Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 8


Seeing that Mo Qing was about to walk around the corner, he finally turned his head slightly and gave me an indifferent look. I received his gaze from a distance, and immediately ran a few steps forward: "Sect Master, are you asking me to go out with you?"

"There are no living people left here."

So I chased after him, he was waiting for me where he was, and seeing his attitude, I knew that it was completely fine today.


He's all right, but I'm in trouble, a little report:

"Sect Master, I have something else to tell you." I said, "Although I am your apprentice now..."

"Who said that?" He paused, interrupting my words with a cold expression. He turned to stare at me again.

I just stared at him so directly: "When we met last time, I told you to be your apprentice."

"I promise?"

"You didn't refuse."

"… "

He was silent again, so I took it as his acquiescence, and continued to return to my topic with firm conviction: "Just say that I am your apprentice now..." I deliberately paused here, glanced at him, and saw He didn't have any more comments, I nodded with satisfaction, and continued, "But I'm a latecomer, so I have great respect for Xi Yuefeng's brothers and sisters..."

Zhi Yan couldn't catch up with me, but I heard her vomit blood like "poof".

I ignored her and continued: "So, although they are very strict with me, I only think they are training me. But I didn't expect that several brothers have behaved a little bit recently, and even insulted my innocence, which is really too much. Today I was going to burn money, but they chased me all the way, and all the paper money ran out, you see... "

Mo Qing kept walking without turning his head: "No one makes you respect them, in Wan Yumen, the strength speaks."

In other words, don't care.

I nodded, that's fine, anyway, the body belongs to me now. In front of me, you little goblins who play Yuefeng can still laugh, I respect you as two dogs.

I followed Mo Qing, and before I left the valley, I was on the road when I heard a voice arguing at the corner ahead, one side was the voice of the little flat nose, he said, "I must report this to the sect master. You can go in and catch people."

On the other side, the magic cultivators persuaded the cultivators: "Why alarm the sect master, we can't enter this spiritual valley, but you can enter, you go in and catch the little bitch of the fairy door and kill it directly. There is no need to be embarrassed, nor do we need to be embarrassed. When the sect master asked, he said that if she was going to force her way into the valley, you couldn't stop her, and the last killer would have to be killed."

Listening to the meaning of their conversation, it was that Zhi Yan had been in the forbidden area for so long, and they hadn't reported it to the sect master.

I raised my eyebrows and defined the nature of this matter - typical deception, collaborating with other departments to make money and kill people.

In my opinion, doing bad things is not a sin. We cultivators of the devil's way, killing people and practicing martial arts, robbing people of magic weapons, fighting inside the door, fighting hard in the nest, and a knife in the back, this is the true nature of what we should have. If you abide by the rules of the sect and uprightness, you will be fine as an immortal. Isn't everyone in cultivating magic just for the sake of convenience

Therefore, based on this principle, I used to be very simple in handling affairs. two principles.

One is to look at the mood.

If someone commits a crime, I don’t care if I’m in a good mood. If I’m in a bad mood, I break my leg and throw it out of the mountain gate.

Another principle is that the bad things he did that harmed me, regardless of whether he was in a good mood or not, would be killed, flogged, and dragged out to the public.

If he is bullying, he is bullying his superior, then deal with it according to the first principle, but if the bullying is me, let me know if the butt has not been wiped clean, then it is dealt with according to the second principle, Shanmen whips the corpse The stage is waiting for you.

Therefore, if the magic cultivator who proposed to "hide the door master" today was in the past, before dawn, he should be hung on the corpse pillar in front of the mountain gate to feed the vultures.

It's a pity that the door owner is not me now. I turned my head and glanced at Mo Qing, who was silent, and waited to see how he would treat him later.

Walking through the corner of the mountain road, I saw a big rock at the front of the road with the word "forbidden land" written on it, standing quietly, and in front of the big rock was a rare flat land in the mountains. Mo Xiu and Xiao Tu Noi were arguing on the ground.

Among the seven or eight low-level demon cultivators in Yuefeng, there were males and females, and the one who competed most fiercely with Xiaopinnose was the short-haired male demon cultivator in the lead. They didn't feel me and Mo Qing coming.

It was the little flat nose that was facing us and closed his mouth. A few talents turned their heads to take a look, but Ben still didn't respond, and waited until Xiaotao's nose called out, "Sect Master." Everyone's faces were as pale as singing. When I saw Mo Qing, who was still alive with me, several demon cultivators were so frightened that their necks turned white.

Well, looking at this appearance, Mo Qing has a strong reputation among the disciples, and his standing is not bad.

"Someone broke into the forbidden area, why not stop it? Why not report it?" Mo Qing asked knowingly.

Several demon cultivators immediately knelt down, not daring to lift their heads.

But the little flat nose looked at me with great difficulty, and then looked at Mo Qing: "Sect Master... I really... I don't know if I should kill..." He looked embarrassed that his mind was not enough.

