Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 46


All other things can be endured, except for the resurrection of Luo Mingxuan.

I'm figuring out how to deal with it. At this moment, a dark shadow flashed from the small courtyard. It's Mo Qing here.

I haven't seen him for a few days, and suddenly I saw his face, and my memory was captured back to the day when he was face to face. The moment he almost kissed me, my heartbeat suddenly dropped a beat, and it took a while to calm down.

I followed my heart and felt that even after hearing the news of Luo Mingxuan's possible resurrection, I was still concerned about Mo Qing, which was a very dangerous signal.

I saw Mo Qing staring at Zhi Yan who was still squatting on the ground and shivering, frowning slightly, but did not help, he turned and asked An Luo Wei: "Has Liu Cangling chased him back?"

An Luo Wei closed his head and knelt down: "My subordinates are ineffective, I hope the Lord will punish them."

Mo Qing didn't punish him, just waved his hand to let him back off. He stood by himself and looked at Zhi Yan quietly, without saying a word, as if he was waiting for something.

I pondered for a while, got on Zhi Yan's body, sat down on the ground, and turned my head to look at Mo Qing: "Master." I thought, since Mo Qing didn't reveal my identity, then I would continue to pretend to be stupid. It's stunned, so I don't have to suddenly change my identity and get used to my role again. and…

I don't know how to use Lu Zhaoyao's identity to get along with Mo Qing.

"Liu Suruo may not be dead. Liu Cangling should have been manipulated to take my blood with her male sword."

Zhi Yan, who was pushed out of her body by me, heard the words and turned her head to stare at me. I continued: "Tomorrow seems to be the conference of their Ten Great Immortal Sects in Mount Sendai. If Liu Suruo attacked me today, there will be some action tomorrow."

And most of this action is related to resurrecting Luo Mingxuan. Even... Maybe even take a awake Luo Mingxuan directly.

Thinking of this, my brows sank.

Mo Qing squatted down and looked me in the eye: "Don't worry, I have made arrangements."

"Arrangement?" I looked at Mo Qing, "Are you going to disrupt their conference... Go in person?" I frowned unconsciously. In the last battle in Jinzhou City, let alone the injuries on Mo Qing's body, I'm afraid it was more serious. If he went to the Immortal Gate Conference tomorrow, he would be too stupid.

"Worry about me?" Mo Qing threw out such a sentence, seemingly unintentionally.

Of course I'm worried, this broken body...

I was taken aback by my subconsciously extended reaction. I quickly glanced at Mo Qing, but when I saw his starry eyes smiling, after being calm, there was a hint of teasing. This ambiguous look made me blushing.

I immediately reacted, this guy is lying to me! And I actually really... worried about him.

I suddenly felt betrayed by myself.

"Hey... Yesterday, you still swore to me that you didn't give up on killing him, and wanted to take back the position of the sect master. But that's not what you said in your eyes now." .

I glanced at her coldly and sideways, but saw her squatting like a rabbit, staring at me with unsteady eyes.

Aren't you sad that your neck was cut by Liu Cangling? How long have you been sad? Why is your uncle's heart so big now

I coughed, calmed down, and glanced at Mo Qing's face again. He was still staring at me like that. For some reason, I suddenly remembered that Mo Qing helped me get the Liuhe sword back not long ago. There was blood on the hilt. I asked him if he was injured, and he also asked me if I was worried about him.

At that time, I said I was not worried, but in exchange, Mo Qing had a somewhat lost look.

Now thinking of his expression at that time, I don't know why, but I can't talk nonsense about something or not, and fool this topic.

He looked at me like a child waiting for candy. I couldn't bear to throw the candy on the ground in front of him.

I sighed in my heart, and gave my heart the defeat.

"Well, worried about you."

Mo Qing's eyes brightened so simply, but he didn't seem to expect that I would say these words so straightforwardly. He was stunned for a while, but he turned his eyes away and looked into the distance. He coughed, "Hmm."

Ok? only one eh

You are such a shy child who can't climb down the pole.

The courtyard was silent for a moment. Mo Qing spoke again: "Tomorrow, I don't need to go to Xiantai Mountain in person. The owner of Dongshan Mountain has returned from overseas Xiandao, and she will handle it."

"East... Mountain Master?"

I was stunned. Mo Qing actually sent that crazy girl? But after thinking about it, if you want to do something like sabotage to others, it is indeed the most appropriate to send Xu Zhi.

I know better than anyone what kind of temper this girl has. She is a typical butt with long needles. She can't calm down at all. She has a temperament like a stray dog. She used to have a whim, and she can hold me in front of the public. Going around in circles, wailing and saying that I really like the sect master...

I count the four masters of Wanlumen in detail. The master of the north mountain is loyal to me, but the masters are different, and they get along politely. The master of the south mountain, Gu Hanguang, just loves and ignores me. he. Sima Rong is close to me, and he is my capable person. Only this Dongshan master Xu weaving...

