
Chapter 6: Riding the ghost ship waves again 1


In the Shen residence, several teenagers surrounded the soul-pointing hand that turned into a weasel, poking around with branches, laughing and laughing.

It was early in the morning, and the streets were getting more and more crowded. As more and more people woke up from their sleep, the streets became noisy.

"Aunt Wang! Your old man's grave has also been opened up!"

"God damn it, I got up early this morning and went to pee in the yard, only to find that eight chickens were scared to death!"

"Who knocked over my stall??? Was it you?!... And said no, yesterday you insisted that I charged you a penny more and held a grudge against me!!"

In the commotion, everyone said goodbye after they were sure that the issue of the Soul Hand had been resolved and that Young Master Shen's body had been safely in the coffin. Unexpectedly, just after leaving the Shen residence, a voice sounded from behind: "Everyone, please stop!!"

When everyone turned around, they saw Master Shen waving to him out of breath, followed by a domestic servant pushing a scooter full of gifts wrapped in red cloth. While wiping away his sweat, Master Shen said with a smile on his face: "Yesterday, it was really hard work, all of you young masters. Mr. Shen prepared some gifts to express his gratitude. I hope you will accept them—" As he spoke, he delivered the gifts one by one. Everyone's hands.

Tang Zhuo stood far away, watching silently, when Master Shen raised his eyes, the two of them met. Master Shen smiled angrily at Tang Zhuo, and continued to turn around to pick up the gift and hand it to a teenager.

After destroying the corpse formation last night, Tang Zhuo came to the Shen residence alone and found Master Shen.

What happened to Young Master Shen that made Soul Pointer attracted to him? Who is that woman? Why is she also taken away from the soul? Tang Zhuo has been puzzled by these questions. And it was with these doubts and under the guidance of Master Shen that he understood what was going on behind the scenes.

Last night, when the two came to the ancestral hall, they saw that the woman in filial piety had lost her sudden madness, and sat beside the coffin, with the body of Young Master Shen safely inside. The woman's arms drooped weakly on the ground, her head was tilted, and she was resting on the coffin.

Master Shen said angrily, "Akun got married because I forced him."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the woman and said, "This is my son Akun's past lover."

Master Shen looked at the woman and seemed to remember something, with a painful expression on his face.

"My son Akun has been smart since he was a child and has always been good at studying, but his body has always been weak and sickly. Every time he takes part in a scientific examination, he travels tiringly, and when he arrives at the examination room, he is extremely unwell, performs abnormally, and fails every time. Later, he did not know How did he meet this woman? I'm afraid he knew that she was just a peasant girl. If I found out, he would be furious, so he secretly fell in love with her. , he locked him up and was not allowed to leave the mansion for half a step all day. I only hoped that he could gradually forget the woman, concentrate on his studies, get a career and a name as soon as possible, marry a wife and have children. Hundreds of turns, all day long with tears streaming down my face, not thinking about tea and rice, not only wasted my studies, but even terminally ill.

"I repeatedly persuaded Akun to forget that woman and focus on his career. Who would have thought that he would retort me on the spot and said, 'Why do people have to be officials when they are alive? Why do I have to do what others do? It's not the only way of living!', I was furious, and then I found a spiritual woman and asked her to make me a paper figurine exactly like that woman. The feelings for the woman were transferred to the paper man. Before getting married, the paper man was seen by A Kun, he immediately shouted and shouted, and ran out the door. When we found him later, we found that he had already Like a different person, the whole person looks stupid, and when you talk to him, he just gets angry, yells, and doesn't look like a sane person. Every full moon night, he runs alone I didn't know what he was doing in the garden. Later, he sneaked into the garden again. I caught the woman outside the mansion by a wall. She cried and told me that she and Akun made an agreement. Since we can't see each other, then every night when the moon is full, Akun will come to the garden, she will come outside the house and look at the bright moon, just like seeing each other..."

That's why, Young Master Shen is going to shout "Get out", these words may be said to Master Shen. And hiding in the garden on the night of the full moon was also because he still remembered that he had an appointment with that woman. And that woman had her soul captured when she returned to the Shen residence last night to take away the body of Young Master Shen. She heard that Young Master Shen was killed by the Soul Hand, and she hated the Soul Hand so much, so That's why he raised the kitchen knife like that frantically and hacked it to death.

However, her soul will never be found.

Standing on the bustling street, Tang Zhuo has no reason to stay. He exhaled, straightened his cloak, put on his hat, and was about to leave, when he turned around, a silver sword came straight to his neck.

"Tang Zhuo!"

The shout was mixed with surprise, anger, and hatred. The young man with silver hair and blue clothes who spoke out looked like he was only thirteen or fourteen years old. He was clinging to a spirit sword. !"

A group of people blocked his way.