Putting myself in his shoes and thinking about it, I think I actually understand him. But he was actually a little stupid, so I couldn't help but continue: "Ask you why you didn't stop the announcement, who asked you to kill or not." I turned to look at Mo Qing with a lovely smile, "You are That's what you mean, Master."

When I called out this sound, the faces of the several demon cultivators on the ground instantly became more exciting, with colorful transitions, like a revolving lantern. And the little flat nose slammed his fist hard from the back, with a look of realization that "I finally understand".

Mo Qing glanced at me, neither agreeing nor denying it.

He walked to a few demon cultivators and said softly and indifferently: "I haven't paid attention to accepting disciples for a long time, but I don't know that now in my Wanrumen, all the disciples I have entered are so daring to be so daring to each other. It’s okay to fight, instruct others, hide it in vain, and dare to be presumptuous here.” He paused, and the pressure of the surrounding aura suddenly increased, even when I stood in the back, I felt chest tightness.

The few demon cultivators kneeling on the ground had a slightly weaker inner breath, and they vomited blood from their mouths.

"Who gave your dog guts?"

When he asked such a question, all the demon cultivators on the ground shouted in trembling voices: "Sect Master spare your life, Sect Master spare your life."

However, no matter how they begged for mercy, the pressure of the huge suppression level around them did not decrease.

I thought to myself that Mo Qing was going to start killing tonight. I thought that his way of dealing with this kind of thing was the same as before. Later, he would also walk on the corpse platform and hang it on the corpse column.

Hmph, I'm disgusted in my heart, nothing new.

I originally wanted to show off myself, but after a long time I haven't cleaned up people, and my heart is still itchy, but I was solved by Mo Qing's old-fashioned way of dealing with it. This time I go back to Xiyuefeng, I don't need to stand up. , other people can scare other demons to death by word of mouth.

After all, Mo Qing let me get out of the forbidden area alive. I called his master and he acquiesced. After that, he killed several other demon cultivators who had offended "me". There's a gimmick.

However, at this moment, the short-haired leader vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole body fell to the ground with no strength, and Mo Qing's power slowly dissipated.


I'm a little stunned, isn't this still dead? No more pressing

I turned my head to look at Mo Qing, Mo Qing just stared coldly at a few demon cultivators who seemed to have walked around the gate of hell, and now their miserable state is worse than Ergouzi.

He ordered: "Send him to Shun'an Town at the foot of the mountain to farm, and he will not return to the mountain for ten years."


and many more…

Did I hear something wrong

What about the corpse whip? What about the corpse column? Don't let the vultures peck them, and drive them down the mountain like this? Ten years? And let them come back? Still farming? What kind of torture is farming? How come I haven't heard of it!

I stared at the demon cultivators with a stunned look on their faces. They took their lives, supported each other and climbed up and limped away.

They all retreated!

Mo Qing, Mo Qing, you are such an ugly monster that I can't understand!

Killing me was unexpected in the past, but now the means under this rule are really unexpected.

I frowned and looked at him. After he had dealt with a few demon cultivators, he didn't waste any more time. He just turned his head and told me, "If she falls into your dream again in the future, report it to me." Immediately, his The figure disappeared into the vast darkness.

I stood for a while in the dark, and the little flat nose greeted me: "Girl." He was very polite this time, "I called the sedan chair to take you back?" He was almost half-bowed and asked me.

I turned my head to look at him: "flat nose. I'll ask you." I frowned and looked serious, "What does farming mean, please explain to me."

Listening to me calling him like this, Xiaota Noi squeezed his nose silently, and said, "I'm going to do farm work on the farmland in front of the mountain gate."

I can't understand it any more. Leaving aside the use of "doing farm work" to punish people, the main thing is...

"Where can we do farm work in front of our mountain gate?"

When I was the master of Wanlumen, in order to show the unique momentum of our Wanlumen, I set up a thousand dangers in front of the main gate of Chenji Mountain.

Gun formations, arrow formations, scorching evil fires, and icy terrain, trespassers are either dead or dead. The front of the mountain gate is thirty miles round. Without the permission of my Wanlumen, don't even think of a fly flying in. In the eyes of the famous and upright, my Chenji Mountain Gate is a perfect masterpiece of hell in this world!

But now someone told me to send someone to the front of the mountain to do... farm work

Ah, I understand, it turns out that Mo Qing is hello. Assign them impossible tasks, let them do farm work in the killing formation, and torture them, right...

"Well, originally there was none." Xiaota Noi tried his best to explain to me, "After the sect master took over the Wanlu Sect, he wiped away the previous formation and returned the land to the people for everyone to cultivate food."

I almost spit out a sip of blood on my face: "What did you say? What did he wipe?"

Xiaotao Nose whispered to my ear: "The formation of the front door master. The door master wiped them away. In the first year, the land was still barren and there was no harvest, but the harvest in the past two years has been good. It's a spring day, and the gate of Chenji Mountain is full of life. Hey, girl, you came here, didn't you see it..."


If I saw it, I would probably poke my eyes out of anger and be blind there...