Years of making meritorious deeds and making troubles go hand in hand. It's not that she doesn't listen to me, but she listens to me too much, which leads to too much force and can't stop the offensive. Ask her to kill the head of a certain sect, and she can smash all the tiles of other sects.

The original name of Xu Zhi was Seventeen, and I dug it out of the dungeon when I annexed a major demonic faction, the Blood Demon Sect. She was still young at the time, but she looked like five or six years old. She was wearing a blood-shattering disciple uniform, with seventeen and two characters printed on her chest, like a serial number, but if she called seventeen, she could be called out with a crisp sound. Promise, so this is also her name.

When I took her to bleed, it was the spring when catkins were flying all over the sky, so I gave her a small character—Xuzhi.

It was a waste of me to give her such a soft name. This girl has a brute force in her body. I don't know what medicine was fed by the blood evil door when I was a child. The strength is terrifying. Standing on the ground, she can also lift me up. Pushing her with magic can't even push her away—because magic has no effect on her.

This is also the only person I know who can bring someone back and punch them on the ground when someone uses the telekinesis technique.

I took her back to Wanlumen. At first, I planned to be a close-up girl, but I found out that she was too clumsy to be a girl. It was quicker to let her clean the table instead of letting her tear people. He simply gave her the position of East Mountain Lord. As long as there is anyone in the magic way who is disobedient, let her deal with it, that's right.

I asked Mo Qing: "I haven't seen Dongshan Master before. Did she actually go to the overseas immortal island?"

"Yeah." Mo Qing said, "Five years ago, in the battle of Jianzhong, the sect master died. She cried for half a month, day and night. Seeing that she was about to cry blind, Sima Rong lied to her, saying that overseas immortals There are undead grass on the island, which can bring people back to life. I thought that she would take it easy and accept it slowly... But I didn't expect that she has been finding it since then."

I lowered my eyebrows, I knew how stubborn this girl was, but I didn't expect her to be so sad because of me.

Obviously in my impression, I'm not very good to her.

"Then Mountain Master Dong is back now?" I asked Mo Qing.

"Some time ago, someone was sent to get her back."

"She will come back?"

Mo Qing moved the corner of his lips slightly: "I sent someone to tell her that Lu Zhaoyao is back."

I was startled and looked at Mo Qing blankly: "Lu Zhaoyao... When did you come back?"

Mo Qing turned to look at me, her eyes shredded and tender: "Didn't you say that she came back to seek revenge on me?"

Yes, I told him this before, but shouldn't this be a headache for him... Why is he so strange: "...how does he seem quite happy..." I murmured Voice.

"Because, apart from her, nothing else matters."

My heart skipped a beat.

I just feel that Mo Qing is cheating now, why is every word he said so inexplicably...

He seemed to have thought of something, and said quite interestingly, "An Luowei who found Xuzhi also received news, Xuzhi heard that Lu Zhaoyao came back to seek revenge on me, so she jumped up with joy, clapped her hands and said, she wants to come back with her Kill me together."

Don't say this kind of thing so lightly and happily! If you are like this, even if I can raise my hand and pierce your heart with a knife, I still have no sense of accomplishment!

"Yesterday Xu Zhi just landed on the shore, and now the Sendai Mountain Conference, let her go over to see, let her consume her physical strength."

I looked at Mo Qing again: "Does she listen to you?"

"Well." Mo Qing replied without changing his face, "I said they hurt Zhao Yao."

Ah... I can't see that you clowns and eight monsters will fake the imperial decree to use strength. You usually have such a serious, unsmiling, kind-hearted look on your face, but when it's time to trick people, you don't show mercy.

"I won't let Luo Mingxuan wake up." He stood up, and before leaving in an instant, he only said one sentence, "Rest in peace."

Really reassuring...

I stared at the night sky where he left in a daze. Suddenly, a translucent ghost crawled in front of me. It was Zhiyan who stared at me: "Great Demon King, you are tempted."

"Tsk... shouldn't you squat in the corner and cry? What are you doing for fun?"

"As you said just now, Brother Canglin was under control. He wasn't really crazy, and he didn't really want to kill me. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, his sword was enough to kill me, but his sword was enough to kill me. I survived when the blade went sideways. He was being manipulated, and what I should think about is how to save him, so I don't cry."

this girl...

It's a long time.

"Since Liu Su wants to use him, he will not hurt him for the time being. Tomorrow, after your Wanlumen operation, I will observe and observe the situation, and then I can find a way to save it. Otherwise, it will cause trouble for you, and Brother Cangling may not be able to save it. Got it."

I hummed to support her idea.

"So were you tempted just now?"

I hated her annoyedly and didn't answer her words, but I heard a shallow answer in my heart.

Yes, I am tempted.

Because Mo Qing is so handsome! Because his eyes are so beautiful! Because the smile on the corner of his lips is so confusing! Also because of his words... Although they are so plain, they can magically kiss the hard scab in my heart.