Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 10


"Come, follow me." I calmly said to Zhiyan, "Yesterday I dreamed of Lu Zhaoyao again, and she still asked me to burn paper for her. I couldn't go to the forbidden land, so I had to stay here."

"I... I dreamed of Lu Zhaoyao again yesterday, and she asked me to burn paper... I had to stay here... I'll do it." The sentence stuttered, but it meant the same thing anyway.

Mo Qing stared at her, as if he was thinking, but before I could feel what he was thinking about, he had already turned his eyes and looked at the burning car next to him, and a car full of paper money.

Zhi Yan smiled awkwardly: "Haha, it's a bit too much, I can't help it, she insists on so much..."

"Shut up, who told you to say so much!" I scolded her.

The best thing about pretending to be a ghost is that it is mysterious and vague, making it unclear and incomprehensible.

Zhi Yan was drunk by me and immediately bit her mouth, her face full of grievance and annoyance.

Just when I thought she was wrong, and she also thought she was wrong, Mo Qingzhao, who had been cold all the time... It seemed... She let out a faint chuckle, not even opening her mouth, more like a gentle light from her nose. A laughter came out.

"It's her style."

I was slightly startled, looked up at him, but saw that he was staring at the candle and the firelight, the flames reflected in the black pupils, he was absent-minded for a while, but it didn't take long for it to dim again.

The drooping eyelids concealed his hidden thoughts and suppressed his emotions.

This look... It's really a bit of what Zhiyan said to me that day... sad.

"Uh... There are also incense wax paper candles here, you... Would you like to burn some for her too?" Zhi Yan looked at Mo Qing like this, and suddenly trembled and said such a sentence.

"I don't want him to burn."

"She must not like to see me incense to her."

I and Mo Qing said these words almost at the same time.

I saw Zhi Yan, who was kneeling on the ground, twisting her neck, as if she had tried her best to hold back her desire to look at me.

I didn't explain the reason to Zhi Yan, and Mo Qing remained silent. Only Yu Zhiyan knelt in the middle, dawdling like she was sitting on pins and needles.

"Then I... Then burn it?" Zhi Yan seemed to summon up all her courage and asked this question, not knowing whether she was asking me or seeing what Mo Qing meant.

Mo Qing took two steps back: "burn it." He leaned lightly on the tree opposite me with his back, facing me directly, but couldn't see me, only staring sideways at the more and more gorgeous fire , Looking at the ashes flying all over the sky, I don't know what I'm thinking about.

After the paper money was burned, Mo Qing left as suddenly as when he came. Zhi Yan didn't even know it.

It wasn't until Zhi Yan saw that the last sparks were gone, she knelt and turned around, but seeing that there was no one behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief, slumped on the ground and hammered her legs: "You two big boys. Demon King... what the hell am I doing..."

"Be careful what you say in the future." I said, "He will come as soon as you burn the paper money, and he will look at you from time to time."

When Zhi Yan heard the words, her whole body froze. His lips were tightly closed, not daring to move.

"But don't be too afraid, the sect master is busy with business. I just came here in person, and I don't think I have time to stare at you now." I guessed: "A demon cultivator at the level of Li Chenlan, his body moves like a god, and his heart wants to. , where you go, where you want to go is just a matter of thinking. And yesterday we chatted in the forbidden area for so long, and he didn't arrive until midnight. I guess he happened to be sweeping at that time. I glanced at the valley and saw you, so I came over before the people below reported it. I guess the same is true today. I happened to see it, otherwise I won't have to wait that long."

Zhi Yan slowly loosened her body and said in a low voice, "After that, I'm not going to have to find an excuse for myself when I say anything or do anything? If he sees it, I'll be able to tear it off."

"If you gave me all of your body, it wouldn't be a problem." I looked up at the sky, "It's noon, and the paper money has been burned. I'll go back and rest, and I'll get on you at night."

I thought, I should go to the ghost city tonight. If Zhiyan burns the money for me in the underworld, and I buy a Shenxing Pill, then I can float to the library by myself. Mo Qing asked for permission, so as not to make him suspicious.

If you want to seduce someone to please, you should not talk about conditions or requirements at the beginning, focus on seduction, focus on flattering, and make people think that you are only interested in him, and that is the best way to seduce.

It's late at night.

There was silence on Xiyue Peak, but people were still haunting the outside world. Cultivating demons was no better than cultivating immortals. I got on Zhi Yan's body, left Zhi Yan in the house, and went out by myself.

When I meet people on the road, I can't avoid them, let them bow and kneel to me for a while, I nod my head and say to go out for a walk, they all smile and watch me leave, and I can still hear them calling me to walk slowly from far away. Compared to the situation that Zhi Yan described to me before, it can be said to be the difference between clouds and mud.

I'm squeamish. My Lu Zhaoyao really wants to be a person to be able to do well.

When I got to the forest, I pinched a trick, and in the blink of an eye, I went to the place where the ghost city of the dead had floated for three days.

But strange. Now, as far as I can see, I can only see a gloomy, dead wood forest, and I don't see the ghost vendors moving slowly on both sides of the road. I turned around and looked at the road, and felt that I should have gone wrong.

I touched my chin and thought about it, then I walked to the side and sat down, letting my upper body get out of Zhi Yan's body. The moment my soul left Zhi Yan's body, my eyes suddenly lit up, and I saw the same road on both sides. Row upon row of shops, there are countless swaying vendors in front of the shops, quiet but strangely prosperous.

