Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 63


I covered my mouth, stared at him, and looked up at him. The moonlight was behind him, making his expression hazy. In front of him, my whole face was facing the moonlight, and my expression should be very clear and clear. lock up.

Many years ago, under the archway of the mountain gate, on the long stairs, after I gave Mo Qing to that while drunk, I fell into a deep sleep. The next morning, in my sleep, he put the mirror around my neck.

Later, I slept for more than half a month until I woke up and forgot everything in those three days, including the one with Mo Qing, and no one else knew about it.

Therefore, in Mo Qing's impression, only he should know what happened under the archway of the mountain gate. A secret that is secretly hidden in your heart and cannot be told to others.

So even now, he has never told me what happened back then.

But why do I suddenly know the origin of this mirror? He said it so firmly that he even knew that he gave it to me back then.

I... why would I know

I bowed my head and restrained the stun and astonishment on my face. In the blink of an eye, there were 10,000 lies in my heart, but every lie seemed to be full of flaws and could not stand up to scrutiny, so I turned my neck and said He raised his head, Mo Qing still stared at me at the right time, his eyes explored, and there were some unconcealed fluctuations.

I gritted my teeth: "Okay! Come on! It's me! I will blame you... "

Mo Qing pulled the grass down and put it on my lips, stopping what I was about to blurt out: "Fold another one." He completely changed the subject.

I was a little stunned by him, but I still followed his train of thought: "I will still fold dragonflies, do you want a dragonfly this time?"

"Let's fold the butterfly." He turned his head and looked at the moon, "Two, in pairs."

I tilted my head to look at him, but when I saw that he turned his face away, the roots of his ears were slightly red.

No matter how I know it, I know it anyway. Since it sounds like we're both a little shy about it, let's tacitly keep silent—he was, that's what he meant.


I bowed my head and folded the butterfly.

He suppressed the three-point turmoil in his heart, and quietly felt a throbbing that was more seductive than ambiguity. It's like putting a piece of paper in the palm of the two people's hands, not piercing it, but it doesn't affect me and him to feel the temperature of each other's palms.

Compared with Chiguoguo's candor, it is even more disturbing to see through the haze without saying it.

I was silent, folded the butterfly in my hand, Mo Qing turned his eyes slightly, and stared at the butterfly. At the same time, the previous butterfly that was parked at his fingertips also flew to, around me. The butterfly in the palm flew twice, and then took it and danced together. It seemed that the two butterflies looked so weak, but the flying gesture was so lingering.

I took Mo Qing's hand and walked behind the two straw-woven butterflies. Mo Qing's lips were slightly curved, and the temperature of my palm fascinated me.

This night, the wind and moon of Chenji Mountain are the gentleness that I have never felt before.

When the time was about to end, Mo Qing took me back to the Hall of No Evil in an instant. In fact, if it weren't for the timing, I might have walked around Chenji Mountain hand in hand with him for three days and three nights.

After Zhi Yan returned to her soul, Mo Qing didn't take long before she was equipped with the Wan Jun Sword and left in an instant.

I know that he went to Sushan to find Seventeen and Qin Qianxian in the array. Mo Qing is probably fed up with the days that he can only hold back every day.

He took Wan Jun Jian away, even if his injuries are not completely healed, I am relieved. No matter how powerful the Sushan formation is, to the level of Mo Qing, although it is still not easy to come and go, it is also appropriate. will not be killed. The only difficulty is to find out which formation Seventeen they broke into.

I meditated and waited for two days in Chenji Mountain. During these two days, I just taught Zhiyan some other exercises, and I took it to the ghost market to visit Ziyou. He really went to Dayin Difu every day. Shop, I look at my past every day, afraid that I will forget it.

I became curious about his elder brother, Yu, and it stands to reason that his elder brother died. If he was from Chenji Mountain, he would definitely float to this ghost city when he died, but Ziyou didn't know that, it would prove that his elder brother died. Still alive, what is An Luowei who has lived from my era to Mo Qing's era now

If he was as loyal to me as Luzi lobbied, how would he get along with Mo Qing after my death

Or is it that he didn't die, and he didn't stay in Wanlumen, but went to wander on the rivers and lakes on his own

In my spare time, I also asked Zhi Yan to find out the news about the spies, but An Luowei himself wouldn't say anything about An Luowei, and the other disciples wouldn't know much. This search, but to no avail.

However, on the third day, Mo Qing had not returned yet, while Chenji Mountain had undergone some changes.

There are more guards in the Hall of No Evil.

Zhi Yan didn't notice it because she was not familiar with Wanlumen, but I had a strange sensitivity, and I felt that something was wrong with Wanlumen.

On the fourth day, Mo Qing still didn't come back, and it took so long for Zhi Yan to begin to realize that something was wrong: "Li Chenlan has been out for so many days, even if he didn't find my uncle, he should come back to see you, nothing happened. How about a message?"

I sounded solemn.

In the evening of the same day, I floated around Chenji Mountain, and there was no change in the mountains and peaks, but when I was passing by a certain corner of the Hall of No Evil, I saw Mo Qing's An Luo Guard, with a thick mask covering his face. Black cloth does not show its true face.

