Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 38


I stood by and watched the two aunts and nephews quietly, knowing that although they had Liu Wei's blood, they could not really wake up Luo Mingxuan for the time being.

No matter what happens, I always have a way to make it impossible for you.

"Qin Zhiyan can't catch it, Qin Qianxian can't kill it." Liu Suruo sat beside the ice bed with a lonely expression, "Are you trying to force me to miss the chance to wake up Mingxuan?"

Liu Wei lowered his head: "The Qin family, the blood is pure and pure, it is the holy medicine of resurrection..."

While listening to the conversation between their aunts and nephews, I endured the pain and wandered around the stone room for two times. I used to live without seeing ghosts, but now I can see ghosts in death. I wondered if Luo Mingxuan's ghosts would be here. Nearby, I circled twice, but I didn't find any other ghosts.

Luo Mingxuan would not die, so his ghost could not be reincarnated. He was a golden fairy before his death, and he was used to being aloof. Even if he died, he would definitely disdain the company of other lonely ghosts. I wouldn't go to such a gloomy place.

The most likely possibility is that he has been staying here, and now that he is not there, it proves that most of his souls have fallen asleep together in the body.

That's fine.

I think, if I can't kill him, then whether he is alive or dead, he can't wake up, can't appreciate the beauty of this world, and can't create new memories of his own, so he's almost dead.

"...their original blood cannot be copied, but now on the rivers and lakes, I know that there is an immortal sect.

"Which fairy door?"

"Guanyu Building."

Hearing this conversation, I turned my eyes slightly, and unsurprisingly heard three words from Liu Wei's mouth: "Shen Qianjin."

Although I don't know what they say about the purest blood, but I know that the practice of Guanyulou and the others requires the practitioners to have the purest mind, free from evil thoughts, distracting thoughts and desires. .

Therefore, those who practice the rain-watching exercises should not be moved, and if they move, they will be injured, and poison will be accumulated in the body.

Many years ago, Gu Hanguang came to beg me with Shen Qianjin, who was suffering from love poisoning, so I was fortunate to see the legendary love poisoning.

It was a miserable person, every strand of hair seemed to freeze, his breath turned into a fog, his body was frozen blue and purple one by one, stiff and unable to move, until he finally watched himself become an ice sculpture.

It took me a lot of effort to save Shen Qianjin, who was on the verge of life and death, together with Gu Hanguang. Gu Hanguang took Shen Qianjin's love poison into his body and turned him into a child. One day she is in love, and she will accumulate love poison again in her body. So Gu Hanguang had no choice but to apply a golden needle to wipe out Shen Qianjin's mind about his own existence...

Liu Wei continued: "Although Shen Qianjin's blood is not as natural as the Qin family, but now we have Qin Yu's blood, plus Shen Qianjin's, it may be possible to wake up Jinxian, and compared to what we have now. Qin Qianxian, who was guarded and worried, and Qin Zhiyan, who is currently in Wanlumen, she is better off."

Liu Suruo stared at Luo Mingxuan's face and wrote lightly, "Then invite this Shen Qianjin."

"Already here." Liu Wei said, "Yesterday, I sent someone to find an excuse to invite her here, and now, she is in the wing. I am here now to inform my aunt that you can do it. "

Liu Suruo smiled and stood up: "This nephew of mine is really thorough."

The two said and walked towards the stone outside.

Are they planning to harm Shen Qianjin

Not to mention Luo Mingxuan, I can't wake him up, let's just say Shen Qianjin. Although Gu Hanguang came to beg me back then, I spent so much effort to rescue her. If you say you want to kill, you can kill

I may not.

I floated outside the stone room and jumped up to the ground, but I saw Zhi Yan wandering around on the ground in a hurry like a headless fly, while Qin Yu, who was beside her, kept staring at her sadly.

"Don't look at it." I scolded Qin Yu, "I have something for you to do."

Qin Yu turned her head to look at me, but Zhi Yan rushed over at this moment: "Where have you been, Great Demon King!" She looked at my body, and immediately pouted, as if she was about to cry, "What are you doing? Your soul has faded again? You go down to that basement, and I feel pain when I approach it. How did you get down? Why did you stay for so long? Why didn't you come out earlier? "

"It's because you quit as soon as it hurts, so you don't know where I've gone, and how I can stay in it for so long, so you won't know why I'm the big devil and why you're the little one, no matter in the past or in the future. Shrimp."

I sent her a sentence, and when she was stunned, I pushed her aside, stared at Qin Yu and said, "Can you know Shen Qianjin from Guanyu Tower? Liu Wei said that he wants to harm Shen Qianjin tonight, just like harming you. Take her blood. I'm going to find someone for help now. You find Shen Qianjin and do everything possible to protect her. The louder you are, the better. I'll be here in a moment. "

When Qin Yu heard the first half of my words, her eyes were red, her teeth were gritted, and when I finished speaking, she didn't need to give any orders.

I called Zhi Yan, "Go, go back first."

Zhi Yan repeatedly asked me, "What happened? What happened?"

There was still a long way to go from Jianxinmen to the inn, so I simply told Zhiyan about the matter. After hearing this, Zhi Yan was silent for a while, and seemed to have digested it for a while before she murmured to herself: "I have been in Jianxinmen for so many years, I never knew that there was still a body of Jinxian hidden underground... But why is it Jinxian? …Isn’t that saying that he is kind and generous, and that he is a man of great success…”

I glanced at Zhi Yan, it seems that this Immortal Sect's work is still doing well, Luo Mingxuan has been dead for so many years, and the younger generation of their generation still knows him.

