Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 14



Dare to use this word on me, I have never seen one in my life, but I finally saw one in death.

Very well, little shorthair, you managed to get my attention.

I quietly lit the candle and asked him to burn the money first, he also cooperated, no nonsense, focused on burning the paper, even took three incense sticks, bowed in a decent manner, closed his eyes and said, "The devil's head and the devil's head , may you in the spirit of heaven, bless me to realize my wish as soon as possible."

I was supposed to be in the spirit of the sky, but now I am squatting in front of him with an indifferent face and handing him paper money.

Since he promised me this wish, I asked, "What wish do you want to fulfill?" Even though I asked... I didn't necessarily help him fulfill it.

Little Shorthair grinned: "I just wanted to kill Li Chenlan and replace him."

Yo. I raised my eyebrows, my eyes lit up, what a coincidence, boy, so did I! We are competitors!

Hearing what he said, someone behind him yelled at him, "Awu!"

"Hahaha, it's fine." He waved his hand, "Don't say it, don't say it." He glanced behind him, "You two are going to burn it too, we will be in the Wanlu Sect in the future, Lu Zhaoyao It is also the founder of the mountain, senior, you have to worship and offer sacrifices."

good boy! Really know the rules! I admire you!

The two people behind them were unhappy, but because of the small short hair's order, they all came forward to get the paper and burned it. They burned quietly, and I didn't even talk to them. There were people coming and going on the bridge to Huajie. When I saw them, I shouted, "Hey, no one has ever died in life since ancient times. Can you burn some paper money?"

Pedestrians glanced at me, all turned their heads and ran away, shouting bad luck.

Little Shorthair laughed in front of me and leaned back and forth: "You shout like that, who will burn it." He said, and stood up, "I'll help you." He patted his clothes, and there was a passerby just in time. Passing by him, he lifted the man by the back, the smile on his face subsided slightly, and his murderous aura was naturally revealed, "There is a little beauty here who needs help, didn't you see it?"

The passerby came over and burned the money with a cold sweat on his face.

I looked at him and just felt very admiring. Yes, my Wanlumen needs such talents!

Full of vicious faces, full of feelings, and dreams Laughing arrogantly, threatening people without mercy. If I have the previous skills now, I will definitely find this person on the spot to discuss and explore his skills. If it is appropriate, I will take this person under the door and train him as the future door owner!

I don't want that clown Mo Qing to open my demon sect as a temple!

Little Shorthair excitedly helped me catch someone to burn the paper on the bridge, and two of his subordinates muttered while burning the paper: "He was having fun, but he made a mistake."

Another person replied: "I can't persuade him anymore, let him make a mistake, the other party should get used to it."

"Hey... I'll go and report a letter first, and you can keep an eye on it. Bring him here when he finishes playing."

Well, listening to their conversation, this little short-haired has a bit of a willful temper

Very good, I like it. like my style.

He grabbed a line of passersby for me, and burned paper one by one. Little Shorthair hugged his hand proudly, walked up to me, and pointed at them with his thumb: "Little beauty, there are so many. Enough people to burn your paper."

I looked at the back, I roughly estimated that there were about 50 or 60. Counting those who burned the paper and walked away during the tumultuous time just now, there are about 80 or 90 burning paper for me today. For those ten or so children, I should have 10,000 yuan in my account in the underworld, so I can buy Shenxing Pills!

For a moment, I just thought that this little short hair really suits my appetite!

I beckoned him to squat down, and I patted his shoulder: "I..."

He also patted me on the shoulder: "I admire you very much, little beauty."


He touched his chin and thought: "Ordinary people don't dare to spread out and burn paper money for Lu Zhaoyao, you dare. Ordinary people don't dare to look me in the eyes, you dare. Ordinary people look at me so threatening, and they are scared all over. Trembling and overwhelmed, but you can still deal with it so calmly, oh, otherwise, I will put you under the banner."

Well, as expected of the person I like, he even thinks so much like me. I admire him and want to accept him. It turns out that he also thinks so...

If I changed it before, I must tame and tame this reckless little shorthair. Let him bow down to me.

Sadly not anymore.

No body, no energy, no position.

I sighed in disappointment: "No, I still have my own things to do. Thank you for helping me today."

Little Shorthair raised his eyebrows: "Okay." He stood up, "I'm Jiang Wu from Xinshan. I've been staying in Jiangcheng recently. If you figure it out, you can come to me." His subordinates were anxious: "Awu, this person's origin is unknown, you!"

"She's burning paper for Lu Zhaoyao. She can't be Li Chenlan's person."

I laughed but didn't answer: "Next time I'll see you for a drink."

Little Shorthair smiled and said, "Little Beauty, I'll keep an eye on you." After speaking, he took his subordinate and turned and left. After walking a few steps, he turned his head again and shouted, "Hey, you guys in line, don't let me know that you ran away before you finished burning the paper."

I felt everyone in the line shudder, and then fell silent.

Until he was far away, the figure was no longer blurred in the lights of Huajie, and the ten or so people who were still in line were all relieved, and the passerby who burned the paper in front of him even raised his hand and wiped his forehead. His hands were so sweaty that he couldn't hold the paper. Someone behind him cursed: "When will this vicious fellow leave Jiangcheng?"

