
Chapter 42: Who can know what is right and wrong in lying


Tang Zhuo clenched his fists.

In the case of the Yunling Snake Territory, someone was really behind the scenes.

The woman said: "The man was wearing a cloak, with a black air on his face, which covered his face, but he could tell it was a man by looking at his body and listening to his voice. He sent his men to take us blindfolded to a man. The place, I can't remember how long we were locked up after that, the concept of time has been blurred. We don't understand what the situation is. After doing what he did, he said that he wanted us to send it back, and set up a banquet for us to eat. That meal, everyone else died..."

Tang Zhuo asked, "Then how did you and your sister survive?"

The woman said: "I was very suspicious of him at the beginning, I felt that he was not a good person, and wanted to run away with A Ruo, but he was very powerful, and he had many subordinates, and those subordinates were all strong in martial arts. After we were threatened, we would I didn't run away anymore. Only that day, A Ruo and I ran away while there were a lot of people and chaos during the meal, but a large group of people chased after us before we ran far. , At this time, a person suddenly appeared and saved us. He never used a sword, but the needle shot from his sleeve was extremely poisonous and contagious, killing those people almost immediately. In order not to be discovered, He took me and A Ruo to this place for a while, but neither I nor A Ruo knew how to get back to our place, so we stayed here and never left."

Shi Yichen seemed to have something to ask, but he didn't speak again, the woman immediately saw it through and said, "You don't need to ask, I won't tell you who the person who saved me is, this is the agreement between me and him. ."

Tang Zhuo refused to give up, and said, "Who is that person with black energy, does it really have no clue at all?"

The woman affirmed: "No. He is extraordinarily defensive, and his subordinates don't say a word to us on weekdays, and they can't come up with clichés."

After a long silence, Tang Zhuo said, "...I see. Thank you."

As soon as he pushed the door and walked out, Xiao Hei rushed up and said, "Boss!!! How's it going!!!"

Tang Zhuo's face was a little gloomy, and he came back to his senses, forced a smile and said, "It's good."

Xuan Ziyuan stood not far away and looked over, Tang Zhuo walked over in silence for a while, but did not speak. Xuan Ziyuan noticed that something was wrong with him, and said, "Tang Zhuo."

Tang Zhuo let out an "oh", kept his head down and just kept walking. He didn't know what to think in his mind. His footsteps were sometimes fast and sometimes slow. He was clearly staring at his feet but almost fell into the ditch. Fortunately, he was held back by Xuan Ziyuan. .

In front, the other people were forming a group and talking about the woman just now, with different expressions on their faces. Tang Zhuo's mind was complicated, and some terrifying thoughts popped up in his mind, and he didn't dare to think about it. I just thought, fortunately, I didn't let Xuan Ziyuan in.

After finishing speaking, Shi Jin suddenly said: "Two big brothers, what about the spiritual land you are talking about? Where is it? You can always take us there now."

Chonghua said: "Isn't this on the way there?"

Qi Heng said worriedly in a low voice, "Your Highness, we obviously don't know where there is a spiritual ground..."

Chonghua raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's talk again, if not, why not hire someone to find it? Anyway, I'm not afraid of spending money."

Qi Heng said, "Your Highness is right."

Suddenly, Chonghua asked: "I have a question I forgot to ask. You are a big leader, why did you go to Wanhualou in the middle of the night? I have never seen you go to that kind of place before."

Qi Heng was silent for a while, then said, "I have something important to do."

Chonghua said: "...Important? Why have I never heard of Wanhualou's important business that you need to do."

Qi Heng smiled shyly and said, "Your Highness, don't embarrass me, I really do, I have something important to do."

Chonghua said: "Oh. Then I won't ask. I hope you don't lie to me."

Qi Heng said: "...Okay."

Halfway through the road, Chonghua said, "It's still a long way from here, and I'm sure I won't be able to get there today. Otherwise, let's rest for the night."

Shi Jin contributed the least, but was the most tired. He was thinking about taking a long rest, and quickly echoed: "Yes, yes!!! Everyone must be tired, come and find an inn, where is the inn~~~"

As he spoke, he dragged the sack to and fro on the ground. Xiao Hei raised his hand and said, "I'm going to ask!!!"

