Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 35


It was already dawn when I floated to the ghost city.

Different from the gloomy atmosphere at night, during the daytime, the ghost city is covered with a thin layer of mist, and everyone is stunned. The sun just came out, and in front of the Shenxingwan store, the arrogant shop assistant was already lying down. On the ground, she pouted her buttocks seductively. Dazzlingly, the entire ghost city seemed to be drugged.

Compared to their ghostly appearance, I think that when I am in broad daylight, I am more energetic than a dog, and I can still float so far with jumping and jumping, although I still have to hide from the sun at noon...

I drifted to the grove, the restaurant in the forest was blocked by the miasma of dead wood, and the little Er inside was better than the outside, but Ziyou, who came to entertain me, also looked very sleepy: "Keguan, why are you now? Here..." he said, as if he wanted to get down on the ground right away.

"I'm here to find out the news... You can lie down and talk."

"Ah... Okay." He lay down, half of his body sunk into the ground, "Last time, the guest officer, you were so good, and the Moon Pearl you asked about last time really turned into a ghost yesterday."

"Well, I know about her, and it won't be long before she returns to normal. I'm here today to inquire about other news." I said, "Did a new ghost come down in Lingting Mountain last night? I can find out. their identities?"

"In one day in this world, there are many new ghosts coming down from all over the world. It's okay to check their identities, but you have to know their names and birth dates, and you have to spend money to go to the money shop in the Great Yin Underworld to check."

"Dayin Underworld Money Shop?" I said silently, "Is that place not only trading money for ghosts, but also checking people's news?"

"Yes, because there is to settle the merits of each ghost, and to determine the money and the price of each ghost in the ghost market, so there is such news, they all have it."

I pinched my chin and pondered, it seemed that the news could not be checked. Those kidnappers in Lingting Mountain, let alone their names, I didn't even see them in person. You can only rely on Mo Qing to check it out.

But when I said this, I suddenly remembered one thing: "So, in the money shop of the Great Yin Underworld, can't you see a lot of things in your past? You said last time that ghosts will gradually forget about themselves. What happened in your life, when you forget it, can you go there and take a look?"

"Yes, the rules there are the same as other shops in the ghost market. People who have a lot of merit in their lifetime will be able to remember their own things for a long time, because they can see them if they forget them, and the price is still cheaper. But those who did evil in their lifetime, take Not to mention the amount of paper money that arrives, the price of checking the news is terribly high, and the paper money that many people get is not enough to read it once, so they can only let themselves forget."

This... His father also discriminates against bad people!

You Dayin Underworld Qianpu are really forcing me to lift the table all the time!

I held back my emotions and asked Ziyou, "Someone like me gives me 1,000 yuan of paper money, but I can only get 100. When I go there to check the news, how much does it cost?"

Ziyou looked at me in amazement: "90% of the charge, guest officer... What did you do when you were alive?"

I gave him a sidelong glance, he honestly shut his mouth, considered for a while, and said, "You have less money by 90%, so generally speaking, the price of buying things is nine times more expensive than that of ordinary people... Ordinary people check News, for 10,000 yuan once, you estimate that it is 90,000 yuan, and if you round it up, it is 100,000 yuan."

I couldn't contain my anger: "You guys are still rounding up! The 90,000 is directly paid into 100,000! Why don't you round it up for free when you have 10,000! Are you cheating!"

Ziyou stared at me with an aggrieved expression: "This rule... I didn't make it."

I almost broke my teeth.

Angrily, I sat down beside Ziyou, cross-legged, and I held my hands and began to reconsider burning paper money.

It seems that my expenses in the ghost market have to increase. It is not enough to just rely on Zhi Yan to get people to burn paper for me. I have to find a way to get many people to burn paper for me consciously. Mo Qing directly ordered the entire sect master, ordering the children of Wanlu sect to burn money for Lu Zhaoyao every day, so that the income is stable and fast, and the amount is still large, the only problem is...

What lie am I going to make up and ask Mo Qing to issue the order of the sect master...

"Guest officer, don't worry, I have some news here for you."

I glanced at Ziyou's head buried in the soil: "What?"

