Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 16


Zhi Yan's body was too tired, she involuntarily leaned to the side, I couldn't control it, Mo Qing stretched out her hand, grabbed my arm, and took me into her arms slightly.

And at this moment, Zhi Yan's body seemed to be extremely heavy, and I actually felt Mo Qing's chest and arms tremble uncontrollably.

I don't know why he is shaking, I just feel a little unwilling.

I blocked an old man's crutches like walking through hell. And he just reprimanded and stopped all the disturbances. Such a majestic and handsome thing... It was clearly done by me in the past!

"Sect Master." Yuan Jie said, "My subordinates are punishing the immortal cultivator who escaped. Your apprentice, you are willing to take risks to save him. This move..."

"So what?" Mo Qing opened his mouth, and these four words made Yuan Jie choked. No one ever thought that Mo Qing would actually say these four words.

including me.

I looked up at Mo Qing in a daze, saw his perfectly contoured and clean lower jaw, and listened to his cold order, "I have my own decision, you can go back."

In the words, he has his majestic decision, which is different from the ugly before.

Yuan Jie's hand holding the green steel crutches tightened, and the blue veins on the back of his hands were prominent, but they were quickly pressed down again. He only answered "yes" in a deep voice, and his body moved and disappeared in place in an instant.

Mo Qing swept his brows and looked at the frightened guards next to him: "Go and pass on the Lord of Nanshan."

Gu Hanguang, the master of Nanshan Mountain, is the great physician of Wanlumen. Back then, I spent a lot of effort and used many methods to dig this "God of Medicine" who had been reclusive and passed down as a legend to the Wanlumen.

The reason is that I am afraid that one day in the future, I will be severely injured, or poisoned, and I will die if the little one below can find me a genius doctor. So take precautions to prepare the magician first.

But the world is unpredictable, I died when I was damned, and I prepared the magic doctor Bai to take advantage of Mo Qing.

And now Mo Qing is... Wanting Gu Hanguang to heal me

I'm a little stunned. For the sake of Zhiyan's body, he almost unreasonably favored me in front of the Beishan Lord, and now he wants to use the Nanshan Lord to heal me? This is a bit different from his previous style of being cold-faced, stinky, and ignoring...

I haven't seen you this day, what happened to him

I recalled in my heart the last time I saw him, the day before yesterday, in the library, my little Shi planned to molest him, and then he... left without saying a word.

Looking at his performance today, could it be...

The seduction that day had actually left a huge mark in his heart and had a huge impact on him

He went back and meditated for a day. After countless struggles and countless psychological activities, he planned to give up this immortal disciple with suspicious behavior, but he never expected that I would be hurt today, but it hurt his heart. He finally had to admit that he had actually fallen in love with me, and then he couldn't hold back the surging love in his heart, rushed forward, favored me in front of the Beishan Lord, and then passed that the Nanshan Lord came to see me.

I think my push makes sense. Because the books of love and love outside are not all written like this.

I looked up at him and saw that he was also staring at me with his head down, his black eyes like a dark abyss, but because he completely reflected me in his pupils, the light-colored clothes made it look like there was light in his eyes. . The corners of his lips pursed tightly, and he asked me in a slightly hoarse voice, "How is the injury?" As if he had endured the pain.

I thought to myself, although I saved his life a hundred years ago, raised him for a period of time, and finally died at his hands, I still have to admit that I really didn't know him at all over the years.

Clown Bagua, you are so innocent, just smile and touch, and you are hooked! I also prepared a series of backhands to seduce you. Now who do you want me to use

But it saves trouble.

"Master..." I weakly opened my mouth and called out to him, no longer trying to support myself, let myself fall into his arms completely, and he caught me. I raised my hand, pretended to grab his clothes, and put my hand on his chest and heart. At this moment, it only takes luck to turn my fingers into claws and penetrate his chest to dig out his heart. .

I froze my eyes, running the breath in my body...

Ah, his uncle...

I forgot how useless Zhi Yan's body is. At this time, there was no breath at all.

So I had to take his clothes seriously, and when I looked up, I met Mo Qing's eyes. He stared at me, those eyes, and it made me feel like I was seeing through him every time, before I died, and now.

Inexplicably, I felt that he already knew who I was at this moment, and also already knew what I wanted to do to him just now. But he kept silent, as if even if I really wanted to dig out his heart, he would let me dig without saying a word.

But why would someone like Mo Qing let me dig out his heart when he got to this point, and why would he let me live and threaten his status after knowing that I was Lu Zhaoyao

Could it be because he likes Lu Zhaoyao

I chuckled at how naive the idea was.

The magic way, even if Mo Qing now destroys the corpse whip platform and pushes the corpse column, he will never be pushed down in this way, the human heart's desire for power. In this way, everyone is like this, no kind of love can override the pursuit of power.

So he doesn't kill this body now, and even falls in love with it, that's because he thinks that although this body is strange, it won't threaten his status, and it won't harm his fundamental interests.

I need to grasp this degree, and at this stage of his love, find an opportunity to get rid of him.

"Master... I thought I would never see you again just now." I tried my best to squeeze out tears from Zhi Yan's body, and looked at Mo Qing glisteningly. People in love will always feel sorry for the weaker party.

And Mo Qing's eyes moved slightly.

"No." These two words were said so deeply, and he answered too solemnly, which made me a little unexpected.

"If you want to see me, I'll be by your side."

In a trance, I kind of understand why I died at the hands of this clown. Because, his words and deeds, everywhere I can not understand. I still feel that I haven't seduced him, he is already in love. I felt that there was still a need to tempt him to deepen his relationship, so he began to make vows.

