
Chapter 51: disagreement


Just as Chonghua was bored and dressed Adanlina's doll, he suddenly saw a round orange shadow walking past the hall. Chonghua immediately became energetic, and said to Fugui: "Hey! Pig cat! Come back!!"

Wealth and honor are ignored and give him an indifferent chrysanthemum.

Chonghua then rushed up and hugged Fugui and said, "You pig cat, I told you to put on your clothes! Don't be ashamed of running around without your clothes!"

Wealth gave him a paw.

Chonghua took off the doll's clothes, squeezed and pulled, and just put it on for Fugui, laughing so hard that he couldn't help himself, beating wildly. When Su Che came over, Chonghua hurriedly held up the riches to show him, and said, "Look at your pigs and cats hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!"

Su Che: "..."

While shouting "cold", Su Che hugged Fugui for warmth. Qi Heng said: "His Royal Highness, the king is looking for you for something."

Chonghua's smile immediately stiffened, and he said with a straight face, "No."

As soon as the words fell, an old voice said with a smile: "His Royal Highness~"

Chonghua: "???"

It turned out to be the old eunuch beside the king.

This old eunuch has been the medium for his father to supervise him and communicate with Chonghua since he was very young. It is extremely difficult to deal with. When Chonghua sees him and hears his voice, he has a headache. The old eunuch said, "Your Highness, your Majesty asked the slave family to call you to visit him." Chonghua floated behind him and walked out of the Prince's Palace. Suddenly, the old eunuch took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and handed it to Chonghua. Chonghua's face was full of question marks. The old eunuch smiled and said: "Your Highness, the slave family knows that you must not be willing to say such words yourself, so I wrote a special copy. You should memorize it first, and then go to see Your Majesty, and just memorize it directly."

"..." Chonghua made an "oh" sound. The old eunuch looked around again and whispered to Chonghua: "Your Highness, the king's old disease has relapsed, please... a little 'so' a little bit."

When they arrived at Chaoyang Palace, the country lord and Lian Rong were sitting and didn't know what they were talking about. The old eunuch walked in with a stern face, Chonghua, and said, "Your Majesty, Niangniang, the Crown Prince has come down."

There were the old eunuch and the king in front, Lian Rong on the left, and Chonghua tilted his head to the right. The old eunuch withdrew from his right, and Chonghua looked up at the sky again. Lian Rong said: "Chonghua! I think you can't wait to turn your head around, right? Come here!"

Chonghua looked at the ground again and said, "Father, King, Mother, what are you looking for from me?"

The king sighed, rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "Maozhi, the last time you came to see your father was a month ago. Why are you so reluctant every time?"

Chonghua did not speak.

In the heart, there is a knot.

Although Chonghua was the crown prince, since he was a child, the lord of the country did not care much for him. Chonghua remembered that when he was five or six years old, he rolled down the steps, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't move for a while, but he felt embarrassed to cry, and the tears were suffocated. When Chonghua saw the lord passing by at this time, he burst into tears, trying to attract the attention of the lord, but the lord only glanced coldly and hurriedly went to receive the envoys of other countries.

When he was young, he saw that the other emperor brothers and emperor brothers were very close to his parents, so Chonghua also went to the lord and wanted him to hold him, but the lord ordered him to be driven away. Chonghua remembered that he cried all night that day and felt that no one wanted him.

No matter how well you do, you can't get a single word of praise. If it wasn't for his bloodline, then he, the country lord and Lian Rong were really like fellow travelers, and would not have the slightest intersection. Not being around when needed, completely ignoring whether or not his actions have any effect on his children. When the children are independent enough, they suddenly think of their parenthood like a corpse and come to get close. Chonghua is really annoying, but because The other party is his own parents, so he can't really be heartless.

Chonghua was too lazy to stay any longer, remembering what the old eunuch told him to carry, so he coughed and said, "Father, Queen, my son has something to say."

After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath and recited a long paragraph without panting. The king and Lian Rong opened their eyes one after another. If these words were said naturally, it would be really touching, but Chonghua was so afraid that he would not know that he did not recite it as he said, so when he heard it, it was written in advance, not what he wanted.