At the same time, Jin has been together for so long, and Xiao Hei seems to be infected by his "poor spirit" spirit. He always maintains a full score of motivation, and a whirlwind blows past. In the blink of an eye, the farmer was kicked out, and an aunt's voice shouted, "Where are you begging???!!! Go out!!!"

Xiao Hei fell to the ground with an "Ouch", rubbed his butt, then flashed over to the fence and shouted, "I'm not begging!!!"

Tang Zhuo said, "I'll go and ask."

Tang Zhuo said and drifted away like a wandering soul absent-mindedly. Xuan Ziyuan looked at his back, his eyelashes trembled, and he couldn't help clenching the silver luan tightly.

After a while, Tang Zhuo happily ran out, stood at the door and waved to everyone: "This aunt told me where the nearest inn is, and let us go in for a meal!"

The wood in the kitchen was burning loudly, and the soup in the pot was fragrant. Shi Jin stood at the door and looked at it for a while, then reluctantly walked out and said to Tang Zhuo: "Big spoon, big spoon, you are still the best, I guess we will be kicked out or blocked if we ask anyone else except you, really. Eat with your face."

Tang Zhuo said: "Of course!"

Just as he was laughing and laughing, Xuan Ziyuan suddenly walked out of the room alone, Tang Zhuo stopped laughing for a moment, coughed, and said, "I'll go somewhere else first..."

Shi Jin grabbed him and said: "It's weird, you didn't always have a dog before... oh oh oh I know this analogy is not very good, but it's really the most vivid! It's like seeing brother Ziyuan with a dog. I can't wait to pounce with my tail wagging. What's the matter today, why did it go away??? Big spoon, you are really scaring my father."

Tang Zhuo was silent, raised his head and glanced at Xuan Ziyuan, seeing that he had no intention of coming over, he just squatted down on the ground to look at the fluffy chicks, and seemed to be very ecstatic, he took a breath, and immediately Change back with a smile: "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, continue!" Continue! "

After a while, all the food was served, the table was a little small, and everyone was a little crowded when they sat down. The aunt was alone at home with her grandson and granddaughter. The two little babies were so frightened that they hid behind the door and peeked behind and refused to come in when they saw so many strangers. The aunt greeted everyone very warmly, and she prepared dishes for almost everyone, and the dishes in the bowls were piled up like a hill.

The aunt filled another bowl of soup for Chonghua, and said with a smile, "His Royal Highness, drink more."

Chonghua took it very politely, thanked him, and finished drinking in the aunt's eager and expectant eyes. Auntie had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and immediately stood up and took the empty bowl and filled another one, saying, "Come, come, come, come, come and have another bowl."

"..." Chonghua reluctantly took it, the bowl was empty again, and the aunt said again, "Come, come, come and have another bowl."

"… "

"Come, come, come and have another bowl."

"… "

"Come, come, come and have another bowl."

"… "

"Come, come, come and have another bowl."

"… "

Finally, the aunt said regretfully: "Oh, I'm sorry, I cooked a full pot and you drank it all! It's still too early to go to bed, since you like it so much, why don't I cook it for you— "

Chonghua hurriedly stopped: "No, no, no, no, no, no."

The aunt said in disbelief: "Really???"

Chonghua stood up with a "swoosh" and said, "Really, really." After speaking, Qi Heng who was still eating frantically ran away. Qi Heng put down the tableware and chopsticks reluctantly, took a chicken leg before leaving, and said "goodbye".

Shi Jin and Xiao Hei frantically buried their heads in the bowl and twitched their shoulders. The aunt wiped a sweat and said enthusiastically, "You two young masters, are you alright? Could it be poisoning?! Come and let me see!"

Shi Jin raised his face sharply, haha said, "No need, aunty hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha she said

After Tang Zhuo finished cooking, he put down his bowl and stood up and said, "I'm full, so I'll go first and wait for you outside."

Shi Jin made a "OK" gesture.

Xiao Hei said: "Boss! I want to follow you!"

Tang Zhuo said: "Xiao Hei, you are obedient, just stay here and be with the son next to you, otherwise he will be very lonely by himself."

Shi Jin immediately looked at Xiao Hei with tears in his eyes and said, "Yes-ah-big-black-brother!!!"

Xiao Hei then said: "Okay, boss!"

Tang Zhuo smiled slightly and walked out with a complicated expression.

When he was going out, he suddenly saw a group of chicks being pecked all over the ground by the hens. He remembered that Hyun Ziyuan had just squatted here and looked at these chicks, and his heart moved, and he knelt down.

