Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 54


I was floating in a void, and I didn't know how long I was floating before the murmur-like humming in my ears stopped a little.

"...Joan...Lu Qionglu...Joan!"

A middle-aged man's voice kept calling in my ear, and with his voice, I just felt my body suddenly fall down, and in the process of falling, like fragments scattered around me. All the memories came back into my brain.

I opened my eyes suddenly.

In front of him was the pale face of the little fat man who continued the goatee: "Lu Qiong!" to the ghost city.

"Don't call me Lu Qiong."

It's annoying to hear poor words.

I rubbed my forehead and felt that I was still a little dizzy. Recalling the battle that seemed to have happened in front of me a moment ago, I just felt that the cold and tranquility of this ghost city was like two worlds...

Ah, it was originally two worlds.

In this world of mine, and now on the other side of that world, there are clowns who are crying.

When I thought of Mo Qing's panic-stricken appearance just before I disappeared, my heart wrinkled, my throat choked up, and it seemed to have a bitter taste.

But after thinking about it, I still don't understand. I was so bad to him before, but I only saved his life, but then I left him in the ruined temple in Chenji Mountain, and sent him away. Going to see the door, for so many years, he has not given him any care and love, why does he like me so much

Where did the love come from? Can hide in my heart for so many years...

If you love someone so wholeheartedly, you're not afraid... Are you sad? Wouldn't you... feel bad for yourself

I patted my heart and felt that as a ghost, I still feel distressed, which is simply not right.

"It's okay to return to the soul. If you don't come back for so long, I thought there was something wrong with our return to Yang Dan." The little fat ghost gave me the calculation in front of me with an abacus, "You just delayed that little time. , the delay, although not much, but you still have to make up the difference, according to your worth, ah, a total of 13,000 yuan, you can make up."

As soon as I counted the money, all the emotional distress in my heart was instantly dismissed.

As soon as I turned my head, I stared at the little fat man and reasoned with him: "I didn't even have enough time to pick up a piece of clothes! Again, I bought the Yang Dan, shouldn't it be mine, I After eating, it is my ability to delay time, why do you still ask me to make up the difference? No."

I stopped talking, and floated outside around the little fat man.

The little fat man chased after me again and stopped me: "Don't make up? If you don't make up for it, you will get less paper money that you burn in the future! Buying things is more expensive! You can't make up for it!"

I... I really...

I was just outside splitting mountains and rocks, killing Jinxian, and burning phoenixes. In the battle of life and death, I was not as powerless as this debt collector now.

This group of ghosts and monsters in the ghost city is simply a group of robbers who speak their own truth regardless of whether others are reasonable!

"I haven't reasoned with you yet!" I said angrily, "I eat a Yang Yang pill, and when I die, why does my body turn into sparks and disappear like that! What's the deal? You What do people who see me die again think?"

What do you guys think... the clowns

Can't catch it, can't call it back, will he think that he was not careful, so he broke me

"Yo! I'm not happy, that's the special effect of the Yang Yang Dan that we made, just to let those of you who spend a lot of money to return Yang Yang find their acquaintances and leave them with a gorgeous image in the end! The little fat man said, "We went back to the soul shop to study the results for a long time, you still dislike it."

"… "

So they let the dead return to their souls, and then ran to their relatives. When the family was crying and chatting, the dead exploded directly in front of those living people... Watch as fireworks

Yes, that image should be quite profound.

But they think the living will be happy

I don't understand the idea of these ghosts.

"What about my body?" I asked him, "Just exploded like that?"

The little fat man looked a little impatient: "Didn't I tell you when you bought the medicine? When the time to return Yang Dan arrives, no matter where you are, you will automatically return to the soul, the soul will return to the soul, the body will return to the body... Hey, Are you going to make up the money?"

So... my body has returned to that ice cave again...

I lowered my eyes and pondered, and casually dropped the little fat man: "The medicine that Zhou's bought, you can find Zhou's supplement. I am Zhou's daughter-in-law, and you should put it on her account." , it can be considered to bypass me and put the account on Zhou's head.

I took a look to the side, but saw that the ghost shop was still the same as when I came before, but Zhou Shi and her useless son were gone, "Where are they?"

"I don't know." The little fat man muttered as he remembered, "Before I left, I said I was going to take advantage of your absence, so you can check your past." He walked behind the counter.

As soon as I touched it, if I wanted to check my past, I should have gone to the money shop in the Great Yin Underworld. I don’t know if they would be so frightened that they would come to me to quit my relatives after seeing my past, but it’s okay to quit. , Originally, they were used as a springboard to buy and return Yangdan. They didn't retire, so I had to retire myself.

The matter of Luo Mingxuan has been resolved, I no longer need to return the Yang Pill, the only thing I need is to find my body that I don't know where it is hidden and whose life and death are unknown...

Now, I should float back to Chenji Mountain, find Zhi Yan, get on her body, and then go to Mo Qing to comfort him, and then ask him to find a body with me.

If it's not good, in the future, I will be able to return my own soul without the return of Yang Dan from this ghost market.

While I was groping where my body was, I floated out of the ghost shop, and as soon as I floated onto the street, I found that the street… was a little different from usual.

It was just before dawn, but the ghost market was still lively. The ghosts floating on the street were bustling, and there was not much noise, but there were many more ghosts than usual, and many new faces appeared.

I wondered, is there any country in this world to fight? I only left for such a short time, how come there are so many ghosts when I come back

I was still curious, but before meeting a ghost floated in front of me and stopped me.

