Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 78


After Gu Hanguang and Mo Qing finished talking about his guess, Mo Qing was silent for a long time without saying a word, and finally just went out quietly.

He didn't make any statement about his life experience, as if he didn't care at all, he continued to take care of Wanlumen, and he treated me as well as usual, but at night, when the two got along, on the other side of the bed, the two During the entanglement, I could feel his more violent and even rude movements every day, sometimes even so hard that it hurts me.

But compared to the previous ones, this kind of pain caused by Mo Qing is nothing.

He possessed me over and over again, and one time, in the midst of the lingering death, he hugged me tightly, buried his head between my necks, and asked me in a hoarse voice: "Zhaoyao, are you afraid of me? "

I hugged his back, and in his movements, I turned my fingers into sharp knives and cut through the skin of his back. My voice was a little broken and hoarse, and I asked him: "Mo Qing, if I want to kill you now, Are you afraid of me?"

He kissed my earlobe: "This life has already been given to you."

The sharp blade disappeared, and I stroked his torn skin: "Why am I not."

My life was born for you.

He bit my ear and made me feel a little bit of pain, and this bit of pain was like an electric light, piercing through the whole body from the ear, making me numb inside and out, from the tip of my toes to the tip of my hair.

I haunted him, and the night was near the end of the madness.

The mad me and he both want to eat each other and put them into our own bodies, so that they cannot be coveted by others, and they will not be harmed by the outside world, and they will belong to me forever and ever.

Just carnival, Mo Qing fell into a deep sleep.

Playing so absurdly made my body feel like it was falling apart and lacking strength.

I opened my eyes and stared at the pitch-black void for a while, all sticky and tired. But I still have things to do. I pushed Mo Qing's hand and wanted to get out of bed, but he, who thought he was already asleep, made a move, took me straight, and hugged me tightly into his arms.

He rubbed my forehead, didn't wake up, just subconsciously hugged what belonged to him, even in a dream, he was not allowed to stay away.

Listening to the heartbeat in his chest, he quietly closed his eyes and felt a moment of tenderness. After all, he got out of the bed, walked to the yard, took a purification technique, and then performed the telekinesis technique again, and walked to the ghost market.

The gloomy atmosphere is still there, but I have now been resurrected, and I can't see the ghosts here at all, but I can still find the ghost market restaurant based on the appearance of the surrounding trees, I called out: "Zhuji, I know you are ghosts. See me. Bamboo season is not there for other ghosts to help me with a message, let him knock a dream pill, and come into my dream, I have to tell Cao Mingfeng, let him help me with the letter."

After saying this, I turned around and left, and went back to the Hall of No Evil, but just as I was about to enter the sleeping hall, I saw Mo Qing in his black robe, standing barefoot at the door of the hall, waiting for me quietly.

I looked calm and asked him, "Why haven't you slept?"

He didn't answer my question, he just asked, "Where have you been?"

"Come out and look at the moon."

The bright moon was bright in the sky, Mo Qing looked up at the moonlight, stepped forward and took my hand, and in a flash, brought me to the roof of the Hall of No Evil.

"Watch it with me," he said, but kept his eyes on me.

I pointed to the sky: "Don't you look at the moon?"

"I'm watching."

My heart warmed: "The mouth is so sweet, let me taste it." I bowed my head and held his lips. When the lips and tongues were intertwined, the sweetness was strong, but he suddenly said, "How many times have you had? , I thought that from now on, there will be no moonlight in my dark night."

I feel sorry for him, kiss his lips, and stop letting him think about it.

I watched the moon on the roof one night, and I fell asleep in his arms while watching it.

Zhu Ji's movements were very fast, and I fell into sleep, and then I felt that I had walked into that deep cave. I know this place. When I used to dream of Gu Hanguang and Qin Qianxian, this kind of thing also came. The place, just this time in a different direction.

Turning a dark corner, there is a stone table in front of him. Zhu Ji is wearing a blue cloth robe, sitting next to the stone table and pouring tea.

"I don't have much time for Dreaming Pill, I'll cut to the chase..." As soon as I opened my mouth, Zhu Ji interrupted me.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm not as poor as you used to be, and I can only buy a dream pill for an hour and it's gone. I don't care about this hour and a half, just sit down and drink tea first. Let's talk slowly."

I glanced at him and didn't have the time to drink tea. I just sat on the chair next to him and said bluntly, "I want you to ask Cao Mingfeng something for me. These immortals in the sky have a way to To expel the violent aura in the body of the cultivator?"

Zhu Ji glanced at me: "Devil?"

"Yes... You can't kill this demon, just let him, less violent, expel the..."