Looking at these chickens, Tang Zhuo suddenly thought of Tangmen Bay.

Tangmen Bay is located in the east of the Yangtze River. The mansion is surrounded by vermilion buildings, mainly planted with camphor trees. In several places in the house where vines are planted, once the grapes are ripe, they will be picked by a tornado in a few days. There was an old woman who was alone and raised a group of chickens. Big chickens and chickens were often seen running around in the house, but the old woman who raised chickens was always stern and looked fierce. When Tang Zhuo was a child, he was chased and pecked several times by a big rooster. He was so scared that he cried. The big rooster was stewed the next day. Since then, Tang Zhuo liked to be pecked by chickens again. You can eat chicken every day.

Tangmen Bay is like a big park, or at a lower level, like a farmhouse, with trees, chickens, and a fish pond. Tang Zhuo and several urchins once threw big stones into the pool, but they killed several fish. They were chased and beaten by adults with brooms, and their ass blossomed. Since then, they have never dared to be naughty with those children.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhuo couldn't help but laugh. He suddenly remembered that since Xuan Ziyuan left Tangmen Bay, he had also been to the Siyin Pavilion, and the frequency was so high that he almost slept in the Siyin Pavilion every day.

Not only Tangmen Bay, Tang Zhuo of Siyin Pavilion has not been there for a long, long time. After he came out of Soul Eater Valley, Tang Zhuo went around the house with a glimmer of hope, and all he heard were extremely negative comments on himself and the Tang family. The Tang family has changed, not only the Tang family, but the atmosphere of the entire Xuanmen has also changed. Everything in the world has a beginning, and this incident started with the demise of the Fu family.

In the description of the alien woman, Tang Zhuo undeniably began to deeply doubt the Xuan family. Yunling Snake Territory, Tangmen Bay was surrounded, and, that day in Juling Castle, why the young man who was bitten by the Chishui female scorpion and himself were immediately poisoned, but the poison was on Xuan Ziyuan subsided

Tang Zhuo immediately hated himself extremely, it was clear that Xuan Ziyuan saved him that day, but he had doubts about that. However, there is still some estrangement in my heart, because of doubts about the Hyun family, because of self-loathing, and... unspeakable wishful thinking about some people.

There was a sudden sound of light footsteps from behind. Tang Zhuo looked back subconsciously and saw that Xuan Ziyuan was standing outside the door looking at him from a distance. Immediately turned around and stood up and walked away, but his arm was suddenly pulled, and a cold voice said, "...Where are you going?"

Tang Zhuo said: "...I'm not going anywhere, I'm just walking in the yard."

Tang Zhuo pursed his lips and said, "Really."

Xuan Ziyuan said, "Why are you avoiding me?"

Tang Zhuo said: "I'm not in a good mood, and I don't really want to talk."

Xuan Ziyuan said, "Is it because of me?"

Tang Zhuo didn't know how he thought of going there, but his tone was very determined, and he hurriedly said: "Of course not!"

Xuan Ziyuan said, "Then can you ignore me?"

Tang Zhuo didn't dare to look up at him, looked down at the hand he was holding on to, and hesitantly said, "Oh... I..."

Shi Jin and Xiao Hei suddenly jumped out and shouted, "Run!!! Let's see who can run faster!!!"

Shi Yichen followed with a dark face and shouted, "You guys, run slower!! Don't scare other people's chickens to death!!!"

Xuan Ziyuan suddenly let go of his hand and walked straight away. Tang Zhuo slowed down for a long time and didn't come back. He recovered and shouted, "...Xuan!"

People are long gone.

Tang Zhuo clenched his fists slightly.

Chonghua squatted in the toilet for a long time, exclaiming constantly: "So this is a spider??? Why is it even scarier than the one in the portrait!" "What is the white thing? Why is it still moving. This is the entire toilet. The most disgusting thing." "Why are there so many mosquitoes here? Does it suck my blood because it has no blood in its body?" "Why is there no paper. Qi Heng, have you brought paper? Do you want to buy it on the street now? Call back. Qi Heng???"

Qi Heng was nibbling on the chicken leg, and when he heard the words, he immediately replied, "Your Highness, what are your orders?"

Chonghua said, "Do you have any paper?"

Qi Heng said, "Your Highness, I'm sorry, I don't have one."

