
Chapter 52: The song ends


The flowing clouds blocked the frozen sky, and then were blown into snowflakes by the cold wind, leaving the world full of heads.

Chonghua opened the door, and the goose feather snow piled up all over the courtyard and fell. As soon as he exited, he spit out a mass of hot air:


In the Prince's Hall, Chonghua was sitting in front of the table, and there was a fire in the hall. After a while, a little palace maid suddenly brought a book. Chonghua recognized her as the maid of Yuning Palace.

This is The Peony Pavilion. Turning the page, there is a crape myrtle flower and a note in the book. The note read: "Some of the flowers in the Yuning Palace are about to wither. I'm afraid you won't see the flowers before they wither, so I'll fold a branch for you to see."

On the page with the crape myrtle, it reads:

"Love doesn't know where it started, and it goes deep."

Chonghua collected the flowers and branches.

A few days later, Chonghua passed by the palace gate and suddenly saw a carriage parked outside the palace gate. Su Che followed closely behind a few guards, and was about to get into the carriage.

Chonghua walked over. The Guard said, "Your Highness!"

Su Che turned around. Chonghua was silent for a while, then asked, "Master Su, where are you going?"

The guards on the side said: "Your Highness, we are under His Majesty's order to send Master Su back to the mansion."

Chonghua glanced at the guards and said, "'Send'? You all don't look like 'send', but rather like 'detain'."

Several people stopped talking.

Chonghua said to Su Che, "When will you be back?"

Su Che smiled slightly and said, "I'm afraid I won't come back."

After speaking, several guards bowed to Chonghua and got into the car with Su Che.

The driver said "Drive".

Chonghua quietly watched the carriage leave. The car print walked on the snow, and was finally swallowed by a burst of nothingness.


On this day, the old eunuch came to the Prince's Palace again. As soon as he opened his mouth, he said: "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty asked the slave family to see how you are doing recently."

Chonghua still didn't lift his head and said, "I'm fine."

The old eunuch stood still, as if thinking about what to say. Chonghua suddenly remembered something and asked him, "Eunuch Zhao, do you know about Master Su's return to the manor?"

The old eunuch said politely, "Old slave naturally knows."

Chonghua asked, "Didn't your majesty order your lord to live in the palace temporarily? Why did you send it back a few days ago?"

The old eunuch said, "That's right, Your Highness. Almost a month ago, the Su Mansion was burned down."

Chonghua paused, raised his eyes and said, "It was burned??"

The old eunuch said, "Yes."

Chonghua said nothing.

The old eunuch continued: "Master Su's mother died in the mansion, although Master Su heard about it, but he was busy with affairs, and your Majesty did not allow Master Su to leave the palace, so Master Su was never able to return to the Su mansion. However, a few days ago, Mr. Su said that he was worried that the body would stink if left for a long time, so His Majesty sent someone to send Mr. Su back for burial."

Chonghua remembered Su Che's words and asked, "Aren't you going back to the palace?"

The old eunuch hesitated for a while, then said, "... Right."

Chonghua nodded and said, "That's fine. If you don't go to the palace to do things, you'll be clean."

The old eunuch said: "Then, the slave family has retired."

Almost a month ago... At that time, it was exactly when Su Che came to find him.

Chonghua was confused, and suddenly recalled many things in the past.

He took out the letter that had been pressed for a long time from the bottom of the stack of books, stared at it for a while, and finally didn't open it, and stuffed it back again.

"Anyway, it's never too late to watch it."


The snow finally stopped today. There were fewer people in the Prince's Palace, and the huge palace seemed a little lonely.

In order not to let himself doze off again, Chonghua sat in front of the backyard window. As soon as the window was opened, the cold wind poured in, and the doze was chased away in an instant. Such a scene, such an angle, reminded Chonghua of something. In the past winter, every time I sat in front of this window and started to doze off, I would be caught off guard by Su Che's snowball, which would make my head fall into an ice cave, and I wanted to rush out to fight him.

Suddenly, an orange ball of hair stepped on the snow. Chonghua shouted: "Rich!! Where are you going???"

Fugui seemed to have really heard him speak, so he turned around and gave him a "meow" twice, jumped up the courtyard wall, jumped down and disappeared.