"Don't you like to inquire about Li Gui, recently, I know that besides the Moon Pearl in Fengzhou City, there is another place where Li Gui has appeared. Guess where it is, I guarantee you can't guess it."

I raised my eyebrows: "It's so mysterious, could it be that which of the Ten Great Immortal Sects has a serious ghost?"

"The guest officer is smart! It's that Jianxinmen!"

I was stunned for a moment, and put other things aside for the time being: "Tell me more about it."

"This is news from Jinzhou City."

Jinzhou is the place for their Jianxinmen. It is located in the hinterland of the well-known and upright control of the territory. There are many good swords in Jianxinmen, and there are also many sword-making families in Jinzhou City.

When I was in control of Wanlumen, when it was at its peak, I waved my sword to the east, broke through Jiangcheng, and penetrated into the hinterland of Xianmen. Hit a nail here. Jianxinmen used millions of immortal swords to drop thousands of swords outside Jinzhou City, protecting Jinzhou City into a hedgehog.

I couldn't attack for a long time, and later Qin Qianxian took the opportunity to take the Qianchen Pavilion to raid my rear from around Jiangcheng, wanting to cut me off in the hinterland of Xianmen, and destroy me in one fell swoop.

That battle was so over.

Thinking about it carefully, I also knew about Qin Qianxian for the first time at that time, and when I was retreating, I grabbed Qin Qianxian and brought it back to Wanlumen to watch it... It seemed that I was planning to watch it at the time. After killing him, he felt that he was so beautiful that it was a pity to kill him, so he let him go.

Later, I heard that it was also because of this incident that Jianxinmen and Qianchen Pavilion formed a deep friendship...

"Keguan..." Ziyou shouted, recalling me from my distant memory, "Are you still listening?"

"Say, I'm listening."

"It's this ghost, it seems that he was not from the Jianxin Sect originally, but was killed in the Jianxin Sect. It is said that the master of the Jianxin Sect believed in some kind of resurrection technique, and found a way, saying that it can make People who come back from the dead have to exchange their lives for their lives, so the sect master Jianxin killed that person. The method was cruel, so that person was not reconciled and became a ghost."

I narrowed my eyes: "Resurrection..."

"Yeah, let's just say that these living people believe in these sorcery and forbidden techniques, and they will know when they are ghosts. Returning Yang Pill is so expensive for an hour, and they have to die in the end. How can there be any resurrection once and for all! It’s not enough to trade life for life. Now that people are turned into ghosts, the whole Jianxin Sect can’t be peaceful.”

"Oh?" I was a little surprised. "It can interfere with the lives of living people. How much resentment is this?"

"I heard that the death was extremely tragic. It is the most powerful ghost in the past 100 years. The above ordered that the ghosts in Jinzhou City should not even approach that ten miles. To avoid being angered and torn apart, That's bad. The ghost city outside the city has been temporarily relocated to avoid him."

I held my hands and thought for a while: "That Li Gui was surnamed Qin when he was alive?"

"Hey, guest officer, how do you know? I heard that Li Gui and Jianxin sect master were friends from the world before his death, and the children of both families still have in-laws. I don't know what kind of madness the Jianxin sect master must have gone mad to do so badly. ."

I remained silent, Ziyou's voice faded from my ears, I carefully pondered what had happened during this period of time, the master of Jianxin killed Zhi Yan's father, and the people of Xianmen who couldn't see the practice were going to tie Sima Rong...

These things seem to revolve around the resurrection technique.

What are the people from Immortal Sect planning to do? They are going to resurrect...


I remembered a blurry figure in white clothes. In fact, I can't remember exactly what that person looked like now, but the only thing I remember is that I swore that as long as I live for one day, Lu Zhaoyao will not be allowed to live. come over.

Although I am dead now, I will not allow him to come back to life every day I can see the world.

"Guest officer." Ziyou woke me up again. He now only has half of his head exposed on the ground. He stared at me timidly, "You just looked... so scary... What are you thinking?"

I stood up and patted my clothes: "I remembered some unhappy past events and old people. I'll go back first."

Ziyou crawled out of the ground a little: "You're leaving now? The sun will be getting hotter and hotter, you can rest in the shop."