After Chonghua finished reciting, he finally let out a breath and said, "I'm done, I'll retire." Turning around and leaving, the king suddenly slapped the handrail, stood up and said, "Chong... Chonghua!!! You are I don’t want to see my father like this…”

As he said that, he suddenly choked. Lian Rong quickly helped him up. Chonghua didn't turn his head back and said, "I don't want to." Then he stepped out of Chaoyang Hall.

As he walked, he remembered what the old eunuch said to him later, looked back at Chaoyang Palace, and clenched his fists.

Jingguo and Wei Qu have always had a feud, and they were originally mortal enemies. Nine years ago, the Jingguo army massacred a group of Weiqu caravans who came to Jingguo to do business. Hundreds of people were killed by the sword. At that time it reached its highest point. A month ago, Jingguo invaded the Weiqu border again and secretly occupied a city. The matter was reported back to Hanguan, and there was a lot of uproar along the way. Civil grievances have been accumulating for a long time, and the gangs are scattered all over the place. After a month, they cannot calm down. Recently, there have been rumors among the people that the two countries of Wei and Jing are about to start a war.

At this time, it was Su Che who was pushed to the forefront.

Su Che's biological mother is the concubine of Su Che's biological father, so Su Che is completely of the blood of Jingguo. After Su Che's two half-brothers and father died, Su Che's biological mother also hanged herself. Su Che followed another "mother" from Weiqu to Weiqu, only to find that her family had moved away. , so the two lived in Wei Canal and depended on each other for life.

When Su Che was twelve years old, he was admitted to the palace by the minister of the Kingdom of Wei Qu. He dared to speak and act, so he offended many people. Among the folks, there are half supporters and half opponents. The supporters believe that talent should be based on ability and character, not background. The opponents oppose his identity as a national, and the sentiment has always been particularly radical. Now that the Wei Jing and the two countries are in trouble again, they even made a move of smashing and preventing fire among the people as a protest, causing a lot of resentment, and many bystanders vented their anger on Su Che. On this day, the court discussed the war between the two countries and civil atrocities again, and pointed the gun at Su Che. Moreover, some secret matters inside Wei Qu were leaked out for some reason, and Jing Guo's actions were aimed at these matters time and time again. Rumors that Su Che was a traitor in the mirror were spread among the people.

Six years ago, a general of Wei Qu, who was originally loyal and loyal, but because of his merits, became a master. After winning the last battle of his life and returning to the court, he was coerced by the king with his family and forced to kill himself. The Lord reneged on his promise and wanted to kill his entire family. Later, the lord regretted it, but the general was dead, and his family had already been reduced to bones. After that incident, the country lord was very careful about life and death, so this time he ordered Su Che to temporarily stay in the palace. Su Che was busy dealing with related matters all day, and was rarely seen in the Prince's Palace.

When Su Che was away, Chonghua became disciplined and read a book alone in the Prince's Palace. Autumn is already very deep, and the fallen leaves are not swept away for a while, and they pile up on the ground again. Qi Heng either practiced martial arts all day or saw him sweeping the floor in the courtyard with a broom. The weather was cold, the stove was raised early in the Prince's Palace, Chonghua was reading, and Adanlina sat beside him holding her face. The stove was burning, and the inside of the hall was a little hot, and Adanlina suddenly said, "Can I give you a fan?"

Chonghua said: "Forget it, I'm afraid you will fall asleep again."

Last summer, Chonghua was alone in the water pavilion making excerpts. The water pavilion rises in the lotus pond, far away leisurely and independent, there are water curtains hanging on the four sides, and the breeze blows, it is very ethereal. Adanlina sat beside him and fanned him, but she was fanning, and suddenly there was no movement. When Chonghua saw it, Adanlina fell asleep on the table without knowing when, and it was Chonghua who carried her back to Yuning Palace.

Adanlina said disappointedly: "Okay." Then she continued to lie on the table, wondering what she was thinking.