Chonghua said "oh" and fell into silence.

Qi Heng said: "Your Highness, you are not a woman. If it wasn't for that... just shake it, it would be fine."

"..." Chonghua said, "Of course I know, but I'm a bit of a clean freak and I'm not used to it." After he finished speaking, he pushed the door open a crack and saw that no one else came out. Looking at Qi Heng, he said, "You actually took a chicken leg?? Why didn't you take one for me too."

"..." Qi Heng said apologetically, "Sorry Your Highness, there is only one on the plate."

Chonghua gave an "oh" and said, "You eat chicken drumsticks in front of the toilet? Does it taste very different from usual?"

Qi Heng: "..."

Seeing that it was almost time to leave, the two walked towards the door. A six- or seven-year-old girl with a braided pigtail ran over with a candied haws. It seemed that someone had ordered them to call them. The little girl ran to the front, stopped, and called, "Uncle!"

Chonghua raised his eyebrows and corrected: "It's not 'uncle', it's 'brother'."

The little girl said: "Two brothers, the other brothers have already left, they won't go far, you can go out first to catch up with them!"

Chonghua stroked the little girl's head with a smile, and said, "Okay, my brother got it. Before I leave, I want to ask you, where did you buy your candied fruit?"

The little girl pointed innocently: "There! It's very close to here!"

Chonghua nodded and said, "But my brother only drank a little today... a lot of water, and I'm too hungry to walk. Can you give this candied fruit to my brother?"

The little girl's face darkened instantly, and she said, "No!"

Chonghua discussed: "Then I will only eat one—"

The little girl was about to cry, she clutched the candied gourd and said, "Brother poor ghost, you buy it yourself, it's a shame to ask children to eat!"

"… "

Chonghua thought it was very interesting, and smiled kindly: "You kid—"

The little girl was frightened by her for some reason, and suddenly cried out "wow", dropped the candied haws and ran away, shouting: "Grandma!!!"

Chonghua was stunned for a moment, then turned around and asked, "??? What happened to me??? Am I a ghost???"

Qi Heng coughed and said, "That, Your Highness, you can't speak to a child in that tone, and your smile is a little fake..."

Chonghua straightened his face and walked away. When passing the bedroom, he couldn't help but glanced at the cradle. The little baby was nibbling at his fingers with his eyes open and grinning. He suddenly saw him, startled for a moment, and burst into tears.

Chonghua quickly ran away with Qi Heng.

On the way, Xuan Ziyuan walked aside alone, silent and expressionless as always. Tang Zhuo was very sorry, his head twisted and tangled for a long time, he couldn't help but leaned over, tugged at his sleeve, and whispered, "Ziyuan."

Xuan Ziyuan didn't even look at it.

Tang Zhuo sighed and said sincerely: "Well, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't ignore you, I shouldn't make you angry. Look, am I here now!"

Xuan Ziyuan: "Haha."

"..." Tang Zhuo said, "Xun Ziyuan, look at me."

Seeing that Xuan Ziyuan was still ignoring him, Tang Zhuo waved his hand in front of Xuan Ziyuan, but he didn't even blink his eyelashes. Tang Zhuo was a little angry and said, "...Xun Ziyuan!!"

"… "

Tang Zhuo whispered in his ear: "Xun Ziyuan!!!"

Only then did Xuan Ziyuan blink, and said, "Why?"

Tang Zhuo glared at him and said angrily: "I have already apologized to you just now, and I will say it many times now: I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."

Seeing that Xuan Ziyuan started to pretend to be deaf and dumb again, Tang Zhuo hugged his chest and said, "Xuan Ziyuan, I advise you not to make me angry anymore, or it would be terrifying for me to get angry, and even beat myself!!"

Xuan Ziyuan said, "Then call me now."

"..." Tang Zhuo stiffened for a moment, then immediately waved his hand and said, "Forget it, if it hits me, it hurts in your heart, so I won't hurt myself and you."

However, Xuan Ziyuan suddenly fell silent and beat himself. Tang Zhuo was shocked and said, "??? What are you doing???"

Xuan Ziyuan said expressionlessly: "It hurts me, but it hurts in your heart. It hurts you to death."

Tang Zhuo: "..."