"Li Chenlan?"

I was taken aback: "You know?"

"My own demons, of course I know."

I was stunned, a little disbelieving my ears: "What did you say?"

He pushed the teacup in front of me: "Now, do you have the time to talk to me about tea in detail?"

I stared at him in disbelief, only to see this gentle smiling man in front of me, who even poured me a cup of tea and muttered to himself for a long time, this whole talk... He actually dared to say that Mo Qing is His inner demon

If he wasn't bluffing me, then he... wasn't he the Demon King from a thousand years ago, the one who died for so many years, who sealed Mo Qing, who trapped my family... Demon King

Demon King actually has this style

Bullshit! As long as it is related to the ghost market, I really can't understand it!

Moreover, why is he, the demon king a thousand years ago, who stayed in the ghost market for a thousand years and became the boss, and I, who almost became a demon king after a thousand years, lived in such a miserable life? God is not fair!

"I just knew that Li Chenlan escaped from the seal and ran to this Chenji Mountain, so I opened a restaurant at the foot of Chenji Mountain to observe him at all times for convenience."

"Wait." I called out to him. "From the beginning, why are you a demon king?"

Zhu Ji raised his eyebrows: "Why can't I be the Demon King? I just used my charming personality to climb to the position of the Demon King, okay? At that time, my subordinates loved me, and my opponents worshiped me. I am the Demon King. Very majestic."

"… "

All the magic cultivators thousands of years ago were like this

"It's just..." Zhuji sighed softly, "I accidentally became suspicious of the subordinates around me and became a demon. When I realized it, the demon had grown in my heart and began to influence my every judgment, so I resolutely expelled the demon from my body, but his power was too great. I was afraid that I would not be able to deal with him after I let him out, so I placed a seal in the mountain and locked him up, intending to use the power of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers to keep him day after day. One day, the evil spirit of paranoia in his body will be melted away, so that he can be completely eliminated from the world."

A demon caused by suspicion...

"I ordered my subordinates to guard the seal, give the seal its strength every year, and put a peeping mirror on him to keep an eye on him."

It turned out... The peeping mirror was actually put on Mo Qing for such a purpose...

"But after I arranged the affairs of the inner demon, I was weak and was killed by the immortal gate. I was in the ghost market for many years, and finally..."

"I don't want to hear your story." I interrupted him, "A thousand years have passed since Li Chenlan was sealed by you, but when he came out of the seal, it was not like this..." I paused, "He doesn't look like a demon."

Compared with Jiang Wu, the clowns and monsters back then were like saints. For so many years, he has insisted on benevolently governing Wanlumen. He doesn't look like a heart demon, if it weren't for Jiang Wu...

I gritted my teeth slightly.

Hearing Zhuji say: "Yeah, I didn't expect this result. He stayed in the seal for those years, and the evil spirits in his body were sucked into the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, causing no grass to grow on that piece of land. The trees were wilting, but he himself became like a normal person. So normal that my wife couldn't kill him."

"Your wife?"

"Well, in order to prevent Li Chenlan from escaping from the seal, I ordered my subordinates to guard the seal and my wife to guard him. Even if I die, I can't let Li Chenlan get out of the seal, he will eat the world. Emotions are like swallowing my emotions in my heart. If such a demon grows, no one can survive. I am a demon king, but I am not that bad, but later, my wife met He was not willing to kill him, but to protect him, he was also killed by the immortal cultivator."

He was talking about the "mother" who died in his arms when I rescued Mo Qing...

Zhu Jiyi pouted: "After my wife died, she came to the ghost market, met me, and was still scolding me. She didn't let her have a child when she was alive, and when she died, she left a demon like a child. Make her reluctant to do it…”

I rubbed my brows: "Just say the main point. I don't want to hear too much about you and your wife."

"What do you want to hear?"

"At that time, Li Chenlan was not full of violence, and he didn't even absorb the pain and fear of this world. He didn't seem to have that ability, but recently he... seems to have awakened."

"I know that the ghost I sent came back and reported it to me. That inner demon named Jiang Wu gave Li Chenlan back the ability that he had been deprived of by heaven, earth, mountains and rivers for thousands of years."

I was startled: "What do you mean? Jiang Wu... used his last strength to wake up Li Chenlan?"

"Let's put it this way." Zhu Ji touched his chin, "I'm also worried, this demon is born, if you want me to tell Cao Mingfeng, these immortals have nothing to do in a day. , but only for this kind of thing. Those who endanger the common people, and those who harm the world, must be killed. I have heard about you before. We have both done similar things. But it is within the scope of heaven. No one cares, Li Chenlan is different. I just sealed him, and in the evaluation system of the ghost market, I was judged as a person of great merit."