Later, it never appeared again.

For some reason, these days, there are more and more guards in the Prince's Palace. In the past, only Qi Heng was alone guarding him, and he would still secretly let him out if he was rude to Lian Rongyang. But now, with more Guardsmen, it was difficult for Chonghua to step out of the Prince's Palace. Even going outside the palace to get some air would be stared at by several pairs of eyes, and he would go back into the palace in discomfort.

The snow only stopped for two days, and then it began to whirring down again.

Chonghua was flipping through the booklet the old eunuch sent him yesterday, when suddenly the door of the palace was gently pushed open. Chonghua saw that it was the little palace maid who gave him "The Peony Pavilion" that day. The little palace maid brought a bowl of food and put it in the palace, and went out without a word.

There was a note under the tray, and Chonghua unfolded it, like falling into an ice cave.

Chonghua grabbed Gu Hong and pushed open the door, all the guards were startled and said, "Your Highness! You—"

Chonghua said: "Get out of the way!"

Qi Heng grabbed Sanjue and said, "Your Highness, the Queen Mother told you not to go out."

Chonghua didn't listen, and swung his sword away. The Guards embraced, and Chonghua said, "Whoever stops me will die."

The sword light flickered. The Guards did not dare to hurt him, and Chonghua was very skilled in martial arts, and immediately broke through the Guards. Just as he was about to go out, a figure suddenly stopped in front of him, hugged his sword and said, "Your Highness, you can't go out!!"

Chonghua said angrily: "Qi Heng??!! What do you mean?? Get out of the way!!!"

Qi Heng still said: "Your Highness, you can't go out!"

Chonghua grabbed Gu Hong tightly and said, "Are you going to stop me...?"

Qi Heng pursed his lips and didn't move.

The two fought. The swords of both sides are extremely fierce, and there is no difference. While Chonghua attacked, Qi Heng couldn't help but retreat. In the end, Sanjue was lifted high and inserted into the ground. Gu Hong was only three inches away from Qi Heng's face.

"Step aside."

Qi Heng was silent for a while, then turned away.

Without further ado, Chonghua's figure disappeared immediately.

Qi Heng silently pulled out Sanjue from the ground, with some emotion in his eyes, he looked towards Chonghua's departure direction.

The note reads: "His Royal Highness, the princess is going to get married today. Although the servant knows this, I must not tell you, otherwise, if the servant is discovered, I am afraid that I will die, but the servant really loves the princess. The princess wants it every day. See you again, but the palace is guarded by the Imperial Guard, and it is difficult to take a step. Please rush to the palace gate immediately when you see this note."

A moment ago, inside the Yuning Palace, there was a lot of people moving. Adanlina looked at herself in the bronze mirror, and the maids served her and put on wedding dresses one by one. While weeping, he looked at himself being put on gold ornaments, his eyebrows were drawn, and his red lips were pursed.

Adanlina's eyes were a little empty, and she couldn't recognize who was reflected in the bronze mirror for a while. Tears continued to wet his cheeks.

An old palace maid said: "Oh, Your Highness, don't cry. Although Nanfan is desolate and savage, the people there are still very warm. If you are reluctant to let us Weiqu, bring some more things when you go to relieve homesickness. Affection."

Cry, cry, make up. The palace maids made up for her with all their hands and feet. The more Adanlina looked at herself, the more sad she felt. Tears were like beads, blurring the red makeup. The more festive, the sadder it looks.

Adanlina rode in the carriage, was embraced by the team sending her relatives in the palace, and drove to the palace gate.

Once you go out, you will be farther and farther away from here, and closer and closer to other places.

The line was long and a little noisy. Outside, everyone looked extremely happy, except for herself...

Under the hijab, Adanlina looked at the red rope tied to her wrist.

Suddenly, she opened the curtain and ran down.

The team was suddenly confused. Voices rang out: "His Royal Highness Princess!!! Her Royal Highness has run away!!!"

Adalina pulled down her hijab as she ran. The hijab fell to the ground, covered in dust.

Her mind was already blank, only her legs kept running. She climbed the palace wall desperately.

