
Chapter 62: The solitary temple of the sun and the moon is dead


Xuan Hao looked at the good show and said: "Why haven't you come? Is it possible, do you think he still uses his sword?"

Fu Naichuan's lips turned white.

Although I didn't quite understand what Hyunji meant, it definitely meant that they didn't need to be afraid of Fu Naichuan. Almost in the next instant, the spirit swords were fired together, and the spirit light circulated around Fu Naichuan, forming a fortress, teaching him nowhere to escape.

Xuan Ji supported his head and looked here, and said leisurely, "Fu Naichuan, Fu Naichuan, you are so disobedient, you said, if you committed suicide, you wouldn't have to have a lot of trouble now, right?"

The sword formation "shushushushu" shot. Fu Naichuan dodged a few backflips and rolled on the spot. The sharp sword came flying, and Fu Naichuan suddenly grabbed a person in front of him, and the sharp sword roared into the Xuan family.


Fu Naichuan stepped down a little, jumped lightly, and was about to fly out. A dark shadow flashed across his eyes, his chest blunted, and he vomited blood and rolled on the ground several times. Hyun Man laughed complacently and said, "Okay! Good day!!!"

It's the one-armed Yama!

Fu Naichuan got up with difficulty, opened his eyes wide, and said, "... Zhu Yao???"

Hyun said: "I don't know??? Surprised??? He was an undercover agent who was sent into your house before he died!!!" He said in a low voice: "And your family's organization is also him. Help break it."

Hyun slammed the sedan door and flew out of the sedan. He pulled out the poison as soon as he pulled it out, the sword path was weird, Fu Naichuan subconsciously wanted to pull out the burial soul, when Hyun saw a big joke, he danced and said, "Hahahahahahahaha!!! God, hahahahahahahahaha !!! You, you, you, you, you, you still want to use a sword ????!! "He almost was stricken by his own saliva, and said," Can you forget it??? ?!!! Your spiritual veins were drawn out by myself in Ghost Town ten years ago hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha they were in Ghost Town ten years ago.

Everyone's eyes widened and turned to look at Hyun.

Fu Naichuan said: "...Shut up!"

He stepped back again and again, and suddenly spread the medicinal powder all over the sky, and the others immediately coughed and fell to the ground and passed out. Delicately dodging Hyunjin's sword, Fu Naichuan turned around, but slammed into the one-armed Yama, punching him right in the chest. Xuan Hao stepped down and stepped on Fu Naichuan on the ground, with an expression that seemed to pity some beggar, and said, "What about talent and talent? What about diligence and progress? What about Jade Leaf Jinke?! die!!!"

Fu Naichuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, struggling to get up.

Hyun applauded and said with great excitement, "I just like to see the expression on your face where the ants are struggling."

Hyun's face suddenly turned gloomy, and she stared at Fu Naichuan and said, "I know that you hate me to death. But you should know that your whole family was killed by you!!"

Suddenly, a sword flashed past, and Hyun Man hid in panic, but her hair was still cut off. Hyun Man fell to the ground all of a sudden, Fu Naichuan grabbed a sword flower and was about to stab him like Hyun Man, Hyun Man crawled back again and again, screaming in horror, "Fuck, come and save Lao Tzu!!!!"

But the rest were poisoned and fainted. Only a few less poisoned ones struggled to get up from the ground.

One-armed Yama rushed towards Fu Naichuan. Fu Naichuan blocked with a backhand, walking as dexterously as a snake, but he could not catch him with one-armed Yan Luo's sword. One person was trying to stand up, looked up to see this scene, widened his eyes and said, "This is... moving flowers and asking steps!!!"

Although Fu Naichuan lost his spiritual veins, he could no longer use a spiritual sword, but even if he was given a normal sword, he could use it several times as powerful.

At this time, the sound of footsteps was getting closer, and a group of Xuan family members came with swords. One-armed Yama wanted to arrest Fu Naichuan with a roar, Fu Naichuan wanted to flee when he saw that the situation was not good, but a few of the poisoned people had already climbed up and stopped him with a few swords!

With a sound of "Dang", the swords were thrown away as much as possible. But suddenly a person had flashed behind Fu Naichuan and slapped it with a palm.

It turned out to be transmitting spiritual power to Fu Naichuan!

Without the spiritual veins, he couldn't bear so much spiritual power for a while, and blood gradually flowed from the corners of Fu Naichuan's mouth, feeling that his internal organs were slowly shifting. He shook his body, tried not to fall down, turned his head and said angrily, "...you??!!!"

This move is really insidious and vicious!

Fu Naichuan gritted his teeth and said, "You forced me!!!"

Saying that, he actually turned this spiritual power into his own use. A light group of spiritual power burst out in his hand and blasted towards the crowd!

Fu Naichuan retracted his sword and staggered towards the courtyard gate.

"Don't let him run away!!"

Fu Naichuan was surrounded in an instant. He was unwilling and unable to fight, the sharp sword fell on his body, and he didn't care about the pain. He gritted his teeth and pushed the crowd away and ran. Suddenly, a sword light swept out of the corner of his eye.

excruciating pain.

Fu Naichuan's eyes darkened, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

He was completely panicked for a moment, and an unknown sense of fear and confusion invaded his whole body. It seems that the pain has disappeared, plus I can't see anything, I almost desperately run away.

