
Chapter 56: Lunar eclipse night in the dark in the black mountain forest 2


Suddenly, everyone hated themselves for not having eyes that could see clearly in the dark.

At this time, Xiao Hei's eyes unexpectedly released a golden light, illuminating the stone wall in front of him.

The moment the stone wall was illuminated, the paintings on the stone wall came into view, giving people goosebumps all over.

Looking at it in order, the story begins with a child being beaten by an adult with tears in his eyes. After that, his expression changed when he was beaten again, as if he was used to it, and even resented it. Then, when the adult was about to beat him again, the child took the knife and chopped off the adult's head. This is Zhu Yao as a child.

After the child left Zhujia Village alone, he worked day and night. Later, he worshipped his master and began to learn martial arts with him. The child grew up and became a young man. He was arrogant and arrogant. He wanted to worship the mysterious door, but was repeatedly rejected. So far, everything is exactly as everyone heard.

But it is here that things take a different turn.

The youth met a person one day, the person said something to him, and after that, he drew a pair of hands full of power behind the youth, which probably meant that that person could lend the youth strength.

There is no color in the engraved painting, but Zhu Yao seems to have a very strong desire to express the specific appearance of the person desperately. Looking at the man's clothing and deliberately portrayed expression, everyone's eyes slowly widened.

It's a scorpion.

Later, the youth became middle-aged. He came to Fu's house in despair and met a person whom Zhu Yao portrayed with equal force and intensity: Fu Chulan. The middle-aged man came to the Fu family. Fu Chulan's whole body is painted with a halo. Although this portrayal is a little naive and funny, it is very enthusiastic and sincere. It seems that in Zhu Yao's eyes, he is very grateful and loves Fu Chulan.

In the subsequent paintings, there are always two people accompanying each other. Of course, it's not that they are really together all the time, but that no matter what one of the people in the painting is doing, either the other person appears beside him, or he appears in his mind or fantasy. The former is Zhu Yao, the latter is Xuan. Hyun has been controlling Zhu Yao, and Zhu Yao is very bored.

Later, the image of the middle-aged man in the painting suddenly became larger. With a smile on his face, he held a sword of light high in his hand—he got Xuanhu.

After that, the two people who were originally like shadows in the painting are sometimes close and sometimes far away, and the person who is always followed is very angry. This is Zhu Yao's attempt to get rid of the control of Hyun and failed.

Suddenly, the screen turned sharply. The whole table was kicked over, and the scene was chaotic. Fu Chulan's face was full of horror, and Xuan Hao grabbed him and laughed.

Then, what did Hyun say to Zhu Yao. Hyun was drawn with a "tear" gesture, and Zhu Yao's face panicked. It was Xuan Hao who threatened Zhu Yao to reveal his identity and forced him to agree to his conditions. Zhu Yao opened up with him, but suddenly there were countless people around him, and Zhu Yao was captured. Zhu Yao held the axe while weeping, and chopped at the organs of the broken armor city.

Fu Chulan lay in the coffin. The Hyun family attacked and broke the city. Zhu Yao was injured and escaped from the broken armor city. A group of Xuan family members chased him behind him. The biggest and most evil one of the paintings was Xuan.

Zhu Yao escaped to a cave in a mountain. This is the last painting.

It was originally what happened in Jiangdong, but I didn't expect the mystery to be revealed in Jiangxi.

Tang Zhuo still remembered the letter he saw when he left Zhujia Village. It was Zhu Yao's letter from the same Xuanji. The phrase "adult" said Xuanji, "I regret it", and it was Zhu Yao who came undercover as Xuanji. The Fu family, who later discovered their true worth, added gratitude and guilt to the Fu family, and wanted to get rid of the control of the scorpion.

But in the end, he still had some questions, why was Zhu Yao sealed in the Juling Fort? Who sealed him there? Does the person who sealed it there know who it was when it was alive, and if so, what kind of grievance did he have with it? How can a good living person become such a monster after death? These questions are basically answered now.

