "He inhaled too much resentment."

Chonghua smiled in approval, hugged his chest, and continued: "Since then, he has become extremely afraid of the sun and of being in contact with people. During the day, he can maintain his human appearance with difficulty, but at night, he will Turned into a ghost. The souls of those dead witches and wealthy boys lay in front of his bed at night and looked at him gloomily. The man could not sleep well every night, and he committed suicide not long after."

But the sorcerer boy accumulates yang wealth, the more yang wealth accumulated, the less yin wealth. Those who practice witchcraft and wealthy boys will fall into the eighteen layers of hell after death, and will suffer from hell torment forever.

Downstairs, the female ghost broke away from the restraint vigorously, and all the people holding her were thrown to the ground. He strode out into the corridor.

People followed closely.

Maybe it was because there were too many goblins and the resentment was too heavy, and the Qiankun bag was cracked open.

The next moment, the female ghost jumped up the corridor and turned down.

This is the ninth floor.

The little ghosts behind him are still rushing past. Tang Zhuo's eyes widened, and he rushed past with his sword, trying to stop those little ghosts, but those little ghosts scrambled to follow the flaming back of the female ghost and jumped down the corridor.

Tang Zhuo was crawling on the corridor, staring blankly at the female ghost and the little ghost who fell on the ground motionless. Everyone didn't expect this, and they clinging to the torch and hurried downstairs, as if they were afraid that the female ghost would suddenly jump up from the ground and run away. However, the female ghost jumped into a human body, and at this height, there is no possibility of surviving.

As the proprietress of Wanhualou, she turned out to be a female ghost. When it spreads out after dawn, Wanhualou must be dead, and the female ghost will definitely be sealed. At that time, the fate of these little ghosts was also unpredictable. If it was true that they were to be burned to ashes as the Taoist said, the little ghosts did not seem to be happy, but even if those little ghosts could stay and have been exposed, life would not be easy.

The priests began to set up. The fire ignited in a circle, gradually surrounding the female ghost and the little ghosts. The little ghosts started screaming and screaming, crying.

Through the dancing firelight, Tang Zhuo looked at the slightly opened eyes of the female ghost. Those eyes were like two bottomless pools, gradually drawing Tang Zhuo's consciousness. Tang Zhuo's mind was spinning for a while, as if fireworks exploded in front of him, he fell down, like a dream.

Outside the sedan chair, there was a festive sound of horns and firecrackers. In the sedan chair, a young woman was dressed in a wedding dress, her face covered with a fiery red hijab. After a while, she seemed to be a little impatient, and quietly lifted a corner of her hijab. His eyes were looking forward to the flying of God, and he was extremely agile. He was extremely young, only sixteen or seventeen years old. His face was still a little childish, and his lips were painted red. As if afraid of being discovered, he immediately put down his hijab.

This is what the lady of Wanhualou looked like on the day she just got married.

Time sped up countless times, and the scenery passed in front of Tang Zhuo's eyes like the wind, and finally stopped again.

The woman's appearance did not change in the slightest, and she looked and behaved like a child who had not left the cabinet. The belly is already round, and the quilt can't cover the bulge. As time passed, his expression became tense, and he screamed, the amniotic fluid was about to burst. The midwife looked forward and backward.

The woman sat on the bed and hugged her newborn child, her expression exhausted but unable to hide her joy. At this time, a man in his early twenties walked in. He was silent for a moment, hesitating to say anything, but finally moved his mouth and said something to the woman, looking like he was discussing. The woman's face became heavier and heavier, gradually becoming frightened, and the child in her arms was crying. This scene should be the proprietress's husband discussing with the proprietress about refining the witches, and the proprietress obviously resisted.

The two quarreled, and the man blushed with anger, suddenly grabbed the baby, and quickly carried it away. The woman wanted to chase, but her body was weak and weak, she fell to the bed and cried.

There are many guests in the Wanhua Building, and the business is extremely prosperous. Upstairs, the woman sat blankly on a chair, her face was haggard, her eyes were dull, as if she had aged ten years. She was facing a bottle, which contained the dead body of a baby, who had become a witch boy.

Later, the woman became pregnant again. A few months after the baby was born, the woman was secretly carried away by a man while the woman was sleeping.

