
Chapter 47: The candlelight swayed the contemplation


After the others returned to the room, Tang Zhuo felt hungry again, ordered some side dishes, and sat on the table to eat. Xuan Ziyuan sat next to him and didn't speak. Tang Zhuo glanced at him, then glanced at him again, and finally couldn't help himself and said, "Aren't you still angry?"

Xuan Ziyuan looked straight ahead and said, "What do you think?"

Tang Zhuo suddenly smiled, handed the fragrant kebab to him, and said, "Do you want to eat?"

Xuan Ziyuan glanced at the meat skewers, and was silent for a moment, then said, "No."

Tang Zhuo didn't believe it. He thought that Xuan Ziyuan was stubborn, and it was obvious that he wanted to eat, and he really wanted to eat. At that time, Tang Zhuo and Xuan Ziyuan didn't eat much at the farmer's house, and naturally felt their stomachs growl by this time. Tang Zhuo remembered that when Xuan Ziyuan lied to him when he was a child, and then ate a lot of cakes by himself, he wanted to take revenge on him, and said, "That's alright! If that's the case, just watch me eat it!"

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Tang Zhuo ordered some more meat and ate it. Xuan Ziyuan's eyes kept looking this way, Tang Zhuo laughed wildly in his heart, picked up a bowl and picked up a piece of meat and handed it to Xuan Ziyuan's mouth, saying, "Ah—"

Xuan Ziyuan was indifferent for a while, but he couldn't help it. He moved his mouth, as if he really wanted to eat it. Tang Zhuo immediately wrapped the piece of meat in a circle and put it back into his mouth, saying, "Well~~ ~It's so delicious!"

Tang Zhuo suddenly looked at Xuan Ziyuan, and said: "What's the matter? This little brother? Why are you looking at me like this?? Do you want to eat it too?? Well, you call me Brother Zhuo, I I'll give it to you! How about it!"

Xuan Ziyuan said coldly, "It's impossible."

So Tang Zhuo ate the whole table. Suddenly stood up and said struttingly: "I'm going out to buy something, you, just wait for me here."

However, Xuan Ziyuan said, "My hair is loose."

Tang Zhuo touched his head subconsciously, but Xuan Ziyuan stopped him, stood up, took off his headband and tied it again, and said, "Okay."

Tang Zhuo remembered that he only cared about eating and drinking alone, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He pretended to cough and said, "I'm leaving."

Tang Zhuo turned around for a while, and when people on the street saw him, they covered their mouths and laughed for some reason. Tang Zhuo felt very strange, but didn't think much about it. When he saw a restaurant, he looked around outside the restaurant with his hands behind his back. The owner of the restaurant fanned his fan and said, "This little brother, what kind of wine do you want to buy?"

Tang Zhuo said: "Please give me a jar of the most, most, most, most powerful wine here!"

The shop owner said, "Little brother is really brave." He picked up a jar from the ground and said, "'Drunken Huayin', how? Sorry!"

It's not a good word to say, but it's really straightforward. Tang Zhuo was a little frightened, and he thought that Xuan Ziyuan didn't seem to have drunk alcohol. Couldn't he really be heartbroken in one sip? But after thinking about it, it's just wine, which is more terrifying than poison, so he said, "I want this jar!" After paying the money, he walked back happily with the wine. I thought to myself, Xuan Ziyuan, ah Xuan Ziyuan, this time, I want to let you know how good I am! !

Walking and walking, a few children ran by laughing, suddenly a child pointed at Tang Zhuo and said, "Look, look! A big man even ties a bow! Hahahahahaha!"

Tang Zhuo: "???"

Tang Zhuo immediately ran to the river to take a photo, and the thing on his head turned out to be a big bow! Immediately, he was ashamed and angry, but he was not willing to disturb him. He rushed back to the inn angrily, and his heart to drink strong wine for Xuan Ziyuan was even more indestructible. Tang Zhuo put Zuihuayin on the table with a "bang", pointed to his hairband and said to Xuan Ziyuan, "...Children!!!"

