
Chapter 43: Dial the fog and dark tide from the turbulent


When they arrived at the inn, the proprietress asked, "How many guest officers, how many rooms do you have?"

Tang Zhuo was about to answer when he heard Chonghua say, "Six rooms."

Boss lady: "Okay."

Tang Zhuo widened his eyes in confusion and said, "??? We have seven people, how can we open six rooms???"

Chonghua turned his head and said, "Huh?? Didn't you two sleep together?"

Anyone without a brain knows who these two are referring to. Tang Zhuo was very shocked that he and Xuan Ziyuan looked like this in the eyes of others, a red tide surged on his face instantly, and his heart beat wildly, saying: "No!!!"

Chonghua was puzzled for a moment, glanced at the ring on his hand, and said, "Then what is this?"

Tang Zhuo said: "This is for safety, what do you think it is??!"

Chonghua was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled slightly, and said, "It's fine, this son, you don't have to be shy, I understand, I understand."

Tang Zhuo couldn't wait to jump up and said, "You don't understand!!!"

Chonghua paid the money, and the proprietress said, "It's on the second floor, as soon as you go up, there will be a sign on the door as long as it's vacant."

Tang Zhuo rushed upstairs, wanting to grab a room by himself first, let him sleep with whomever he likes, but when he passed Xuan Ziyuan, he suddenly stopped, and then slowly Going back, he smiled and said, "Ziyuan~"

Xuan Ziyuan suddenly got goosebumps, looked at Tang Zhuo suspiciously, and said, "...what's the matter with you."

Tang Zhuo raised his hand wearing the ring and asked sincerely, "What is this ring for?"

Xuan Ziyuan said, "Keep it safe."

Tang Zhuo said: "No way?"

Xuan Ziyuan twitched his brows and said, "Why not? Do you think there is another meaning."

Tang Zhuo said in his heart, I just hope there is another meaning. Said: "I knew you wouldn't tell me. I'm going to ask Brother Zilin in the future, he will definitely know."

"..." Xuan Ziyuan suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it, Tang Zhuo reacted quickly, covered his hand quickly, widened his eyes and exclaimed in a shocked tone: "You, you, you, you, you actually touched my hand!! !"

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Xiao Hei moved his ears and flashed over: "Boss! What's wrong with you!"

Tang Zhuo quickly pushed him away and said, "It's okay, I just cleared my throat suddenly to play."

Xiao Hei said: "Boss, do I have a room too?"

Tang Zhuo nodded and said, "That's right."

Xiao Hei cheered and said in a circle: "Great! Then I can invite Daniel and the others to play!"

Tang Zhuo was instantly stunned and stopped him: "No no no, forget it, it's not good if there are too many people arguing with others."

The rest entered the room, and Tang Zhuo was still lingering on the corridor. Xuan Ziyuan said, "Which room do you live in, why didn't you go in?"

Tang Zhuo casually pointed to one: "There."

Xuan Ziyuan walked to another empty room, suddenly stopped, and turned around and said, "...Why are you still not moving?"

Tang Zhuo said: "I... I watched you go in."

"… "

Tang Zhuo lingered for a while, planning to take a bath first.

After stripping naked and running into the bathroom, Tang Zhuo silently froze, thinking to himself, how should he tell Xuan Ziyuan that he sleeps in the same room with him later. There are actually many empty rooms in the inn, but Tang Zhuo didn't want to open an extra room for some reason.

Suddenly, Tang Zhuo took a deep breath, lowered his head and said to the air, "Ziyuan, I—"

Then he turned around, raised his face, and said coldly, "What's the matter."

Tang Zhuo turned back and continued to lower his head: "There are not many rooms in the inn, I can only come and sleep with you."

Suddenly shaking his head, he felt that it would not work. Xuan Ziyuan has always been more sincere. What if he went downstairs and asked the proprietress

So Tang Zhuo lowered his head again and said, "Ziyuan, I'm so scared by myself, please spare half the bed for me."

Shaking his head again, he said, "Absolutely not. It's like a timid, shy girl seeking protection from her sweetheart. I'm clearly a masculine man!"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, and he raised his chest and said solemnly to the air: "Xin Ziyuan, I order you, immediately make half of the bed for me to sleep, or I will ask Xiao Hei to sing a song for you all night!"

After speaking, it was clearly just acting, but I felt very proud. Tang Zhuo had never dared to speak to Xuan Ziyuan so confidently, let alone given an order, which made him feel extremely sour. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I was only living in a room with a man, and I didn't really want to sleep in the same bed, so I could sleep in a chair all night! Besides, what are the two men afraid of? Hyun Jae-yeon looks like she is indifferent to men and women, and it's okay to dance in front of him when she's naked.