Monsters with more evil spirits can suppress monsters with less evil spirits to a certain extent. Juling Fort gathers evil spirits, and after Zhu Yao's death, he became a one-armed Yama, which is perfect for slaying other evil spirits. The one who sealed him was Xuan, and the grievance was Zhu Yao's escape. It is very likely that he would betray him and reveal some of Xuan's secrets. Fortunately, Zhu Yao painted these things here, so that he could be captured after his death. people know. Some people who were hostile and resentful during their lifetimes are very likely to become ghosts after death, not to mention that Zhu Yao was buried alive and died. After Zhu Yao's death, the body was dug up by the scorpion, and the scorpion used it to make it into one-armed Yama.

Thinking about it, Tang Zhuo's mind suddenly became confused again.

Xuan Ziyuan immediately supported him. The rest of the people continued to look at the mural, Tang Zhuo pulled Xuan Ziyuan and said, "Let's... go out first!"

Xuan Ziyuan helped Tang Zhuo to circle outside the cave, and only stopped when he reached a place where he would not be seen. Tang Zhuo was leaning against the tree, the evil energy in his body surged, and the whole person leaned against the tree dizzy, feeling that his body was about to be torn from the middle.

Tang Zhuo touched the evil spirits subconsciously, suddenly remembered something, stuck for a moment, pushed Xuan Ziyuan, and said, "You... you go somewhere else first..."

Xuan Ziyuan grasped his wrist tightly, as if he could see through him at a glance, and said coldly, "What did you do with your sword just now?"

Tang Zhuo's eyes dodged for a moment, then hesitantly said, "I... I just touched it casually to see if it was good to ward off evil spirits."

Xuan Ziyuan was silent for a while, as if he had discovered something, and suddenly pulled Tang Zhuo's sleeve, his whole body stiffened.

I saw that Tang Zhuo's arm was covered with dense scratches.

Xuan Ziyuan was trembling all over, Tang Zhuo subconsciously wanted to break free, but Xuan Ziyuan's strength was astonishingly great, but he held him even tighter. Xuan Ziyuan lifted Tang Zhuo's sleeves all the way up, his eyes were red, and there were terrifying scratches wherever his eyes could see, and the person who started it seemed to be ignorant of the severity and had to see a lot of blood. Indiscriminately, Xuan Ziyuan pulled off Tang Zhuo's collar with trembling, completely desperate, and said angrily, "Are you a fool?!!!"

Tang Zhuo's face turned pale. Xuan Ziyuan asked with a dark face: "You sneaked out in the middle of the night that day. Did you bleed all the blood on the ground??!! Did you just climb up from the river when you were all wet!!!"

Sometimes he wanted to suppress the evil spirits in his body, so Tang Zhuo calmed down his mind temporarily by torturing himself. Bloodletting is also a way to balance the evil and spiritual energy in the body. Evil qi is generally deeper and more infiltrated in blood than spiritual qi. Furthermore, blood has a certain stimulating effect on evil things, which can make Tang Zhuo temporarily sober.

Tang Zhuo had never seen him look so angry, or because of his own reasons, the whole person was completely panicked and almost fell apart, and hurriedly said: "No, no, it's not what you think, I-"

Xuan Ziyuan grabbed his arm, lowered his head and stared at the scratches, rubbed lightly, and said, "Does it hurt?"

Tang Zhuo said quickly: "No, it doesn't hurt anymore!! It really doesn't hurt anymore!!"

Xuan Ziyuan suddenly hugged Tang Zhuo in his arms, holding him so tightly, as if he was afraid that he would be broken.

Xuan Ziyuan's light voice rubbed Tang Zhuo's hair, and it rang in his ear, "... I will feel distressed."

Tang Zhuo was stunned.

Tang Zhuo's eyes were slightly red, and he pursed his lips, gently buried his head on Xuan Ziyuan's shoulder, and hugged him tightly.

After holding on long enough, the two let go. Tang Zhuo suddenly remembered that the two had been hugging each other for so long. It was very likely that someone would come to him and Xuan Ziyuan to see this scene. His face was a little red, and he immediately looked around nervously. Xuan Ziyuan asked at this time, "Are you feeling better?"