Xuan Ziyuan pretended to be blank and said, "What did you say? Brother Zhuo?"

Tang Zhuozhen was called "Brother Zhuo" by him, and he didn't feel so angry anymore. He sat down next to him with a "hum", thinking that there will be a good look from you. Glancing at him with a smile, he raised his hand and said, "Madam! Please bring us two wine glasses!"

The proprietress responded and brought two wine glasses. Tang Zhuo started pouring wine into the glass. Xuan Ziyuan frowned and said, "...you want to drink?"

Tang Zhuo raised his head and said to him innocently, "Yes. I've never had one before, so I want to taste it. It's the first time for everyone to drink it, so please have a drink, hee hee."

Xuan Ziyuan didn't say anything.

Tang Zhuo poured good wine, feeling a little nervous, and a picture suddenly popped up in his mind. What if Hyun Jae-yeon is really drunk? ? ? !

Tang Zhuo pretended to cough and said, "You go first."

After speaking, he looked at Hyun Jae-yeon expectantly. Xuan Ziyuan drank it without thinking, and his expression did not change. Tang Zhuo was a little shocked. Didn't the shop owner say that this is the strongest wine in Jiangbei? Why did Xuan Ziyuan not respond at all.

I only heard Xuan Ziyuan say, "It's okay."

Tang Zhuo wondered: "Really." He took a small sip.

Like a fire, it rolled down the throat all the way. Tang Zhuo almost strangled his neck and killed him in the arms of Xuan Ziyuan. Tang Zhuo fell on the table, breathing out the smoke of the soul, and said half-deadly: "This... this is clearly..."

Xuan Ziyuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he could see through why Tang Zhuo wanted to drink alcohol for him, and couldn't help but laugh at him. Tang Zhuo desperately poured a few glasses of water, and after a long pause, he poured another glass for him. Seeing that Xuan Ziyuan's complexion did not change at all, he poured a few more glasses. This purpose was too blatant, and Tang Zhuo had already Shocked by the amount of alcohol Xuan Ziyuan had, he kept wanting to know how much alcohol Xuan Ziyuan had, but he had no intention of concealing it. He almost finished the whole jar, but Xuan Ziyuan didn't breathe at all. Tang Zhuo's eyes widened and he said in shock, "You... Haven't you ever been drinking?"

Xuan Ziyuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you think I haven't drunk it?"

Tang Zhuo said: "Could the elders in the clan allow you to drink??!"

Xuan Ziyuan snorted and said, "I can do whatever I want, and it's not allowed by others. If you don't let me drink, I'll drink it secretly. As long as I don't tell others, who will know?"

... Tang Zhuo's world seems to have been struck by lightning, and it has been turned upside down. He never imagined that Xuan Ziyuan was actually a rebellious teenager who was hiding? ?

Tang Zhuo suddenly stopped, and then fell on the table at once.

Xuan Ziyuan was really startled, and said, "???Tang Zhuo??? What's wrong with you???"

Tang Zhuo grabbed Xuan Ziyuan with one hand and said badly: "I... seem... drunk... so uncomfortable... "

Xuan Ziyuan: "…"

Tang Zhuo continued to pretend to be dizzy and said, "My head is so dizzy, my feet are so soft... You carry me up... "

Xuan Ziyuan was silent for a while, but he actually carried Tang Zhuo on his back. Tang Zhuo leaned his head on his back, tightly hugged his neck, and smiled secretly. The two returned to the room.

The room was dimly lit by dim candlelight.

Xuan Ziyuan gently placed Tang Zhuo on the edge of the bed, and was about to remove Tang Zhuo's arm. But since Tang Zhuo was deliberately pretending to be drunk, he had to play tricks on him. His two arms were clamped together like pliers, as if they weighed thousands of pounds. Xuan Ziyuan was afraid of hurting him, so he didn't exert any force, and he couldn't pull it down after several attempts. At this moment, he suddenly saw Tang Zhuo couldn't hold back, his eyelashes trembled, his mouth twitched slightly, and he was afraid of being discovered. face back. Xuan Ziyuan pinched Tang Zhuo's face and said, "Stop pretending."