His heart was beating wildly, he was in a panic, and he rolled down the slope at once. Footsteps and shouts followed closely behind. Fu Naichuan rolled and crawled, eating mud in his mouth, and suddenly someone grabbed his arm, and broke out with a great force to break free, but was immediately caught again. Fu Naichuan froze in place and said, "...Is that Zou Yan??!!!"

I could only hear Jian Xiao flying from my ear, and a sound of falling to the ground could be heard not far away. Fu Naichuan suddenly felt up in the air and was carried on his back.

It was Zou Yan's voice: "Where are you going?"

Fu Naichuan tried hard to adapt to the current environment where he could see nothing but hear voices, and panted, "Go... go to that temple... "

Zou Yan took him all the way and stopped in front of a ruined temple.

This temple is really dilapidated, it seems that there used to be many incense sticks, but it has since fallen.

There is a statue of a god in the temple, which is the image of a woman who looks like a fairy in the sky. She was dressed in colorful clothes, smiling, with birds painted on her clothes. It is Caibazi.

Zou Yan put Fu Naichuan on the ground and went to the temple to find straw everywhere. Fu Naichuan lowered his head, his body was still trembling. He murmured in a low voice, "…I want to go home."

No one will hear.

The footsteps of Zou Yan kept ringing in the temple. After a while, a pile of straw was spread around Fu Naichuan. Fu Naichuan was helped to sit on the straw pile, Zou Yan suddenly stiffened and said, "You... your eyes...?"

Only then did Fu Naichuan force a smile, and he said, "Are you surprised? I'm blind."

Zou Yan trembled a little, and said in a suppressed tone of anger, "This is not funny."

Fu Naichuan's smile froze.

Zou Yan didn't know what was wrong and kept walking around the temple. His voice sounded angry, but also a little sad, and said: "I, how many times have I said before, don't stay outside for too long when you are alone!!!"

Fu Naichuan was silent.

After a moment of silence, Fu Naichuan suddenly said, "Isn't it bad? You always think I'm noisy. If you think I'm annoying again, you can just leave me in a random place and sneak away, so that I can't find me. When it comes to you, it won't bother you anymore."

Zou Yan stopped and stood in front of Fu Naichuan, looking at him.

Hearing that Zou Yan did not speak, Fu Naichuan let out a breath and leaned on the statue behind him. Zou Yan didn't say a word, didn't move, just stared at him, his eyes were a little red, he bit his lip, his body trembled a little, and he clenched his fists.

Zou Yan suddenly spoke, his voice a little dry, and said, "...I actually have something to say."

Fu Naichuan laughed, "It's rare. Let's talk."

Zou Yan opened his mouth, the words repeated in his throat a few times, but he swallowed it back and said, "...Forget it."

Fu Naichuan moved his fingers.

Zou Yan said, "Do you need anything else?"

Fu Naichuan said, "Stove."

In this weather, there should be no need for a stove.

But Zou Yan didn't ask any more questions, turned around and left. After a while, he came back. Sure enough, he carried a stove in his hand and placed it beside Fu Naichuan. Said: "Is there any more?"

"there is none left."

At this time, the two have nothing to say, and they are silent.

Fu Naichuan suddenly said angrily, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Zou Yan glanced at Fu Naichuan in silence, but actually turned around and left slowly.

When he walked to the front of the temple, he suddenly paused and said, "If we say goodbye today, I may not see each other again in this life."

Fu Naichuan was stunned.

"Don't let it go."

Fu Naichuan stood up abruptly and said, "... Zou Yan!"

People are gone.

Fu Naichuan crawled to the front of the temple, staggered to the outside of the temple, and shouted, "...Zou Yan!!"

He turned around outside the temple and shouted, "I'm just talking mad!!! I didn't really want you to go!!! Come back!!!"

Zou Yan heard the voice, landed in the distance, and looked back. He clenched his fists, and the emotion in his eyes really disappeared.

After waiting for a long time without a response, Fu Naichuan stumbled back to the temple and sat back on the ground. His nose was a little sore, and he suddenly wanted to cry. It was clear that he didn't cry when he was stabbed by a sharp sword, and he didn't cry when his eyes were cut off, but now, he wanted to cry.

Tears and blood flowed together. Heart pain, body pain.

Fu Naichuan wiped his blood and tears, and said, "Don't go... Don't leave me alone... "

Zou Yan returned home and let all the birds go.

He changed a sword, took one last look at the small shabby house, and turned to leave.

Sixteen years ago today, General Wei Qu Zou Yuan was forced to kill himself in front of the palace by Chongming, the lord of Wei Qu. Chongming ordered the adult males of the Zou family to be sent to do hard labor, and the adult women filled the brothel and killed all the underage men and women. There is a folk saying that the souls of those who die in the turbulent years of the world will not rest in peace.

And this year, the world is full of ghosts and ghosts, the four places are in turmoil, and people are panicked...

Zou Yan walked towards the palace gate with a cold face. The palace gate opened. The guard said: "Master Qi!"

Zou Yan stepped into the palace.

"I want you to rest in peace."

In the temple, Fu Naichuan sat for a while holding his knees, suddenly knelt on the ground slowly, and touched the base of the statue.

Peeling off the straw that had originally covered the statue, a row of organs was exposed.