Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 77


Mo Qing's injury is very good, but there is no problem with his body. He takes care of Wanlumen's affairs every day without seeing any abnormality...

This is how I feel, although I occasionally heard people below complain in private, Li Chenlan's temper seemed to have turned bad. But facing me, I seldom noticed his good or bad temper. Because no matter what I say, he says yes.

No matter how busy I was, I pressed Gu Hanguang to give him a pulse, and he would obediently stretch out his hand and let Gu Hanguang check it out.

It's just that the title of Nanshan Lord's No. 1 genius doctor in the world doesn't seem to be of any use. After three days of probing, and even quietly flipping through a lot of medical books in the house at night, I don't know how Mo Qing's body is getting better.

And Mo Qing didn't feel any discomfort.

He lives as usual, because he is very busy with the affairs of the door owner, but as long as he has a little free time, he will quietly appear by my side.

No matter if I was teaching Zhi Yan to practice, or I went to various markets with Seventeen, or went to study the wooden man with Sima Rong, no matter where I was, I was enjoying the joy of life in the ordinary world. He will appear by my side when I am inadvertently, and will not disturb me.

When I taught Zhiyan to dance the sword on the top of the rock, he leaned against the tree and looked at me quietly. I didn't realize his existence until I turned around, and he just looked at me with a slight smile, his eyes shattered like the most beautiful light in the morning.

When I went to the market with Seventeen, in order to compensate for the loss of money that I had eaten in the ghost market before, I bought a lot of things in a mess like revenge. He bought it at twice the price, and the 17th was so powerful that even if he could lift something, he couldn't hold it in his hand. And Mo Qing sometimes appears beside me inadvertently, and takes the things in my hand lightly, he holds it with the other hand, and this hand naturally takes my hand and walks with me.

Seventeen scolded and muttered in the back, but he ignored it, the smile at the corner of his mouth was more beautiful than the arc of the rainbow in the sky.

And when I was looking for Sima Rong to study the mechanics, Sima Rong had a lot of news and liked to chat with me. Seriously talking about some anecdotes and anecdotes on the rivers and lakes, because it is the trivial things I heard from Mo Qing's mouth, this thing is three points more funny than what he said.

I looked at him and smiled, the look on his whole face was more gentle than the spring wind.

The most important thing is that, every night, in the quiet Hall of No Evil, on the bed that was originally my bedroom but later became his bedroom, he whispered my name in my ear, deeply. Having tasted every inch of my body, that touch stimulates every nerve in me.

Every night, every night, let me indulge in not knowing where the world is, no matter the geometry of the world.

In the long years when I was the master of the Wanlu Sect and ran rampant in the world, there was no such comfort that I could get along with Mo Qing at this moment, which made me fascinated.

This day was as beautiful as a dream, until one day, Gu Hanguang came to me with a tired face, and he said, "I know what happened to Li Chenlan."

There was a thud in my heart, and suddenly, I didn't want to face this matter, but before Gu Hanguang told me the matter directly, Lin Ziyu came to him, his face was anxious, and he knelt down in front of me: "My dear Convicted, but Brother Anluowei is under the orders of his subordinates, and they are not guilty. I hope that the sect master and the sect master will plead for mercy first, let Brother Anluowei be spared, keep them, and they can be killed in the future. Door fight."

Hearing this, I was a little stunned.

After the last battle with Jiang Wu, many injured Anluowei were sent back to Wanlumen. After receiving treatment, they were sentenced to be enslaved in the bitter kiln at the foot of the mountain together with Lin Ziyu. Work for Wanlumen.

I thought that after Mo Qing made this punishment, this matter would stop. But now ten days and a half have passed, and Lin Ziyu suddenly came to me with blood and came to intercede with me. I really didn't understand.

"Isn't it asking you to do things in the Kuyao? You don't want to accept this punishment?" Compared to the way I used to clean up the betrayal of the Wanlu people, Mo Qing's actions are considered light...

Lin Ziyu looked up at me: "The sect master... I want to count all the Qian An Luo Wei who served prison sentences in the bitter kiln... Ling Chi."

I was startled: "What did you say?"

"First sect master, Ziyu knows that in the event of this great disaster, the crime of killing Wanlumen should be punished. It's just secret Luowei..."

"Where is Mo Qing?" I got up and interrupted him.

"Before the mountain gate." With a telekinesis, I walked to the mountain gate, and Gu Hanguang followed me.

But seeing that on the mountain gate archway, I don't know when several long wooden stakes were nailed, and several An Luowei were passed through their chests and hung on the wooden stakes. After all, I'm getting old, and seeing such a scene for a long time, I was stunned for a moment. But he saw Mo Qing standing under the archway with his hands behind his back, looking up at the people who were hanging up, and coldly ordered: "Break your mouth, cut your tongue first."

As soon as this order came out, the disciples of Wanlu who were standing on the archway took their knives, bent down, and opened the mouth of the half-dead An Luowei. Just as I was about to make a move, I said, "Stop."

The people on the archway glanced at Mo Qing, Mo Qing nodded, and then looked back at me, the cold color in his eyes warmed a little: "Why are you here?"