"Don't stop." I thought, if the person they wanted to resurrect from Immortal Sect was the person I thought, I might not be able to rest for a while. I floated out of the woods, "I'm going to bask in the sun and be quiet."

Under the sun, it was difficult to float back from the ghost market to the Hall of No Evil. I was a little weak in the sun all day long, and the exhaustion of my body left my mind blank, and I didn’t think about anything.

I was lying in the Hall of Dust, looking at the ceiling, waiting for Zhi Yan to come back.

It wasn't until the sun went down that Zhiyan came back. Seeing me lying on the ground, she gasped, looked left and right, laid her body on the bed, and came out of her soul, asking me, "Great Demon King, what are you doing? What's wrong? Was it bullied by some ghost? Why does this soul look so pale."

I glanced at her and said, "You're the only one who's soulless."

I sat up, "I basked in the sun when I came back." I asked her, "Did you go to Li Chenlan and ask Jiuzhuan to return to Yuandan?"

"Yes, he said he was busy... let me go at night... "

Hey, I pouted and glanced outside, but when the sun was setting, I put on Zhi Yan's clothes and went to Mo Qing's bedroom, but he wasn't there. I was going to go out, and it was An Luo Wei. He landed in front of me, saluted respectfully, and treated me as politely as I was when I was still the sect master: "Girl, the lord is busy in the Hall of No Evil, please wait a moment."

"Oh." I replied, "Then I'll take a peek." As I said that, An Luowei didn't stop me, but instead agreed: "My subordinates will lead the way for the girl."

This did not hesitate to meet my request, it sounded... It was almost like Mo Qing gave them an order.

An Luowei led me to the side hall. Like the last time I overheard Mo Qing talking with Beishan Lord, I quietly hid behind the door, but when I saw Mo Qing standing on the hall, some people were kneeling below, their heads bowed. , seems to have made a mistake and was brought back for trial.

He was wearing a black robe and stood quietly on the hall. I looked at Mo Qing's figure from afar. In a trance, I remembered many years ago, when I returned from outside the mountain many times, stopped the formation of wind, snow and fire, and walked from the front of the mountain gate. Walking up, across the long barren passage, at a glance, I could see Mo Qing in black standing under the archway of the mountain gate, quietly waiting for me to return to the mountain.

This was the case every time. In fact, there was nothing touched at that time. Seeing him was as accustomed as seeing the archway in front of the mountain gate.

Every time I got close, he would retreat by the side of the road, bowing his head and saluting. Usually, when returning from the front of the mountain gate, there would be a long line behind me, posing in a lavish pomp. walk past him.

He used to wear a large black cloak, covering his head to his feet, making it impossible to see his face.

It was such a trivial scene, and I didn't even remember this scene at all when I was alive, but now that I think about it, the scene is so clear, he has been there, no matter when I go back to the mountain, he will always be there. There, the first person to see me.

I shook my head, Mo Qing had already dealt with a few people. The people in the Hall of No Evil all retreated. He walked straight up and glanced at me outside the side hall: "Come and ask for a nine-turn pill?"

"I'm here to ask for Jiuzhuan Dan, but Master, I want to go to Fengzhou City to see Xishan Master. He entrusted me with something last time, and I have to go and write him a letter."


He answered me without saying a word. He stepped forward and shook my hand, then took me to Fengzhou City and walked together to Sima Rong's small courtyard. I glanced at him, and my mind turned. Have a thought.

"Master, today I heard some news from Jianxinmen at the foot of the mountain, saying that their mansion seems to be haunted."

Mo Qing responded: "The secret Luo Wei came to report today, which is also what he said. Liu Wei, the master of Jianxin, has been confused recently, and there are many strange things in the house. But no one knows who did it."

I glanced at his expression: "I'm afraid it's my father... So I want to go to Jinzhou City, can you come with me..." I rubbed my hands, bit my lower lip and looked at him, and winked at him Eyes, posing in what I think is the cutest look, silently conveying my intentions to him.

Mo Qing's eyebrows moved slightly, but there was a bit of a smile in his eyes: "You want me to accompany you?"