Adanlina peeked at Chonghua and lowered her eyes.

In silence, she slowly took out a braided red rope from her clothes, and suddenly put it on the Chonghua book.

Chonghua said, "What is this?"

Adanlina smiled and said, "For you."

She said: "If... If one of us goes one day first, wearing this red rope, we can connect the world to the underground, wait by the Naihe Bridge, and be together in the next life."

Chonghua raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "What about the next life? What about the next life?"

Adanlina saw that he started to stubble again, and said angrily: "You are not telling the truth!!"

Adanlina picked up the red rope and said, "Put out your wrist and I'll put it on for you."

Adelina carefully put it on for him. Chonghua took a look. Adanlina also stretched out her wrist and said, "Look, I have already worn it."

After speaking, she held her face again and smiled and said, "This is what I gave you, what did you give me?"

Chonghua said: "Far in the sky, close in front of you."

Adanlina shyly said: "You are too… too… "

She wanted to say "too shameless", but was too embarrassed to say it. Chonghua immediately said: "No no no, you misunderstood. What I said was not 'myself', but those 'flowers' in your courtyard."

Only then did Adalina understand.

Adanlina has always liked flowers, and her favorite is cherry blossoms. She planted one in her yard. It was very tall and big, and the flowers bloomed beautifully. She once told Chonghua that she dreamed that when she opened the door every day, she would see the flowers and smell the fragrance in the yard. Unexpectedly, Chonghua really wanted to plant a yard of flowers for her.

Chonghua said: "But it's only just started. I asked people to buy a lot of them. They are available in any season, but they haven't been shipped to the palace yet."

Adanlina said happily: "Really? Great!"

Chonghua smiled and said, "How am I?"

Adanlina ignored him and said, "When will it be transported into the palace?"

Chonghua said: "Next month at the latest."

Adanlina held her face and looked into the air, as if she was imagining something in the future, and murmured, "It will take a long time..."

In the following month, Chonghua often stayed out of the house and concentrated on his studies. The branches had fallen bare and looked dreary. On the way back to the Prince's Palace, Chonghua suddenly saw two little eunuchs whispering in the corner of the wall. He glanced at them and wiped them away, but he heard someone say, "That Princess Yuning is really miserable, there was nothing left. The name of a princess is not popular, and she has lived and died for 15 years, and suddenly she has to marry and suffer so far away from Nanfan, what a sin..."

Chonghua's blood froze all of a sudden, he grabbed the little eunuch and said with a cold face, "What were you talking about just now???"

The two little eunuchs were so frightened that their lips were instantly white, and they were trembling, unable to utter a word. The other knelt down and kowtowed again and again and said, "His Royal Highness, Prince!!! It's not good to be a slave or a slave. You shouldn't talk nonsense about the prince and princess behind your back. The slave should die, the slave should die!!!"

Chonghua said angrily: "I'm not asking you this!!! I'm asking where did you hear what you just said??!!!"

The little eunuch on the ground shivered and said, "This, this has been spread all over the palace and in the palace these days. According to, it is said that it was the idea of the queen and the queen, asking the prince and princess to go and kiss, me, we It's just a rumor, hearsay..."

Chonghua let go of the little eunuch, and the little eunuch fell to the ground, gasping for breath in fright. Chonghua strode like the wind to Guining Palace. In my heart, has it spread throughout the palace? ? ? Then why doesn't he know? ! ! Besides, even if he has been locked out for a month, someone should tell him about this kind of rumor...

When he looked up, he saw Qi Heng coming. Seeing Chonghua's gloomy expression, Qi Heng was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "Dang—"

Chonghua grabbed his collar and said, "Why?! Why didn't you even tell me??!!"

His eyes were red. Qi Heng pursed his lips, lowered his head, and said, "His Royal Highness, I am too. I am worried that you will go to the Queen after telling you. This matter is done, and it has been agreed with Nanfan, and the result will not change."

Chonghua sneered and said, "Do you still know what I'm talking about?? We've been together for two years. You still don't understand my temperament for two years?? You might as well kill me if you hide it!"