I looked up, but it was Mrs. Zhou. She glared at me angrily with hatred in her eyes. I was startled and thought, "Could it be that Mrs. Zhou found out so quickly that I had put the blame on her, and came to me here." Settled

Then you shouldn't be angry with this kind of virtue. Thirteen thousand dollars to me should not be much to her, right

"Mother... Mother..." Her useless son chased after him again and again, intending to hold the Zhou family, so I could see it, his pale face was tinged with blush, and he turned his head in shame. Whispered: "Forget it... Forget it..."

"What's the matter!" Zhou Shi brushed him away, her back was hunched over, but her momentum was unequivocal. She pointed at my nose and accused me angrily: "Speak! Why are you doing this!"

"Why bother." I said, "You report your name to me, and I'll find someone to burn paper for you later, and make up for the money on your account."

"What other accounts did you put in my name?" Zhou Shi was even more angry.

I also felt inexplicable: "You're not talking about accounting?" I looked at her, "Then why are you angry?"

Zhou Shi slammed the mirror in her hand to the ground. The quality of the mirror was quite good, and it didn't crack. She was shaking with anger: "Why are you lying to me! I have been searching for so many years in this ghost city. I just want to get a clean daughter-in-law for my son! You lie to me with this kind of thing!"

I became more and more inexplicable. When I reached out to pick up the mirror, a skinny kid suddenly rushed over from behind and snatched the mirror away. A very precious look.

"Old woman! Steal the things from the money shop in the Great Yin Underworld! Do you know the consequences?"

The scholar hurriedly apologized to the skinny brat behind him: "My mother was in a hurry, so I'll give it back to you, give it back to you..."

Xiaomin's pulling is the most time-consuming, and it also makes people laugh. The whole ghost city is quiet, but it is noisy here. After a while, almost all the ghosts floated here to watch the fun.

I coughed. I wanted to take advantage of Zhou's unhappiness to quickly withdraw the marriage, but I never thought that before I could speak, Zhou said: "You will now go with me to write green!"


Hong Shuhe, Lu Shuli, her proposal is really in my heart, but I originally wanted to kick her son, but now she puts it up first, it seems like her family has divorced me... I have to ask her to ask a reason.

The scholar listened to this, but he was more anxious than me. He grabbed Zhou's hand and said, "Mother! Don't..."

"What's wrong!" Zhou Shi was furious, "Behind my son Fu, I deserve to be the best girl in the world! Why pick up this... this..." She still didn't say the words in her mouth, she only hated Tie Bucheng pulled his son, gritted his teeth and whispered, "I have chosen you for so many years for my mother! Why did you fall in love with this girl who has been married to others!"

I was stunned.


"Old woman, those who spread rumors and say bad things about me in front of my Lu Zhaoyao, but I don't know how many times I have given birth. Even if you are dead now, you have to be careful when you speak."

"Pay attention!" Mrs. Zhou dragged the skinny kid back, and grabbed the mirror in his hand again. Regardless of the kid's chattering about to come and beat her, Mrs. Zhou showed me the mirror. "Look at yourself! What is written here! Lu Zhaoyao! What year, what month, when and where did I do what with whom! I'm so embarrassed! I can't say it! Look for yourself!"

She pushed the mirror to me, and I was busy catching it a few times, screaming with the rascal of the kid, the old woman crying and the scholar's persuasion, the countless noisy voices and the words on the mirror into my mind together.

I looked at these few lines of words, and it seemed that I didn't recognize them anymore. I squinted, stared, left, right, and looked around, and felt that the message conveyed on the mirror, how could I? can't understand-

"On the third day of the tenth lunar month in the year of Xin Chou, under the archway in front of Wanlumen in Chenji Mountain, Lu Zhaoyao forced his disciple Li Chenlan to have sex all night long.



Who am I with

Li Chenlan? Mo Qing

What did you do overnight? Still rude, still savage? Comfortable? Who is comfortable? me? In the end what was the crime

What the hell!

Holding the mirror, I felt a little puzzled and anxious, and I asked Mrs. Zhou, "What is this! I, Lu Zhaoyao, committed murder and arson. You put it on me and I admit it. What the hell? What the hell?"

Me and Mo Qing? I made him stronger


Who remembered this? Are you definitely kidding me

The three people in the party were having fun and they didn't have time to talk to me, so I held the mirror and looked at me for a long time, until I could almost see through the words, and finally all the ghost yamen patrolling the ghost city came over, the three ghosts in the party The commotion was over, the yamen seized Zhou and also detained the scholar.

The kid jumped up and snatched the mirror out of my hand.

There were yamen from behind who wanted to grab me, but their hands passed through my body. In the end, they tied a kind of iron rope on my hands and tied me up.

I just let them detain, and I didn't feel like I had to resist, because... I'm still in chaos.

The kid viciously swept me, Mrs. Zhou and the scholar, pointed at us one by one and scolded: "You are disrupting official business! All have to arrest me and put me in confinement!" Finally, he stared at me, "You! I peeked at the information before his death! You gave me money! Lu Zhaoyao! One hundred thousand dollars! If you can't make it up, I will keep you locked up!"

I just felt that everything in front of me was absurd.

This ghost world is far more difficult for me to understand than the human world...

Suddenly... I actually felt that the life-and-death battle with Luo Mingxuan actually made me more relaxed and less tired than the current situation...