Tang Zhuo thought so in his heart, so he wiped clean and went to put on his clothes. Dressed in clothes, suddenly a series of soul-like voices sounded outside the bathroom, saying: "Benefactor!!!"

These voices obviously wanted to lower their shouts, but when a group of people gathered together, the voice seemed a little louder, and you think your voice is low, I think my voice is low, and it is gradually like who is the loudest in the competition , began to scream.

Tang Zhuo was startled, and began to scramble to put clothes on his body. Suddenly I heard a familiar drake voice: "Don't shout, the boss is not wearing clothes, and he can't come out now!"

Immediately, there was a sound of gasping for air. Tang Zhuo was worried about what they might misunderstand. After dressing, he quickly opened the window and said, "I heard, I'll come down now!"

A bunch of monsters who came out of Soul Eater Valley gathered downstairs, and naturally they all turned into human figures, thinking that he was about to jump down, and all stretched out their hands. Tang Zhuo called out to ward off evil spirits and went down with his sword, and the crowd exclaimed. Tang Zhuo fell to the ground and said, "What are you looking for from me?"

A man of five and three thick pushed aside the crowd, suddenly knelt on the ground, looked at Tang Zhuo, and said in a strong voice: "Benefactor, you have to decide for me!!!"

Tang Zhuo was so shocked by his sound that he covered his ears, nodded, and said with difficulty: "Go ahead."

This man was called Da Niu, and he was working in a small noodle stall. One day, a customer suddenly scolded and yelled and called the boss. Da Niu saw from the side that it turned out that a bug had crawled into the plate and rolled happily on the vegetable leaves. The guest asked for compensation, but only heard the big bull shouting loudly and slapped the worm on the plate into a muddy mess.

"… "

Da Niu cried and said, "Benevolent! I can't find work anywhere now, and I have eaten cold steamed buns for several days. You must help me!!"

Tang Zhuo said: "How can you do useless work? Picking a pole, building a house, walking a dog, raising chickens, can't they all be okay?"

Daniel wiped his tears and said, "I've already done what you said, but I've been kicked out!"

Tang Zhuo: ? ?

Da Niu said: "After I was kicked out of the noodle stall, the first job I looked for was to carry a pole, but when I was carrying it, the things on the pole just slid down and fell all the way, until I arrived. At that time, I found that I only brought back the pole, and nothing else!"

Tang Zhuo "… "

Daniel continued: "I then went to build a house, but when it was built, the house was crooked, and I was kicked out again. After that, I went to help the rich man walk the dog, but the dog was very cruel. I ran after a chicken, but I couldn't get angry, so I beat the dog and got scolded by the rich man. In the end, I thought, since I can't help others, I'll just do it myself! I bought some eggs and waited day and night, but those eggs just didn't turn into chickens!!"

Tang Zhuo wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Daniel cried: "Benefactor, I'm really desperate now!"

Tang Zhuo calmed down and said, "Then do you have any talent?"

If you're an artist, there won't be much of a problem. Tang Zhuo said: "I think you are very strong, you can..."

The big bull stood up abruptly, beating his chest and said, "Yes! I can!"

Tang Zhuo: "...?"

Daniel suddenly walked to the wall, shouted loudly, and punched out a punch, immediately smashing a big hole in the wall, and the bricks fell down.

After the show, Daniel put on various poses and showed off his muscles. The crowd cheered and clapped their hands: "Okay!!!"

Daniel immediately flashed to Tang Zhuo and said proudly: "Benefactor, how is it!" Tang Zhuo looked at the big hole, wiped his sweat, nodded and said, "Very good."

Daniel smiled, covered his face and twisted his body to punch Tang Zhuo, saying, "Short oil, I hate it~"

Tang Zhuo was so beaten by this punch that he almost vomited blood, and it took a long time before he could react. Tang Zhuo hurriedly supported him by the wall and said with difficulty: "Then...then you can go...showing...you can perform chest...smashing big rocks...?"

Daniel suddenly stood there in a daze, shedding two lines of clear tears. In slow motion, he knelt down to Tang Zhuo slowly and slowly, and pulled out a long sob amid the flickering tears: "Dad!!!"

Tang Zhuo raised his head abruptly, and said in a dazed and shocked voice, "...Ah?!"

Daniel wiped away his tears and continued to howl: "You are simply the reborn parent of this cow. Dad!!!"

"..." The shock was a bit sudden, which caught Tang Zhuo off guard, and everyone burst into cheers. Tang Zhuo silently squatted down with his face covered in cheers, feeling deep despair.