It's a ghost city.

I fell back again and entered Zhi Yan's body. As expected, once I got on Zhi Yan's body and looked at the road in front of me with her eyes, there was nothing left.

Could it be that Zhi Yan's body can only see me as a ghost

I got out of her body again, stood up, turned around and saw that her body was limply leaning against the roots of the tree, and Zhi Yan's soul didn't float over by herself.

It seemed that only when the sun came out would Zhiyan return to her soul. As I was thinking, a female ghost drifted past, swaying towards Zhi Yan's body.

not good! In case she gets on Zhi Yan's body... I haven't finished thinking about this thought in my mind, and the female ghost passed through Zhi Yan's body, then passed through the big tree behind Zhi Yan, and continued to float away.

I wondered, could it be that Zhiyan's body is only at night when I can get on her body? Is it because she had a special connection with me on that thunderstorm night a month ago, when she slammed her head into my monument and smashed her head into blood

"Hello." I called out to a ghost scholar next to me, and he turned his head to look at me faintly: "Little...sheng...you...li..."

"Well, polite and hello, there is an empty shell here, you can try it."


He was still so sour when he was dead, I gave him a look, and grabbed an old lady who was leaning on a cane beside her: "There is an empty shell here, you can try to possess it."

The old lady glanced at me and asked me with a sullen mouth: "Girl, what are you? My son is dead, too, so let's get married?"

"… "

Forget it, I shouldn't be talking to these ghosts...

I looked back at Zhi Yan's body and thought, just put it here, if I come back and see that it's gone, then someone else can wear it, if the body is still there, then only I can wear it. Anyway, no matter who wears it, Zhi Yan will be able to return to her soul the next morning, and she is not afraid of losing it.

Now that I have money, I will go to the whole Shenxingwan first, and pick up and pick up myself.

I happily ran into the ghost market, looked left and right, and finally found a shop selling Shenxing pills. At the door of the store, there was a shop assistant with a dead-white face and frowning eyes. He stopped me and asked me sickly, "What's your name?"

"Chenji Mountain Road is swaggering."

Just like the janitor with green face and fangs outside the ghost shop last time, he took out a mirror and then had a conversation with the inside, then stepped forward and blocked the door: "You can't enter."

I was taken aback: "Why?"

"You don't have enough money in hell."

I was stunned: "Not enough? Why? I had people burn me so much today!"

"A living person can only burn 1,000 yuan for a ghost a day, and the excess will not be recorded, and all will be confiscated." He replied lazily: "You only let one person burn you today. One hundred dollars on the account. In our store, only those with more than ten thousand dollars on the account will enter."

I think there have been a lot of things that made me want to vomit blood recently. Suddenly, my throat felt a little dry, and even the blood was gone.

I rubbed my eyebrows slowly.

I feel that my calculations are a bit bad, and no matter how stupid the rule of the underworld is that one person can only burn a thousand money a day for a ghost, let’s just say that for this thousand money, people have one thousand in the account, why did I get it? But a hundred dollars? Before I could ask, the shop assistant already pointed to a storefront diagonally opposite and said, "If you have any doubts, go to the Dayin Underworld Money Shop by yourself."

I followed his fingers, turned around and saw a small shop with six big characters "Dayin Difu Money Shop" hanging crookedly.

Are you kidding me

I floated to the door of the money shop, and saw a thin little devil sitting inside the small counter, fingers like dead bamboos, and he was cracking an abacus, when he had no time to look up at me: "What's the name, what kind of business? "

"Chenji Mountain Road is swaggering..." I was worn out by these ghosts, "Today I was given two big cars, and I only received one hundred."

The kid looked into a large mirror standing next to him: "Lu Zhaoyao, right, um, you were guilty of murder, false speech, and fraud... Uh, there are too many charges, don't read them, and 10% of each charge will be deducted. The money in the dark was originally deducted, but because you also have the virtue of redemption and good deeds, a few percent have been added to you. In total, if someone burns you a thousand money, you get 10 percent of it. "

He spoke so fast that I could hear it vaguely. In the end, I scratched it myself, and I probably understood it. In other words, the underworld, the money shop organization, judges merits and sins according to different things they did in life.

If a crime is committed, and a living person burns money, it will be fined and deducted. If you do good deeds, and a living person burns money, it will be added. Speaking of which, it actually means the same thing, that is—

To have money in the underworld, it is actually a matter of character and morality.

It depends on how many people burn you money and how many good deeds you did during your lifetime.

I get it. Why am I so poor after being a ghost, so embarrassing. That's because Lu Zhaoyao didn't lack anything during his lifetime, the only thing missing was moral character.

I think the world of ghosts is really full of discrimination and malice towards the demons like me who ran amuck and wrecked the world in my lifetime.

After comprehending this truth, I pondered for a while, using my current soul body, to kill the King of Hell and overthrow the possibility of underworld rule, and then I thought... I should go back and find someone to burn me money.

As I floated back, I was annoyed. Why did I refuse Mo Qing to burn me money today? If he burns it for me, then I have two hundred money now! Mosquitoes are small, but they are also meat. If they don't accumulate less, they can become more!

Until I found Zhi Yan's body, who was still lying under the tree, I attached her body again, stood up and patted her buttocks, thinking, "Now Shenxingwan doesn't have to slap. It seems that I will have to go to meet ink later." Qing, I need permission to enter the library.

So the question is, how am I going to please and seduce him tonight...