The business of Wanhualou has become more and more prosperous, and the storefront has begun to expand.

The woman had a big quarrel with the man and ran back to her parents' house, where she was tied up and sent back a few days later. The woman went on a hunger strike for a period of time without success. Five people were staring at her bedside all the time, forcibly feeding her and not allowed to leave the room.

The third child was born. As soon as he learned to speak, he was put into the bottle again.

This time, the woman didn't resist any more, she fell on the bed and slept with her head covered all day long.

the fourth.

the fifth


After sending the sixth child away, the woman took out a pair of scissors from the cabinet with cold eyes.

The man had already changed from a handsome young man with a tall body to a fat man. He stood in front of the sixth Wucai boy, bowed solemnly, and then returned to the room with a yawn.

It was a long night, but the man was suddenly awakened by a burst of pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw that his whole body was tied up, and a man with disheveled hair rode on him and raised his scissors high—

It was unheard of before a woman married a husband and a woman married a husband. The woman finally gave birth to a child, and she and her husband made the restaurant more prosperous than before with her own hands. But what shocked the woman was that the child caught those bottles one day on a high-rise building, and the next day, he turned blue and died.

Distraught, the woman was horrified to find that her body began to slowly become cold and stiff.

The woman's desire to have a child that truly belongs to her is growing, and she is pregnant again. Before giving birth, she finds that she has become a female ghost. Fortunately, the birth occurred during the day, but when the child was born, the midwife exclaimed. Children are dead.

The first six children who died became ghosts and ran upstairs every day. In order to prevent them from being discovered, the woman locked them in a room and told them not to come out. And hid the bottle containing the witch boy in the cabinet.

In order to raise those little ghosts, the woman took advantage of her husband's yang energy, and within a year, her husband died. After the woman buried him, she married another man. After she became pregnant, the woman thought that Wanhualou had too much grievance and that the child would die after birth. She didn't want this child, but she heard a tender voice whispering to her: "Mother, we want to be born. ."

It was the first time that the woman was called "Mother", and when she heard this voice, even though she knew that it might be a ghost, her eyes still burst into tears. He made up his mind to give birth to it.

But before delivery, the child turned into a pool of blood, soaking the woman's clothes.

The woman's third husband died after the yang was exhausted. Three husbands died one after another, and the world dared not marry her again, so the woman seduced her with a lot of money, married one husband after another, and frequently conceived one child after another, and the children died one after another without being born. The sound of running in the closed room is getting more and more noisy...

"Tang Zhuo?!"

Tang Zhuo was awakened suddenly and took a few breaths. Xuan Ziyuan asked in surprise, "Why did you suddenly faint? Is there anything wrong with your body?"

Tang Zhuo recovered from the dream, shook his head, and said blankly, "No..."

The evil things will be attracted to each other, Tang Zhuo guessed, maybe the female ghost died, the soul escaped from her body, and was attracted by Tang Zhuo, who had the same evil spirit, and temporarily stayed in his body before letting him dream Here comes the woman's story.

Tang Zhuo couldn't help but blame himself. At that time in Wanhualou, he said something similar to "It's the shaman who you made for money." At that time, he had a good idea. If this dream was true, then he really wanted to apologize to the female ghost. However, in order to raise the little ghost, the female ghost sucked the yang energy of innocent people and killed innocent people. Although it is excusable, this is still unforgivable.

Tang Zhuo asked, "What about the boss lady and those little devils? How were they dealt with?"

Xuan Ziyuan was silent for a while, and said, "It has been burned to ashes."

Tang Zhuo's face turned pale.

Shi Jin said at this time, "What's the matter with you, Dashao, if you say sleep, you can fall asleep even on the ground??"

The sky was already white with fish belly. Downstairs of Wanhua, only the burnt traces remain.

A light passed through faintly from the ground. If you look closely, isn't it the glazed bead? !

Feather arrows fired first, and one arrow nailed the door. A figure suddenly stopped, and turned around in a hurry to escape. Xiao Hei was walking over with six bottles, Chonghua and Qi Heng, and suddenly bumped into the figure. The figure stepped back a few steps and tried to run. The machete was shot down as soon as it came out, and was surrounded by a corner. Shi Jin smiled and said, "Sister, where are you going?"