My fist clenched, no wonder...

Zhu Ji continued: "He hasn't let those people in the sky know yet, if he knows..."

I grimaced: "Is there no way to make him return to the way he was before?"

"Reshape my seal, and then get him in and seal it. As for how long it takes to make him the same as before, it can only depend on luck."

Sealed for a thousand years

Then when he wakes up, where am I

"What other way?"

"Tell Cao Mingfeng to let their immortals come down and kill him?"

I was silent.

"Hey, it's almost time. I should go to collect the tea set." Zhu Ji said while holding the tea cup, "I know that Li Chenlan likes you, if you want, persuade him to persuade him and let him take that one by himself. The seal is repaired and repaired, and you can lie in it yourself, so as not to harm the world and make others suffer."

easy to say...

Your existence is a danger to the world, you mend the coffin, lie in it yourself, don't come out - in this case, how can I speak to Mo Qing.

Just thinking about it, I can see how distressing his hurt eyes will be.

Wake up.

I'm still lying in Mo Qing's arms. Above the roof beam, the sky was already bright, and when I breathed, Mo Qing whispered in my ear: "Zhaoyao, the sun rises."

Such a plain sentence, but it made me hear it at such a time. I don't know why, but I felt a little uncontrollable sadness.

The sunrise is coming, Mo Qing, I want to watch every sunrise with you in the years to come, but...

Can we

Mo Qing's figure froze slightly, I looked up at him: "What's wrong?"

He smiled lightly and whispered back to me: "Hands are numb." His voice was so gentle. It was so gentle that I fell in love with it, and it also made me feel a sudden surge of ruthlessness.

The inner demon is the inner demon, if I don’t care about my mother, I will be with Mo Qing, if I don’t go to the seal, I don’t care what kind of gods, if the immortal dares to touch my Mo Qing, I will kill the immortal, and the Buddha dares to move, Just kill the Buddha. I want this world, and no one can stop me from being with him.

The big deal, stab a hole in this day and let the world have lovers die with us, what's so scary!

Thinking so hard makes me feel a lot better.

Mo Qing's hand gently touched my head, I turned to look at him, he looked at the newborn Chaoyang in the distance, and seemed to have a small smile, which also hid all the depression and thoughts in his heart.

After the sky is bright, Mo Qing can start busy with his business.

I also went back to the room, Seventeen came to find me, and when I entered the door, he rushed over and hugged me as enthusiastically as before, but this time, I have been thinking about this Mo Qing in my heart. On the table, I heard a "thump" sound on my back, something fell to the ground, I looked down and was stunned.

The looking glass... actually fell from behind me.

After I dealt with Jiang Wu earlier, I was afraid that Mo Qing would see my guesses about his life experience, so I pretended to have forgotten about the peeping mirror and didn't wear the peeping mirror on my body, even though I knew that Mo Qing spent a lot of time. I worked hard to get this mirror back in my hometown.

At least yesterday, I didn't have this peeping mirror on me, when was it...

Mo Qing quietly hung it behind me...

Zhuji said that Mo Qing is a demon caused by suspicion, so he is even suspicious of me? But knowing such a thing, I couldn't get angry with Mo Qing. I just feel that Mo Qing now knows all my plans and all his life experiences...

I came to my senses and remembered the strange little details of Mo Qing at sunrise this morning. Immediately, my heart froze.

What does his silence mean

Will he...

I pushed the seventeen away and went to Chenji Mountain with my spiritual sense to find out where Mo Qing was. When I saw that he was at Gu Hanguang’s place, I immediately followed Mo Qing, and when I saw Mo Qing, I couldn’t help but pull him: " You know it all, right? You don't want to reshape that seal by yourself, do you? You…”

Mo Qing and Gu Hanguang both looked at me quietly, Gu Hanguang raised his eyebrows: "What seal to reshape?"

Mo Qing ignored him, just looked at me and said, "No." He said, "I think the same as you."

God blocks kill gods, Buddha blocks kill Buddha, the only thing I want is to be with me.

Did he mean... that

Mo Qing's messy hair on my temples helped me pull it behind my ears: "Zhao Yao, don't be afraid." He said, "I won't leave you."

I stared at him in a daze, but I felt so strange in my heart, obviously, I thought so, and I didn't want to leave him. But at this time, looking at Mo Qing's focused and somewhat persistent gaze, it was a bit... I felt a little cold.

He makes me feel like he's changing... unknowingly.

