Otaku Engineer in Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2224: A chemical genius who was delayed by his professional career!


"The other person Tianying was captured by the government. According to what the poor monk knows, this person is probably a master of poison. Although he cannot know Tianmoyin and Tianmoyin, based on his understanding of the way of poison, he should be Understand the concept of 'mixed poison'!

If he had been at the inn in the evening, His Highness would not have been able to "introduce the incense into the room" so easily. Even if he got the Huansheng incense, it proved that the Huansheng incense itself was non-toxic, and Tianying would not be interested in the Huansheng incense. If we let down our guard, our plan may be ruined!

Fortunately, we caught the two of them last night. Otherwise, no matter how many ways the poor monk had, he might not be able to do anything against the 'copper and iron wall' of the inn! "

In the room, Gae sighed happily.

After listening to Gae's analysis, everyone couldn't help but sigh. Apparently they didn't expect that this seemingly smooth rescue operation contained so many thrills behind the scenes. In the entire rescue operation, if one step goes wrong, or there is bad luck or an uncontrollable variable, the rescue operation will fail. After the failure, facing the alert Turkic spies, the government may want to rescue Li Tai again. It’s almost impossible!

Li Tai felt even more grateful to have survived the disaster. In addition to being grateful to Li Zexuan and Jia'e, he couldn't help but sigh about his luck!

Indeed, without some luck, the government would not have been able to rescue him so smoothly!

"This rescue operation took advantage of the right time, location, and people. It was well-planned and the actions were perfectly coordinated. Master Jia'e owes the greatest contribution to the rescue of Qingque! Mo, on behalf of Yanhuang Academy, would like to thank Master Jia'e in advance. !”

Mo Chui sighed for a while, then solemnly bowed his hands to Gae and said.


Gae did not say any more words of modesty or refusal. He looked at Li Tai and said apologetically:

"This plan can be said to be perfect, but it may not be perfect. At least when the poor monk made the plan, he did not consider that besides His Highness, there was another person in the inn who had no martial arts and was not affected by Tianmoyin and Tianmoyin. That person was also Almost threatening His Highness's life!

This was the last variable in the rescue operation. If Tiedan hadn't arrived in time and nipped this variable in the cradle, the entire rescue operation would have been in vain! "

On the way back from Jian'anfang, Jia'e obviously heard someone talk about the specific situation in the inn at that time, including of course Anshunshan holding a dagger and preparing to kidnap Li Tai!

Tianmoyin and Tianmoyin are only effective for warriors, to be precise, they are only effective for warriors with inner strength and true energy. They are of no use to ordinary people. Therefore, although Li Tai inhaled a large amount of Huansheng Incense in the inn at that time, There is nothing wrong with the whole person!

Anshunshan, like Li Tai, is not a warrior, and he does not have internal energy, so he will naturally not be affected by Tianmoyin and Tianmoyin!

"Master Gae is serious!"

Li Tai quickly said: "As the saying goes, a wise man will always make mistakes. It is not easy for you to formulate such a thorough and reliable rescue plan in a short period of time. It is not easy to cover everything and leave nothing out. What a mortal can do!

Besides, I am also someone who has gone through military training in the academy and often practices Tai Chi. When I faced that old guy from Anshun Mountain, I might not be able to beat him! "


Jia'e smiled with relief and said: "Anyway, as long as His Highness is fine now! The mission of the poor monk coming to Taiyuan can be considered completed~!"

When Li Tai heard this, he immediately became anxious. He hurriedly said: "Huh? Master Jia'e, you can't say that. Now I have to stay in Taiyuan for a few more days. The mountain chief should have sent you to protect me." To the king and the teachers and students of the academy, although you rescued me this time, it does not mean that the king and the teachers and students of the academy will not encounter danger again in the future!

Now the academy's mission in Taiyuan has not been completed, and it will take at least five more days. And even if the academy's mission in Taiyuan is completed, we still have to leave for Yunzhou to continue to carry out the mission assigned by the mountain chief. It is located at the border, and I am afraid it will be worse than Taiyuan is even more dangerous!

As the saying goes, sending the Buddha to the west, according to Xiao Wang, Master Gae might as well follow us to complete the task of building a telegraph machine in the north, and then return to the academy with us! "

Everyone likes free thugs, let alone a super "thug" like Gae who is not only powerful but also free. The little fat guy is going to take advantage of it! After all, with Gae escorting him all the way, the life safety level of him and the teachers and students in the academy has been directly improved by several levels!

In addition, due to excessive injuries, Dugu Xin has now lost all his internal strength, which is equivalent to the defensive force around Li Tai. Only Li Junxian is left as a master-level expert, and Li Junxian may return to Chang'an some time. , Li Tai urgently needs a strong and dedicated master-level master to protect him!

And Gae is obviously the most suitable candidate at the moment!

Not only is this person highly skilled in martial arts, but he also has many tricks on the dark side, making it difficult to guard against. He is much more powerful than the average master-level master! That is to say, when I met Li Zexuan in this big B state, otherwise no grandmaster would be able to defeat him!


