
Chapter 53: Centrifugal


A kingfisher bird fluttered its wings, passed through the clouds and mountains, and landed in front of a window.

A pair of ice blue eyes looked over, and the bird jumped on his shoulder. The man stretched out his hand, but before he could touch the bird, the bird chirped a few times and flew away.

The door was pushed open with a creak. A male voice shouted, "Ziyuan! It's time to go!"

Xuan Ziyuan was silent for a while, then got up and walked out.

The crowd was sparse, stepping on the grass and falling flowers, and walked in one direction of the Siyin Pavilion. It was just one day after the spring rain, and the ground was still wet. The shadow of the tree slanted down, like water dripping from the tip of the hair to the heel of the shoe, and the air was refreshing. Xuan Ziyuan squinted and looked up, the sun was not very big, and it was hiding behind the trees. After looking at this for a long time, his eyes became a little dizzy. While flying and walking, unconsciously, it fell to the end.

The realm of eccentricity is a natural wonderland that Siyin Pavilion has had since the establishment of the family. Regardless of whether it is spring, summer or autumn and winter outside, there will always be a summer scene in the environment, with the sound of waterfalls gurgling.

Every year, Siyin Pavilion will hold a coming-of-age ceremony at the Mirror of Centrifugation, usually when the peony flowers in the world are in bloom. On another day, all men and women who will turn or have reached the age of 20 in this year will be gathered together for a coming-of-age ceremony.

All people are divided into two columns, one on the left and one on the right. The male is on the left and the female is on the right. They face the Buddha statue in the green shade by the waterfall, and they are ranked according to birth order. Hyun Jae-yeon was born in September, so she was standing almost in the middle.

Xuan Yezhi stood in front of the Buddha statue and slowly finished reading the speech, and after a rhythmic drum beat, incense wafted around. According to the order of men and women, they began to kneel and offer incense one by one. The elders in the clan were responsible for changing the blue hairbands to black ones and giving admonitions.

After a while, they arrived at Hyun Jae-yeon.

Persistent incense, Xuan Ziyuan closed his eyes, and a voice secretly raised in his heart:

I thinkā€¦

After a bang, Xuan Ziyuan put incense according to the ceremony.

Kneeling on the futon, Xuan Ziyuan felt a pair of hands behind him gently untie his hair band, and his long hair fell down. After that, another pair of hands tied up the loose long hair. Xuan Yezhi stood in front of Xuan Ziyuan, looked at him and said, "Ziyuan, today I give you two admonitions: the first is to rectify your body, for 'forgive yourself';

Xuan Ziyuan murmured, "'Ji Nian'..."

The coming-of-age ceremony is over.

The sun started to set.

A faint bell rang slowly.

In the room, Xuan Ziyuan was sitting by the window, with a half-cut sword in front of him, and he couldn't even find the half with the hilt.

Two years ago, after Yunling Snake Territory, Xuan Ziyuan went to the small town at the foot of the mountain with a group of children of the Xuan family to collect the items needed for the Siyin Pavilion Hundred Family Banquet.

The town's name is Qianxun, which is a good name. A group of teenage silver-haired and blue-clothed teenagers passed by, attracting curious attention from pedestrians, and some people especially liked to stare at Xuan Ziyuan. Xuan Ziyuan was really not used to being stared at like this. He wanted to get rid of the gaze from behind, so he stepped up to the front, only to find that the front was more conspicuous and then walked to the back. His expression was impatient and indifferent. The young man stabbed his sword angrily and hurriedly ran away.

A teenager bought a meat bun on the side of the road, and while eating, he pointed to a doll who was dancing constantly at the roadside stall and said, "Come and see, this is very fun, do you want to buy one and go back to play? ?"

A teenager laughed at him and said, "Do you really dare to buy this kind of thing back? It's a female doll and dancing, so I'm not afraid of being caught by an inspector and sent to play!"

The others laughed at him too. As they walked, several women in pink and robes walked towards them. The first few people whistled, and the women covered their faces and looked at them and laughed. Xuan Ziyuan twitched his brows and turned his eyes to the stall on the street. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had been lightly bumped, and when he turned his head, he saw that it was the women who were passing by. a handful of flowers. The other teenagers just came over curiously, and Xuan Ziyuan shoved the flower into a random person's arms with a blank face, patted his clothes with disgust, and stood inside.

Xuan Zilin pulled Xuan Ziyuan and pointed, "Ziyuan, look."

Hyunjae looked over. It turned out to be a toy mouse wound up, jumping up and down on the ground.