After that day, Mo Qing began to take the medicine Gu Hanguang gave him, which made him calm and calm, and I went to Qianchen Pavilion many times, trying to find a breakthrough from Qin Qianxian, but Qin Qianxian also had no idea how to cure the demon. No clue.

And although Mo Qing and I are both looking for ways to break through, Mo Qing's character is becoming more gloomy and irritable day by day.

I have no other choice but to study the scriptures of Qianchen Pavilion with Qin Qianxian every day, hoping to find a way to decipher it.

When I went to Qianchen Pavilion, Shiqi often accompanied me. I discussed with Qin Qianxian, and she stayed with me. She couldn't listen to the boring content, so she dozed off and fell asleep occasionally. Qin Qianxian glanced at it, and then used his mana to drive his plain clothes hanging in the room, gently covering Shiqi's body, doing it so casually that sometimes I didn't even notice it.

I asked Qin Qianxian several times, "Is my little seventeen cute?"

He replied to me: "There are very few people who are so pure in nature."

I don't understand the minds of those who practice the Bodhisattva Way. But I do know about Seventeen. Even if Qin Qianxian really fell in love with Xiao Shiqi someday, his biggest problem is probably not himself, but... In Shi Shi's eyes, her favorite... is me.

To give seventeen explanations without the notion that men and women are different, the difference between the love of a man and a woman and the love of a friend... is very difficult.

I glanced at Qin Qianxian with sympathy. As a past person, I was worried about his future.

When I returned to Wanlumen that day, I also asked Seventeen: "What do you think of Qin Qianxian?"

"He's very nice." Seventeen answered me like this, then glanced at me again, hugged my waist, and rubbed in my arms, "But the master is still better than him, one hundred times, one thousand times."

I touched Seventeen's head and smiled.

At this moment, Mo Qing's voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Xuzhi, let go."

Seventeen was enjoying himself, and turned his head to stick out his tongue to Mo Qing: "The sect master is mine, so don't let go."

As soon as these words fell, the surrounding aura sank, I was stunned, and Shi Qi was also stunned, but felt a strong force, and pushed Shi Shi in my arms away, Shi Shi stumbled back two steps, and began to roll up his sleeves. : "Clown monsters, do you want to fight!"

I looked back at Mo Qing and protected Seventeen: "She..." As soon as I started speaking, a sword qi swiped across my shoulder. The strength and speed were so ruthless that I felt a chill in my heart, knowing that Even with the strength of seventeen, it is difficult to resist! I moved in an instant, fell in front of Seventeen and pulled out the Liuhe Sword, forcing out all my strength to support this sword.

However, what was even more unexpected was that the sword energy was blocked by me, but the force was so strong that it shattered my tiger's mouth. It shattered in response, Wan Jun sword qi slammed into my chest, the pain of tearing came, and the sword qi slashed my body from shoulder to chest.

I groaned, gritted my teeth and tried to support my body, but I couldn't help but kneel down. Seventeen hugged me behind me and exclaimed, "Sect Master? Sect Master!" She looked panicked and asked Mo Qing viciously again. , "Are you crazy? Are you crazy!"

There was no echo in front of me, I looked up, but saw Mo Qing's eyes filled with fear that he had never seen before, he looked at me and the blood all over the floor, and froze in place, as if he had been cast down. Like a body curse, it was like he was injured by the sword energy just now.

His face was even paler than mine.

When he released his hand, Wan Jun Sword fell to the ground.

In the scolding of Seventeen, I looked at Mo Qing, I stretched out my hand and tried to appease him: "Mo Qing, don't be afraid, I'm fine." I reprimanded Seventeen, "Don't make a noise." I sealed it with mana Holding the blood in my chest, I forced my body up and walked to Mo Qing step by step. I grabbed his clothes and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

He stretched out his hand and touched the blood that slipped from my hand. The black pupils in his eyes trembled, as if there was a shattering of the heavens and the earth in his heart.

I just hate that I can't see the words in his heart with the looking glass, I just hate that my comfort can't touch the true depths of his heart. The language was so weak, I had to reach out and hug Mo Qing, but when I threw myself into his arms, I realized that he was shaking so badly.

"Mo Qing... I'm fine."

He gritted his teeth and finally reached out and hugged me, and in a flash, he took me to Gu Hanguang's yard. Seeing my injury, Gu Hanguang was shocked for a moment, and blurted out: "Who did it? Why is it hurt so badly?"

Mo Qing's eyes trembled slightly and remained silent. I immediately gritted my teeth and said, "It's not heavy or heavy, I don't feel any pain at all!" I was about to jump up and down, but Mo Qing's fingers trembled and pressed me down: "Zhou Yao... Be good."