As soon as I let go of the hook, the fish jumps into the basket by itself. Really scary fisherman.

I coughed, not knowing how to answer for a while. At this time, a wind came from his side, saving the embarrassment of silence.

It was Gu Hanguang who came.

In the past few years, he hasn't changed much. He still looks like an old-fashioned child. It's already spring weather. He is still wrapped in thick ferrets, and his lips are pale: "Are you looking for me?" He and When Mo Qing spoke, even though I was in Mo Qing's arms, he didn't bother to look down at me. The tone of his speech was similar to when he was with me back then, without any respect.

But because he is Gu Hanguang, the only person in the world who can kill the King of Hell, I acquiesced to him to have this capital.

"Well." Mo Qing called to him, "Show her her injuries."

Gu Hanguang glanced at me after hearing this. He is a child's body, and he will never become an adult again in this life. When standing, he is about the same height as Mo Qing half-kneeling. His eyes only swept around me: "Slight skin trauma, excessive consumption of internal interest, no need to treat, take some medicine to nourish Qi and adjust the breath, and it will be good for a while." After speaking, he asked Mo Qing, " The one in the back was hurt more badly."

When I heard the words, I remembered, oh, yes, I did this to save that Liu Cangling.

I rubbed in Mo Qing's arms and looked behind him from his shoulders, I saw Liu Cangling lying on the ground, motionless as if dead, while Zhiyan knelt beside Liu Cangling and turned her head, looking at me crying : "Stop flirting. Brother Cangling is going to die. I just want to never see him again."

Then help.

Before I could say anything, Mo Qing immediately slapped me and picked me up to leave: "Execution."

Huh, what

I don't understand anymore, Mo Qing, are you also managing your sect depending on your mood and preferences? Didn't you do things like porridge, why are you killing people now? What about farming

"Master..." I scratched the clothes on his chest, "he is... uh..."

Zhi Yan was witty. Seeing that I couldn't remember the relationship between Liu Cangling and her, she immediately added: "It's the senior brother who grew up with me, the brother of my childhood sweetheart..." She said, as if touching the most sour and tender heart. The corner of his mouth trembled, "It's my beloved who is still in-laws with me."

So I summed it up: "It's someone I'm very close to."

Mo Qing frowned: "Do you want to save him?"

"Yes." I spent so much effort, not to send a dead person out of Chenji Mountain.

The corners of Mo Qing's mouth were a little tight, and looking at his expression, he was reluctant to save Liu Cangling.

Clowns, aren't you very kind now, why are you so ruthless when I should expect you to be kind

I suddenly thought about it, Mo Qing likes me now, is his behavior... jealous

In order to save another man, he made himself into this embarrassed appearance - this made Mo Qing unhappy.

Oh, you possessive freaks. Don't I just hope that my heart is full of you, and that the world is ugly except for you. I just want to satisfy you, so why kill people

"Master." I rubbed against his arms, "Let him go, I don't want to leave a place for guilt to take over when my heart is full of you."

Zhi Yan pointed at my nose while crying, "Don't use my mouth to say such disgusting things!"

Hmph, little girl, what do you know, that's how people talk about love.

Look, Mo Qing is silent now. Still silent for a long time! Apparently there is no resistance to my sweet words.

"After being cured, throw it out of Chenji Mountain." He instructed in a cold voice.

Gu Hanguang squatted next to Liu Cangling and began to feel his pulse, ready to apply needles, and took the time to say, "Let's go." It was the same as before, even the sect master dared to rush. It is impossible to see others in pairs in front of him.

Mo Qing didn't delay, and hugged me back to the Hall of No Evil.

I looked at the bedroom he brought me back, it was my previous bedroom. The door owner's bedroom now thinks that Mo Qing is living here, and he actually brought me here.

Hmm... Sure enough, it was the turbulent waves of love that made him lost in it.

"You have a good rest first."

He put me on the bed, went to the side and lit the lamp, then went outside and brought a box of medicinal pills in. When I saw the box of medicinal pills, my eyes lit up.

Jiuzhuan returns to Yuandan, a weapon to save lives and save people, improve skills, and increase cultivation! An immortal disciple of Zhi Yan's level could heal his wounds by eating one pill and meditating for a night, and his cultivation would soar.

"Master, this... can I eat it? It's all mine?"

"Well. It's all yours."

I took a look at the box, and roughly counted it, there were about six nine-turning Yuandan in it. If I just eat this stuff, within a month, I will definitely make Zhiyan more powerful than the average middle-level demon disciple. That's a level that people might not be able to achieve even after 20 to 30 years of cultivation.

"Although Jiuzhuan Dan is good, it cannot be taken continuously for a short period of time." Mo Qing said, and only took one out of the box and gave it to me, "Today, your internal interest has been seriously depleted. After taking the medicine, meditate and adjust your breath. Ten Come back to me in the future and give you a second one."

What, why are you so rude. Give people things in batches? I know that Jiuzhuan Dan can't be eaten every day, but there is no need to take one every ten days. In this way, what I can do in a month will take 50 days to complete.

Forget it, he is now the sect master, and he has the final say.

I accept my fate and eat a nine-turn pill.

The medicinal pill slid into the esophagus and entered the stomach, and immediately a full of spiritual energy slowly flowed from the inside of the body to the limbs and bones. I closed my five senses and was immersed in darkness. I used to practice the exercises like this, but this time, I felt like I had a sixth sense strangely. I always felt that Mo Qing's eyes were staring at me right next to me, and I didn't want to leave for the whole night. .