Qi Heng hesitated for a while, as if he had something to say, but did not speak. Chonghua said: "What are you trying to say??!" Qi Heng glanced at him and said, "His Royal Highness, we are indeed about to go to war with Jingguo, and this marriage is also to win over the forces of Nanfan... and I have not I thought that it would be Her Royal Highness Princess Yuning who would go to the wedding. I heard that this seems to have been decided more than a month ago, and it was recommended by Su Master, Her Royal Highness, because Her Royal Highness has no real name, and has the least weight in Her Majesty's heart. Going out will not have any impact on the palace, and Nanfan is far away from the capital of our country, so I don't know much about the affairs in our palace, as long as the one who married is a princess. Choose Princess Yuning to get the best of both worlds. And at this time With the approval of the Queen's Empress, the matter of getting married is also handled by the Queen's Empress."

Chonghua's face turned pale, and he said, "You... You said it was Brother Su... Su Che recommended???"

Qi Heng said, "Exactly."

Chonghua was stunned for a moment, then slowly let go of his hand, clenched his fists, and said bitterly, "Su Che..."

After speaking, I suddenly remembered something and continued to go to Guining Palace. Qi Heng quickly followed.

Lian Rong was about to enter the hall when Chonghua stepped into the gate of Guining Palace, took a few breaths, and shouted, "Mother!!!"

Lian Rong paused, turned around, and Chonghua said, "Mother, why did you agree to marry A-Dan???!!!"

Lian Rong turned around and said calmly, "Chonghua, you came to see your mother today to ask an unknown princess?"

Lian Rong asked, "Did Yu Ning tell you?"

Chonghua said: "No."

Lian Rong snorted: "I knew that girl didn't have the guts." Then she continued, "Ben Gong originally planned to at least deceive you to marry that Yu Ning, but I didn't expect that you would find out first, and I don't know which one's mouth is broken. Chonghua, the queen mother tells you that this matter is already a certainty, we have already discussed it with Nanfan, and you should stop trying to intervene."

After saying that, he turned to leave. Chonghua said: "What is 'negotiation'??! Do you treat her as a commodity and exchange it with Nanfan???!!!"

Lian Rong turned her head slightly, and said, "Why not? She Yu Ning is as low as her mother who died early. Back then, your father insisted on making her a princess, but I tried everything to stop her, but I couldn't stop her. This palace grows up carefree, unlike other brothers and sisters who have to bother to make your father happy, do nothing, and when the treasures are distributed, you can still get a little something. She is so lazy and lazy to send it to her relatives. It's her only value, the only return to our Wei Qusheng for raising her for more than ten years."

Chonghua said nothing.

Lian Rong turned around and said, "Bengong just said it here. From tomorrow onwards, you will stay in your Prince's Palace, and you are not allowed to go out. When I remember one day, I will send someone a message and let it go. Come out."

When you're done, leave. Chonghua suddenly stepped forward, lifted his robe and knelt down on His Highness, with red eyes, said: "Mother!!! For so many years, it's my son's fault for not listening to you, it's all my son's fault. What have I begged you? Today, I just ask you not to let A-Dan go to kiss, not only because the son is unwilling, but also because the environment in Nanfan is too harsh. The most important person in my life, please, no matter how much you hate her, for the sake of my son, let her stay in Weiqu!!!"

Even Rongtou didn't reply: "'The most important person'? I have hired so many teachers for you in vain. Could it be that they all told you to die for a woman??! I want to see , in the end, will you live on your own skin or die!! Qi Heng!"

Only then did Qi Heng react, hugging the sword and saying, "Yes!" Lian Rong continued: "Remember, from tomorrow onwards, His Royal Highness is not allowed to step out of the Prince's Palace, and he is not allowed to talk to anyone until I tell you in person. He can lift the ban, do you hear?!"

Qi Heng said: "...Yes!"

Lian Rong said to Chonghua, "I want to see how long you can kneel! You bastard."