"But why can I kill my father in order to revive him now? Jinxian is a life, so my father is not? They resurrected... what kind of Jinxian."

I sneered: "What kind of golden immortals, aren't they all made by cultivators? These people are dog-like guys..." I paused, and suddenly thought of the ghost market, thinking about the benevolence, righteousness and morality on the face, behind the scenes A cultivator who has done all the bad things here will be treated the same as me when he becomes a ghost. I couldn't help but start thinking, I'd just turn them all into ghosts sooner rather than later.

Pushing Mo Qing to make a big move to take them all away.

I was secretly relieved here, but Zhiyan asked me again: "Why did you kill Jinxian at the wedding?"

I looked at the inn that was about to arrive in front of me, and replied lightly, "Because he killed me and my only relative."

Zhi Yan was startled and asked me in a daze, "Your relative? Who?"

No one in the world knows that Lu Zhaoyao has a relative, but I remember so clearly that when I was young, in my hometown, in a land of poverty and water, my clan members disappeared one by one, even my parents were there. I disappeared before I can remember. In the end, my grandfather and I were alone in the dark ravine. He drank wine all day long and got drunk, and then he taught me the exercises for a while when he remembered it.

I still remember him telling me that people in the outside world have to choose by themselves, cultivating immortals, cultivating demons, and cultivating various ways, but only our family can’t choose, because we are born as demons and can only cultivate the way of demons. .

I have a high talent, and the poor mountains and bad waters are full of miasma, which just helps my growth. I have never felt that there is nothing wrong with practicing the magic way.

Until one day, a golden man suddenly fell from the vicious and steep cliff mountain. He was seriously injured and his life was hanging by a thread. I had never seen such a clean and beautiful outsider at that time.

I brought him back from the mountains and rocks to heal his wounds. He asked me who I was, why I was here, and why I cultivated demons.

I didn't have a plan at that time, and there was a little girl growing up in the ravine, so I told him about myself without any defense. However, at that time he listened to the fact that I was born a devil, but he didn't say anything. He only told me that even if I was born a devil, I can still have good thoughts in my heart, and I can achieve good virtue.

I believed him.

I took care of him, from the time he was seriously injured until he was healed, and he could use the telekinesis technique. During this period, he was always kind to me, gently taught me to memorize the precepts of the Immortal Sect, taught me how to do good deeds, and how to do my best. To benefit the world, don't waste this life.

I memorized what he said word by word, so clear, so clear to this day, I also remember that killing less and not doing evil is what he said in my ear day and night.

Since then, I have always wanted to be a good person.

I work hard to practice the exercises, I want to go out and be famous in the world, and I want to use the identity of a demon to benefit the world.

I disregarded my grandfather's objection and finally left my hometown. I went to Chenji Mountain. I happened to bump into Mo Qing who was besieged by the Ten Great Immortal Sects. I rescued him because I didn't bully the weak or bully the less. It was Luo Mingxuan who told me mine.

This is the morality he told me.

But later, when I said goodbye to Mo Qing, I left him in Chenji Mountain. I want to go to Luo Mingxuan and tell him that I have done my best to do what I agreed with him. I plan to stay by his side and be a good person with him in the future...

In the end, when I finally found Luo Mingxuan, I was greeted by eighteen immortal forbidden arts, imprisoning me and wanting to eradicate me.

At that time, outside the golden light, he said again, with a completely different attitude and tone from the one under the cliff, and said to me from a high-level person: "You were born as a demon, and you are determined to be the most evil in the world, and your heart must be evil. What he does will be evil, and if he gets it, he will be punished.”

I just woke up, it turned out that in the dangerous situation at that time, he was seriously injured and fell into my hands. I was afraid that I would harm him, so he flattered me in every possible way, and even made up such nonsense as being single-minded.

I am behind bars.

In the end, it was my grandfather who left the poor mountains and rivers he had been guarding all his life and came to Xianmen to save me. My grandfather smashed the immortal art that imprisoned me with his own strength, and used his body as protection to send me away and let me escape. He returned to the ravine with poor mountains and bad waters, while he stayed and fought against Luo Mingxuan.

I have not seen the battle between my grandfather and Luo Mingxuan. Although I vaguely heard the legends of the world, Luo Mingxuan and an unknown demon cultivator fought on the Fengshan Mountain in Luo Mingxuan, which could almost turn mountains and rivers upside down, but in the end Still Luo Mingxuan won.

The "unknown" magic cultivator, let alone whereabouts, didn't even leave a little bit of ash.

And I was sent back to the ravine by my grandfather. I lay in it for three whole months, and the tattered wounds on my body began to heal slowly, and the broken bones and muscles began to grow again.

I gritted my teeth and waited in the ravine. I waited hopelessly for a long time, but I did not wait for my grandfather to come back.

After my injuries healed, I climbed out of the ravine. It was just in time, half a year had passed, and half a year ago, the battle between my grandfather and Luo Mingxuan had already settled. On the rivers and lakes, the turmoil has re-emerged, and new powerful magic cultivators kept coming out, and Luo Mingxuan was busy with other things.

The fact that my grandfather died at his hands was no longer important to bystanders.

And when I escaped with serious injuries, no one would have thought that I would still be alive with such injuries.

I settled my mind and came to Chenji Mountain again. I picked up Mo Qing, who had been left in the ruined temple on Chenji Mountain, and took good care of my body. The devil's road is swaggering, and he has come out again.

The female devil wants to build a sect called Wan Lu, recruiting talents, wanting to take in extremely evil people, and vowing to slaughter all the immortal dogs in the world!