Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 74


At the moment when my five fingers were folded together, a red light flashed on Jiang Wu's neck, but he made a protective barrier like Qin Qianxian did, blocking my sharp claws.

An inexplicable smile grinned at the corner of his mouth: "Then you can go down with me."

After saying that, his hand touched some switch beside the bed, and suddenly, the bed sank down suddenly, the feeling of weightlessness came suddenly, Jiang Wu's body moved under my hand in a flash, and disappeared in an instant.

I levitate and float myself in the air with my magic. When he saw the surrounding scenery, he was so shocked that he forgot to speak.

Under the bed where I was imprisoned, was a huge black hole a hundred feet deep. At the bottom of this black hole, I don't know what's hidden, and when it flickers and flickers, it can illuminate the entire hundred-zhang-deep cave.

When the light illuminated the cliff, I saw that all the incantations on the cliff were densely engraved, but they seemed a little blurry because of the age.

But I know these spells...

When I was a child, my grandfather told me that when there were still many people in the clan, sacrifices were held every year. During the sacrifices, everyone would draw this talisman and stick it on the cliff in the mountains.

Later, the clan members disappeared one after another, and only my grandfather and I stayed in the mountain valley. There were few people, so naturally I was too lazy to do sacrifices, but every year my grandfather also had the habit of drawing a talisman on the day of the sacrifice. , stick it on the cliff, saying that it is a custom passed down from the past... ward off evil spirits.

When I grew up, I was too lazy to learn to draw talismans, thinking that it would have no effect on my cultivation, and my grandfather did not force me, but after reading it so many times, I would not be ignorant of this talisman.

But it turned out that under the ground of my hometown, there is such a big place, engraved with so many the same spells, who did it, and what did the spells mean

I frowned: "What is this place?" I just asked this question, when I heard someone shouting next to me: "Ah! Sect Master! Sect Master!"

It turned out to be the voice of Seventeen.

I searched for prestige, but there was a large iron cage hanging from the ceiling. Seventeen was tied inside with iron chains, tied with five flowers, and wrapped it into a zongzi. She struggled and dawdled in it, causing the iron chains to collide for a while, making a screeching sound. Beside her, the other iron prison was tied with Qin Qianxian who was meditating. Compared with Seventeen, the shackles on his body Much less.

I can also figure it out... Qin Qianxian is injured and weak, and it can be solved with just one enchantment. The magical system of Seventeen... can only be dealt with in this way.

She shouted loudly and woke Qin Qianxian next to her. He opened his eyebrows and stared at me faintly. Even if he was in prison, he still had that compassionate yet indifferent look of the Bodhisattva.

Hmm... Seventeen went to rescue Qin Qianxian, but were they arrested together...

The brilliance of the underground has turned again. This time, the light is extremely bright, and I can see behind the seventeenth and Qinqianxian, there are still many cages hanging in pieces. It's Guan's An Luowei, or Guan's Qianchen Pavilion's disciple, and even Lin Ziyu is inside...

He looked at me, silent.

Each of them was wounded, and some of them had been lying in the cage, unable to even stand up.

Master Dongshan, Chief Anluo Guard, and I, the former Sect Master, have all been arrested. Even if these trapped Anluo Guards fought with me not long ago, they are still members of Wanlu Sect and Wanlu Sect. Face, they committed the crime of apostasy, and they should be punished by Mo Qing, not imprisoned here!

Since my Wanlumen established the faction, I have never suffered such a big loss in the hands of anyone, Xiao Hongmao, what can you do!

"Jiang Wu." I called his name coldly, "What exactly do you want?"

Jiang Wu appeared in front of me, floated obliquely in the air, and smiled with his arms in his arms: "I just want to show you how many weak points I have caught on you, and then let you decide your attitude towards me in the future."

I narrowed my eyes: "You threaten me?" When I spoke, Seventeen had already scolded in that cage, "Bah! You bastard with red hair! Shameless!"

Jiang Wu glanced behind me, stared at Seventeen, and a mana swayed in his eyes. I wasn't nervous or blocked at all, and let Jiang Wu's mana hit Shi Qi, and then listened to Shi Qi's scolding: "Humph! Tickle Grandpa! Come again! I'm not afraid of you!"