Lian Rong walked slowly and leisurely at the end. Seeing this situation, she was also stunned. Just as he was about to call someone to rush up to catch her, he suddenly saw Chonghua running past, his eyes widened, and he said, "Someone!!! Stop His Royal Highness!!!"

Several janitors rushed over. Chonghua ignored them, and only focused on pushing away the crowds and rushing towards the palace wall. Lian Rong's loud shouts kept coming from behind: "Stop him!!! Stop him!!!"

When he stood firm, he suddenly raised his head and looked up at the city tower. The red figure was like a butterfly struggling to the death in the gust of wind. The thin and thin body showed a morbid powerlessness because of the bright red blood-like wedding clothes. sense.

Chonghua's throat was extremely dry, and he said hoarsely: "Adan!!!"

Before he could push aside the crowd and rush upstairs, without warning, the red shadow suddenly jumped down from the palace wall. The wind ripped open her robe like a bird's wings.

Just heard a dull bang.

Chonghua was stunned.

The imperial guards rushed forward, and Chonghua suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. Something dripped out of the eye socket.

Chonghua said: "...I want to die."

Lian Rong came over and said, "I told you to stay in your Prince's Palace, but you have to come out to ask for hardships! Now that people are dead, you should give up!"

Chonghua was caught by the Janissaries and stood up. Bloodshots crawled into his eyeballs. He suddenly broke free and jabbed his chest with his hands. He said hoarsely, "Damn it, it's me!"

Lian Rong said angrily, "What are you doing standing still, take him away!!!"


Adalina felt that her soul was struggling to leave her. She couldn't move at all, and her ears were full of noisy voices. The moment she jumped down, she seemed to see a person hastily in the crowd.

Adalina opened her eyes a little.

In the dense crowd, she saw a figure gradually fade away.

Darkness comes.


Lian Rong was furious. After Chonghua returned, he was whipped dozens of times and locked in the Prince's Palace again. This time, even Qi Heng was angered and was not allowed to step into the Prince's Palace.

Wei Jing and the two countries are already on the verge of war, and they are about to break out. The entire palace was shrouded in a depressing and busy atmosphere. Chonghua waited until his injury was good enough to move around, so he planned to go outside the palace to relax by himself. Before leaving, he packed up the books on the desk, and then remembered Su Che's letter.

Chonghua opened the letter and read it from the beginning. Several pieces of letter paper were written, all summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of Chonghua in the past. Those things that were said about his faults really hit the nail on the head. Chonghua flipped the page again and wrote a sentence on it: "Don't indulge in the past, don't be afraid of the future."

Chonghua stared at this sentence for a while before continuing to look down. At the end of the letter, there was a sentence, and the handwriting was extraordinarily scribbled compared to the previous one. If it weren't for the character bones, I'm afraid people would think that it was written by the same person as before. This sentence seems to have been added hastily at the end, after hesitating for a long time:

"Beware of those around you."

This is over.

Chonghua was about to put the letter away, but suddenly found that there was a separate sheet in the envelope that was folded into a square. It was deliberately separated from the letter paper, and it was stuffed in the corner of the envelope, presumably because he didn't want to be seen by him.

Chonghua slowly opened, and the blood in his body seemed to freeze.

"Maozhi, although I am an official in Weiqu, I am still a member of Jingguo. For a long time, I have deliberately avoided Jingguo's problems and never intervened in Jingguo's affairs, but now, the war between Weijing and Jinguo is imminent. If Wei Qu wins, then I will no longer have a country; if Jing Guo wins, then I have no face to be Wei Qu's courtier. No matter what, I am in a dilemma and feel extremely painful.

"In this world, my mother is my only relative. In order to realize my mother's wish, I followed my father and two older brothers to pursue careers. But recently, I learned that my mother is no longer in this world, and I can't blame anyone but myself. Unfilial. After some thought, I asked His Majesty for two days and two nights outside the Chaoyang Palace, and finally I was given poisoned wine to die, so as to keep the whole body.

"Maozhi, I heard that Princess Yuning is going to marry Nanfan, and I discussed it with Your Majesty, but I couldn't change the result. I am deeply sorry. Now I have nothing to do for you. I will return to Su Mansion soon. , bury my mother, and complete the task that His Majesty finally gave me. If I am no longer alive when you read this letter, I only hope that you can remember me.

