Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 24


The night wind is howling, the mountains and forests are silent, the clouds on the horizon are thick and accumulating, covering the stars and the moon, the thunderstorm is approaching, it is the time when the heaven and the earth are killing.

Mo Qing stepped forward every step, and there was a strong wind that was stronger like a burst of oppression. And the closer he got, I could feel Jiang Wu grabbing my wrist, and his body became more and more rigid.

Mo Qing was putting pressure on him.

Even so, the arrogant smile at the corner of Jiang Wu's mouth did not weaken a bit. He squinted at Mo Qing, and his eyes fell on the sword on Mo Qing's waist.

I saw that the long sword was as long and shorter than the Wanjun sword he wore around his waist, and the hilt was thick, like lightning attached to the sword body, and it kept shining with the sound of "crackling".

"Oh, Liuhetian Yijian. That thunderbolt just now is the power of this sword." Jiang Wu smiled, "It turns out that Sect Master Li went out yesterday to find a treasure sword."

This is really a very dazzling sword. My eyes lit up, and I thought that what I thought was right, this sword really suits my liking!

And Mo Qing actually took this sword back from overseas in such a short period of time!

I took a step forward absentmindedly, wanting to hold the sword in my hand, a good sword is hard to come by! But I was quickly dragged by Jiang Wu and pulled back abruptly. When I frowned, I was a little unhappy, but an even more unhappy voice came from there: "Let go."

Mo Qing ordered.

Jiang Wu sneered: "What if you don't let it go?"

"I didn't discuss it with you."

Mo Qing stepped forward, and the pressure in the air suddenly increased, followed by a sharp blade condensed with pressure, which cut through the air and came straight to Jiang Wu's neck. Jiang Wu ducked his head to avoid it. The first shot was opened, but the second knife that followed slashed his cheek, the wound was extremely deep, and blood dripped, which made his face a bit ugly.

The Mo Qing over there was even more forbearing the anger of the sky, and the black pressure burned into a piece by his side.

I saw that the two of them looked at each other very intently. They gathered all their strength, took the opportunity to perform a teleportation technique, and fell behind Mo Qing in the blink of an eye. He just sat straight on the ground.

I looked up, Mo Qing's back was in front of me, my heart was relieved, and then I looked at the other side, Jiang Wu was staring at me gloomily, the smile on the corner of his mouth was a bit of arrogance and evil. Gritting his teeth: "Little beauty, didn't you say you admire me, what are you running for now?"

Ouch! It's hell!

Mo Qing is now a possessive jealous jar, what a misunderstanding you say! Although I said so, but now I can't recognize it if I kill it!

I was going around in a circle, thinking about what kind of explanation would be more reasonable, but when I heard Jiang Wu groan, he pulled the knife around his waist and slammed it against the ground. It was actually Mo Qing's momentum. Bent knees.

Mo Qing approached him step by step, and every step he took was like putting a tens of millions of pounds on him, making Jiang Wu grit his teeth and bulge his veins, and his knees could not help but slowly kneel on the ground.

"Jiang Wu, a young man, is arrogant by nature. He is rooted in the gap between the immortal and the devil." Mo Qing said in a cold voice while walking into Jiang Wu. The huge pressure forced Jiang Wu to kneel as a loser. " Who do you think promised your peace in the past few years?"

It's what I said before, if you can't convince people, then teach this person to obey all five bodies.

Just let him kneel down and talk.

Mo Qing governs the sect, others did not learn from me, but learned this point thoroughly.

For Jiang Wu, Mo Qing is an absolute force to suppress. From start to finish, he didn't move a finger.

I thought that Jiang Wu's strength was at least on a par with Beishan Lord, or even higher than Beishan Lord's realm, but I didn't expect that Mo Qing could completely dominate him with such an advantage.

Over the years, what has become of the Demon King's son who broke the seal...

Maybe I need to re-examine it.