Tang Zhuo replied subconsciously, "It's still uncomfortable."

In the next instant, Xuan Ziyuan pressed Tang Zhuo against the tree and kissed him.

Tang Zhuo closed his eyes gently and hugged Xuan Ziyuan's neck tightly. The wet tip of the tongue suddenly came in, Tang Zhuo's whole body was numb for a while, and he lost all strength in an instant, Xuan Ziyuan stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Tang Zhuo's waist. There was a sweet and greasy feeling between the lips and teeth, which was indistinguishable for a while. At this time, Tang Zhuo suddenly felt a cold feeling gradually entering his body, which was actually spiritual power. Tang Zhuo was a little breathless, pushed away Xuan Ziyuan and panted hastily, and his lips were immediately blocked by pinching his face.

Before Tang Zhuo was alone, he had never thought of a way to suppress the evil energy in his body by borrowing the spiritual power of others. This feeling made Tang Zhuo vaguely recall some things in the past. Sometimes when I fell asleep, I felt the door was secretly opened, and a slightly cold feeling was sent from my wrist to my whole body. Sometimes when I wake up by myself, I will suddenly see my father falling asleep beside my bed, and ask him strangely. Only now did I realize that don Juanxi and Lu Chunqiu had long known that there was evil in their bodies.

Thinking of these things, Tang Zhuo couldn't tell whether he was more moved or sad.

After separating, Tang Zhuo coughed and said, "Isn't your spiritual power also blocked, how can you still lose to me?"

Xuan Ziyuan said: "It's true that the spiritual power cannot be used. I just wanted to give it a try. I don't use the spiritual power, but can I transfer it."

When Tang Zhuo heard "Try it", his face turned red again and said, "So, so you didn't really want to give me spiritual power just now???"

Xuan Ziyuan nodded and said, "Yes."

Tang Zhuo: "..."

Suddenly a voice came from not far away: "Where are those two people??? Where did they go to do ghost things???!!!"

Even if you don't listen to the voice, you can tell by what Shi Jin said. Tang Zhuo pulled Xuan Ziyuan and ran over, saying, "Come here!!!"

Shi Yichen took Dormant and pointed to a series of footprints on the ground, and said, "Cannibals."

The footprints were barefoot, so no matter who came here from Xuanmen or ordinary passers-by, they would not walk barefoot on the mountain road. Xiao Hei shivered and said, "There are really cannibals??? Can cannibals eat worms!"

Shi Jin said, "Brother Hei, you are not a bug, what are you afraid of!"

Several people walked in the direction of this series of footprints, drawing swords in their hands. Although the spirit sword was no longer able to use its power, it was useful to use it as a normal iron for self-defense.

As I walked, there were more and more flowers and plants in the forest, most of which were exotic flowers and plants that had never been seen before. Xiao Hei couldn't help taking a deep breath and sighed, "Okay~ Xiang~ Ah!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly fell to the ground with his eyes open. In an instant, Xiao Hei turned into a huge bug!

Tang Zhuo's heart is not good, these flowers are poisonous, and Xiao Hei has changed back to his original shape after smelling it!

Everyone: "???"

Shi Jin shouted, "Oh my god, these flowers smell poisonous and they will turn into such disgusting bugs, run away!!!"

Qi Qi started running, but almost as soon as he turned around, he fell down neatly.

A group of cannibals jumped out of the forest one after another, jumping and cheering around the crowd, whose body was stiff as a block. Shi Jin widened his eyes and struggled, but his body remained motionless, and said, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!"

Tang Zhuo knew that he must have wanted to say, "You savages dare to deliberately lure your grandfather here and wait for me to get up to make you look good!!!"

Several cannibals threw their swords aside and continued to cheer. Holding a spear in one hand, he looked around in the crowd, as if he was picking ingredients. At this moment, he suddenly looked down and saw Tang Zhuo, his eyes lit up, and a face came down at once, magnified countless times. Tang Zhuo's nose was instantly filled with the stench that he hadn't bathed for a long time, and he was about to faint.

The cannibal sniffed on him and cheered with great excitement.