Amidst the commotion, a head suddenly popped out of the hole in the wall that had just been punched out. An old man whose hair was about to fall out looked around and scolded, "Damn it! Which hairy thing smashed the wall of Laozi's house!!!"

Everyone was immediately stunned, dragged Tang Zhuo around and ran away.

Finally, Tang Zhuo went around the main entrance of the inn with a headache and went upstairs.

Tang Zhuo is used to being a nanny. When he meets those people, something must have happened. Their brain circuits are difficult for ordinary people to understand, so they need to be patiently taught everywhere. I just didn't expect that this time, I would recognize a son inexplicably?

Tang Zhuo walked and stopped in front of Xuan Ziyuan's room. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Tang Zhuo immediately changed his face, poked his head in, and smiled at Xuan Ziyuan: "Hey, do you miss me?"

Xuan Ziyuan: "...What are you doing here?"

Tang Zhuo continued to sneak in and close the door with a smiley face, and continued to say with a smiley face, "I'm here to find you to sleep!"

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Tang Zhuo jumped on the bed and rolled, and said, "It's so comfortable!!!" Then he lay on his side and waved to Xuan Ziyuan, "Little handsome guy, come and play."

Xuan Ziyuan frowned and said, "Why don't you go back to your room."

Tang Zhuo suddenly lay on the bed with his face turned upside down, occupying the entire bed, and pouted very aggrievedly: "There are only six rooms, where do you want me to sleep."

Tang Zhuo said lightly and indifferently, but his heart was so nervous that he kept taking a glance at Xuan Ziyuan from Yu Guang. However, Xuan Ziyuan sat on the chair, hugged his chest and said, "What were you doing downstairs just now?"

Tang Zhuo sat up and said, "I went to see those people I met in Soul Eater Valley."

Xuan Ziyuan's face became even worse, and he said, "They have something to ask you for."

Tang Zhuo said: "It's nothing, it's just some daily chores."

Xuan Ziyuan was silent for a while, and suddenly said angrily, "Why do you always walk so close to outsiders?"

Tang Zhuo was stunned for a moment and said, "Because they are my friends."

Xuan Ziyuan said, "Where was Jin at that time?"

Tang Zhuo was a little angry and said, "He is my best friend!!"

Xuan Ziyuan said again, "What about me?"

Tang Zhuo pouted and said, "Outsiders."

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Tang Zhuo said: "Why do you always make me angry??? Can you say something that you like to hear and I like to hear???"

Xuan Ziyuan said, "What do you like to hear?"

Tang Zhuo thought about it seriously, and hehe said, "Of course it's a compliment to me."

Xuan Ziyuan was silent for a while, and said, "I can't think of it."

Tang Zhuo's face darkened instantly. Lying on the bed, he suddenly sat up again, hehe said, "I thought of it."

When Xuan Ziyuan looked at him, Tang Zhuo said, "I want to talk about one person."

Tang Zhuo coughed nervously before continuing: "I like this person the first time I saw him, and I have liked him for many, many years, and he has never changed since he was a child."

Xuan Ziyuan stiffened from the first sentence he spoke.

Tang Zhuo continued: "But I don't know if he likes me or not, because he doesn't like to talk much, and he doesn't like to laugh, so I sometimes rack my brains to make him happy, but he is still very cold."

Xuan Ziyuan said: "... What kind of person is that."

Tang Zhuo rubbed his fingers seriously and said: "First, he is very good-looking. Second, he is unsmiling, but I like this very much. Third, his handwriting is beautiful. Fourth, he has swordsmanship and riding skills. He is very good at all things, no, no matter what. Fifth, he actually likes to eat sweets, but every time he doesn't eat it because of face, I know this, he thought I really thought he didn't like it. Sweet… "

The more Tang Zhuo said, the darker and darker Xuan Ziyuan's face became. In the end, he even said ten o'clock in one breath. No matter what he said, in Tang Zhuo's mouth, it could not be better. Seeing that he had to say more, Xuan Ziyuan finally couldn't help interrupting him. He snorted coldly and said hard, "No matter who he is, he is not as good as me anyway."

Tang Zhuo immediately burst out laughing, thinking that this is you! ! Laughing frantically, he pretended to be angry: "Hey, how can you say that to someone? In my heart, he is the most, most, best, best, and my only favorite person in the world!"

Xuan Ziyuan said with a stern face: "Then you can just go find him, what are you doing with me?!!" He got up and said, "If you don't leave, I'll leave."

Tang Zhuo saw that he was really angry, and immediately shouted: "??? Come back!!!"