I felt sad in an instant. Mo Qing and I were both so careful and wanted to protect each other...

Seeing this, Gu Hanguang didn't say anything, and cut off the clothes that were stuck together with blood on my shoulders. Mo Qing stayed by the side the whole time, watching Gu Hanguang help me clean the wound, apply medicine, and wrap a bandage.

After finishing the treatment, Gu Hanguang left, and I comforted Mo Qing: "When I was the master of Wanlu, I suffered so many injuries, this is just a scratch, it doesn't hurt."

"I hurt you."

It's not that the injury is serious, but because he hurt me, so...

He couldn't forgive himself.

I grabbed Mo Qing's sleeve, and finally saw his pale face in Mo Qing's eyes, I asked him, his voice trembled a bit unexpectedly: "Promise me, you still have to be with me no matter what. I am together."

Mo Qing did not speak.

"Mo Qing, promise me."

He touched my cheek, leaned over gently, and placed a light kiss on my forehead: "Okay, I promise you."

I fell asleep at night, and the surroundings were quiet. Between half-sleep and half-awake, I vaguely felt someone approaching me. I wanted to open my eyes, but the eyelids were too heavy for me to open. I couldn't get up like I was tied to the bed.

The man in black robe sat beside me, and Mo Qing came.

Knowing it was him, I relaxed, and he gently stroked my hair: "Zhaoyao, that day in Jianzhong, you said, I can put everything down for you because I have nothing." Ah, yes, I am Then I said that the clowns and eight monsters still hold grudges. This sentence is actually remembered to this day. His fingers lightly stroked my facial features: "I wanted to explain it at the time, but I really had nothing at that time, so I couldn't explain it, and now..."

He leaned over and touched my lips lightly, so light and gentle, with a heartbreaking nostalgia: "I have everything, and I can put it all down for you."

What's the meaning

I want to open my eyes, but I can't. I want to hold him, but I can't move.

I felt his departure and the disappearance of his breath, but I couldn't move at all.

I was lying on the bed, and I only felt that every moment was so difficult. I wanted to break through the restrictions around my body, but I couldn't break through no matter what.

I know that this is the restriction that Mo Qing gave me. Now that he has awakened the power of his inner demons, he is no longer able to deal with this world's cultivators. I can't get past his hold unless... when he's gone.

When it was dawn, I heard someone come to visit my room, and it was obvious that I went out again after I slept.

No, stop Mo Qing and let him come back. Don't let him go.

Don't let him...

It's time to face those cruel choices alone. In this life, he has already carried enough. In the end, even at the end of his life, don't let him carry those hurtful and heavy pasts alone and die alone.

I am willing to accompany him, why doesn't he ask my opinion, I am willing to accompany him!

I closed my eyes and tried my best. Finally, I opened my eyes. It was dark outside, and there was no one around. I sat up without thinking, and walked to my hometown, in that huge cave. Below, the light is as dazzling as the sun, and the seal below has been reshaped. And in that dazzling light, there was a man with black hair and black robe so striking, he stood in the middle of the light, holding a long sword, and was shaping that side of the tomb for himself.

The moment I arrived here, the light on the ground blazed, and the beam of light shot up from the sky, enveloping him. And as the light fell from the sky, Mo Qing's body was brought in like falling leaves. I ignored it and rushed into the brilliance.

In the light, the severe pain tore my body, but I resisted the overwhelming pain like a countercurrent, found Mo Qing, and grabbed his shirt.

Mo Qing opened his eyes and looked at me in disbelief: "What are you doing here!" He was extremely angry, "Go back!" He gestured to push me.

I hugged his neck tightly, and shared the pain of being crushed with him: "Don't order me!" I scolded him, "Don't make decisions for me. I know what the best choice is!"

I know what is a better choice. I know that there are many things in this world that are more important than love, but I also know that a lot of love is more important than life.

It is my blessing to be able to experience such love.

"Huangquan Wangchuan, as long as you are here, I will accompany you."

I want to be with you more than to live.

Mo Qing's throat choked, and he finally stopped pushing me: "Lu Zhaoyao, how lucky I am to have you in this life."

It's good that we all consider ourselves lucky and happy until the very last moment.

In the midst of great pain, all my perceptions have become so broken, but only the warmth in my arms will never dissipate...

The author has something to say: Well, if I say it ends here, will the goblin turn into a little devil to send a blade to my house╮(╯▽╰)╭ But it’s not over yet (I thought I could finish it today, The result is no ╮(╯▽╰)╭)

There will be an end tomorrow, and then there will be Mo Qing's extra~