I glanced at the people on the archway, no nonsense, and said bluntly: "Didn't they have already been sentenced to serve their sentences in the kiln?"

Mo Qing's eyes were slightly cold: "Who talks too much in front of you?"

Lin Ziyu walked over in an instant, and knelt down with a "thump": "Ziyu is convicted and willing to pay for it with his life! I hope the sect master..."

"You are loyal to Zhao Yao, and after serving three years in prison, there are other uses for keeping you." Mo Qing shook my hand, "I punished them because they committed the crime of false speech. Cut your tongue to set an example."

"What did they discuss?" Mo Qing didn't say anything, and I continued to ask, "Did they discuss me?"

Lin Ziyu kowtowed and admitted his mistake: "I talked about the past of the sect master's rumors. It is the fault of his subordinates that he did not govern them strictly. The sect master punished his subordinates."

Oh... I can probably think of it. The rumors about me in the rivers and lakes are not without some messy relationship between men and women. Even Gu Hanguang and I can tell a story from the mouths of their rivers and lakes, not to mention that they met this time. I understand Jiang Wu and Mo Qing's attitude towards me, those private reverie.

Mo Qing was angry, it was inevitable, but the means of disposal was somewhat beyond my imagination.

He nailed a nail on this archway... Although I wasn't there at the time, he pushed the corpse pillar, didn't he want to put an end to this kind of punishment? Why does it seem so violent this time

I didn't intercede for those An Luowei. I said early in the morning that they betrayed Mo Qing, and how to punish them is Mo Qing's business. I only held Mo Qing's hand with my backhand, and I asked him, "Mo Qing, why are you doing such a thing at this archway?"

Mo Qing was stunned for a moment, and his expression was chaotic for a moment.

"It's too much." Gu Hanguang finally spoke up behind me, "Li Chenlan, in the past five years, you have never done anything like this. You are angry with your mouth, it's a big deal to kill, this kind of method doesn't seem like it you."

Mo Qing's eyes flashed, and when he looked back, he closed his eyes, and there seemed to be some confusion in his mind.

"I've been living in Nanshan these days, and I've heard a lot of private rumors. You've been a lot violent recently. Come with me. I'll tell you what happened to your strange injury."

I took Mo Qing and left with Gu Hanguang. Before leaving, I turned my head and gave Lin Ziyu a look. Lin Ziyu kowtowed and thanked me.

In fact, don't thank me, I'm not helping him, I'm just helping Mo Qing who has become a little weird. In the past few days, in places that I have not seen, Mo Qing has gradually become a bit weird and bloodthirsty.

As Gu Hanguang returned to the top of Nanshan, Gu Hanguang took out a mirror and put a bowl of water in front of the mirror. He let Mo Qing sit in front of the mirror and asked him, "What is this bowl of water in the mirror?"

Mo Qing frowned: "Blood."

I looked in the mirror, and the white water was still white water, without any blood. But why did Mo Qing see... I looked at Gu Hanguang: "The mirror of Jianxinmen?" Gu Hanguang nodded: "I borrowed it from Shen Qianjin."

I have no words, and this is not the time to inquire about his relationship with Shen Qianjin.

The reason why Jianxinmen is Jianxinmen, they also hang a mirror on the hilt of the sect’s sword, because their founder has a bronze mirror. The mirror can reflect the person’s heart. If the heart is clear, you can see the object in the mirror. It is an object, and a demon in the mind will see the object in the mirror as evil.

When I saw that the water in the mirror was water and Mo Qing saw that the water in the mirror was blood, it meant that he had a demon in his heart.

But as before, Mo Qing didn't show any signs of going crazy. He's just a little more violent and cruel than before.

His methods began... and gradually became somewhat similar to Jiang Wu.

To create a frightening atmosphere, practitioners of the magic path are often faced with killing, but the method of killing without causing death is deliberately creating panic and fear in people.

My heart tightened, Jiang Wu's disappearance, and his last words, became the curse that bound me and Mo Qing.

"Li Chenlan, aren't you human?" Gu Hanguang finally said what I had guessed, "You are not the son of the Demon King, right. Maybe... you are more like a part of the Demon King abandoned."

He is... the demon of the heart abandoned by the Demon King.

Actually, I can guess without Gu Hanguang pointing it out. If he can make Wanjun Sword recognize its master, there must be something related to the Demon King thousands of years ago in his bloodline.

The seal in the huge cave doesn't seem to be sealing his son, he is sealing the monster in his heart. The charms full of cliffs, the sacrifices of our people on the cliffs every year...

The existence of my clan is not at all, as Luo Mingxuan said, to protect the demon king's relic. The task that the Demon King gave my ancestors was clearly more like guarding the Demon Lord's seal.

Actually, if I think about it carefully, I can figure it out. It's just that I looked at Mo Qing, and finally I was able to hold his hand and lie in his arms warmly all the time, so I didn't want to face this storm again.

I just want to hold hands with him and spend the rest of my life peacefully and without much turbulence.

But what kind of immortal widow, this life can be called by the heavens? I really want to lift the sky.

Can you make people have a good relationship