Jiang Wu bowed his head and knelt in humiliation, but he was still stubborn and said with a sneer: "Oh, the demon king's left child..." The power of the Jun sword is suppressed by others."

"Yes." Facing his contempt and provocation, Mo Qing returned a thousand times more disdain, "It's just suppressing you." He finally raised his hand, and said coldly with Jiang Wutianling covering a distance of one foot. After saying, "If you have the ability, stand up and try."

As soon as he finished speaking, he moved his five fingers slightly, only to hear a muffled "dong" sound like a burst of air, and several bloodstains flowed out from Jiang Wu's short hair, as if his skull had been shattered alive. Same.

Blood snaked down his face. He slanted, fell to the ground, and the wild smile at the corner of his mouth was frozen.

It was…


I looked at Mo Qing with wide eyes, and I only thought that Mo Qing is now more decisive than I was before.

In the past, if I met a young talent who had cultivated by myself in the magic way, I would be very shy! Even if his temperament is untamed, he must be taken back to Chenji Mountain for a few months to tame him. If he is really unruly, then it is fine to kill him.

When I looked at Jiang Wu on the ground, I felt a pity... it was a waste.

And at this moment, the corpse of Jiang Wu on the ground was blown by a gust of wind, and the flesh and bones were turned into minutes, and drifted away with the wind. The wind swept away the last bit of dust, and Jiang Wu's voice suddenly sounded in the air. , as if it was close to his ear, but also seemed extremely far away, he still smiled arrogantly: "Sect Master Li, this is the first time we fought, and I learned it." He said, "We will have a future."

The wind rustled, and a drop of rain fell on the tip of my nose. Jiang Wu's voice seemed to have penetrated into my mind through this drop of water. He said, "And you, little beauty, wait for me to come back. find you."

I was jolted, came back to my senses, turned my head and looked around, I saw a torrential rain, suddenly pouring down the heaven and earth. Jiang Wu had completely disappeared.

"It's actually a puppet technique!" I suddenly realized, and then I gritted my teeth, tsk, it's really not as good as before, I didn't see through his puppet technique at the beginning. After being deceived by a living person pretending to be a puppet for so long, he finally reacted!

That being said, Jiang Wu's deity has never appeared! He must have hidden his true body somewhere, so he dared to act so boldly, because even if he died, it didn't matter!

"This Jiang Wu is really cunning." I murmured, but I didn't get a response from anyone. When I looked up, I saw Mo Qing who was staring at me through the rain curtain.

Compared to the day he left, his eyes were a little colder from the rain.

He just looked at me like this, didn't say anything, but seemed to ask a lot of questions. For a while, I was a little overwhelmed by his cold eyes mixed with a bit of sadness and grievance.

I seem to have done something wrong and hurt him.

Although I have been trying to hurt him, I don't want to hurt him, what I want is to hurt him!

My mind was racing, trying to make excuses to explain to him why Jiang Wu was so ambiguous when he spoke to me just now.

But just after the big bad guy was driven away, I took the initiative to explain to him that I had no affair with the big bad guy. It sounded more like something had happened!

"You admire him very much?" Mo Qing finally asked.

Following his words, I quickly climbed up and explained: "I just said, he dares to go against you, Master, I respect him as a man! How can I admire him! He is talking nonsense!"

Seeing that Mo Qing listened to me and stared at me with an indiscernible expression in the rain, I knew that he was jealous again. And also a little bit jealous. I quickly covered my wrist and shouted, "It hurts."

I glanced at him while shouting, but when I saw Mo Qing's eyes flickering and his footsteps moved slightly, I "hissed" and took two breaths of cold air, "It hurts so much."

Raindrops fell on my wrist, and his warm palm held my wrist. He opened his mouth, half sighing, half asking: "Where does it hurt?"

I didn't explain, so I jumped into his arms and hugged him: "Master! My heart aches. I almost thought I was going to be robbed and I would never see you again."