After Gael pondered for a while, he said: "The poor monk came to Taiyuan on the order of the Marquis. Next, Your Highness will go to Yunzhou. If you want the poor monk to accompany you, the poor monk must first ask the Marquis! I wonder if Your Highness can borrow it? Use the telegraph machine to help the poor monk convey the message to the Marquis?"

The meaning of these words is that as long as Li Zexuan agrees to Jia'e going to Yunzhou with everyone in the academy, Jia'e himself has no objection, and he has agreed to Li Tai's request in disguise.

Li Tai was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "Of course it's no problem. I'll send a telegram to the mountain commander later. I'm sure the mountain commander will agree~!"

Speaking of this, Li Tai suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "By the way! I just forgot to ask, Master Jia'e, how did you get the Huansheng Powder, which is sodium peroxide? If I remember correctly , This kind of thing has not been prepared in the academy’s laboratory!”

Unknowingly, Li Tai's self-proclaimed name in front of Gae has changed from "this king" to "I". He obviously regards Gae as one of his own!

The rest of the people nodded secretly and focused their attention on Gae again. In fact, as Li Tai said, teachers and students in the academy have only seen sodium peroxide and its chemical reaction equation in chemistry textbooks. There has never been such a thing in the chemistry laboratory!

But tonight they have been numbed by the shock of the monk in front of them. Even if Gae says something shocking next, I am afraid they will not be surprised anymore!

Gae replied softly: "Your Highness has a good memory. There is indeed no sodium peroxide in the academy's laboratory! What the poor monk used today was prepared by the poor monk and Mr. Wang Ji after several days of research in the laboratory before coming to Taiyuan. Just a little sample! I hope Your Highness and you will be able to see this chemical in the laboratory after school starts!"

"Mr. Wang Ji? Master Jia'e still knows Mr. Wang?"

Hearing this, Li Tai opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't help but ask.

Wang Ji is the leader of the academy's chemistry group and a veritable chemistry geek. In order to prepare sulfuric acid in the laboratory, Wang Ji even ate, drank, and lived in the laboratory of Qiquge New Workshop for more than ten days. Here, he is simply a lunatic who is willing to risk his life for the sake of knowledge! When all the teachers and students in the academy mentioned Wang Ji's name, no one would fail to say the word "submit"!

Li Tai, Mo Chui and others did not expect that Jia'e, who was low-key and rarely appeared in public, would actually interact with Wang Ji. And from what he said, they had done research together in the laboratory before

Gae's eyes fell into memories, and after a moment he spoke slowly:

"Chemistry, chemistry, from the poor monk's point of view, is the knowledge of mutual transformation of substances. The poor monk has also done some research on the transformation of substances before, such as the technique of 'turning water into ice' that His Highness saw in Chang'an City. However, The meager skills of the poor monk are far inferior to the "Chemistry" textbook compiled by Mr. Hou, which is as systematic, complex and all-encompassing!

After seeing the "Chemistry" textbook in the academy, the poor monk was shocked. Later, by chance, the poor monk met Mr. Wang Ji. He admired Mr. Wang's attainments and persistence in chemistry. Mr. Wang I was also amazed at how quickly the poor monk understood chemical knowledge. Over time, the poor monk and Mr. Wang often discussed some chemical issues and even did experiments together!

A few days before receiving the order from the Marquis, the poor monk was helping Mr. Wang solve a chemical problem - extracting elemental sodium from table salt. Mr. Wang tried various methods, including electrolysis of salt water, but failed to extract the elemental sodium. sodium!

At that time, the poor monk saw the molten iron being heated by the craftsmen in the new workshop, and he suddenly had the idea to heat the salt to a molten state, and then use electrodes to electrolyze it. After three days of continuous attempts and experiments, the poor monk and Mr. Wang finally succeeded. Elemental sodium was successfully extracted from table salt!

At first, due to lack of experience, the elemental sodium we extracted was quickly oxidized in the air to form sodium oxide. Later, in order to prevent the elemental sodium from being oxidized, Mr. Wang stored the extracted elemental sodium in kerosene!

With elemental sodium, the preparation of sodium peroxide is very simple. There is a corresponding equation in the "Chemistry" textbook of the academy. When elemental sodium is burned in pure oxygen, sodium peroxide will be generated! As long as this substance is not exposed to water, it will be very stable. When the poor monk received the order from the Marquis, he brought the sodium peroxide he had just prepared without thinking too much. Unexpectedly, it came in handy in the end. ! "

After listening to Jia'e's narration, everyone in the academy felt that they had been shocked and numbed and would no longer be surprised. At this moment, they still couldn't help but stare and open their mouths. The feelings of Li Tai, Qin Huaiyu, and Tiedan Most importantly, because they knew Gae’s true identity, the three of them couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts:

"This Gae is not a serious monk at all, he is just a chemical genius who was delayed by his profession as a magician!"

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