The whole cave was filled with the clamor of Seventeen, who scold Jiang Wu, who had no shame even if he fought with me just now. But when Jiang Wu moved his hand, he was about to pull out his sword.

My eyes narrowed, and I was about to be quiet for Seventeen when Qin Qianxian in the cage next to her said, "Seventeen girl." He called out softly, but he didn't call Seventeen Dongshan anymore Lord.

Although Seventeen was dissatisfied, he still hummed slightly and stopped his mouth, but with that look, staring at Jiang Wu, he was still very hostile.

Probably open the cage and let her out now, she will really bite Jiang Wu with her teeth...

I looked back at Jiang Wu: "Do you think you can threaten me with them?"

"I don't know." Jiang Wu curled his lips indifferently, "Try it." After he said that, he waved his hand, and a person jumped down from the entrance above his head. It was the little short-haired puppet that he had condensed with demonic energy. I saw that the little short hair touched something on the ceiling, and the chains that were pulling the cage suddenly fell off, and an An Luowei who was imprisoned in the cage fell into the abyss with the cage.

He didn't call, because An Luowei had been trained to not show panic under any torture.

Because of this, his disappearance was just a dull crashing sound under the abyss, and an extremely dazzling light aroused in the ground at the same time.

The cave was silent as death for a moment.

"Bastard!" Seventeen yelled angrily.

Jiang Wu ignored her, and just looked at me quietly, as if he was studying my expression interestingly: "Can I threaten you?" In his eyes, killing someone was so easy. He was floating in the air, getting a little closer to me, "Lu Zhaoyao, you know, I have felt your wrath now?"

"Then what nonsense are you talking about?" My eyes narrowed and I glared at him, "Just take your life."

After saying that, I condensed a long sword with demonic energy, the blade slashed straight across the palm of my hand, took the blood as a sacrifice, bound the curse to the blade, and slashed at Jiang Wu with a single sword, he smiled and turned sideways to avoid it, fighting with me before. Generally, like teasing me.

Unfortunately, I'm not dealing with him now.

After the sword-blade murderous aura passed Jiang Wu's shoulder, he turned back in the air and shot back with a carbine. Jiang Wu's eyes moved, and the smile on the corner of his mouth retreated a bit. He drew his sword and pulled out the sheath, which was worthy of blocking the folded sword's energy. I didn't give him the slightest chance to stop, I rushed up, walked away from his back, and took the head on his neck. Jiang Wu's eight-faced sword was competing with the sword energy at this time. I came from behind him, and he The protective barrier flashed behind me, trying to block my blade.

I snorted coldly in my heart. I didn't use ruthless force before, but I gave you face. Do you really think that you can't break through the enchantment

I stabbed with my sword, pressed against the protective barrier on his back, let out a low drink, poured into my body mana, no tricks, no ingenuity, just like this hard-hitting head-on, stunned and let the sword The tip squeezed his red light.

Only a crisp "click" sound was heard.

Jiang Wu turned his head slightly, I had stabbed his vest with a sword. He wanted to use the instant movement technique to temporarily leave me, and I immediately threw a barrier and swung three feet around myself.

Jiang Wu was caught off guard by my barrier, and before Shun Xing left me three feet away, he was blocked by my barrier. In such a short time, no matter how powerful his spirit formation technique was, he couldn't solve it in an instant.

I smiled: "Do you think you are the only one who can use the barrier?" Without giving him time to speak, I picked up my sword and slashed it down. The blade still shaved off the long hair from his temples and drew a bloodstain on his face.

Jiang Wu's eyes tightened: "Lu Zhaoyao..."

I flashed through the instant technique, landed behind Jiang Wu, grabbed his neck, and put a sword on his neck: "You entered the arena at a young age, and there is no senior to teach you, today I will add a saying for you— Immortals and demons can be crazy, don't provoke Lu Zhaoyao."

After saying that, I cut Jiang Wu's neck with the blade without hesitation, and the cutting edge did not penetrate under the skin. Immediately, the blood from Jiang Wu's neck continued to flow. The mana all over his body wanted to push me away, I gritted my teeth, resisted the pressure, and cut the blade into his neck.