Xuan Ziyuan didn't listen, Tang Zhuo rolled on the bed anxiously, rushed over to block the door, and said, "You are not allowed to leave!!! What should I do if you leave?!"

Xuan Ziyuan said bitterly, "Go find your sweetheart."

Tang Zhuo struggled to swallow the "it's you" that was about to come out of his mouth, and said angrily: "You...! You you you you you you..."

Xuan Ziyuan said expressionlessly, "Stuttering?"

Tang Zhuo was even more angry, he pressed his face against the door and said, "Just don't let it go, hum."

Xuan Ziyuan: "Learn to bark like a pig?"

"..." Tang Zhuo glared at him: "...you!!!"

He suddenly said, "You idiot!"

Xuan Ziyuan was shocked and said, "??? What did you say???"

Tang Zhuo said angrily: "I said you were a fool!!!" He then cursed as if ready: "Xin Ziyuan! Stupid! Stupid, pigs are not as stupid as you!!!"

"..." Xuan Ziyuan suddenly lowered his head and his shoulders began to tremble.

Tang Zhuo widened his eyes and said, "What are you laughing at?!! Are you secretly laughing at me?!!"

He turned around in anger, as if unable to relieve his hatred, and stomped his feet: "You nasty moldy snack! You disgusting silly watermelon head!! You unpredictable irritable carrot!!! "

"… "

Xuan Ziyuan raised his head and said expressionlessly, "Okay, how dare you scold me."

Tang Zhuo snorted, rolled up his sleeves, raised his chest and said: "I just scold you, what's up?? Tell you, I'm not, not afraid, afraid of you now!! Do you look taller than me? Don't, don't I thought I couldn't beat you!!"

Xuan Ziyuan suddenly lowered his face and said coldly, "What did you call yourself just now??? Whose father are you???"

Tang Zhuo stared, jabbed him in the chest and said, "Listen to me! Of course I'm your old--"

All of a sudden, he came down, his face turned red, and a word came out from between his teeth: "... Mother!"

Then flashed out in an instant and ran down.

Tang Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he slapped his forehead with an angry slap. Going downstairs, I saw people around the table. One person said indignantly: "I think they just want to dominate the family!"

The person who said this is Shi Jin. After Shi Jin roared, he suddenly saw Tang Zhuo, and said unexpectedly, "Big spoon, why are you here???"

The others also looked up at him. Tang Zhuo knew what they were talking about, so he walked over to sit down silently, and said, "Continue talking and ignore me."

Xiao Hei also said: "Speak quickly! Speak quickly!"

Shi Yichen coughed and then really continued:

"The most puzzling thing is that Mujin lost control. After the incident, almost all the blame was directed at the Tang family, and someone must be fanning the flames. The Tang family has always been peaceful, and I don't remember having any old or new grudges with anyone. , the Xuan family immediately followed the Tang family's 'negotiation' on the grounds of cleaning up the hibiscus. Unsurprisingly, there was a dispute and bloodshed incidents. The strange thing is, since they came to negotiate, why did so many people come to the school? It must be I'm prepared. The Xuan family and the Tang family have always been at peace, so why do they have to fight for no reason? Even before the truth about Mujin's loss of control in the Snake Domain, they insisted that it was the Tang family's ghost, and fanned the flames? Maybe it was deliberately framed.

"Mujin is not exaggerating to say that it is the fate of the Tang family. The battle at Tangmen Bay has caused great contusion to the Tang family, and the process of recovering blood is very slow. During this period, the power of the Tang family will definitely decline. They could also take this opportunity to step on the Tang family and throw them far away. If the goal is true, then their goal has indeed been achieved. It can be said that the family is notorious. After these six years, it has been difficult to recover a little bit, whether it is people's hearts or things, after this farce, they are not as good as before. "

Shi Jin said: "I think it's all the ghost of that half-human ghost!"

Xiao Hei asked curiously, "What is a half-human ghost? Is it a human or a ghost??"

Shi Jin said to him: "The half-human ghost is a person that everyone hates. Anyway, he is not a good person." Xiao Hei nodded madly.

Shi Jin continued: "I saw that their Xuan family was unhappy. Everyone in their family is not easy to mess with, they are very aloof, and they don't want to pay attention to our group of foreigners..." Halfway through, the second half of the sentence suddenly stuck. In his mouth, he smirked and said, "Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, brother Ziyuan, when did you come??!"

Sure enough, Xuan Ziyuan was standing silently at the entrance of the corridor, looking here, and there was no emotional change on his face. Shi Jin beckoned quickly, moved his buttocks desperately, patted where he was sitting just now and said, "Hahahahahahaha, brother Ziyuan, come here and sit here, you're welcome!" Xuan Ziyuan ignored him and sat down beside Tang Zhuo, saying : "I didn't hear anything, you go ahead and ignore me."