Hey, wasn't he sent by Mo Qing to find Shiqi and Qin Qianxian? He should be by Mo Qing's side now.

At the right time, he was setting a task with An Luowei in the corner: "The Lord of Nanshan sent more people to watch, and don't let your guard down at the residence of Sima Rong in Fengzhou City."

I pricked up my ears, floated my arms beside him, and stared at him coolly.

After finishing the task with others, he glanced left and right, walked to the Hall of No Evil, and stepped on the third brick on the west side of the hall three times. I raised my eyebrows, my eyes getting colder.

Is he going to the dungeon under the main peak

There are dungeons under every signed mountain in Chenji Mountain. Like the dungeon under Xiyue Peak, it was used to keep ordinary "criminals" like Liu Cangling. Some powerful characters I wanted to tame, but they were unwilling to submit to me. Later, these characters either died or really submitted to me. After I died, Mo Qing didn’t seem to have enough people to submit to his hobbies. He was kind. Governing the religion, so the dungeon was empty. The only one inside...

Not long ago, I cooperated with Jiang Wuli and almost killed my Beishan master, Yuan Jie.

Is this Captain Anluo going to go down to find Yuan Jie

There is a formation in the dungeon, and there is no need for instant travel. You can only go down through the mechanism in the Hall of No Evil, and the passage of this mechanism is only known by the head guard Anluo and the sect master.

I held my hands, and floated down with the head guard An Luo, scolding Mo Qing as I floated, no one knows how to recruit, let's see what confidants are recruited by my side!

I really hate that iron is not steel!

The long mechanism went down for a long time, and finally hit the bottom. An Luowei went out. I followed him, through the deep passage, in the damp dungeon, and at the end, I finally saw a white-haired man. The old man is sitting in the dungeon.

Sure enough, he came to see Yuan Jie.

But more than that, as soon as he took out the key, he directly opened the prison door in front of Yuan Jie: "Come out, it's time." After speaking, he threw the blue steel crutches around his waist into it.

Well, let people give weapons, it is quite complete.

Yuan Jie described that although he was a little embarrassed, his posture and bearing still carried his arrogance of the North Mountain Lord. He picked up his crutches and stood up slowly: "Where's Li Chenlan?"

"Going to Sushan, I have someone lured him into the formation at Sushan. He has been injured recently, and the formation has been revised by me, and he will not be able to come out for a while."

Yuan Jie coughed twice and walked out of the prison slowly: "He is injured? Who has the ability?"

"Returning from overseas with the Liuhe Sword, it's not a good time. Recently, Li Chenlan has been uncertain, and his actions are completely out of order. He hacked Lingting Mountain, destroyed Jinzhou City, and rescued the head of Guanyu Tower. After Luo Mingxuan's battle, his serious injuries have not healed, but he has been using the Nine Heavens Technique to find him. Now, the sect master has ordered the whole sect to be the first sect master to burn paper... I don't know what tricks he is playing."

Right, I still remember the stunned expression on your boy's face when he took that sect master's order.

It turned out that you were muttering in your heart at that time, how did Li Chenlan's move make people more and more incomprehensible.

"Burning paper for the first door master?" Yuan Jie walked forward with a cane, and sneered, "He took the first door owner's life and robbed the door owner's power, but now he's embarrassed to burn paper in a fake manner, hmph, Li Chenlan, will he have an uneasy conscience?"

Hmm... Every time I hear this old man speak, my mood is very complicated.

"Li Chenlan hid Jinxian Luo Mingxuan's body in the Wanyu Gate, and has never told anyone where he is. Now in this world, the only one who can fight him is Luo Mingxuan. I heard about resurrecting Luo Mingxuan before. Ming Xuan needs the blood of the Qin family, and now Qin Zhiyan happens to be in the Hall of No Evil. If you can find Luo Mingxuan's body and use Qin Zhiyan's blood to bring him back to life again, until the two fight each other, both will be hurt. You can sit back and reap the benefits of a fisherman.”

I stared at Captain Anluo, and couldn't help but drooped the corners of my mouth. I was a little displeased. Your child's mind is so annoying.

"Yeah." Yuan Jie said beside him, "Although Luo Mingxuan was sealed by the first door master, it's the only way to prevent the Wanlu Gate established by the first door master from being destroyed in Li Chenlan's hands."

I also gave Yuan Jie a cool look.

No wonder you're so loyal and I didn't like you before, pig brain.

I didn't want to see the two people who were conspiring to do things again, so I went straight up from the main peak of Chenji Mountain. Right above, it was Zhuochen Hall. It wasn't too far away in time. As I drifted towards Zhiyan, I let Zhiyan go. Yan lay down and let her leave her soul.

She was also a little stunned by my seriousness.

"Chenji Mountain is going to be in civil strife. If your body is not good, you will become a victim. Later, I will get on your body and go directly to Sushan."

In any case, I have to inform Mo Qing of the situation here, and let him have a preparation before returning to the mountain. Besides, we can't put Zhi Yan here.

I just hope that Mo Qing can hide Luo Mingxuan better, they can't find it, if they find it...


What kind of golden immortal of his uncle is even more haunted than me!