And at this moment, on the top of the ceiling, there was a chaotic sound of the iron chain. I didn't turn my head, but my divine sense found out that it was the little short-haired puppet on the top that untied everyone's iron chains. Two More than ten cages fell together.

The people in Anluowei and Qianchen Pavilion were silent, no one made a cry of horror, only Seventeen reprimanded: "I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"

I clenched my teeth and struggled for a while in my head. After all, I let Jiang Wu go, no longer entangled with him, and instantly traveled to the bottom of the abyss, which happened to land on a giant disc emitting light. I poured all my mana into it. With a low voice, at the bottom of the abyss, he used mana to hold up more than 20 falling iron cages.

Just as I was about to place them all safely on the ground, I supported the sky with one hand and dragged them down. With the other hand, I turned the sword condensed from the demonic energy in my hand and inserted it straight into the glowing disc.

This is my hometown. Mo Qing was previously sealed here. My clan worships and draws talismans every year. Those talismans are exactly the same as the talismans here. Thinking about these things together, the only possibility I can guess is that this is where The place where the Demon King sealed Mo Qing a thousand years ago.

This is the seal of the devil against Mo Qing. Jiang Wu placed a barrier on it, so he was so sure that Mo Qing couldn't open the barrier outside.

Then, I will try, open it from the inside

I turned my palms that held the sky, whipped up a gust of wind, and smashed the black iron cage that trapped Shiqi, Qin Qianxian and others. on the plate.

The red-haired Jiang Wu came in an instant, trying to stop me: "You can't open the barrier."

I snorted coldly: "Try it."

After that, the vigor oscillated, and the light on the disc oscillated like water waves. I could feel the power of the enchantment against me. The huge impact was tearing my internal organs, and the pain caused me. Cold sweat was oozing out of his forehead.

Jiang Wu was trying to make trouble next to me, but a voiceless voice from Xia Li grabbed his attention like a rope. He gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Qianxian..." At the moment of this exit, Seventeen's body slammed on him. He came, as I expected, as if he was going to bite him to death.

"I'll beat you to death!" She used her fists and feet well, and Jiang Wu's strength was enough to suppress Seventeen, but at this time, because Qin Qianxian was there to help, Jiang Wu couldn't get any better. These two completely opposite people are the people who know each other best in the world.

Seventeen and Qin Qianxian were two enemies and one, but Jiang Wu did not take advantage, and the little short-haired puppet on the top of the sky was entangled by Lin Ziyu led An Luowei.

I don't care about anything else, close my eyes and calm my breath, and concentrate on breaking through the barrier.

Layer by layer, bit by bit, my demonic energy pierced this seal, and the more I broke through, the more I could feel the power from the outside world.

Outside this barrier, there is a person who is also trying to break the barrier with the same eagerness and full power.

The more he went out, the more he felt the power of his collision with the barrier.

Every wave of the attack on the enchantment is done with all its strength. It turns out that the light emitted by the disk just now is not its own light, but its response to external stimuli. It was an attack by Mo Qing outside the barrier!

I stubbornly suppressed the pain in my body and pressed the sword deeper into the disc.

Going all the way down, fighting desperately, finally, there was a crack on the top of the disc. I snorted and poured my strength. The disc was like a mirror, and thousands of cracks immediately burst!

The light above the cracks shot up to the sky, piercing the darkness above the top of the head, splitting the mountain, and the light from the outside leaked into the ground. I looked up and was above the sky. There was a man dressed in a black robe and came from the air.

It finally came to me. His eyes were full of anxiety, suppressing panic, fear, anger, and distress.

I lost all my strength, like a butterfly with broken wings, and threw myself into his arms.

His hands wrapped around my back and supported me.

I can save myself out by myself, I can protect the dignity of myself and my sect with my life, I can hold up my own piece of sky by myself, in fact, I have walked so many roads by myself, I don't need another person to save me Me, protect me, guard me.

But at this moment, when Mo Qing came to my side.

He is not necessary, but is my need.

I need someone in this world who will feel sorry for my pain, who will protect my dreams, who will make me feel that no matter where I am, I am not alone.

I hug Mo Qing and rub my cheeks in his arms. I can face the storms of the whole world alone. Only in his arms, I want to be at ease with the bold and weak.