"With such a big thorn, I haven't seen Wanlumen to pull him out."

"What do you know, why does Jiang Wu stay in Jiangcheng and refuse to leave, isn't it because this is where the two forces of the immortals and demons meet, the Immortal Sect is not easy to take action, and their Wanlu Sect is not easy to take action, whoever does it first, who Enemies on both sides."

The person in front who finished burning the paper with shaking hands left, and the one in the back squatted down and burned the paper, muttering while burning: "I hope Lu Zhaoyao is resurrected, both of them are ruthless, ruthless and violent masters, taking each other to hell with each other. most."

As I handed the paper to the person in front of me, I thought, boy, you are still too naive. If I am resurrected, you are not afraid that I will join forces with him. By then, won't you people from the immortal gates live even more dire straits...

Speaking of which, though, this Johor Bahru Jiang Wu seems to be where I was some time ago... Ah, yes, I remembered it. The last time I went to the Hall of No Evil, I heard Mo Qing and Yuan Jie arguing when I was in the side hall. Isn't the content about whether to join forces with Qin Qianxian from Qianchen Pavilion to kill Jiang Wu

I touched my chin and thought.

If I were alive, if such people could be subdued, they would definitely be subdued, but if they could not be subdued, they would definitely be eradicated. After all, the tigers that can't be used for me are all tigers that are fighting for territory with me, and they can't be tolerated.

It's just that I'm not the sect owner now, so it's not my turn to worry about these things. They add chaos to Mo Qing, and I wish the more the better. When the time comes to fish in troubled waters, as long as Mo Qing's head is taken by me, it doesn't matter how much you toss otherwise.

After this party finished burning the paper, I excitedly went to the ghost city.

As soon as I took off Zhi Yan's body, I took the body of my soul, and finally was no longer stopped by the gatekeeper at the door, and I stepped into the door of the Shenxing shop. Taking a deep breath inside—


The feeling of being rich is different!

I put my hands behind my back and took a look inside the store. Just like the Soul Shop, there was nothing to see. It was just a black cloth covering a counter with several signs hanging on it. God walks for a day, God walks for a month, God walks for a year, God walks forever.

I compared the prices.

Shenxing is five hundred per day, ten thousand per month, one hundred thousand per year, and one million perpetually...

Even if it is an ordinary person, according to the amount of 1,000 yuan per person per day, if ten people burn him money every day, it will also be burned for 100 days... and I... Calculated according to the amount of ten people who burn me 100 a day, I have to burn it. a thousand days.

Why don't you guys in the ghost market just grab it? Worse than when I was alive.

"Treasurer." I patted on the counter.

The shopkeeper with a thin face lifted the black cloth from behind the counter, exposed his head, and stared at me: "What are you doing? Clearly mark the price and buy it directly."

"I don't think your price is reasonable."

The shopkeeper looked at me, then turned to look at other things: "Lu Zhaoyao, right? The price of the things we sell in the ghost market to people who do good and accumulate virtue and you people who do evil things is different. You see The price of the things you buy is based on your behavior during your lifetime. If you think it’s too expensive, just go and buy the return Yang Pill, and go back and do something good. Oh, the return Yang Pill is more expensive, hehe.”


Not only do you burn money to see people give you money, but you also see people asking for prices when you buy things!

Simply lawless!

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I slapped the counter fiercely. I looked at the shopkeeper gloomily, and the shopkeeper seemed to be taken aback: "What are you doing... I tell you, this is not in the world, there is a divine law here. , you're going to do something bad, and I'll write it down for you. Day by day will be worse in the future."

"...get me a month's."


"Shenxing Pill, get me a month!"

After leaving the store, I glared at the lazy shop assistant again. The shop assistant was silent, turned around and quietly wiped his forehead. I heard the shopkeeper muttering to him: "These bad guys are dead and fierce."

Xiao Erying: "She's still staring at me... Shopkeeper, I'm afraid..."

Tsk, this ghost city, when I don't need you, I will try to dismantle it for you sooner or later.

I knocked down the Shenxing Pill and fluttered on the street. With just a little force, the speed was as fast as a person walking in an instant!

In front of all the slow-moving ghosts around me, I was as fast as a galloping wild horse. I floated hard in the ghost market for a while. The fast speed made me feel relaxed and happy, and the displeasure I had just now dissipated. I put on Zhi Yan's body in a happy mood and returned to Xiyue Peak, but I just arrived at Xiyue. Peak, the sky became brighter, and Zhiyan instantly returned to her soul.

I was knocked out of my body, and just wanted to show her off in circles, but I heard Zhi Yan tell me in horror, "No way! Cangling is going to escape from the dungeon!"

I picked the corners of my eyes: "The body is recovering quite quickly, it's only a few days, let him get out of the way, you can practice well in the future, and focus on finding someone to burn paper for me, Jiangcheng is a good place..."

"He's going to come and take me with you!"

I was silent for a moment: "Huh? Do they have a hole in their brain?"

You know what to do for me!