My heart skipped a beat, it was really weird, it was clearly my intention, but when he saw my thoughts and said this with a smile, I was really a bit shy.

I coughed and quickly suppressed this strange feeling: "Jinzhou City is deep in the hinterland of Xianmen, not to mention what Liu Wei did to my father, just say that I am your disciple now... My cultivation base is low, if No one was covering it, and they told them to find out... but it was broken."

"So, just ask An Luowei to continue to inquire about the news."

"But in case it's my father... It's better for me to do this kind of thing in person."

"You want to go so much?"

I nodded vigorously. If you want to go, of course you want to go, no matter who they are from Xianmen, I don't care if they want to toss the resurrected people and bring others back to life, but if anyone wants to bring my enemies back to life.

I will let whoever come to hell first.

Mo Qing condensed for a moment: "Tomorrow, I will arrange the affairs in the door, and I will accompany you the day after tomorrow." Mo Qing seems to agree so easily every time he promises something to me, so that I feel that when I put down my position as the door owner, It's not a big deal at all to accompany me out for a walk.

But I've been a door owner, and I know it's a big deal.

Mo Qing is now addicted to beauty.

Entering Xishanzhu's yard, the interior has been tidy up. Xishanzhu is sitting in a wheelchair at the right time, holding tools to repair the broken wooden man. When I saw Mo Qing and I came, I smiled helplessly: "They haven't been repaired yet, and I have inconvenience in my legs and feet, so I won't pour tea for you."

"It's okay." Mo Qing replied. I picked up a sentence beside me: "I'm here to briefly explain something to you. The last time you asked me to do it, I've done it. Just like what I said last time, you don't need to have any burden in your heart in the future. "

Xishanzhu was startled, then smiled and nodded: "I see." He glanced at Mo Qing, but sighed a little, "The first door master has a big heart, from beginning to end, no matter what, he has a big heart."

Hey, what he said, why do I think there is something else in it.

I turned my head and glanced at Mo Qing, but I saw that Mo Qing also had a helpless smile on his face that was in the same mood as Lord Xishan.

I was still pondering, Sima Rongjuer asked me: "Little nephew, the scabbard of this Liuhe sword is still looking good."

Little... little nephew

I was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted, oh! right! Mo Qing and Sima Rong used to be under the same master, Sima Rong was Mo Qing's younger brother, Mo Qing is now my master, isn't Sima Rong my uncle!


I have a sense of loss from being a grandfather to a grandson in an instant.

But I couldn't show it, I could only grit my teeth and forbear: "The scabbard... very good."

Sima Rong lowered his head, and while screwing the wooden man, he smiled secretly: "I have nothing to entertain you here, and standing is boring. You can go and visit Fengzhou City."

I don't want to stay anymore!

I turned around and left, and when I got to the door, I heard Sima Rong squeaking things on the wooden man's mechanism in the courtyard, and there was only this lonely sound in the courtyard. Under the moonlight, in a trance, a silhouette with a small round face was squatting beside Sima Rong's wheelchair.

She was propping her head up, quietly watching Sima Rong play with those soulless wooden figures. One person and one ghost, quiet, but an amazing match.

I blinked, and the outline of the small round face disappeared again. At that moment, it was like my illusion.

I looked at Sima Rong, who didn't know anything, as if he was stunned, and suddenly said to him, "Don't move in the future." Sima Rong looked up at me, and Mo Qing was puzzled by my side. I couldn't explain it, I could only say, "Anyway... don't move, if I can't find you..."

Wanlumen wanted to find someone, but they couldn't find him. I was afraid, but Xiao Yuanyan couldn't find him.

Sima Rong smiled and waved goodbye to me: "Let's go, I'm not moving."

When I went out, I asked Mo Qing, "I've never heard that the West Mountain Lord likes mechanical techniques before. When did he start to focus so much on tinkering with them?"

"Nanyue taught mechanics. When Yuezhu lived here, he left behind a lot of gadgets. After Yuezhu's death, the organs were dusty and dilapidated. In order to repair these things, he learned mechanic. Years, but he has cultivated much better than the average person."

I complied and said nothing more.