"Su Che, you must write."

Chonghua's hands trembled slightly, and he put the letter away after a long delay.

He stumbled and pushed open the gate of the palace and rushed out, hurried to the gate of the palace while saying, "... prepare a horse!!!"

The wind howled. Chonghua rode his horse past, and the hoofs sounded fast. Mind, wait for me, wait for me, wait for me...

The Su Mansion seemed to be close at hand.

Several people in white clothes held up the soul-revoking banners and staggered out of the Su residence. A coffin was carried steadily. In the back, a few people in official uniforms knelt in front of Su Mansion, kowtowed a few times, got up and patted their clothes, and slowly followed behind the team.

Chonghua slowly stopped in the distance, staring blankly at these.

There had never been a moment when he felt so clearly that he was ridiculous, disgusting, a sinner.


On the battlefield, during the slaughter, Qi Heng suddenly ran up against the mad sand and shouted to Chonghua: "Your Highness!!! The Chu Wei Army seems to have received the wrong news, and went south!!!"

Chonghua said: "South???!!!"

They noticed that Jingguo was in an ambush in the south, and Chonghua sent Qi Heng to tell the Chu Wei army to bypass the south, but for some reason, the news spread, but it was wrong!

The two countries were at war, and the mirror country slowly gained the upper hand. There was news from Weiqu that the army of Jingguo had already attacked all the way to Hanguan.

The wind and sand filled the sky, and most of the Weiqu soldiers could not adapt to this climate for a while, and were sick and injured.

Nanfan also marched and invaded on the grounds of the death of Heqin Princess. Although it does not pose much threat, at this moment, it is worse.

It seemed that Wei Qu was about to be defeated.

Once again attacked by the enemy. During the battle between the two armies, the earth suddenly sank into countless deep pits. It was the soldiers of the Mirror Kingdom who used sand as cover and dug countless huge deep pits in advance! !

Qi Heng fell unsteadily, but fortunately, he subconsciously used Sanjue to stick it firmly on the ground. Looking down, the spikes were sharp, and countless Weiqu soldiers were passed through and died.

Qi Heng wanted to climb up, but the sand was soft and Sanjue slowly fell down. At this time, Chonghua killed a few people from a distance and rushed over, knelt on the ground and stretched out his hand to him: "Come up!!"

Qi Heng was stunned for a moment, but did not reach out for a while. Chonghua said: "What are you doing??!! Are you dying!!!"

Qi Heng bit his lip, grabbed Chonghua's hand, and Chonghua pulled him up.

A soldier said: "His Royal Highness, Master Qi, there is news from the palace that the Han Pass is about to be broken, and ask us to return to the palace!"


Chonghua stood on the high city wall, watching the last batch of soldiers guarding the city gate fighting with blood. In an instant, a fear of the imminent destruction of the country rose from the bottom of my heart. This fear is like a nightmare entangled in my heart.

In Hanguan, the fire was blazing into the sky, and the dead were everywhere.

The two armies were deadlocked for five days and five nights. On the sixth day, the situation was miraculously reversed.

The Chu Wei Army, who rushed back in a hurry, together with the Imperial Guard Army, drove the soldiers of the Jing Kingdom out of Han Pass.

Along the way, Wei Qu's soldiers seemed to be driven by the desperation of the country's subjugation, and they burst out with unusually powerful power. The situation turned around, and the soldiers of Jingguo carelessly lost Jingzhou, retreated steadily, and fled back to Jingguo.


When Chonghua woke up, he found himself leaning on the table and fell asleep. The sky outside the window was slightly bright, it was early morning.

Recalling what happened in the past is like having a dream. Those pictures, including the people in them, seem to be just an illusion. The world is like smoke, and I am overjoyed and sad, and I can't even be sure whether I have really experienced it. Facing the familiar scene and object, there is nothing but caring for each other.

Life is like a dream, when you wake up, there is nothing left.

Chonghua pushed open the hall door and walked out. Suddenly, he seemed to hear a clear call from behind him.


He turned his head sharply.

There was no one but him on the empty corridor.

The author has something to say:

Volume three, over!

Volume 4 Blood Rain