Lian Rong exhaled, pushed open the hall door, walked in, and closed the door.

Chonghua was dumbfounded, kneeling on the ground, with no expression of anger, pain, or hatred on his face.

Just calm.

as if dead.

Qi Heng glanced at Chonghua and stood behind him.

It was late at night.

Suddenly, in the silent palace wall, a voice came from afar:

"It's dry, be careful with candles!"

The beeping continued. Qi Heng said softly, "Your Highness, it's the third watch."

Chonghua's voice was hoarse. Indifferently said: "You go back to rest first."

Qi Heng was silent for a while, and said, "Whenever you leave, Your Highness, I will leave."

Chonghua said: "Then you should stand until dawn."

"..." Qi Heng said, "Your Highness, you will only harm your own body in vain. The Queen has made up her mind and will not be easily shaken. Your Highness, go back."

Qi Heng said again: "Go back."

Only then did Chonghua slowly get up, and after a while, he walked with difficulty.

On the way, Chonghua said: "It turns out that something that is very important in one person's heart can be trampled on in another person's heart."

Qi Heng silently followed behind without saying a word.

The night sky pressed down heavily against the earth. In the deep palace, there is silence.

As I walked, I saw a white jade bridge across from it in the distance. The water under the bridge is gurgling, reflecting the moonlight.

Looking up at Yuehui, Chonghua was stunned and stopped.

On the Baiyu Bridge, a pink gauze shadow is dancing gracefully.

Fluffy powder. It was Adelina.

She didn't know how long she had danced here today, or how many days she had danced here, so that someone could see it by chance. Even if it was an accidental encounter, from that figure, one could feel a little tiredness and despair of her, and there was a faint hint of loneliness.

The dance was sometimes quick and sometimes gentle. There was no music, it was utterly silent. Like a cold moon on a sandbar, a shadow on the quiet river. It was too far away, so that people couldn't see the dancer's face and expression, but the face was unclear, and the emotion was pouring out of the body.

This look deeply penetrated into Chonghua's heart.


Chonghua stayed in the Prince's Palace for a few days, and he could hardly feel the passage of time. On this day, not long after dark, the door of the Prince's Palace was suddenly opened.

Chonghua looked at it subconsciously, and the whole person stiffened.

Su Che turned around and closed the door gently, and sat opposite Chonghua. Although he tried his best to cover it up, he could still see a little tiredness between his eyebrows. Su Che smiled and said, "Maozhi, haven't seen you for a while, and you've been locked up again?"

With a cold face, Chonghua put the open book on the desk. Said: "What are you doing here?"

Su Che said: "Guess."

Chonghua said, "Come here on purpose to upset me."

"..." Su Che said, "I'm here to tell you something serious."

Chonghua didn't even want to look at him, he turned his face away and said, "Come on."

Su Che took out a letter from his arms, put it on the desk, and said, "Ashamed to say, although I have taught you for four years at the request of the Queen, I didn't actually teach you anything. I haven't told you much about the scriptures. I wrote some words in the letter, and it's not too late to read when you have the time or the mood."

Chonghua gave an "oh" and said, "Is there anything else? If not, please come back."

Su Che's expression turned sour, he frowned and said, "Maozhi, I asked myself that I haven't been to the temple for a long time, and I haven't even seen you face to face. What is the reason for you to speak to me like this?"

Chonghua looked back at him and said, "You ask me?"

Su Che respectfully said: "I am ignorant, please ask Your Highness for advice."

Chonghua snorted coldly and said, "Don't you understand what you are doing yourself?? Adan is going to Nanfan to have a kiss, are you happy?"

Su Che said with a cold face: "What are you talking about? How can I be happy that Her Royal Highness is married and kissed far away???"

Chonghua said: "You mentioned it, you won't be happy?"

Su Che said: "I mentioned what you mentioned. This is the Queen's Empress—"

Chonghua said: "You can stop talking. I know, Master Su, you are a hero in my mother's heart now, okay? It's getting late, and there are so many trivial matters recently, Master Su, please come back."