This sentence was exactly the same as what Tang Zhuo said just now, and Tang Zhuo wanted to laugh. But even if Xuan Ziyuan said that, no one spoke any more. Xuan Ziyuan said it himself: "Since you suspect the Xuan family, how can you find evidence to prove it?"

Several people looked at each other. Shi Jin coughed and said, "Uh, that, did you notice that? This trick seems familiar... Back then, the Fu family was given a hat first, do you remember?"

Tang Zhuo said: "The former head of the Fu family instructed the group of raptors to attack the former head of the family of Xuan."

Something flashed across Xuan Ziyuan's eyes. Shi Jin said: "That's right! After that, the former head of the Fu family was tied to the Siyin Pavilion. Later, Fu Naichuan killed the former head of the Xuan family, and then the half-human ghost took over. I think he wanted to be the head of the family. In the next year, the Tang family was again accused of deliberately murdering each family, and your father was again accused of cultivating evil spirits."

Although these hats were buckled without any evidence, they were very assertive, as if the Hyun family were the gods and knew everything like the back of their hands. Shi Jin said: "Look, there must be ghosts in the Xuan family. There must be clues in doing things, but they just need to be carefully looked for."

An image from his youth suddenly flashed across Tang Zhuo's mind, and Tang Zhuo blurted out, "Do you know of anyone who likes to go out in a red sedan chair??"

Shi Jin suddenly laughed: "The red sedan chair??? Is that person married every day???"

Xuan Ziyuan said, "Xunzi."

The laughter stopped abruptly, and several people looked at him. Shi Yichen said, "Tang Zhuo, what did you think of?"

Tang Zhuo said: "I remember when I was in Huanlingxi ten years ago, I ran into the persimmon forest once, and I bumped into someone who was talking to Patriarch Lin. When I was found out, Patriarch Lin looked very fierce, like What are you talking about... Luckily, Brother Lu An passed by and came to the rescue. When I left, a red sedan chair walked out of the persimmon forest. Because I thought it was strange, I left a deep impression. "

Shi Jin's mouth was bigger than a duck's egg, and he said, "Oh!!! I see, shouldn't it... Could it be that Lin Xianzuo's old man also has an affair with that half-human ghost?" Shi Yichen asked. Glancing at him, he said, "How do you address your elders?" Shi Jinxuan said, "Don't you often call Hun Man a half-human ghost? Isn't Hun Man an elder??" Shi Yichen: "..."

Xuan Ziyuan said, "Lin Xianzuo was once kicked out of the Lin family. At that time, he changed his surname to Lu. Later, he made a comeback and killed his brother and killed his father. At that time, some people speculated that there was some power behind him, and they helped him to become the head of the family."

Tang Zhuo thought to himself, that's how the name "Lu An" came from. Lin Xianzuo and his mother met Lin Xianzuo's first wife Zhou Yun after they were kicked out of the Lin family by the former head of the Lin family, and Lin Luan was born at that time.

Xiao Hei held his face and said, "Are all the owners of the house all villains! Why does it sound like each one is worse than the other!"

Tang Zhuo was only twelve years old when the Fu family was destroyed. At that time, he did not know much about the destruction of such a family in Xuanmen, and adults would not talk about such things to a child incessantly, so he had very little memory. Shi Yichen and Xuan Ziyuan were relatively old at that time, and their temperament was "even if you don't tell me, I will ask myself", so maybe they know something.

Sure enough, Xuan Ziyuan said, "After the Fu family was destroyed, our family temporarily sealed off the Armored City and a surrounding town, and opened it a year later."

Shi Jin said: "It's easy to say that the city of breaking armor is sealed, but what is the purpose of sealing a town?"

Xuan Ziyuan said: "This is the suspicious point."

Tang Zhuo said: "But the city of breaking armor is so big, and there are so many towns around, which one is blocked?" Xuan Ziyuan shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

The proprietress bowed her head to settle accounts and secretly paid attention to this side. She seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and interjected a little: "I remember."

Shi Jin's eyes lit up, and said, "Auntie... bah bah, eldest sister... bah bah, elder sister! Do you remember? What's it called!"

The proprietress put down her abacus and said mysteriously: "The town you're talking about has not been opened yet, and it is very strict. If I tell its real name, maybe no one of you will know. It's called 'Orchid Town'. It's the 'ghost town' people call it now."

The author has something to say:

Finally getting closer and closer to the main line!

The next two chapters are supporting lines