Tang Zhuo plunged into his arms, tightened the hoop even more, and rubbed against him, confused: "I... no... have... pretend... ah... "

Xuan Ziyuan pulled Tang Zhuo's arm. Seeing that he still refused to let go, he sighed and wanted to get out from under his arm. When he lowered his head, Tang Zhuo suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xin Ziyuan.

Tang Zhuo said in his heart that he never seemed to have seen Xuan Ziyuan so close... No, it seemed to have happened once before. During a spring outing, Tang Zhuo and Xuan Ziyuan spent a night in a tree hole to hide from the rain. At that time, the two were both teenagers, and Tang Zhuo remembered that he secretly stared at him for a long time while he was asleep, and finally kissed him. At that time, Xuan Ziyuan still looked like an upright young man. That year in Yunling Snake Territory was the last time Tang Zhuo saw him before he fell into Soul Eater Valley. Unfortunately, he didn't say much. After six years of separation, both sides also grew from youth to youth, and their appearances changed a lot. . Xuan Ziyuan now has less youthful youth and more adult calmness. But no matter how long it takes, in Tang Zhuo's eyes, Xuan Ziyuan is still the same Xuan Ziyuan, no matter what age or appearance, he is still the same for ten years, and he deeply loves him.

Xuan Ziyuan's breath was slightly cold, and his thin breath hit Tang Zhuo's face, making it itchy. For some reason, Tang Zhuo's heart was beating wildly, and he bowed his head and kissed him on the face, saying, "I... I actually... "

Before half of the words were spoken, they were blocked by Shengsheng.

Tang Zhuo widened his eyes.

It feels warm and moist to the touch. For a while, he seemed to be out of breath.

Tang Zhuo closed his eyes, folded his hands, sucked carefully, and licked it. Xuan Ziyuan held Tang Zhuo's face, his eyelashes trembled, and his breath was slightly disordered. He suddenly pressed Tang Zhuo's shoulder and pressed him onto the bed at once. Tang Zhuo hugged Xuan Ziyuan even tighter, as if he didn't feel happy or satisfied no matter what, he turned around and probed deeper and deeper. Finally, their lips parted reluctantly. Tang Zhuo stared blankly at Xuan Ziyuan, his cheeks were already redder than Peach, and there was a mist in his eyes. Xuan Ziyuan's breathing was disordered, he gently rubbed Tang Zhuo's cheek, and said in a low voice, "Tang Zhuo..."

Suddenly, the door was opened, and a golden figure jumped in, shouting loudly, "Did you know the big spoon, Fu—"

The two cast their gazes together, Shi Jin's whole body was petrified, and he was about to break into pieces on the spot, or pick up the mocking wind and stab him in his heart a thousand times and die on the spot.

Shi Jin froze for a while, his eyes rolled up and down between the two of them, trembling and backwards, and finally shouted, "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, I'll apologize immediately!!!!!!!" on the door.

Tang Zhuo was also stupid, and he was almost familiar with it. Suddenly, he took the quilt and covered his face, and said, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wrapped in the quilt and rolled around, he said, "I'm embarrassed to see anyone!!!!!!!!!!"

Xuan Ziyuan stood up stiffly, his ears were slightly red, he scratched his face with his finger and put it down immediately, and said in a flat tone, "Look at me."

Tang Zhuo: "?"

When you're done, leave. As a result, he turned his head and hit the wall with a "bang", took a step backwards in a daze, opened the door stupidly, walked to the right, and suddenly bumped into the passing boss, the boss said: "Oh, this son, you are going in the wrong direction. Now, there's no way to go there!" Xuan Ziyuan said, "Thank you." So he changed his direction and walked away.

The proprietress sighed and said, "I don't know if this young man has been stimulated just now. It's clear that he was speaking well downstairs. Now there is a language barrier. It's a pity." He shook his head and left. .