Seeing him chasing people so rudely, Su Che couldn't bear it anymore, got up and said, "Mao... Your Highness! I really came today to talk to you calmly and then leave, but I didn't expect you to drive me away so impatiently. ??!! If I, Su, have offended you in any way, please speak up, but this tone is too hurtful!"

Chonghua said angrily: "You still know how to hurt people??? Then when you proposed to my mother to let Adan go to kiss, why didn't you feel hurt me!!"

Su Che said: "What... what do I propose???"

Chonghua said: "I see, Master Su, you are here today to pretend to be innocent, right?"

Su Che's lips turned white and he said nothing.

Chonghua turned his head and said, "I should have thought that Master Su is still a counselor after all, and what I thought in my mind, how could a stupid person like me see one or two? Since you are the commander of the law, it is naturally the great cause of the country. For the best, what does a chess piece count as life or death? Besides, I don’t know why Master Su came to me now. There have been a lot of rumors in the palace recently. If Master Su is here to trouble me, I will take care of you. Say a few words in front of Baiguan, then you don't have to waste your words, go back and rest as soon as possible."

Su Che said: "...you don't believe me?"

Chonghua said: "I don't believe it. Why do I believe it?"

Su Che said: "I... Although we are not a very good friendship, but we have known each other for at least four years. Although I have not done anything to the point of being ruthless, but you are still frank with His Royal Highness Prince... "

Chonghua said: "I'm sorry, I didn't feel it."

Su Che laughed at himself, sat down, was silent for a moment, and murmured, "Hahaha, I didn't expect that His Royal Highness looked at me like this."

Su Che was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something, and said slowly: "My father was once a famous minister of the Jing Kingdom, I once had two older brothers, my father only came to me when he was in his forties, and my mother is not my biological mother now. , but treat me as my own.

"There have been many people in our ancestors, and two older brothers also entered the official career. Then one day, the old emperor died, and the new emperor took the place. The new emperor was only six years old at the time. The regime in the DPRK and China changed rapidly overnight. I strongly opposed the New Deal, and I was suppressed and even retaliated in the DPRK. People throw mud or even dung, and every night when everyone should go to sleep, there will be people outside the house shouting ridicule and swearing loudly. One day, when I opened the quilt, I found that a bloody cat with only its skin was maliciously thrown on the bed. I was very scared, so my mother hugged me and said, the night will pass soon and the sun will come up."

Having said this, he paused and continued: "But we didn't wait for the day to dawn. First my eldest brother was killed, and then my second brother. My mother took me away overnight, and I didn't have time to bring any belongings. For four months, I didn't see my father. Until one day, my mother suddenly said that she was going out, locked me in the house, and warned me not to go out. I always listened to my mother's words, but that day I don't know why , there was a strong premonition that urged me to go out. There were many people on the street, I squeezed all the way, and saw a man kneeling on the guillotine. It was my father."

He seemed to suddenly remember something he didn't want to recall and closed his eyes.

"Until today, many years later, when I close my eyes, in the darkness, the scene of seeing my father die in the crowd that day will reappear. After my father died, my mother handed me a piece of cloth, which my father took from his clothes. When it was torn off, a line of words was written in blood on the cloth: 'Be good and avoid evil, and live to the death.' This was the last thing my father left to me. I was nine years old at that time. That's a belief that my father, or even my two brothers, have devoted their lives to practicing. This belief has always infected me, so no matter how difficult it is, I will stick to it, say what I have to say, do my best Do what you have to do until you die."

Chonghua listened in silence. Su Che stood up, patted his body, and said, "So, Your Highness, I don't know, how did you hear the rumors about me, including the ones you said today. Maybe what I say and do now? It seems incomprehensible and unsightly to you, but I only follow my heart. No matter how you view me, I will still do what I believe in, say what I want to say, and it will never change."

Su Che just took a few steps, but he didn't seem to stand firm, his figure was crooked, and his steps were much slower. He walked to the door silently, as if uneasy, and without turning his head said, "Your Highness, please rest early." Then he left.