Tang Zhuo smiled contemptuously, sneered at him, "Childish!!!" Then quickly walked away from Yuan, and secretly shrank behind to face Shi Jin: "You know, Xuan Ziyuan even hit himself when he got crazy." Ziyuan turned his head and frowned, "What are you talking about secretly?" Tang Zhuo raised his face and said righteously, "Speaking ill of you!"

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Tang Zhuo and Shi Jin crossed their shoulders, and started chatting with Xiao Hei, and instantly came to life from the unhappy atmosphere. Tang Zhuo suddenly suppressed his smile and said, "How is your discussion about the Yunling Snake Territory?"

For such a topic, Shi Jin hesitated and closed his mouth. Shi Yichen said: "Apart from the woman's account, there is no evidence to prove that the accident in the Yunling Snake Domain was not caused by the Tang family, and the black-robed man cannot be distinguished from the woman's account. who is it."

Tang Zhuo said: "Since the Yunling Snake Territory happened, and... After I fell into Soul Eater Valley, is there no one to investigate?"

Shi Jin sighed, patted Tang Zhuo's shoulder, and said, "Big spoon, do you know what the investigation result is?"

Tang Zhuo shook his head blankly. Shi Jin hesitated for a while, then looked back at Shi Yichen, who nodded heavily. Tang Zhuo had a bad premonition, his heart beat wildly, and he held his breath. Shi Jin said: "In order to ensure the fairness of the investigation, the investigation was jointly conducted by the Xuan, Lin, and Tang families, and the result was that the Tang family Mujin was not found to have been manipulated by anyone, and those monsters were from the north. It was brought here by a nation from my own country, and they were ordered by your father to drive the monsters to kill."

Tang Zhuo's face was pale, and for a moment, the blood in his body seemed to have stopped flowing, becoming stiff and cold.

Shi Jin continued: "The person in charge of the investigation found the place where the foreigners lived temporarily, and when they arrived, they found that those people had eaten poisonous food and died for a long time, and the bodies began to emit an unpleasant stench. There is a piece of paper in the collar of a corpse, which says that they murdered at your father's order. You and your sister have undergone voodoo rituals when they were babies, so they contain evil energy, which is equivalent to half a monster. "

Tang Zhuo's throat was extremely dry, his eyes widened little by little, and said, "No... it won't be like this...!!!"

Chonghua and Qi Heng had just caught up when they came across this scene, for some unknown reason.

Xuan Ziyuan was shocked when he heard the sound, and immediately turned around.

Tang Zhuo continued uncontrollably: "They are lying!!! They are all lies!!! My father is already dead, what evidence is there to prove that he is the master?!!! Just the words of those dead people. ???!!! It's very likely that the man in black robe forced them to write it before they died! They died, so did my father, so did my mother, and so did my sister, and I... and I... "

Shi Jin saw that he was clearly excited, his eyes suddenly burst into red, and a faint black air began to emerge from his body, and he immediately supported him and said, "You are right!! It's because the main characters are gone, and I can't find you. There is no evidence of any contacts between Dad and those foreigners, so there is no conclusion—"

Tang Zhuo said, "But you just said that this is the result of the investigation!"

Shi Jin was taken aback and said, "This..."

Tang Zhuo continued to ask deliriously: "Then...then I...then that ceremony..."

Shi Jin said: "This, this, there is no evidence..."

Tang Zhuo suddenly stopped talking.

The black air around him dissipated in an instant, and his eyes became clear.

Tang Zhuo walked to Xuan Ziyuan's side in a daze, and murmured, "I'm so tired... I'm so hungry... My head hurts... I'm going back to Soul Eater Valley."

Xuan Ziyuan didn't speak, just held his hand.

Tang Zhuo fell on top of Xuan Ziyuan as if he had lost his bones, almost dragged away by him, and suddenly whispered: "I won't believe it. I want to find out the truth with my own hands. I only believe in my own eyes. seen and heard."

Xuan Ziyuan said softly, "Yes."

Tang Zhuo stood up straight, his voice returned to the same as before, and said: "The reason why I came back is because I believe that our family is absolutely innocent. Even if there are 9,999 people out of 10,000 people who think it is What we did, I have to personally prove to them."

Xuan Ziyuan: "Yes."

Tang Zhuo suddenly looked at him with a smile and said, "Why are you always 'um', can you say something else?"

Xuan Ziyuan said, "I also believe in you."

Tang Zhuo smiled and tightened Xuan Ziyuan's hand.