I gave him a full hug. Mo Qing's hand was slightly beside me, as if stunned.

I rubbed my cheek in his arms, "That Jiang Wu, he arrested me, put me under house arrest, gave me alcohol, and wanted to take advantage of me! He's such an asshole! Master, next time you see him, be sure to Help me kill him!"

In short, it was right to leave everything to Jiang Wu, and he couldn't refute it anyway. If he really met him, he wouldn't be able to sit down with Mo Qing, drink wine and talk, and talk about what happened in the past, right

I pretended to be sobbing and cried for a while, but I didn't see him pat me on the back comfortingly. I just heard him answer me: "Okay."

I took a step back, wanting to glance at Mo Qing's expression, but I saw him turn his face and tug at my hand: "Go back to Chenji Mountain first." As soon as he finished speaking, he walked instantly. But at the moment before that momentary trip, I seemed to vaguely see Mo Qing who turned his head away, and the base of his ears was a little reddish with unknown meaning.

When Shun Xing arrived at the Hall of No Evil, I stood firm and looked up, Mo Qing was still indifferent, where can I see the slightest embarrassment.

Forget it, no matter whether he was ashamed or not, in short, Jiang Wu's ambiguous article has been exposed, and Mo Qing's mood has been stabilized. I think I am very successful: "Master." I called him sweetly. , was about to go to him to take the Liuhe sword around his waist, when he saw the sky was brightening, and Zhiyan suddenly returned to her soul. I was knocked out of her body.

As soon as Zhi Yan looked up and saw Mo Qing, she was immediately stunned and turned into a wooden man.

Mo Qing's eyes stared at her lightly.

I hurriedly gestured to Zhiyan: "Come on, I'll put his chest upside down, act like a spoiled brat for him, be a good boy. Let him give you the sword!" And when Zhiyan heard my words, she just gave a stiff smile. Come out: "Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi..." She shook a series of voices, and finally gave up, "I'm sorry... I'm a little tired, I seem to need a break..."


Mo Qing took a step back and narrowed his eyes: "Go back."

Zhi Yan didn't seem to know where this was yet, and turned around like a headless fly before she found her way and headed for the Zhuochen Hall. She walked back there, I wasn't worried, but Gu Hanguang came to Mo Qing's side.

Gu Hanguang glanced at Zhi Yan's back, and then murmured, "Oh, it's actually on Liu Street in Jiangcheng."

When I heard this, I immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

Mo Qing asked him, "Who gave you the news?"

"Lu Zhaoyao." Gu Hanguang said with a smile, "Let me have a dream."

Hearing this, Mo Qing's face turned bad again.

And Gu Hanguang continued, "Listening to Qin Qianxian, the reason why he went there is because of his old friend's dream, probably Lu Zhaoyao." Gu Hanguang smiled, "It's really haunted."

I looked at Mo Qing's face, look at it, it stinks even more. Knowing that Lu Zhaoyao was still active by his side, and he was able to mobilize his Nanshan Master and Qin Qianxian, he must have felt that his position was threatened!

Gu Hanguang, this stinky boy! If you don't do something well, you will cause me trouble!

Mo Qing knows that I have such a good relationship with Zhiyan, how can he beware of Zhiyan! The Liuhe Sword may not be given either!

It seems that I have to go back and show my loyalty to Mo Qing. This kind of thing can't be delayed, even if Zhi Yan is to go, she has to go early.

I floated back to the room, looked for Zhi Yan, and when I talked to her, she was a little dazed and asked me with a look: "How can I show my loyalty?"

"You can tell Mo Qing about the North Mountain Lord, and some things about me now. You can talk about it appropriately and give him some information to make him feel that you are towards him."

Zhi Yan nodded, but she mustered up the courage to go, but after a while, she was sent back, she looked at me: "I'm busy, let's go tonight."

Tonight... Then I have to go!

If it wasn't for Zhi Yan's body, I would have thought that Mo Qing was targeting me on purpose!