Just as Xuan Ziyuan was about to say "boring", he uttered half of the words, suddenly thought of something, and swallowed "chat" back.

A group of people ran to the hoops again. Xuan Ziyuan waited for a long time, and then walked around the neighborhood when she was bored. At this time, they stopped in front of a stall.

This is a stall specializing in cakes. The cakes are very delicately made, look very good, and smell very fragrant. The aunt who sold the cakes saw that Xuan Ziyuan had stopped, and hurriedly greeted: "This son, do you want to try these cakes?"

Xuan Ziyuan had never bought anything in front of this kind of stall, and after a long while, he said, "...Sweet."

The aunt smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to love sweets this young man? Come, come, this sweet, sweet but not greasy, try it!"

Xuan Ziyuan took a small one and took a light bite.

very sweet.

The aunt asked expectantly, "How is it?"

Hyun Jae-won nodded.

The aunt smiled and said, "Do you want to buy a few?"

Xuan Ziyuan thought to himself, he should like it.

He took out the money from his arms and handed it to the aunt: "How much is enough money to buy?"

Auntie opened her mouth wide, took it tremblingly, bit it with her teeth, and looked under the sun. Said: "Enough to buy a lot! I'll dress it up for you."

So, Xuan Ziyuan walked back with a large bag of cakes. Xuan Zilin was stunned and said, "Ziyuan??? You just disappeared for a short while, did you buy so many things???"

Hyun Jae-yeon hummed "um". After a while, everyone walked forward again. Xuan Ziyuan was silent for a while, then moved his lips suddenly and said, "If you want to give someone something, how should you speak?"

Xuan Zilin was even more shocked: "??? Are you going to give someone something???"

Xuan Ziyuan coughed and said, "...I'll just ask."

Xuan Zilin let out an "oh" and smiled, "It's not that simple. You can deliver it to your face, or ask someone to deliver it, or else, put the item outside that person's house, so you can see it when she opens the door and goes out?"

Hyun Jae-yeon thought it made sense and nodded.

The first time I tasted shopping, Hyun Jae-yeon seemed to be a little addicted. He glanced at everything he saw, and then thought, "He should like this too", "He should like that too". When he thought that these things would be delivered to Tang Zhuo at that time, Xuan Ziyuan was secretly excited, hoping that the Siyin Pavilion Hundred Family Banquet would come soon. After a while, the purchases were piled up into a hill.

Everyone wondered if Xuan Ziyuan was stimulated by something.

If you ask Xuan Ziyuan if he remembers when and why, Xuan Ziyuan doesn't remember either, he just vaguely feels that liking him seems to have started a long, long time ago. The first time I noticed that strange feeling was at the Huanlingxi Baijia Banquet. After Tang Zhuo dragged a bunch of persimmons away, he turned around to leave, but suddenly found a big persimmon under his feet. He has always been indifferent for a long time, but at that time he suddenly felt that he was also cared by others.

So I began to recall the past bit by bit. The more I recalled, the more strange I felt, and I found that I seemed to have been doing something that was not in line with my temperament. Although he felt that Tang Zhuo was annoying, he also hoped that he could annoy him every day.

If it wasn't for meeting Tang Zhuo, maybe he wouldn't think that there are so many interesting things in this world. I thought my heart was like stone, but whenever I think of him, my heart becomes soft.

But over the years, Xuan Ziyuan found that Tang Zhuo seemed to treat everyone the same, and he seemed to be just a passerby among passersby. Sometimes I can't help but want to ask, but because of face, I refuse to open my mouth. But that day in Yunling Snake Territory, Xuan Ziyuan finally realized that he was not wishful thinking.

Once the gate in my heart is opened, it bursts.

Tang Zhuo said at that time: "When you are an adult, I will give you something." For the first time, Xuan Ziyuan began to look forward to one thing. Maybe every day from now on, I will not be alone.

On the sixth night of staying at the foot of the mountain, I woke up the next day to find the inn in chaos. Everyone packed up the things they bought, and it seemed that they were leaving immediately. Xuan Ziyuan stopped someone for no apparent reason, and then heard the person panic and say: "Yesterday, our family went to the Tang family to discuss the Yunling Snake Territory, but the two got into a fight, and everyone who entered is dead!! !"

Xuan Ziyuan rushed to Tangmen Bay overnight, and when he arrived, he only found this severing sword.

Xuan Ziyuan put away the broken sword on the table.

After the bell dissipated, everything was silent, as if nothing had changed.

The author has something to say:

Next Chapter: Yanchuan [Hee Hee]

There are many scenes in this volume of Yanchuan.

This volume is the penultimate volume.