It turned out that when he met Tang Zhuo last night, those who forged grudges with him for one reason or another were waiting for the time of reckoning. At that time, because of Tang Zhuo, countless Tang and Xuan families died in Tangmen Bay, and people from other families also regarded him as a ghost because of this incident and avoided him.

Tang Zhuo saw that he could not leave, so he didn't want to argue, he just pursed his lips and stood silent. Another Tang family boy dressed in red said, "You still have the face to wear our family robe?! It's not all your fault that our family has become like this!"

Another young man said in pain: "Did you know that I was only seven years old when my father died! It's because of you, you evil creature and the shame of Tangmen Bay, that killed my father! It's you who killed my father! !!! What face do you have here?!! I'm going to kill you today—"

The former classmates have become enemies, and even if they have difficulties, they have nowhere to complain.

The young man was actually about to attack him, but he was immediately stopped and hugged his arms, saying, "Acheng, don't get excited!!"

Tang Zhuo's eyes were slightly red, he gritted his teeth, and took a step closer: "If you are not relieved, you will slap me a few times, punch me a few times, and I will never fight back!"

The young man named Acheng broke free and said, "Relieve your anger??? Do you think that I can release my anger and forgive you?!! Go feed the dog, so that you will never be born, so that I can relieve my anger!!!"

Tang Zhuo clenched his fists, pursed his lips, and said in a low voice, "...I never asked you to forgive me..."

Suddenly, sword energy struck.

Tang Zhuo's defense was unexpected, and a sword slashed a bloodstain on his face. After warding off evil spirits and encountering hard objects, Tang Zhuo resisted and listened to the young man: "Hahahahaha!!! You are not very powerful! I am here now, if you have the ability, you will take my life! !!"

I saw the young man withdrew his sword, and a burst of dazzling spiritual power erupted from his palm. Someone couldn't help shouting: "Acheng! Are you really dying??!"

As soon as the voice fell, spiritual power burst out.

The evil spirits were swept away for a while, and Tang Zhuo was wrapped around him for defense. This scene was extremely frightening in the eyes of others.

Tang Zhuo paused.

The black qi dissipated in an instant, but at the moment when the black qi dissipated, a light group of spiritual power roared!

This move really almost used up all the young man's spiritual power, causing him to collapse in an instant. The crowd hurriedly surrounded him and slapped him on the cheek in panic.

This blow hit the chest, and Tang Zhuo's throat immediately poured out a stream of blood, which was actually swallowed back. Dizzy, Tang Zhuo looked at the scene in front of him for a moment.

He took a few steps back and turned to go, only to find himself surrounded by a group. Everyone looked bad, pulled out his sword and said, "Tang Zhuo! You just hurt someone, where are you going!"

Tang Zhuo took a few steps back, looked around helplessly, but couldn't find an exit. At this time, I heard the reprimands from everyone, and I saw some familiar faces again. My heart was sour, and my eyes were red: "...I didn't...I didn't!!! I...!"

Suddenly, the nose is hot.

Reach out and touch a hand of blood.

Tang Zhuo was stunned for a while, screaming badly. Then, the sticky touch came out not only from the nose, but also from the ears and mouth.

Surrounded by suspicion. There was only a buzzing in Tang Zhuo's mind, and his eyes gradually became blurred, and he couldn't see anything clearly or hear anything. From the blurred vision, he saw that around him, the sword light gradually jumped.

go... go...

Tang Zhuo staggered and wanted to escape, while reaching out to touch the evil spirits around his waist, suddenly his knees softened and he knelt down.

But what greeted him was not the cold ground, but a warm embrace.

I saw a gust of cold wind whistling and rolling in, and suddenly "swish" one after another ice cone was pulled up from around Tang Zhuo, separating it from the crowd, causing everyone to retreat.

Then, a blue coat appeared.

The visitor has silver hair and blue eyes, skin as white as snow, eyebrows and eyes cut like swords, his face is seven-point sharpness of his father, and three-point softness of his mother, and his eyes are cold and unapproachable. This kind of appearance is really too eye-catching. No matter how many times you look at it, you will still be moved in your heart, shocked and unforgettable.

"Xuan Ziyuan?!"

"What is he doing?!!"

One person said, "Xin Ziyuan, I advise you not to meddle in your own business. Even if we can't rectify the Fa on the spot today, we will personally turn him over to the elders and let him eat the consequences!"

Xuan Ziyuan took Tang Zhuo with one hand and looked down at him. The silver luan sword in his hand was cold, and it was actually formed with ice flowers.

"you dare."

The author has something to say:

Thank you Tuhua Paradise West Sauce for the big drop cover [hee hee] Fried chicken like it!

From the next chapter, Xiaogong and Xiaoshou will start walking together. There will be many and many words of childhood memories of first encounters, which will be written in one chapter.